alpha males creepy entitled babies evil sexy ladies mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains sarcasm PUA pussyconomics red pill rhymes with roosh vaginas

Roosh V warns: “Pussy Inflation is starting to force men out of the market”

Inflated Pussy on parade
Inflated Pussy on parade

Noted pussyconomist Roosh Valizadeh offers these sobering thoughts on the rising costs — and decreasing quality — of vagina:

The quality of women—both their appearance and their attitude—is sliding to the bottom while the work we have to expend to meet these more inferior females is increasing. This phenomenon of pussy inflation is starting to force men out of the market, for what “average” man can find the time, ability, and motivation to seduce a merely cute woman who may only want to fuck him a couple times before becoming distracted by the next shiny object that gets placed in her path? If this inflations proceeds, the only men who will get laid consistently are ones who approach it like a job, blocking out a minimum of two hours a day to the task.

If anything Roosh is underestimating the dangers here. During Germany’s hyperpussyflation in the early 1920s, men had to devote as many as 3700 hours a day in order to score with merely cute women. Indeed, it is rumored that some of these men were forced to wipe their own asses in order to make themselves more appealing to women.

The reality we face right now is this: the quality of men around the world is increasing to compete with a decreasing quality of women. This is great if you’re a woman, because without lifting a finger you can get better than a couple years before. If you’re a man and didn’t step up your game recently, however, you will get lower results. If you don’t stay on top of the latest game scientific data or dating app, you will be out-competed. Or you’ll just get nothing. Inflation often helps those who have debt, but if you have no debt, if you lived life prudently and with virtue, inflation destroys your purchasing power. As much as men improve themselves, women are appreciating in relative value as they make all the wrong decisions with their lives. This is the world we live in.

To be honest, Roosh, I don’t think you and I live in the same world.

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10 years ago

Dylan Thomas – The Hand That Signed The Paper!
Do Not Go Gentle!

10 years ago

Oh…and the other Eliot as well. Middlemarch, Romola, Daniel Deronda, it’s all good.

10 years ago

If you don’t stay on top of the latest game scientific data or dating app, you will be out-competed.

Worse. Infomercial. Ever.

10 years ago

Sorry about the ,gillyrosebee, but you know the rules. No reading the comments. Here’s some brain bleach to help regain your equilibrium.

10 years ago

I agree with the comment that Roosh knows that he is spouting a load of toss, but needs to post regularly to maintain traffic. He is just regurgitating the same old pseudo scientific nonsense with the dreadful dehumanising language he favours. Is he still claiming to be a PUA? Because he sounds like a MGTOW – obsessed with women, but only prepared to say horrible things about us ALL the time.

I think Roosh wrote a ghastly article about Danish women where he blames the excellent welfare state set up that makes Danish women less desirable. His argument is that women do not try as hard in countries where they are not forced to be financially dependent on men when they have kids! Extraordinary stuff I know, esp considering that PUA’s never recommend going near women with children. But then when did Roosh EVER make any actual sense?

10 years ago

I love that video! No one has ever been as excited to see me as that puppy is to see zir people!

The comments on that Rooshie post (the first time I saw his url, I read it as rooshie, not rooshv, and since then I can’t not see it that way) are, in a way, even worse because several of them get SOOOOO CLOSE and yet enlightenment remains just out of reach.

I’ve been having the same existential crisis man. I love helping men, but really, if you aren’t stoked on what has been your life’s passion, how easy is it to inspire others? What is their other than the pursuit of pleasure? Us men of pleasure and book reading, we’re quite lazy. We don’t care for trekking, or seeing cultural sites, or tasting a variety of cuisine. Sure we lift weights sometimes. But what thrill is this. Maybe we need to go to war? A good battle might help.

“Hmmm… maybe I should broaden my horizons? Get some hobbies? Naaaah, I’ll just idealize and romanticize a different genre of the books that I’ve been reading and fantasize about going off to war! Of course (puts wrist to forehead) it won’t be the enlightening and heroic spectacle of yesteryear! There will be narry a chariot and no swordplay at all! Alas, even the quality of war has been degraded in this fallen, fallen world!!”

10 years ago

David, have you seen Roosh’s most recent blog entry? It begins with the question “What would women think if we told them who they should find attractive?” I think it may be the most ironic statement I’ve ever seen from an MRA, which is a hard feat to accomplish.

10 years ago

Roughly 49.5% of the population of the US is male, and 50.5% of the population of the US is female. Mathematically speaking (and not taking into account that not everyone is cis straight) there are more females than males, or enough for male and not enough for every female. If you aren’t able to get a girlfriend it’s time to seriously evaluate yourself. Perhaps you are seriously offensive to the opposite gender because or your MRA delusions. Perhaps you keep trying for the same 5% of women that fit a specific body type that happens to be the ideal these days, despite not being anywhere near the top of the heap physically yourself. Perhaps you frighten away women with your burning hatred of them.

10 years ago

Oh my gawd, you guyz. You mean that you have to, like, put effort into it if you want someone to commit to you? For realz?

Seriously, does this man think that everything is just going to fall into his lap with minimal effort on his part, and does he honestly believe that women don’t put effort into getting into relationships and or even getting hookups? Many women do, in fact, pursue, and, as Cliff Pervocracy has pointed out, women who don’t do that for fear of seeming unfeminine instead work really hard to present themselves in such a way that they’ll invite the pursuit of the men in whom they’re interested.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

“if you lived life prudently and with virtue, inflation destroys your purchasing power”

Well then, Rooshie has nothing to worry about.

10 years ago

We like fucking hot women. And when you no longer dream about it, or picture the joy of a fresh beauty in your mind, then where is your motivation to go out and fight for a creature that couldn’t give a floral poopette about you or your mission?

“Just having sex isn’t enough for me anymore, but chicks women don’t seem to find me fascinating – I know, right? And they don’t want to hear about my glorious life goal of banging as many of them as I can? They expect me to talk about things other than my boner, like “cuisine” or “travel” (lol, what will those cr*zy b*tches come up with next!)”

My plan is fame. I’m going to start a band when I get home, since I used to do that before game became my passion. And I’m going to work on novels that aren’t pickup novels, so that women will read them. And when I’m the prize and I have women eating off my lap, I’ll try so hard not to be the raging misogynist that I’m fast becoming.

“You’ll see, I’ll become superfamous because I can play seven different chords on the guitar and I’ll whip up some chick lit and then the chicks women will be falling all over me!”

(“becoming”, lol)

Ken L.
10 years ago

I think I hate Roosh bag more then any other person David ever writes about. All the others like Elam or whatever idiot have the “decency” to make it up front that they hate woman. So woman can just avoid them even if they don’t know who they are. Roosh can or tries to play at being a attractive guy, tricking woman into wanting to be a round him or tries too anyway and that’s just beyond the pale. Also Roosh is so wrong, it doesn’t take that much effort to get dates. All that grooming and stuff is not work if you live in the so called western world. Hell, I stumbled into a date the other night, you know what the big secret was I used… I treated her like a human being, and will wonders never cease I got a date. That’s the secrete now that you all read that you can send 5 bucks to …

oh and fuck you Roosh bag

Mia Jessica
10 years ago

I know a guy who’s a day trader, and he’s the most obnoxious bullshitter you could ever meet. He’s very smart at twisting everything to his angle, which is to get you to give him your money, he can spin bullshit in a way that is almost magical, he’s a con artist in the true sense of the term. Roosh sounds exactly like him.

10 years ago

Every so often I think about starting a blog where I just translate idiotic blog comments to reveal the underlying message!

When you’ve been getting your buzz through cold approaches for so many years, talking to a “normal” person, girl or guy, doesn’t give you much. Like you said, it’s preferable to read a book or write.

“Damn those “normal” people! They don’t follow my scripts and they PERSIST in wanting to talk about something other than my boner!”

10 years ago

At first, I thought, “What planet is he on? Has he found a stable wormhole? Because he sure as heck isn’t writing from Earth.”

But then I thought about his point of view.
Here’s an ick-to-sense translation:

As I age, the effects of my awful habits and attitudes are ingraining themselves further and further into both my psyche and physiology.
As I become progressively less attractive in every way, I have to work harder to score – a goal made no easier by the fact that women my age are, for the most part, too experienced to fall for my brand of bullshit and women significantly younger than me (the ones I’d /really/ like to bag) have begun to see me as a creepy old guy trawling the scene.

This is NOT FAIR!1!

10 years ago

Aw, Ninja’d 😉

10 years ago

OK, still not sure what is the OT post, but..just starting to watch Merlin on Netflix.

10 years ago

Ninja’d so, so thoroughly.

That’s what I get for not reading the comments first.

10 years ago

I wonder if Roosh would still insist that he, in particular, is aging like wine.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

This is why we need to abandon fiat vagina and go back to backing every ladybit with a certain amount of gold held in a giant fort somewhere.

Also, I bet my definition of what constitutes a “quality” man/woman/person is quite a bit different from what Roosh has in mind. I’d guess that his inability to see that different people value different things is a large part of his problem.

Ken L.
10 years ago

I just got a idea for a site call the it’s a dating advice site and it only as one page with three pieces of advice. 1. whoever you dating is a human being never forget that 2. listen 3. Do nothing that Roosh V tells you to do.

10 years ago

women significantly younger than me (the ones I’d /really/ like to bag) have begun to see me as a creepy old guy trawling the scene.


Maybe after being at war with women for so long, it’s time to make some sort of peace with them.

So close. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO close! Just keep reaching, dude. Like, maybe women weren’t “the enemy” at all and your crappy ideology is?

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

Roosh commenter:

Us men of pleasure and book reading, we’re quite lazy. We don’t care for trekking, or seeing cultural sites, or tasting a variety of cuisine.

Wait, you’re a man of “book reading” yet you don’t like seeing cultural sites in foreign countries?

BS, you’ve never read a book in your life. Go lift weights and drop them on your toe a few times.

10 years ago

Maybe after being at war with women for so long, it’s time to make some sort of peace with them.

Although it could just as easily go the other way. “We shall now discuss the means by which we apportion access to The Holy Mount Vagina…”

10 years ago

Wait, you’re a man of “book reading” yet you don’t like seeing cultural sites in foreign countries?

Well, in fairness, Cassie’s Major Domo, The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, and The Tarnsman of Gor do actually qualify as books, though I can’t see them inspiring an interest in architecture or archaeology.