men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

On the Viscosity of Women (Comments I Don't Let Through, Part 327)

Women vs Men (Artist's Conception)
Women vs Men (Artist’s Conception)

This blog gets more than its share of drive-by comments by trollish sorts who deposit little turds and then wander back to their sad corner of the internet. I don’t let most of them through, but sometimes they are too good to keep to myself. And by “good” I mean whatever synonym for “terrible” this comment deserves:

Submitted on 2015/01/18 at 9:49 am  It is not acceptable to point out anything negative about women. It is also not acceptable to point out anything positive about men. Women are so coddled anymore in all they do that they have lost touch with reality. Women are viscous, miserable, self promoting, self proclaimed victims. They cry about anything negative they have to contend with and directly blame men for creating whatever it may be. Women suck. I love watching females fail. The best vindication is to watch them to do things on their own. Women are train wrecks, especially without guidance. They are worse than children because as adults they have the means to be real problems but still have the mentality of the children they never grew up from being. They deserve to be treated like the trash they are.

Say what you will about Love Being Right here, but unlike most of his misogynist buddies he’s awfully concise. He covers all the basics here, and then some! Whatever will we do about all these viscous women?

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Dan kasteray
Dan kasteray
10 years ago

He likes watching females fail. How does a human being reach a point where they hate half of all human beings in the world? What makes people like him?

10 years ago

Sarah Palin is an ignorant hypocrite who couldn’t handle governing Alaska yet thought she could be Vice President of the US.

Christina Hoff Summers is a patronizing apologist for male chauvinism and masks her bullshit in a disingenuous veneer of ‘good cop’ feminism.

Janet Bloomfield is a self-righteous asshole who libels other women and men who disagree with her regressive views.

Ayn Rand was a sociopath-venerating cult leader with some of the worst ideas about societal governance of the 20th Century.

Hm… seems pretty easy to criticize women to me. And even to do it without insinuating that their flaws are caused by their gender! But then I guess for this asshole, that’s a feature and not a bug.

10 years ago

Re: viscous women, I prefer the ones that are supercool, myself (why yes, I did look up viscous on wikipedia, why do you ask?)

10 years ago

Ooh, can I play? I’ll say some nice things about men! Walton Goggins is a very good actor. David Futrelle is a very funny blogger. Pablo Picasso was a great artist. My dad makes really good nachos. Mmm, nachos…

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Viscous women would go a long way towards explaining comic book art.

10 years ago

Attack of the Viscuous Women sounds like a great B-movie horror film.

Owl Cake
Owl Cake
10 years ago

Non-Newtonian women are the most viscous women you’ll ever meet!

Vanir (@Vanir85)
10 years ago

One could almost pity someone this broken.

… almost.

Thinking half the human specie is trash.
Wanting people to fail – simply because of who they are.
This level of hatred… it’s sick and twisted.

10 years ago

Don: this is just a wild guess on my part ,but I think an extra strong dollop of Bitter, probably creates such people.

As for women’s viscosity, I suppose their solution to is to ply them with massive amounts of liquor, to break it down. I got no clue what to do about their viscosity, though.

10 years ago

Ooh, I can say some nice things about men.
I like Hugh Jackmans hair.
My brother makes a mean batch of pancakes.
I love my uncle.
Robert Downey was really funny in Tropic Thunder.

That wasn’t hard to do at all.

10 years ago

If I was as aggressively incorrect as the ass du jour, I’d also “Love Being Right.” It’d happen so rarely that I’d savor it, turning it over and over in my mind.

“Remember that one time like six months ago? When I was all, ‘The sun rises in the east?’ Man, I’m so ace.”

10 years ago

I’m probably saying something everyone already knows, but I think he was trying to say “vacuous” and got it awfully wrong.

I wonder what the benefits of being viscous would be. Could you be like Elastigirl from The Incredibles?

10 years ago

I’m probably saying something everyone already knows, but I think he was trying to say “vacuous” and got it awfully wrong.

I wonder what the benefits of being viscous would be. Could you be like Elastigirl from The Incredibles?

10 years ago

There are plenty of over-the-counter remedies for women who are too viscous.

10 years ago

Is their viscosity the reason women are sometimes called honey?

Side note – have just learned how bees make honey. Am now thinking twice about eating it again. 🙁

Miss Andry
10 years ago

I always felt women had just the right fluidity.

10 years ago

Just out of curiosity, which on which post did this comment appear? I have to know if it was in any way related to the OP.

Jason Neuman
10 years ago

If all these men are “Going Their Own Way” then why do we have to still deal with them?

10 years ago

I’m probably saying something everyone already knows, but I think he was trying to say “vacuous” and got it awfully wrong.

More likely “vicious”. I have seen this error a LOT.

10 years ago

I like to gauge the quality of something by the critiques of those who dislike it.

Only slightly tangential to this post (but still related because quite a few MRAs seem to be people who generally like to get their hate on), I bring you a selection of the 1-star reviews for Amazon’s recent pilot for The Man in the High Castle:

10 years ago

I do, however, have to give Porkchopsammiches points for using “moot” rather than “mute”.

10 years ago

Aw, Delurking – Embrace the yummy goodness of bee vomit.

Or never, ever research cheese making or the pickling process.
10 years ago

Seriously though, how often do you get comments like this? Do there seem to be some subjects that make the rate spike up (like maybe pointing to the latest ridiculous thing Paul Elam did)?

10 years ago

I second that the ILBR probably meant “vicious”…I just don’t see him knowing the word “vacuous”.

And nice things about men!

* Jimmy Carter seems nice.
* My husband is the best person I know. Far from perfect, but he’s never given up and just doesn’t stop.
* Both of my Grandfathers were exceptional people. From from perfect, too, and very much products of their time, but good people.
* Bill Gates? A merciless businessman, but he seems like he (and his wife) are doing their darnedest to give back. I don’t always agree with their decisions, but they certainly do seem to be trying.
* The above also goes for Warren Buffet.

I’m keeping it at 5 because, c’mon now. This is silly.

10 years ago

I always wonder what kind of bitter twisted butt pustule of life experience makes someone that hateful. To say that I don’t understand is like saying the oceans are damp.

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