men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

On the Viscosity of Women (Comments I Don't Let Through, Part 327)

Women vs Men (Artist's Conception)
Women vs Men (Artist’s Conception)

This blog gets more than its share of drive-by comments by trollish sorts who deposit little turds and then wander back to their sad corner of the internet. I don’t let most of them through, but sometimes they are too good to keep to myself. And by “good” I mean whatever synonym for “terrible” this comment deserves:

Submitted on 2015/01/18 at 9:49 am  It is not acceptable to point out anything negative about women. It is also not acceptable to point out anything positive about men. Women are so coddled anymore in all they do that they have lost touch with reality. Women are viscous, miserable, self promoting, self proclaimed victims. They cry about anything negative they have to contend with and directly blame men for creating whatever it may be. Women suck. I love watching females fail. The best vindication is to watch them to do things on their own. Women are train wrecks, especially without guidance. They are worse than children because as adults they have the means to be real problems but still have the mentality of the children they never grew up from being. They deserve to be treated like the trash they are.

Say what you will about Love Being Right here, but unlike most of his misogynist buddies he’s awfully concise. He covers all the basics here, and then some! Whatever will we do about all these viscous women?

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10 years ago
Reply to  Miss Andry

@Miss Andry, what’s your beef with Kathy Griffin?

10 years ago

Niki Minaj openly came out about her abortion, which she does not regret. She’s kind of my hero for that, flaws or not.

10 years ago

Also I feel like a lot of the criticism of her is so steeped in both misogyny and racism that it makes me want to have her back in most situations.

10 years ago

I found a website that has their videos and songs I don’t know if all of them will play for you but hopefully they will work. Good thing I’m not viscous or I wouldn’t be able to type this.

10 years ago

Fruitloopsie, that’s it! And the song is actually called Paint It Read. Huh.

10 years ago

Paint it Red, rather. And thanks 🙂

A. Noyd
A. Noyd
10 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger sez:

I’m glad they’re close to being eradicated. Water borne diseases are very preventable and they should all be eradicated.

One of the major reasons for the success of the guinea worm eradication is that it’s non-zoonotic. That is, it has no alternative animal hosts besides humans. The fewer alternative hosts an infection has, the easier it is to wipe out (and the more, the harder). Now, if only we could get around the political shenanigans standing in the way of polio eradication and the commercialized stupidity holding back measles eradication.
10 years ago

I’m not sure it’s “political shenanigans” preventing the eradication of polio. I had heard that there are basically rumors that the vaccine is tainted with this, that, or the other, which would actually give the people in areas where polio still exists, a lot in common with American anti-vaxxers.

10 years ago


Ooh, can I play? I’ll say some nice things about men! Walton Goggins is a very good actor. David Futrelle is a very funny blogger. Pablo Picasso was a great artist. My dad makes really good nachos. Mmm, nachos…

Props for going straight to Walter Goggins when thinking of men to compliment. I’d probably gone Michael Shannon or Jason Brolin, but Boyd is America’s most endearing fictional bad dude.

A. Noyd
A. Noyd
10 years ago

[email protected] sez:

I had heard that there are basically rumors that the vaccine is tainted with this, that, or the other, which would actually give the people in areas where polio still exists, a lot in common with American anti-vaxxers.

It’s either inaccessibility of endemic regions thanks to violent insurgencies like Boko Haram and the Taliban, or it’s post-colonialist, anti-Western suspicion fanned up by leaders or would-be leaders in these areas where people were systematically fucked over by the West. And then CIA had to go and confirm the fears of people in Pakistan with their idiotic plot to use a vaccination team to get intel on Bin Laden.

Plus, it doesn’t help that the attenuated virus in the oral polio vaccine is notorious for sometimes reactivating itself and becoming transmissible. It’s not like there’s nothing behind the paranoia about the polio vaccine being tainted.

So, yes, it’s political. And no, it’s not the same thing as anti-vaxx in the West at all.

10 years ago

delurking.. the viscous women just rang a very muffled bell about some sort of fertility control method that goes on the viscosity of uterine mucus with regard to when conception is most likely if there’s sperm in the general vicinity. like the little guys can’t get through sometimes. While I’m pretty pleased to be able to type ‘viscous’ and ‘mucus’ in the same coherent sentence – does anyone have a better idea of what I’m trying to recollect?

This would also help me deverminate, because now I have an earworm of Lou Reed singing ‘Baby you’re so viscous’

10 years ago

It’s a wonder that sentient liquid beings are able to stay atop a carousel.

10 years ago


Back in the wondrous days of the 70s, one of the common activities in discussion groups was education about how women’s bodies worked. I remember coming home from one of these meetings and saying to mr.m that it’s one thing to say that biology is not destiny (a la Freud) but it’s another thing entirely to turn it into a tedious chore. We’d been encouraged to do a daily check of our vaginal secretions and Keep A Diary to record the results.

When the Billingses turned up with their cervical mucus chart for “natural family planning” I knew exactly what they were talking about.

I suppose I was lucky in that, by this time, I already understood the physiology and biology (no thanks to my family or my school, I’d picked it all up in my early 20s) so I was free to be bored or irritated by it, unlike lots of other women who really had no idea.

10 years ago

Huh. That reminded me of another feminist book I no longer own.

Our Bodies, Ourselves. Absolutely revolutionary in its time.

10 years ago

that’s it – Billings Method. thanks, mildlymagnificent! the secretiion diaries could be either a cringey retro compliation, or yet another evo-biol apologist crutch. sods choice, in all.

But – now having being reminded of the existence of a Viscosity Index, could it possiblyinfluence the daily fluctuations of the Pussy Market? and does Roosh adjust his forecasts accordingly…

10 years ago

Speaking of viscosity, how about the pitch drop finally being caught on camera? Now onyly 14 years til the next one.

10 years ago


Gorgeous German Shepherds used in the takedown scene though. Pristine DDR bloodlines.

Somehow that was the funniest part. I mean funny in the over-the-top-anti-semitic-rants-followed-by-ooh-look-at-the-shiny-dogs sense of course.

10 years ago

ObjectiveReality on January 20, 2015 at 11:05 pm
If women are viscous, would warming them up help?

It would explain all the throws around my house from October – March.

10 years ago

lith – It makes me feel icky for having a soft spot for the breed.

My grandparents used to breed the big “old style” German Shepherds (very large – 100+ lbs, no sloping back/much less hip dysplasia, generally laid-back temperament) and the poor, patient souls would let me ride and climb all over them when I was a kid.

But, “Oh! You like them…hm.”

10 years ago

I found a cool cat blog recently too
comment image


10 years ago

*slides around on her stomachfoot*

*snacks on neighbor’s basil*

*extends eye stalk*

I don’t see the problem with being viscous.

10 years ago

The ranting poster’s inability spell ‘vicious’ says it all about MRA’s really. How can somebody be so thick that they make posts with spelling errors/malaprops when they almost certainly have access to a spellchecker ? Try satire page ‘Britain Furst’ [sic] on Facebook, with their mockery of the bad spelling posted by knuckle – dragging racists if you fancy a laugh. .

10 years ago


You know, Hitler liked dogs…
Which reminds me, is there a practical reason for people on comment threads to get the last word or is it just a childish personal thing?
Not that I’ve seen anyone here do it (I always miss the troll times).
Oh wait, I have seen it here, there was Louise with the long hair and no tattoos fixation.

What I mean is, is that considered a win in a discussion? Now I’m writing it I realise you’d have to be an idiot to believe so. Okay, I’ll just be over here, apparently talking to myself. Nothing to see, move along.

Miss Andry
10 years ago
Reply to  jadebscarlett


I find her more far more grating than funny.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

The ranting poster’s inability spell ‘vicious’ says it all about MRA’s really

Love Being Right clearly possesses viscosity. He’s quite thick.