alpha males creepy entitled babies evil sexy ladies mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains sarcasm PUA pussyconomics red pill rhymes with roosh vaginas

Roosh V warns: “Pussy Inflation is starting to force men out of the market”

Inflated Pussy on parade
Inflated Pussy on parade

Noted pussyconomist Roosh Valizadeh offers these sobering thoughts on the rising costs — and decreasing quality — of vagina:

The quality of women—both their appearance and their attitude—is sliding to the bottom while the work we have to expend to meet these more inferior females is increasing. This phenomenon of pussy inflation is starting to force men out of the market, for what “average” man can find the time, ability, and motivation to seduce a merely cute woman who may only want to fuck him a couple times before becoming distracted by the next shiny object that gets placed in her path? If this inflations proceeds, the only men who will get laid consistently are ones who approach it like a job, blocking out a minimum of two hours a day to the task.

If anything Roosh is underestimating the dangers here. During Germany’s hyperpussyflation in the early 1920s, men had to devote as many as 3700 hours a day in order to score with merely cute women. Indeed, it is rumored that some of these men were forced to wipe their own asses in order to make themselves more appealing to women.

The reality we face right now is this: the quality of men around the world is increasing to compete with a decreasing quality of women. This is great if you’re a woman, because without lifting a finger you can get better than a couple years before. If you’re a man and didn’t step up your game recently, however, you will get lower results. If you don’t stay on top of the latest game scientific data or dating app, you will be out-competed. Or you’ll just get nothing. Inflation often helps those who have debt, but if you have no debt, if you lived life prudently and with virtue, inflation destroys your purchasing power. As much as men improve themselves, women are appreciating in relative value as they make all the wrong decisions with their lives. This is the world we live in.

To be honest, Roosh, I don’t think you and I live in the same world.

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10 years ago

… Shem. Sorry, JS was his sock. Not JB. JB is a play, J.S. Is a 52 year old farmer sock puppet…

…unless he had one by the name of farmer joe…

Must use google powers! Be back in a bit.

10 years ago
kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

That, and kids are expensive. I read somewhere that, on average, raising a kid to the age of 18 can cost about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. That’s a car and a nice house. And I would like to own a house of my own someday.

Where I live that’s not even a nice apartment. How anyone here can afford a house AND kids mystifies me.

It’s been estimated to cost about $800 000 here to raise a child to the age of 20 for a middle-income family, and about half that for a lower-income family.

10 years ago

This now got me curious about whether “flate” was a word because of inflate and deflate.

Inflate: late Middle English: from Latin inflat- ‘blown into’, from the verb inflare, from in- ‘into’ + flare ‘to blow’.

Deflate: late 19th century: from de- (expressing reversal) + -flate (as in inflate ).

So the two opposing actions were coined a few centuries apart.

10 years ago


Huh. Did you find out if it was the prefix “de-” that came about in the 19th century, or just that particular usage of it? It’d be kind of cool if there was a wave of a new reversal prefix that came in vogue that people applied to everything.

10 years ago

So, JS was a sock and not a farmer in his 50s who’d been happily married for many years? And Michael probably wasn’t a fit and financially successful man of 34 with a 23-year-old girlfriend? Color me surprised.

10 years ago

@cassandrakitty and kittehserf

Wow. That’s much more expensive than I remember reading about (‘course, I think that was an average). The numbers might have changed then? Or is it because I live in America and you both might live in other countries? Or do you just live in really expensive cities in America?

: / I may have missed some cues from you guys, and I’m sorry if I did.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I’m in Australia, and cassandrakitty’s in the US. Cost of living here’s way higher than the US generally.

No probs, nobody’s going to remember where everyone is! 🙂

10 years ago

@kirbywarp: have done some digging and de- came through as an English prefix via the Latin – French route:

I can’t locate the first written use of de- as a prefix which would provide a hint as to when it started becoming popular. That link provides an 1895 example. Unfortunately, my Fowler’s is at work as that may have some more information – he tends to cite examples of first use with dates.

10 years ago

I’m in San Francisco, so yeah, overinflated property market that didn’t really drop back down after the housing market crash. I still remember the ad in the paper for the million dollar “cottage”. Mr C’s family sold a 2 bedroom house that they owned almost 10 years back, that was in kind of a crappy neighborhood tbh, for almost 500K. Property prices here haven’t reached London levels of absurdity yet, but we’re getting there.

10 years ago

Being a Latin prefix, de- is as old as modern English itself; “defend” dates to the 13th century, for instance, and “delete,” “defect,” and “deflect” from the 15th.

10 years ago

Cassanrdra, $500k for a two bedroom house in a bad location? That’s just depressing.

10 years ago

Remember folks. Australia might have better minimum wages and other goodies compared to other countries, but our housing prices are pretty awful. Third highest in the world on an “affordability” comparison.

Anyone have a clue as to why Belgium is so far out of whack? Drop in wages, rocketing house prices, both?

10 years ago

After that Spidermanatee I’m compelled to link this:

BEHOLD the Spectacular Spider-Ham! (Peter Porker (Earth-8311))

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Mikey never did share with us his plan for always having a 23-year-old girlfriend. Either he’s going to keep discarding and trading in for newer models, or he he has some secret elixir of perpetual youth.

@Paleo Cream Puff – I love your nym!!

Housing is ridiculous. Prices have been climbing steadily around here, as baby boomers look for a place near the ocean to downsize/retire to and reverse-commuters want something reasonably close to Boston by train, but more affordable. It’s as if the 2008 housing bust never happened. I’ve been looking into buying a house (the three of us are bursting out of our 900 SF rental) and have come to the conclusion that I can’t afford both a house and kids. Daycare alone is a mortgage and a half.

Owning a house may be overrated anyway. Maintenance is an ongoing headache – something expensive is always leaking or needing replacement. Most of the initial mortgage payments go towards interest, so you don’t start building up serious equity until about 7 years in. I could take the several hundred a month I’m not paying in property taxes, interest, PMI, water/sewer, and maintenance, plow that into a mutual fund, and build up “equity” that way. That is, if all my disposable income wasn’t going to child care.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago


Are you concerned about what he might do when he realizes he has aged out of the meat market? He already brags about being a rapist.
Not much to be done beyond an awareness effort.

If he starts resorting to more desperate methods for sex, one day he may tangle with the wrong person and run afoul of the locals. A lot of Eastern European countries (Ukraine in particular) take a very dim view of sex tourists, or anyone who they perceive as coming into the country to take “their” girls. They don’t deal with them gently.

I don’t condone that attitude either, but I wouldn’t waste a second feeling sorry for Roosh if some locals decided to teach him a lesson.

10 years ago

I’m in the UK, and not London, but very much in a property hotspot. Prices here didn’t even /notice/ the crash.
In St Andrews we have an old and very popular University (so rental houses are at a premium), plus it is by the sea,(so holiday properties), plus a very old and world-famous golf course that has celebrities playing all summer. So a house looking over the 18th green…well, for a one bedroom flat you are talking millions.

10 years ago

I live about a mile from the main street and the two sea shores, in an ex-council estate, so the house was affordable via inheritance.

10 years ago

@Erika, as the person who originally snarked at your post, I’d like to apologise for gettting the wrong end of the stick and say I hope I didn’t offend you or drive you from the blog.

When I read your comment “levels of attraction” came perilously close in my mind to the HB10 type rating systems used by PUAs etc. Glad to be proved wrong and I would never question your experience.

I completely agree with the hypocrisy of Roosh demanding conventionally hot women fall all over his less than perfectly groomed or conventionally hot self.

10 years ago

PS Sktyward, if you’re still lurking, one reason for snarking rather than directly attacking is so that the original commenter (or other commenters who read the comment differently) can say “that’s not what that meant, stooopid!” without sounding defensive or the thread turning into a flame war.

Social conventions on a site – they exist.

10 years ago

Isn’t it funny how only one person snarked, several other people disagreed, a conversation ensued, and the original snarker changed their mind, and yet somehow all of this sailed right over the complainer’s head because she was too busy frothing herself into a lather about how things like what just happened never happen here?

10 years ago

Given the bit of unpleasantness upthread, I bring an offering of SleepyKitties™.

10 years ago

Speaking as a guy, I don’t see why anyone would even want kids.

I mean, having me and my brother damn near killed my mom, drove my dad bald even though he traveled a lot for his job, and I wouldn’t want to inflict that on anyone else.

Also, we’re at 7 billion people already, we need to throttle back sometime soon. Like yesterday.

10 years ago

Speaking as a cis female..I never wanted kids. So I was /SO/ happy when I hot menopause at 30

10 years ago


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