
Noted pussyconomist Roosh Valizadeh offers these sobering thoughts on the rising costs — and decreasing quality — of vagina:
The quality of women—both their appearance and their attitude—is sliding to the bottom while the work we have to expend to meet these more inferior females is increasing. This phenomenon of pussy inflation is starting to force men out of the market, for what “average” man can find the time, ability, and motivation to seduce a merely cute woman who may only want to fuck him a couple times before becoming distracted by the next shiny object that gets placed in her path? If this inflations proceeds, the only men who will get laid consistently are ones who approach it like a job, blocking out a minimum of two hours a day to the task.
If anything Roosh is underestimating the dangers here. During Germany’s hyperpussyflation in the early 1920s, men had to devote as many as 3700 hours a day in order to score with merely cute women. Indeed, it is rumored that some of these men were forced to wipe their own asses in order to make themselves more appealing to women.
The reality we face right now is this: the quality of men around the world is increasing to compete with a decreasing quality of women. This is great if you’re a woman, because without lifting a finger you can get better than a couple years before. If you’re a man and didn’t step up your game recently, however, you will get lower results. If you don’t stay on top of the latest game scientific data or dating app, you will be out-competed. Or you’ll just get nothing. Inflation often helps those who have debt, but if you have no debt, if you lived life prudently and with virtue, inflation destroys your purchasing power. As much as men improve themselves, women are appreciating in relative value as they make all the wrong decisions with their lives. This is the world we live in.
To be honest, Roosh, I don’t think you and I live in the same world.
Ooh, another troll mosying about! I’d join in batting him around, but his previous posts are like the Silence and I completely forget their content when I take my eyes off them… Kinda gets in the way of figuring out what he’s on about.
Cassandry! Just like misandry, but with a lot more cass!
@ Dvärghundspossen – I tried to post something consoling earlier, but WordPress ate it. 🙁 So, again, hugs, if you want them. I am so very sorry that happened to you!
Also, hope this doesn’t overstep your boundaries, I don’t think you’re ‘stupid’ for still being triggered by something that happened 18 years ago. Trauma is trauma, whenever it happened. There’s something nasty about the human brain in that it’s really good at holding onto bad stuff.
I hope a box full of kittens comes and plays with you (if you want)!
Seconding that “totally not stupid” all the way, and hoping this doesn’t get trampled by yet another herd of Teal Deer.
If the panic attacks are really bad, though, counselling might be worth a try.
Yes, too many teal deer in this thread. At least it appears to be teal deer season!
::bam, bam, bambam::
Thanks Grumpyoldnurse! 😀 I don’t know if I could have a box full of kittens here… They might be scared by my four dogs! Although kittens sure are adorable! 😀
Aww. I missed a troll. Oh well. It looks like it was a boring troll and I was better off sleeping.
I do hate that notion that all single women have numerous suitors. In my experience, this just isn’t true. The only women I’ve known who always have lots of men in love with them are a combination of conventionally attractive and extroverted/highly skilled socially/expert flirters. When a man whines about hard it is for men and how easy it is for women, it tells me that only a small subset of women are visible to him. I’m guessing that YouTube research (lol) only covered those types of women.
It also creeped me out that his hero is his “ugly” friend who is successful with women. Perhaps he has trouble getting a date because he’s shallow and boring. I know I would rather be with a man who looks up to great artists or scientists or social justice leaders. In other words, a man who is intelligent and interested in things other than banging lots of chicks.
Warper, with regards to the college age women all having one friend who would date them–they were all probably talking about one of a very small group of men on campus who were so desperate for a girlfriend that they would ask anyone out. In my freshman and sophomore years of college, I met two guys who asked out 30+ girls in a semester and hit on a whole lot more without asking them out. The reason that none of the girls wanted to date them (though each of those guys have managed to get girlfriends eventually) was because they talked to their friends and observed these dudes’ behavior. They knew that they were just desperate for girlfriends and would take pretty much anyone. So, naturally, the girls didn’t feel confident that these guys were genuinely into them or that they (the men) wouldn’t continue to hit on other girls of they got into relationships.
Yeah, funny thing about the ‘all young women have multiple suitors’ thing. So not my experience! I was fairly conventionally attractive when I was in my early 20’s and, yeah, lots of guys wanted to sex me, but I’m also an introvert and bad at flirting and prone to being withdrawn and sarcastic. So, very few of the guys who wanted to sex me wanted a relationship with me.
Maybe his ‘ugly’ friend who’s good with teh laydeeez has tried to develop more than just his pecs…
Bingo. I’m not bad looking (especially for my age), but I’m an introvert who doesn’t like to flirt, and I don’t make a conscious effort to go out looking for guys to boost up my ego because it doesn’t need that kind of boosting. Suitors: what are those, and where do I find them, much less so many that I’m forced to beat them away with a stick?
But you know what? Even suitorless me feels no desire to put up with whiny dudes of any color, shape, size, age or whatever. Because whiny dudes are whiny, and that can put a lady right off her feed.
I resent people who come here looking for “advice”, but what they’re really doing is hoping to provoke some sort of reaction that will confirm, in their mind, their already low opinion of women and why feminism is evil (because it turns women into brass-clawed harpies, obvs). Thus the “I have been continuously polite while you are nothing but rude to me” attitude, and the crude attempts at emotional extortion. “If I flounce, it’ll be on your conscience for treating me with insufficient reverence, nasty feminists!” We’re not a fricking zoo exhibit for people to come and poke sticks through the bars at.
Anyway, eventually Warper may figure out that tedious teal deers, whining, and bogus math aren’t the path to a woman’s heart. Being sea lioned must be ten times worse at a bar.
I have been celibate for the past …oh, almost decade. And you know what ? I’m happier. And looking back, I wasn’t that nice a person when I dated. So celibacy…yay!
Long post inbound!
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. Someone who I might find handsome someone else might think is hideous. And no, I wouldn’t date a guy whose personality I didn’t like. That’s why I like to talk to people and get to know them. Because you can meet the bare minimum and still be an ass.
This is a pretty lame “gotcha”. “You wimmens will only date men if they’re smart and handsome and rich!”
Nah son. We only date people who not only meet the bare minimum, but who we get along with. The bare minimum is to just to get your foot in the door, everything after that is personal preference.
Yeah, and if she doesn’t respond to every single one of those guys, she’s a “fucked-up bitch slut” because she didn’t give those men the time of day (nevermind the fact that she might have just been busy living her damn life), and if she turns them down because they don’t meet her personal preferences (too old, not local, ect.), then they’re still “mean and cruel” because the woman in question wouldn’t let her boundaries and preferences (which are there for a reason) relax for THEM.
I highly recommend you look at this: http://hell-is-okcupid.tumblr.com/
This is just from ONE dating site. This is the kind of shit women put up with when we “post a photo and just say hi”. Men ignoring anything we have to say and feeling entitled to our time and energies because we’re in the same space as them.
And that’s not even counting all the dick pics that men send just because they want to “show off”. That’s fucking harassment.
You don’t have any new “perspective” to offer. We have plenty of men here, and we’ve seen many more like you. You’re boring, tedious, and have very obvious entitlement issues.
As stated before, we’re a mockery site. Not a debate site, nor an education site. If you would like one of those, I’m sure someone here can point you in the right direction if you ask without JAQing off.
Not every space for feminists has to be for “debate”, and many men need to learn this. We shouldn’t have to spend every waking hour “debating” people who just want to argue.
I do, actually, and I said it before: the “standards” men complain about aren’t “She wants a rich, handsome doctor to date”, the “standards” they find so much trouble with are bare minimum “treat me like a person who is equal to you”, and so many men (most, if not all, of the ones doing the complaining) are stumbling on THAT.
Again, everything after “bare minimum” is personal preference. If you’re not up to a woman’s personal preference, move on.
Being rejected too many times should have you examining your behaviors as well, and not simply going “Oh, there must be something wrong with THEM. I’m obviously doing fine. I’m awesome.”
Yeah, your statement is still very misogynistic. Because you’re still blaming women entirely for the dating woes of men, instead of going “maybe she wasn’t that into me, or maybe I’m the problem”.
It would also be nice if these guys would finally figure out that dating is not a numbers game, it’s a process of getting to know someone and finding out if you want to be with them more or not. If you’re going to go cold-approaching complete strangers with sexual expectations (and whining when those are not met), the only thing you can seriously expect is a lot of rejections, not to mention confusion, suspicion and displeasure. One thing you can’t expect, no matter how many you hit on, is that you’ll find The One that way. Because oddly enough, it just doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t matter how many people are willing to date you, but how you get along with any given one of them.
THIS, so much this! Failures are supposed to help us learn and change, but these guys seem intent to stay in the same place. I understand that it’s easier to blame someone else for your lack of success, but that just means you’re going to keep failing.
Also, reading back through this thread, I came across the comments about the contest to win a date with a woman. Not only was the “evidence” in that story based on speculation about what would happen if the prize were a date with man, but contests where people (men or women) are the “prize” are disgusting and demeaning. All I could think while reading those comments was this:
Yup…the comments were bad enough that I was quoting a Disney princess.
I dunno, I think he’s just attempting an, “You’ll be sorry when men drop out of dating, bitches.” Which is so sad — this is a feminist space, not a fucking Rom Com. Drop out, already, no one’s invested in you and your pouting.
We’ve all heard trolls complain that dating is hard before. Who cares? We have our own problems to deal with. The little babies are confused they have to deal with women like they’re people with their own desires, thoughts and needs? Oh, cry me a river. All they ever talk about is fucking 10s and other stupid rating systems based on strict shallowness. Women have to be guilt ridden and pretend we’re a service industry when it comes to dating? Fuck off, dude-bro.
Jasmine is a pretty cool Disney princess though. She rejects the sexist culture of her day, accepts Aladdin despite him being a peasant, even uses her wiles against Jafar at one point.
Belle is my favourite princess though. And Gaston is a good example of the egotistical guys who don’t take it well when they’re rejected.
I read a line in an R. Crumb cartoon years ago that has stuck with me. Referring to a sad-sack, self-pitying mook, it showed him as one bean in a bowl of beans, being eaten by someone out of frame, whining “don’t WANNA!”
“He thinks he’s the only bean in the bowl.”
There are dysfunctional families where “my way or I take to the highway” threats are a standard part of negotiations. One would think that observation would teach them that not everyone grew up with the same script they did.
Gaston was a scary dude when you think about it, but he’s not the scariest Disney villain for me personally when it comes to rejection or male entitlement.
Judge Frollo is. He’s the epitome of “Love me or Else”.
I mean, look at Hellfire:
The whole song is literally “I’m not a bad guy, Esmeralda made me think bad things! I’m not a bad guy, but I lust after Esmeralda, and if I can’t have her, no one will! God, make her love me or she’ll burn at the stake!”
Hooray, a dumbass troll to unite us!
Also, someone I was talking to brought up the scene in Aladdin yesterday where Jafar is trying to hypnotize the Sultan, and he commanded him to tell Jasmine to marry him, and the Sultan snaps out of it long enough to go “But you’re so old…”
It always makes me laugh.
Three suitors?
Where are these three suitors I’m supposed to have had in my youth?
Paradoxical: woah good point. Frollo is definitely scary in that regard.
On a lighter note, I recommend you watch The Bells of Notre Dame in French, with English subtitles. Feels so much more authentic.
Is the french voice actor for the Jester the same as the English one? They sound uncannily similar.