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The Men's Rights Movement's ugliest divorce is getting uglier by the day. And funnier.

It seems like only yesterday that a Voice for Men’s Paul Elam and John “The Other” Hembling were the bestest of friends, laughing and joking together as they plotted to take over the world. Now, after an ugly falling out, the two are the worstest of enemies, and this whole MGTOW thing is making their ugly divorce even uglier.

You know that little war that Elam has going on with the MGTOWers, or more accurately, the MGTOWFAFPE (Men Going Their Own Way Far Away From Paul Elam)? Mr. Hembling and his girlfriend/comrade Diana Davison have allied themselves with Elam’s many enemies in the MGTOW world, and, well, Elam doesn’t seem to like this very much.

I present to you three recent skirmishes in their little war.

Dean Esmay, Breast Man

This first skirmish isn’t between Elam and Hembling themselves, but between each man’s most faithful lieutenant. On Elam’s side, AVFM’s “operations director” Dean Esmay; on Hembling’s side, the not-so-charming Ms. Davison, his partner in COCK. (No really, that’s the name of their organization.)

Esmay, angry at MGTOWers for mocking Elam’s new book on MGTOW, decides to lash out at Davison, whom he feels is seducing the MGTOW masses to the anti-Elam side using the power of her, erm, titties.

No, really. Here’s Esmay:

I added the red arrow.
I added the red arrow.

Davison’s video response (from which I got the above screenshot) is remarkably restrained, considering.

ANALYSIS: A major misstep from Esmay. Davison is a thoroughly terrible person; she’s the woman-hating woman who once wrote that “[w]omen are facing a very real and grave problem in our culture: They are obnoxious cunts.” And Esmay, through the power of his own obnoxious assholery, has managed to turn her, at least momentarily, into a sympathetic character.

Advantage, Team COCK.

John Hembling, Borrower

A writer on A Voice for Men reveals that Hembling plagiarized giant chunks of an Alternet article in a blog post of his that was later published on AVFM.

There’s really no question about it: a number of passages are similar, and one giant chunk is copied nearly word-for-word. Oops.

Hembling’s response? A video in which he breezily dismisses the charges, admitting only that he “borrowed” a couple of sentences, as if this is a thing that all writers sometimes do. Elam mocks Hembling’s glib response in a video of his own – perhaps the only time I’ve ever witnessed Elam on the right side of any argument.

Of course, the bigger question is why Elam ever thought that Hembling, a perpetual liar, could be trusted in the first place. Maybe because he doesn’t give a shit about the truth? Just a guess.

Advantage, Team Paul

The Battle of Dean Esmay’s Tooth

In what seems to be a transparent attempt to draw attention away from the whole plagiarism thing, Hembling makes a video about Dean Esmay and his missing tooth.

Esmay, you see, is missing a tooth. While Esmay sees this as somehow the fault of feminism – at least that’s what he seemed to suggest during his rather surreal appearance on a Detroit news show last summer – Hembling wonders aloud why Elam, who takes in many tens of thousands of dollars a year in donations to AVFM, can’t shell out a few bucks for some dental work for Esmay, the hardest working AVFMer of them all.

Advantage, neither. Hembling has a point, but bringing up the tooth thing is a bit of a low blow.

Stay tuned, because this war is likely to get uglier still.

It’s kind of delicious.


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10 years ago

Everybody move away from under that treehouse!

You never know what or who might fall out and land on you.

10 years ago

Oh my god I love it when fools fall out with each other. *rubs hands with glee* I think this gif sums up my feelings pretty perfectly.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

…Hembling’s organization is going to go WAAAAY far under that name… *snurk*

10 years ago

Aah, lovely. Infighting in the manosphere warms my heart.

10 years ago

I am still giggling about the fallout here. Egos, egos everywhere.

But I do wonder the same thing about Esmay and his tooth (though I assign no blame to feminism, I remember that interview, wuuuut). As David says, it was low to call it out just to dig at Paul, BUT COME ON, PAUL.

10 years ago

There is a small voice at the back of my head saying I shouldn’t enjoy watching this, and let them fight it out between themselves… but another, larger voice saying this is absolutely bloody hilarious.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
10 years ago

See? This is what a logical, reasoned fight devoid of those girlish “feelings” looks like!

10 years ago

I’ve come to read the tone of David’s posts like a circus ringmaster recently. It’s made them a whole lot more awesome. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls! Sights to amaze and astonish!

SEE — the Incredible Man with Two Faces!
HEAR — the Astounding Wail of the Sea Lion!
EXPERIENCE — the Most Astonishing Denial of Reality in our Modern age!

[cue brass band, clowns]

Vanir (@Vanir85)
10 years ago

Wait, Dean Esmay, on the MRA side, is the one using the mere presence of a woman on the opposite side as an argument against them?

I thought it was the MGTOW who considered the mere presence of a woman to be inherently a bad thing. The “you’re all just drooling for her tittays” thing sounds like something you’d normally hear from them.

10 years ago

HAHAHAHA I am loving this 😉

10 years ago

I’m not following the battle, but do like the idea of hearing them fume and rage at each other and then quietly announcing, “Deuce.”

10 years ago

So…is Diana Davison allowed to support MGTOW? Is a man with a girlfriend allowed to support MGTOW? Could MGTOW, MRAs, and PUAs at least keep pretending that they’re different so that I can keep pretending that they are?

10 years ago

I thought it was the MGTOW who considered the mere presence of a woman to be inherently a bad thing. The “you’re all just drooling for her tittays” thing sounds like something you’d normally hear from them.

Yeah, this. I am extremely confused as to what constitutes “MGTOW” these days. I thought “men going their own way” meant denouncing relationships with women, but we’ve had trolls that claimed tht MGTOWs could be married.

MGTOWs dissed Paulie because he’s apparently some “feminist shill” because women post on AVfM. Esmay’s dissing MGTOWs because the Otter’s working with a woman. We have two sides pointing at the other and calling each other illegitimate because of girl cooties.

Seriously. The mere presence of a woman means wrongness with these guys.

10 years ago

What is MGTOW even supposed to mean if they can get married?

10 years ago

I don’t know. I don’t think they know either.

10 years ago

This is truly a battle of the titans.

10 years ago

Wonderful circus announcement!

Dan kasteray
Dan kasteray
10 years ago

So who wants to bet that Paul Elam punched out Dean esmay at some point and that’s the source of the missing tooth?

10 years ago

What is MGTOW even supposed to mean if they can get married?

He regularly throws temper tantrums like an overgrown toddler and retreats to the computer room to sulk?

I’m pretty sure that’s what marriage would look like for one of these dudes anyway.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

I’m Team MGTOW on this one, only because they’re providing a valuable public service. Every moment Elam spends flailing at them is a moment not spent on doxxing/abuse of women, copyright infringement, and dreaming up new ways to scam people out of money.

10 years ago

Isn’t there a song about the delights of schadenfreude? At least while they’re grumping at each other they’re not actively harming anyone else.

10 years ago

Is this my first ninja-ing? My excuse is it’s cold and my fingers are confused. Yes.

10 years ago

What is MGTOW even supposed to mean if they can get married?

Beats the hell outta me!

I think I mentioned this on the last thread about all this, but I run in to a lot of MGTOWs (“mig-taus,” apparently, is how it’s pronounced, I am told) and in my personal, real-life, outside-of-Internet-posturing experience from this lot, it’s all tantrum and no real political statement. The biggest Mig-Tau Warrior I know was all about Mig-Tauing until he met a woman he wanted to date.

Admittedly, I have an axe to grind with MGTOW, but seriously. I think this Manosphere infighting illustrates how loosely-defined this “movement” is.

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