Oh dear. Paul Elam’s attempt to anoint himself King of the MGTOWs doesn’t seem to be going terribly well, mainly due to the fact that the overwhelming majority of those who call themselves Men Going Their Own Way would prefer it if he went his own way off a short pier.
His new ebook on MGTOW — despite receiving rave reviews from people who work for him at A Voice for Men — has not done quite as well amongst the MGTOW masses, many of whom are posting one-star reviews on Amazon.
Their complaints are a mixture of the reasonable and the ridiculous. On the one hand, they accuse him of being a con artist trying to cash in on their little movement with an ebook made up mostly of stuff that’s already been posted on the internet. On the other, well, they think he’s some kind of quasi-feminist supplicator to women who’s committed a sort of treason against his fellow men by not banning all women from AVFM. No, really:
On their own websites, Elam’s MGTOW haters are even more blunt. Here’s what one commenter on MGTOWHQ had to say:
But my favorite response so far comes from a Youtuber who calls himself TheMadShangi. A few months ago, Mr. Shangi was a loyal AVFMer; indeed, he contributed a post to Elam’s site gleefully recounting how he’d been such a royal pain in the ass to me on Twitter that I stopped responding to him. (Or, as he put it, How I made David Futrelle cry and ragequit on Twitter.)
Well, these days he’s singing a different tune. Literally. Here’s his musical critique of Mr. Elam and his book.(The bit at the beginning is from a video Elam made baiting his MGTOW haters.)
Both sides in this MGTOW civil war are so thoroughly terrible I can only hope that they both go down in ignominious defeat, leaving us, the amused spectators, the only real winners.
They can be trained! As long as all you want to train them to do is eat and poop.
I must have been a cynical youth, I never believed enough to buy them and see how they well..weren’t what was promised.
My parents got me them when I was about 8 and I kept watching the aquarium waiting for them to do something interesting.
@pallygirl Since the same comics had adverts for x-ray glasses (see through clothing but not just skeletons – women’s undwear!) I’d guess so
I love how daddy shrimp’s tail is conveniently covering his, um, shrimpy bits? In that ad.
@gilshalos: I used to be really sad living in New Zealand and not being able to buy those items, or Hostess Twinkies (which I tried when I visited Canada and 13-year-old me hated them).
Enjoy: http://mentalfloss.com/article/30420/11-shameless-comic-book-ads-cost-us-our-allowance-money
Also, 1 day till I am 44.(ok 0653 here cos i know other people have differing days to me)
Happy almost birthday?
Also, I’d have been so bummed out if I’d been anticipating something mindblowing and got a Twinkie and what they actually taste like instead.
We couldn’t get them in Britain either, well, not affordably.
Twinkies are *horrid*. When the “twinkie defence” came up, I wondered how anyone could possibly eat enough of them in order to be affected by even just the sugar. The sponge is awful, and the mock cream is foul.
And happy almost birthday @gilshalos
Nutty bars are much better than Twinkies.
Little Debbie > Hostess
For some reason…ok, watching Voyage of the Damned.
What’s in a nutty bar? Other than nuts, presumably.
Ooooh I remember some of those ads!
Well really cos David Tennant.
I found a Wikipedia page on nutty bars: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutty_Bars
People in the USA seem to have a “thing” about combining peanut butter and chocolate.
Exhibit B: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reese%27s_Peanut_Butter_Cups
As long as you don’t feel the need to overshare about Tennant the way that Petrel dude was doing the other day, because that was well past fun fan appreciation into “no, sir, I did not in fact need a boner update that detailed”.
Peanut butter cups are awesome, imo. Not the Reese’s ones though, those are too salty.
Oh, that was all I was going to say.
Yes, I find the Reese’s ones extremely salty too. What brand/s do you recommend instead?
I get mine from Trader Joe’s, which I’m guessing would be impossible from overseas. Sorry! The Newman’s Own ones may be worth a try, though I haven’t tried them myself.
That Petrel-person oversharing stuff was really weird. Like they were trying too hard to establish “cred” or something.
I found a boner song. I am putting a space in the url as I don’t know what image it will settle on: http://youtu.be/ TCNdXE1UMLk
I tried Fig Newtons because of Janet Evanovich, when I visited San Francisco about…14 years ago. I preferred the strawberry.
I also ate Ben & Jerry ice cream.
I’m not sure if he was trolling or if that was his rather odd idea of how to bond with the ladies. In which case his fixation on George Takei (who’s a lovely person, but everyone knows he’s gay, and also he’s twice the age of many of our commenters) was a bit puzzling. I think George Takei is great, but no, sharing boner notes about him with me will not make me want to be your bestie.