men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

On the Viscosity of Women (Comments I Don't Let Through, Part 327)

Women vs Men (Artist's Conception)
Women vs Men (Artist’s Conception)

This blog gets more than its share of drive-by comments by trollish sorts who deposit little turds and then wander back to their sad corner of the internet. I don’t let most of them through, but sometimes they are too good to keep to myself. And by “good” I mean whatever synonym for “terrible” this comment deserves:

Submitted on 2015/01/18 at 9:49 am  It is not acceptable to point out anything negative about women. It is also not acceptable to point out anything positive about men. Women are so coddled anymore in all they do that they have lost touch with reality. Women are viscous, miserable, self promoting, self proclaimed victims. They cry about anything negative they have to contend with and directly blame men for creating whatever it may be. Women suck. I love watching females fail. The best vindication is to watch them to do things on their own. Women are train wrecks, especially without guidance. They are worse than children because as adults they have the means to be real problems but still have the mentality of the children they never grew up from being. They deserve to be treated like the trash they are.

Say what you will about Love Being Right here, but unlike most of his misogynist buddies he’s awfully concise. He covers all the basics here, and then some! Whatever will we do about all these viscous women?

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10 years ago


I suspect that this typo might be down to a failure to proofread before posting due to an over-reliance on spellcheck, which won’t red-underline words that are actually words, like viscous, and won’t green-underline perfectly grammatical sentences like “Women are viscous.” It kinda reminds me rouge angles of Satin.

10 years ago


My dad makes really good nachos. Mmm, nachos…

Good things about men, comics edition!
Mike Mignola is a really good artist, with a well-developed, moody style.
David Willis (of Shortpacked! and Dumbing of Age) seems like he gets it.
Jack Kirby had an engaging and prolific imagination, and his work is among the most beloved of all comics.

Bad things about women, comics edition!
… Nothing here, we need more women in comics!


Also, I am not viscous, which is useful because otherwise I’m not sure how I’d get my pants on. Sorry, dudes.

She was poured into her pants. It took three hours.

10 years ago

@ alaisvex: Same thing occurred to me, it’s why I also copied David calling it as a malaprop (and his post is far wittier about that.)

Biot (on a different browser this time)
Biot (on a different browser this time)
10 years ago

“Snailed it.” XD

A. Noyd
10 years ago

Falconer sez:

Bad things about women, comics edition!
… Nothing here, we need more women in comics!

Well, Wendy Pini acts really condescending to fans of color while condoning blackface/brownface in cosplay. Also, her art has gone to shit in the last few decades.

10 years ago

@A. Noyd, that’s really disappointing to hear.

10 years ago

Hm. Bad things about women?

Nicki Minaj used to hint strongly that she was bi (she’s not, she now says) in order to enhance her sex appeal. To be fair, though, she seems to have moved past queer-baiting and grown to be pretty awesome and funny. Plus, like a bunch of you have said, most criticisms of her are so racist and sexist that I feel morally obligated to defend her.

Iggy Azalea is racist but won’t condescend to admit it.

Kim Kardashian had to give birth to a mixed-race child before recognizing that racism still exists.

10 years ago

Bad things about women? Okay, here’s one:

Female MRAs exist.

10 years ago

Oh! E.L. James wrote a series of books that will probably worsen the situation for abused women everywhere and gets unreasonably defensive and self-pitying when people point this out to her.

10 years ago

Katie Hopkins is a universally reviled right-wing gobshite who pollutes the general public discourse with her bigoted, ignorant opinions, and the worst part is she’s paid to do do both on TV and in her own Sun column.

Edwina Curry made really condescending remarks about poor people literally starving on food bank assistance simply “not knowing how to cook”.

Theresa May is pushing Britain into more of a police state every week.

… Even aside from this, I actually find it kind of hard to think of women I hate, since I generally make it a policy not to hate women, or anyone else if I can help it. The only people I really despise are people with institutional power and influence who use it to make people’s lives really miserable (politicians, people with a national media platform).

I can think of loads of lovely things to say about men and women who are really awesome, though. Here are a few wonderful guys called David:

David Tennant is able to convey a wonderful range of emotions and will always be my definitive Doctor.

David Attenborough is King of the Nature Programme, for all the reasons stated in this song:

(And the four gents who wrote and performed that song comprise what is easily the best band in the whole region of West Yorkshire).

David Futrelle is bloody marvellous and an indispensable ally to the Feminist cause.

I guess on the cellular level, we are all kind of viscous… I mean, we’re all just singing meat after all. Squishy sacks of meat with a gooey centre… Makes me think of jelly babies.*

* Ooh, woman worthy of criticism – the strange person who came up with the twee little character names for Jelly Babies. I think her name was Julie something… My dad actually went out with her, before he met my mum.

10 years ago

*should read “paid to do so”.

Her name was Julie Jones – might explain her penchant for painfully contrived alliteration. Not saying she’s a bad person, but her marketing concept was naff. Naff as anything.

10 years ago

Oh! E.L. James wrote a series of books that will probably worsen the situation for abused women everywhere and gets unreasonably defensive and self-pitying when people point this out to her.

Dreck writer, dreck person. Color me SOOOOOO shocked.

Katie Hopkins is a universally reviled right-wing gobshite who pollutes the general public discourse with her bigoted, ignorant opinions, and the worst part is she’s paid to do do both on TV and in her own Sun column.

Edwina Curry made really condescending remarks about poor people literally starving on food bank assistance simply “not knowing how to cook”.

Theresa May is pushing Britain into more of a police state every week.

Oh, oh, oh! Canada’s turn:

Christie Blatchford, the Coultergeist of the North. And Barbara Amiel, who never met another woman that she couldn’t tear down…on Randroid flibbertigibbertarian terms, of course.

And of course, every woman in the Conservative government of Stephen Fucking Harper, because they mouth platitudes on the one hand while shoving women under the bus with the other.

See? Terrible things about women. Yes, we can say them, as long as the women in question are unquestionably terrible! And antifeminist wingnutty women usually are.

10 years ago

Yeah, E.L. James gets so upset when people say that her books contain domestic abuse because it’s trivializing to real domestic abuse victims or some such bullshit.

James says she “freaks out when she hears people say that her book encourages domestic violence. “Nothing freaks me out more than people who say this is about domestic abuse,” she says. “Bringing up my book in this context trivializes the issues, doing women who actually go through it a huge disservice. It also demonizes loads of women who enjoy this lifestyle, and ignores the many, many women who tell me they’ve found the books sexually empowering.”

And Jenny Trout, of course, has a great rebuttal:

10 years ago

Remember when Barbara Bush insulted hurricane Katrina victims by saying that the deplorable conditions at the Super Dome were no different than what they what they were used to?

I don’t know if I’ve confessed this here before, but I’m distantly related to her and her detestable sons.

10 years ago

Oh my god, WWTH, I’m so sorry.

I don’t remember that specifically, but I do remember she was really very terrible about the whole thing.

10 years ago

Shit. I forgot the specifics too. What a cruel, heartless, racist and classist thing to say.

10 years ago

Honey – my very favorite vomit!

The two chief men I would praise are my father and my husband. The first taught me how to be a man, the second showed me how good a man I could be.

Regarding women who are worthy of criticism, I would nominate ‘Dr.’ Alveda King. She has demonstrated, in my opinion, a lack of respect for other women’s choices, while fiercely condemning the discussion of her own lapses. Also, insisting that you be addressed as ‘Doctor’ on account of an honorary Ph.D. is petty, at best.

10 years ago

Oh mang, what an awful person to be related to. I take it you’re not close.

10 years ago

Also, how anyone can find muck about an abused woman putting up with endless amounts of shit “sexually empowering” is beyond me. Real BDSM, as I understand it (as I’m not a practitioner myself) is supposed to stop when the person uttering the safeword says to stop it. Fifty Shades of Dreck notably ignores that boundary.

10 years ago

Oh mang, what an awful person to be related to. I take it you’re not close.

PS: That’s in reference to Barbara Bush, of course.

10 years ago

That’s what I’ve heard as well, Bina. Also, I’m pretty sure that there’s no dimension of BDSM that includes stalking your partner and refusing to let him or her go anywhere unaccompanied by people whom you trust.

10 years ago

Also, I’m pretty sure that there’s no dimension of BDSM that includes stalking your partner and refusing to let him or her go anywhere unaccompanied by people whom you trust.

Stockings are kinky. Stalkings are perverted.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Don’t forget Barbara Bush saying she didn’t want to waste her “beautiful mind” dwelling on casualties and body bags from the Iraq War. Ugh.

WWTH – my condolences. I suspect the Bush sons inherited their heartlessness and general idiocy from their mother. We lived next door to George H.W. Bush’s sister growing up. On a personal level, they were lovely people and good neighbors, and you’d never suspect they had any connection to the Bush clan. But the fact that their family dynasty was financed in part by Prescott Bush’s dealings with Nazi-backed companies during WWII kind of overshadows the home-baked cookies and driveway hockey games.

10 years ago

Definitely not close to the Bushes. They’re only distantly related. I never met them. My mom found out when she got on a genealogy kick. It was pretty awful. I’m glad we didn’t find out until after my grandmother died. She loathed George W Bush as much as I do.

10 years ago

It can come from both sides, Buttercup! I knew your neighbor’s niece 🙂 H.W.’s brother’s daughter. Knew her for years lol.