alpha males creepy entitled babies evil sexy ladies mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains sarcasm PUA pussyconomics red pill rhymes with roosh vaginas

Roosh V warns: “Pussy Inflation is starting to force men out of the market”

Inflated Pussy on parade
Inflated Pussy on parade

Noted pussyconomist Roosh Valizadeh offers these sobering thoughts on the rising costs — and decreasing quality — of vagina:

The quality of women—both their appearance and their attitude—is sliding to the bottom while the work we have to expend to meet these more inferior females is increasing. This phenomenon of pussy inflation is starting to force men out of the market, for what “average” man can find the time, ability, and motivation to seduce a merely cute woman who may only want to fuck him a couple times before becoming distracted by the next shiny object that gets placed in her path? If this inflations proceeds, the only men who will get laid consistently are ones who approach it like a job, blocking out a minimum of two hours a day to the task.

If anything Roosh is underestimating the dangers here. During Germany’s hyperpussyflation in the early 1920s, men had to devote as many as 3700 hours a day in order to score with merely cute women. Indeed, it is rumored that some of these men were forced to wipe their own asses in order to make themselves more appealing to women.

The reality we face right now is this: the quality of men around the world is increasing to compete with a decreasing quality of women. This is great if you’re a woman, because without lifting a finger you can get better than a couple years before. If you’re a man and didn’t step up your game recently, however, you will get lower results. If you don’t stay on top of the latest game scientific data or dating app, you will be out-competed. Or you’ll just get nothing. Inflation often helps those who have debt, but if you have no debt, if you lived life prudently and with virtue, inflation destroys your purchasing power. As much as men improve themselves, women are appreciating in relative value as they make all the wrong decisions with their lives. This is the world we live in.

To be honest, Roosh, I don’t think you and I live in the same world.

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10 years ago

And there we go, my most recent tribute to the Blockquote Monster…

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

Well, picking up Atlas Shrugged does count as weightlifting.

me and not you
me and not you
10 years ago

sometimes wine goes rancid.

Ken L.
Ken L.
10 years ago


it should the thing is so fucking dense!

10 years ago

This is why we need to abandon fiat vagina and go back to backing every ladybit with a certain amount of gold held in a giant fort somewhere.

Well, but then all the Feminists would have to do to drive up the price of vagina worldwide would be to sneak a nuke into the fort and detonate it! Any gold that was not obliterated would be highly irradiated, and it would price men completely out of the market. Misandry! Lesbianism! And not the right kind of lesbianism!

10 years ago

sometimes wine goes rancid.

Vinegar is good and healthy and a real boon to cooking. Rooshie is a walking health hazard.

Stazia DiMarca (@St0dad)

Am I the only one here who fantasizes about guys like Roosh actually taking a trip to Gor?

me and not you
me and not you
10 years ago

yeah, but if you’re expecting a nice sip of merlot and get a mouthful of low quality red wine vinegar… bleh. I wouldn’t drink vinegar straight, and likewise, Roosh would need some serious work before I’d want to interact with him anyway.

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

Am I the only one here who fantasizes about guys like Roosh actually taking a trip to Gor?

As long as it has the MST3K crew in front of his exploits (as they did with the Outlaw of Gor movie), I’d love to see.

MIKE: Oh great, another oily unlikable character.
TOM: Why don’t the villagers just light a match? The grease fire from Roosh’s hair oughta clear the place.
CROW: Perhaps if he stopped trying to get that woman drunk he could take some time to fight off the damn monsters.
MIKE: Wait, did you call him “Roosh”?
TOM: Oh, I mean “Doosh.” Apologies.
CROW: Shut up Woody.
MIKE: What was that?
CROW: Sorry, in the contract.
TOM: Isn’t there an obligation the movie actors have to actually wipe their asses?
MIKE: What do you think this guy’s message is?
CROW: “Don’t listen to me!”

10 years ago

There’s something weird going on here. Let me see if I can put my finger on it.

There is no other club in the world where I ended up having as many one-night stands. It helped that my standards were average. My boner would activate immediately at a thin body and cute face, features that were becoming increasingly rare in America.

Many one night stands, instant-activation boner (no cooldown). Okay.

Every month my standards were increasing, every month I was becoming less tolerant of bullshit, and every month the world was changing.

Which leads to increasing the standards required, being less tolerant of bullshit and having tougher pre-requisites for the people you sleep with. Okay. Almost as, oh, say, standards becoming higher along with expectations?

Their standards were becoming higher along with their expectations.

Yes, that’s it exactly. Thank you Roosh, that was the words I was looking for.

They were becoming lazier with pleasing me. They wouldn’t rush to clean my apartment after sex like in the past.

Because their standards increased, and they felt less like they had to do everything for you. Hm…

I used to hear girls tell me how I was the first American they ever met, but even that was becoming rare. The situation was obviously getting worse.

Right! Because of globalization they’ve met more people, so their standards have changed and you’re no longer as novel as before. So… every month they’d be slowly becoming less tolerant of bullshit?

I’m not a foolish man—I know that experience can not be duplicated. But I had to return to Poznan, a place where I was happy and only left because of a selfishness that you can’t really blame me for.

I think I can blame you for selfishness. “You’re being selfish”. It’s pretty easy.

In the back of my mind I hoped that things would be similar, that the dopamine in my brain would be released in similar quantities to the same stimulus I experienced before. I prayed for it on the flight from Ukraine.

Before you standards changed and you became less tolerant of bullshit.

It didn’t help that my eyes were different. My standards were higher.

Right, that’s what I just said.

My sex drive was not as urgent. I previously came to Poznan with a mission to sleep with as many beautiful girls as possible, but on the flight over this time around, my mission was to finish reading a book about the history of salt, write a long article for my blog, and edit some videos I shot that have been sitting on my hard drive for too long. My thirst had declined.

And as you’ve grown more experienced with life and you’ve tried different things, your desires change to accomplish other things as per the hedonic threadmill and the human condition.

I wondered what meaning I could possibly find in life now that my phase of sexual exploration is over

Read books about all the household condiments, salt, pepper and cumin!

but even more urgently, I wondered what this signified for all men that the dating market is providing obviously less value for them than only three years ago.

Wait, what? Value? Haven’t I already gone on enough about the problem of applying economics to sexual relations? I feel as if I’ve said enough about the subject already

People are often accused of nostalgia when they dream of a past they haven’t lived, and while I admit that my eyes have changed the way I see reality, I can definitively state that things are getting worse for men. I compare a picture of Poznan in early 2011 with one in late 2014 to see how any man will have to work harder for the same result.

So the value of “PUA” has decreased, as each unit of Clownsmanship now buys less equivalent “pussy”. I can model this with a supply shock. This is micro-economic level stuff. We don’t need to reach for macro-economic multiple factor cause fucking inflation to attribute less purchasing power per currency unit to rising standards.

I’d like to put the blame on feminism first and foremost, but it’s primarily technology that is reducing the ability of men to meet women in natural settings, to hold their attention, and to seduce them like men of the near past were able to. Technology is turning every woman into a narcissistic star of her own reality show, all centered on a little handheld gadget, morphing her brain into one that is less capable of providing men with happiness.

Fourth-Wave Feminism! Finally, the patriarchy is smashed by Iphones morphing people’s brains.

This phenomenon of pussy inflation is starting to force men out of the market, for what “average” man can find the time, ability, and motivation to seduce a merely cute woman who may only want to fuck him a couple times before becoming distracted by the next shiny object that gets placed in her path?


If this inflations proceeds, the only men who will get laid consistently are ones who approach it like a job, blocking out a minimum of two hours a day to the task.

Look, you’re really starting to—

The reality we face right now is this: the quality of men around the world is increasing to compete with a decreasing quality of women.

It sure does suck that women have become less tolerant of your bullshit. If only you hadn’t become less tolerant of their bullshit, your standards would still be calibrated to their standards and you’d meet in the middle! Now we’re all facing a neutered equilibrium and a surplus of PUA as the demand for it rises but the supply stays the same.

This is great if you’re a woman, because without lifting a finger you can get better than a couple years before. If you’re a man and didn’t step up your game recently, however, you will get lower results.

Man women having standards suck. If only my standards for women weren’t so high, I might still be able to get laid with those women who don’t have the standards that I have.

Or you’ll just get nothing. Inflation often helps those who have debt, but if you have no debt, if you lived life prudently and with virtue, inflation destroys your purchasing power.

THIS IS ACTUALLY— er. That’s actually completely true. Fun fact of inflation. Sucks for everyone but people in debt because the relative debt often becomes less compared to the out-of-control wages and other payments rising to match inflation. It’s one of those weird “almost” benefits, since run-away inflation can actually help wipe out static debts. I’m seriously considering writing a thesis on the positive externalities of hyper-inflation, just because it’s kind-of-sort-of cool.

As much as men improve themselves, women are appreciating in relative value as they make all the wrong decisions with their lives.

Where was I— wait. Appreciating? Women are *increasing* in value by making wrong decisions? That’s what appreciating means. As much as men improve themselves (gaining value) women are gaining relative value as well?
Either Roosh just admitted that he actually thinks all people have value and are worthwhile, or he forgets what he’s talking about and thinks deprecation and appreciation are the same thing economically.

This is the world we live in.

Yeah. It is.

As for my problem, it’s unsolvable. The women are declining while my experience increases my standards and decreases my propensity to work for the same old result. I am disappointed, to say the least.

And that world is the world wherein women are declining in value, while Roosh’s standards increase so he doesn’t want to put up with the bullshit of women.
Women who gradually have their standards increase and become less willing to put up with the bullshit of men, or the bullshit requirements like cleaning apartments and cooking.
And that’s just terrible! It really is just absolutely wrong that our standards are both increasing. If only women kept being absolutely dependent on the bare minimum of effort while I only looked for the most perfect of perfect specimens, at least there’d be balance in it. I mean, it’s not like women are people and are allowed to have preferences. Nope. Their increasing standards matching the increasing standards of men is literally the existential trial of the century for all men everywhere.

Damn those wretchedy women, thinking they’re people and are allowed to have opinions! What oh what will we men do now!?

10 years ago

But… but… Vaginas are COOL! Every child knows this. In case you’ve missed (because it seems to be going all around the world right now):

This Swedish infotainment show for tiny children about how the body works made one episode about genitals, which featured this cute music video. The text clearly says that the vagina is “more awesome” than the penis when she’s introduced, and if you can’t trust infotainment for kids, then what can you trust?

Stazia DiMarca (@St0dad)

“As long as it has the MST3K crew in front of his exploits (as they did with the Outlaw of Gor movie), I’d love to see.”

Cassie, that would be GOLD.

10 years ago


You are my hero for MST3K-ing it. All the interwebs high fives for you.

10 years ago

You know, I love how one measure of how the quality of pussy women is declining is that now he has to work to get someone to have sex with him whereas he used to get sex and some free apartment cleaning.

AND he has to clip his toenails and take a shower once in a while too!!

10 years ago

I kinda wish the manosphere would get it together long enough to establish whether the price of pussy is at an all-time high or an all-time low. :p

10 years ago

This Swedish infotainment show for tiny children

OMG!!! That second vagina has A BUN!!!!!

Seriously, though, that just made my day.

10 years ago

I always think of this MST3Kage when I think of MRA-holes in general (let’s see if it embeds):

That, or Rowsdower. Zap Rowsdower. Wonderer of on-sun beer-drinkage. Former donator of plasma. Hockey hair hero in a stained denim jacket who saves us and saves all the world.

10 years ago

“What would women think if we told them who they should find attractive?”

Who cares who he finds attractive? Isn’t that his complaint? Women don’t care about the plight of his boner?

His problem isn’t that women are telling him how to feel. It’s that he’s telling women how to feel and women don’t give any fucks. Literally. His complaint is that the women he manages to hump don’t know their place. They don’t deserve him, but he is desperate for them. He has to work so hard to get regular women to show him their boobies. It’s not fair for those women to have standards. It makes him feel sad to be rejected by them. Boo-hoo.

10 years ago

I wish I could get away with only working two hours a day.

Actually, not really, because I like my job, but still! Two hours a day of generic activities to keep oneself fed, watered, and prevent oneself from having a hazmat crew dispatched to one’s address for a strange odor in the area, along with checking optional dating sites and thinking about maybe taking a 15 minute drive to a hang out place, and other ‘maybe I could try interacting with people’ assorted things just doesn’t seem that strenuous.

I mean, it’s more time than I usually spend on any of those activities, because I’m not interested in dating, so it’s more of 20-30 minutes making sure that hazmat doesn’t get dispatched to my address and 30-60 minutes of “be physically fit so that Fire 1 doesn’t kill me”…

… and then 4-10 hours at the job depending on the day.

10 years ago

I love MSTK3000. I prefer Joel to Mike a little bit though. I think it’s because the older episodes had Minnesota references. When it got popular outside the state they cut down on it.

My whole family loved the show. Right from the start. Sorry for the hipster moment.

10 years ago

It never fails to creep me out how these assholes seem to think that sex is something owed to them. Like sex is a need, something that women are obligated to provide for needy men, and they’re bitter about the amount of work they need to do to ‘earn’ sex, especially if a woman has her own standards and preferences and what works for one lady doesn’t get literally every other (young conventionally attractive) lady to fall into bed with them (and then apparently clean their apartment following sex? I was under the impression that cuddling and sleep were generally the things on the table post-colitis.)

Like, jeez, what a creepy and pitiful outlook on life.

Richard Smith
Richard Smith
10 years ago

Well, but then all the Feminists would have to do to drive up the price of vagina worldwide would be to sneak a nuke into the fort and detonate it! Any gold that was not obliterated would be highly irradiated, and it would price men completely out of the market.

I dread asking just what this remake of Goldfinger would be called…

10 years ago

During Germany’s hyperpussyflation in the early 1920s, men had to devote as many as 3700 hours a day in order to score with merely cute women.

Which is why Weimar society was perverse, yet appealing.

10 years ago

women significantly younger than me (the ones I’d /really/ like to bag) have begun to see me as a creepy old guy trawling the scene.

No. Flipping. Way. I am shocked–shocked!–to find that gambling is going on here.

10 years ago

Okay, just a question…

Who the heck is motivated enough to actually clean an apartment after physical exertion? By all I’ve read, sex burns through quite a few calories (1). I know that I NEVER feel like cleaning post drill, or workout, or call. Like, I look at my dishes, laugh, and say “Nope! See you tomorrow, plates!”

I mean, who does that!

Not that I’m judging you if you do, but who does that?

1. First place I read that tidbit: funny book that all nurses, EMT’s, and doctors should appreciate… as well as everyone else. Really highly recommended. Some of the facts are probably outdated by now, and she didn’t do citations in text all over the place, which sometimes bugs me because where did you find this, amusing nurse person!:

Live a Little, Laugh a Lot, by Barb Bancroft. I don’t think there’s any relation to Lundy Bancroft, but she’s kind of awesome.

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