a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women crackpottery evil wives evil women internecine warfare men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA no girls allowed paul elam

Men Going Their Own Way tell Paul Elam to go away. BONUS: The terrible new MGTOW anthem

Men Going Their Own Way can't decide which way to go.
Men Going Their Own Way can’t figure out which way to go.

Oh dear. Paul Elam’s attempt to anoint himself King of the MGTOWs doesn’t seem to be going terribly well, mainly due to the fact that the overwhelming majority of those who call themselves Men Going Their Own Way would prefer it if he went his own way off a short pier.

His new ebook on MGTOW — despite receiving rave reviews from people who work for him at A Voice for Men — has not done quite as well amongst the MGTOW masses, many of whom are posting one-star reviews on Amazon.

Their complaints are a mixture of the reasonable and the ridiculous. On the one hand, they accuse him of being a con artist trying to cash in on their little movement with an ebook made up mostly of stuff that’s already been posted on the internet. On the other, well, they think he’s some kind of quasi-feminist supplicator to women who’s committed a sort of treason against his fellow men by not banning all women from AVFM. No, really:

 43 of 62 people found the following review helpful 1.0 out of 5 stars Story of a Shill, January 2, 2015 By  Brad P. - See all my reviews This review is from: Go Your Own Way: Understanding MGTOW (Kindle Edition) Paul Elam is almost universally hated in the MGTOW community and this book is his attempt to hijack and appropriate a fledgeling philosophy in order to make a cheap buck at best, or at worst subvert and pervert it.  MGTOW began as a direct reaction for men to be aware the risks of marriage and relationships with women, including the conception of children, and to either mitigate the risks on their own terms or protect themselves completely by practicing abstinence from sex, relationships and economic engagement in the face of a gynocentric structured tax system that unfairly transfers benefit and subsidy to women at the expense of men.  But Paul Elam is a known supplicator to Feminists as a means of getting a pass as a moderate and promoting his AVFM network and profiting from male suffering. Feminists are the direct culprit responsible for creating a toxic society that is extremely hostile towards men. Paul Elam advocates for traditionalism and insists that married men can be MGTOW too when that is the exact antithesis of MGTOW. In Western developed nations, traditionalism and marriage only serve to compromise male sovereignty, savings, sanity, and safety. Paul Elam's general conduct has alienated the best thinkers and contributors previously at his misguided website, as well as many other former subscribers.  MGTOW is about liberating men without any reservation, apology, or reverence to political correctness.  Between VAWA and divorce law, married men can only think they are going their own way. Only up until Princess Cupcake becomes unsatisfied and calls in Big Daddy Government to rough him up and take him away.  Save your money and time and PASS.

On their own websites, Elam’s MGTOW haters are even more blunt. Here’s what one commenter on MGTOWHQ had to say:

Re: reviews on paul's mgtow book aren't looking too nice  Postby comedian » Sun Jan 04, 2015 5:49 pm Personally, I always thought Elam was an agent of the plantation. Call himself a MGTOW leader, get a bunch of guys under his wing and gradually suck up to the twats towing his supposed MGTOW brigade behind him. That's what happens when you allow twats into your forum. I think it was a deliberate move on his part. To sum up, water down MGTOW to the point where it isn't MGTOW, it's men going Elam's way; back into the grinder.  His book isn't even worth the price of a McHappy Meal.

But my favorite response so far comes from a Youtuber who calls himself TheMadShangi. A few months ago, Mr. Shangi was a loyal AVFMer; indeed, he contributed a post to Elam’s site gleefully recounting how he’d been such a royal pain in the ass to me on Twitter that I stopped responding to him. (Or, as he put it, How I made David Futrelle cry and ragequit on Twitter.)

Well, these days he’s singing a different tune. Literally. Here’s his musical critique of Mr. Elam and his book.(The bit at the beginning is from a video Elam made baiting his MGTOW haters.)

Both sides in this MGTOW civil war are so thoroughly terrible I can only hope that they both go down in ignominious defeat, leaving us, the amused spectators, the only real winners.

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10 years ago

Moggie – nice one centurion, like it, like it!

10 years ago

Re: “Crazy”

“Crazy” is also one of Paul’s favorite words for women. There’s a whole AVFM “mental health” segment with Dr. Tara in which the two use “Crazy” as the proper noun for whatever woman is in a hypothetical relationship/marriage with an MRA, an use it to justify hating/abusing/screwing over that woman. They also have a nasty habit of e-diagnosing any woman they can with Borderline Personality Disorder for wanting things like alimony, child custody, relationships with friends, or, you know, respect. It is, as you can imagine, pretty horrible.

So. There’s just another fun reason to avoid using it–it’s the language of the same asshats we are mocking here.

10 years ago

Oh, hey! What proxieme said at January 16 1:54!

I think I managed not to actually get corrected instantly the first time I used it because it was in the midst of an intense troll takedown where everyone was a little more focused on the troll sitting in the punchbowl… but everything else?

So seconding.

10 years ago

‘Ere! Wot’s this? “People called Mans they go the house!”

It, it says “Men Going Their Own Way!”

10 years ago

Anybody see this one yet?

Also, thanks, proxieme. I think I’ll stick with “assclowns” and “Neelix wannabes” for now.

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

Paul Elam’s general conduct has alienated the best thinkers and contributors previously at his misguided website, as well as many other former subscribers.

So, Paul Elam has alienated nobody.

10 years ago

Well, to be fair “best” implies “the best in this particular group” rather than “objectively good in comparison to the norm” in that sentence, so sure, it’s possible that the Otter and the Bumblebee were the best they had, and Elam drove them off. Certainly they were both better thinkers than JB, for whom thinking doesn’t really seem to be a thing in general.

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

It, it says “Men Going Their Own Way!”

“No it doesn’t. What’s Latin for ‘MGTOW’?”


“Ah, but the men aren’t going their own way, so you must use…”

“Uhm, the negative imperative!”

“Which is?”


“Infinitive? This is a command!”

“Ah, ah, nolle?”


“Plural, ah plural imperative: Nol… noll… Nollite!”

“Right, Now right that out a hundred times or I’ll send Paulie this way.”


10 years ago

Well, somebody must have been the “best thinker” at AVFM. It’s just that that’s like being called “the most talented poop-painter of his generation”. You may be acclaimed by your fellow poop daubers, but at the end of the day you’re still just painting with poop.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

@ cassie, I’m dying.

10 years ago

Hey Peeps – off topic, but I just wanted to share that my 15yo son yesterday spontaneously said that white males are the most privileged people in society. He is also an avid gamer who paid no attention to gamergate. Yes, manosphere, take that!

Attaboy Ellesar Jr.! Keep that up, you’ll score high at life itself.

Re: Telling ’em off in Latin, this appeared on my Facebook wall the other day:

Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

Dibs on Princess Cupcake for a band name.

I’d like a princess cupcake avatar.

10 years ago

I know this isn’t even remotely an original thought, but aren’t all the men who actually are going their own way found on forums for all of the hobbies and interests they enjoy now that they don’t have women in their lives? Spending all your time on a MGTOW site talking about evil feminists destroying the universe is a pretty big sign that you don’t understand what going your own way means.

10 years ago

We keep offering to help them figure out how to go by providing them with compasses and maps and so on, but they just don’t seem to want to leave.

10 years ago

Moggie and Cassie’s Major Domo, you win ALL the internets. With gold wrapping, scented candles and a plate of bon-bons.

10 years ago

I guess one of the reasons that MGTOW don’t actually got their own way is that deep down they know that a fulfilling relationship with a woman would be really good for them, but their fear, expressed as fear of spermjacking/ being taken to the cleaners/ having their children taken away, etc, makes this feel like an impossibility. After all, it is much easier to blame an amorphous mass of screaming money grabbing harlots than to look at oneself and confront ones inadequacies.

10 years ago

Hi everyone. I had noticed that it seemed that the two groups were in a civil war on YouTube. I even asked a MGTOW in a video by Kizzume Fowler if they were splitting from them, he said ‘no” that MGTOW can’t exist without the MRA. But I found this video and I will also link the video from Kizzume but he has disabled the comments because he was trolled really badly by the MGTOW and had to block them.
Kizzume films without a shirt but he is clothed.

I hope you enjoy these.

10 years ago


… and now I’m wondering where the fudge I picked up the bad habit of overusing like…

I’m not from the valley, I’m from the hills! And I live in the mountains, darn it!

As someone who could be classified as a “Valley Girl” (Sacramento valley, that is), allow me to say that saying “like” all the time isn’t a bad thing. It’s a brain buffer, essentially.

Studies have actually shown that people who say things like “like” and “um” frequently are actually more thoughtful than those who don’t. The “airhead Valley Girl who says like a lot” is a really hurtful stereotype. Especially when I was a kid and did that often.


(Also, anyone else check out that Vivian James is claiming to have been a real person all along, recently? Despite the fact that you can see her creation being discussed in its infancy, and while conveniently cosplaying in her GG costume…?) Please tell me she is a real person so this isn’t as immensely creepy.

I sincerely hope so. That would be entertaining.

I hope there really is a Vivian James out there, and she’s a feminist. Just to fuck with Gators.

Lady Mondegreen

I’d like a princess cupcake avatar.

You could go with Princess Cookie! He’s a male princess! (For extra MRA anger!)

(In the episode, he held up a grocery store because he wanted to be a princess, and when he told Princess Bubblegum when he was a small orphan, she laughed, so he felt she was laughing at him and he held up the grocery store when he was older as revenge. Jake went in and talked to him, and found out about his problems, so after the hostage situation, Cookie was sent to a mental hospital, and Jake went to visit him and give him a crown. Easily my favorite episode of all Adventure Time.)

10 years ago

@Paradoxical: Ooh Sacramento! I’ve fantasised about living down that way. What’s it like?

10 years ago

Oooo-pulls open a bag of popcorn-MRAs and MGTOW having a hissy fit at each other. I think my day just got a little better.

You’d get *some* respect if you actually did that – live in co-ops with other men so as to reduce your need to earn enough that would lift you above the income tax threshold; become contemplative, monk-like souls in the wilderness, living a life of quiet determination and self-reliance; or perhaps become itinerant preachers of the MGTOW way, traveling from town to town, learning as you go and living by your wits.

proxieme I agree but then they actually would mean it.

There have been women who went there own way, but they actually left and didn’t keep saying they were leaving. My state boasts one of the few remaining lesbian separatist communes in the US. They built houses on about 300 acres. They do there thing and are happy about it. See I can respect that. If MGTOWs did that I could respect that too, but they don’t.

10 years ago

If people are more comfortable spending all their time among their own gender, that’s one thing. Unfortunate, in my opinion, but not necessarily mockable. (There are much better grounds for doing this if your gender is ACTUALLY oppressed, but, you know.) Most MGTOW seem to be motivated by biotruths, generalized mistrust, and the fear and hate of losing privilege, so my sympathy is quite limited.

Miss Andry
10 years ago

Both sides in this MGTOW civil war are so thoroughly terrible I can only hope that they both go down in ignominious defeat, leaving us, the amused spectators, the only real winners.

10 years ago

Even with the continued whining, I don’t mind MGTOW. Yes, please take yourselves out of the gene pool and the rest of us will go on and raise a generation of feminists who will strive for equality.

10 years ago

Both sides in this MGTOW civil war are so thoroughly terrible I can only hope that they both go down in ignominious defeat, leaving us, the amused spectators, the only real winners.

But what about the “collateral damage” in this civil war? By which I mean Fleetwood Mac 🙁

10 years ago

……….how do MGTOW expect their movement to last when they refuse to procreate? Hey, any time a bunch of privileged white old men want to stay away from women and unbreed themselves into extinction, I’m a happy gal….but surely they see the flaw is their methodology. What’s their five year plan? College campus recruitment booths?