![Inflated Pussy on parade](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/macys-24.jpg?resize=580%2C414&ssl=1)
Noted pussyconomist Roosh Valizadeh offers these sobering thoughts on the rising costs — and decreasing quality — of vagina:
The quality of women—both their appearance and their attitude—is sliding to the bottom while the work we have to expend to meet these more inferior females is increasing. This phenomenon of pussy inflation is starting to force men out of the market, for what “average” man can find the time, ability, and motivation to seduce a merely cute woman who may only want to fuck him a couple times before becoming distracted by the next shiny object that gets placed in her path? If this inflations proceeds, the only men who will get laid consistently are ones who approach it like a job, blocking out a minimum of two hours a day to the task.
If anything Roosh is underestimating the dangers here. During Germany’s hyperpussyflation in the early 1920s, men had to devote as many as 3700 hours a day in order to score with merely cute women. Indeed, it is rumored that some of these men were forced to wipe their own asses in order to make themselves more appealing to women.
The reality we face right now is this: the quality of men around the world is increasing to compete with a decreasing quality of women. This is great if you’re a woman, because without lifting a finger you can get better than a couple years before. If you’re a man and didn’t step up your game recently, however, you will get lower results. If you don’t stay on top of the latest game scientific data or dating app, you will be out-competed. Or you’ll just get nothing. Inflation often helps those who have debt, but if you have no debt, if you lived life prudently and with virtue, inflation destroys your purchasing power. As much as men improve themselves, women are appreciating in relative value as they make all the wrong decisions with their lives. This is the world we live in.
To be honest, Roosh, I don’t think you and I live in the same world.
skywardslew, sorry. Don’t know why I thought your nym was capitalised!
Having read here for a year, SkywardSlew, you know what a sea lion is and that you are being one.
Okay, the first time I commented I said some things that weren’t kosher, and yeah, I got “jumped all over”.
You know what I did? I stepped back, read the comments directed at me, and stopped doing what the other commenters chastised me for and apologized. Boom. I don’t get jumped all over any more because I apologized and corrected myself.
It’s not the commenters’ job to hand-hold someone and make them feel welcome if they’re doing something that other people disagree with. In fact, I’ve noticed that when people get “jumped on” and told straight up that they’re wrong and they need to knock that shit off, they tend to step back quicker than if we went “Oh, sweetie! Don’t do that anymore! *hand pat*”. (Or they push harder and get banned or moderated.)
This isn’t a site for education. Yeah, I learn things here, but that’s not what WHTM is here for. This site is for mockery. If these commenters want to “learn about misogyny and its forms”, then there’s lots of other feminist blogs and websites out there to learn from where they can learn (though many of the ones I follow will also jump on you if you say something silly).
It was capitalized in earlier comments.
There’s something particularly icky about someone claiming that a non-sexist comment is like a super-famous sexist dismissal. On a feminist blog. I feel like I’d need a page to explain why…
It was capitalized because I commented from my phone and didn’t have it set the same as my computer, not your fault.
Okay, I’m all wrong about this blog’s purpose. I don’t fit in and I have nothing of value to contribute. Got it, thanks. I’ve had my limit of name-calling from people who claim to be fervently against all bullying. Forget I was here and try not to cheer too loudly that I’m gone.
… I don’t have enough caffeine in me for this.
Cheers! Misandry points for you!
I don’t want children either. Not my own, or even someone else’s. I just don’t feel like I’m emotionally prepared for that, nor do I think I ever will be. The idea of having so much responsibility for such a tiny creature frightens me quite a bit. : / (And the idea of me not wanting kids frightens so many MRAs.)
That, and kids are expensive. I read somewhere that, on average, raising a kid to the age of 18 can cost about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. That’s a car and a nice house. And I would like to own a house of my own someday.
Mind, these are just my own personal reasons. 😀
I’d be perfectly happy playing “aunty” to my friend’s/sibling’s kids, spoiling them rotten and sending them back home hopped up on sugar though.
I could possibly change my mind in the future and adopt, but as it stands now, I’m not having any progeny, and I’m okay with that. (And boo to anyone who thinks that it’s “selfish” that I’m not devoting my life and money to a small half-clone of myself.)
Well, you make it so gosh-darn easy to, if not cheer, breathe a sigh of relief with a flounce like this.
I mean, ok. “MRAey” and “sea lion.” Am I missing any other name calling in the heaps of extremely patient comments?
“Fine! I’ll just go over here and try to guilt trip you into feeling sorry for me because I want you all to be nicer and tell you all how to react to people because “they can contribute to the discussion too”, even though some of them are rude and insist of peddling hurtful and destructive beliefs! Bullies! Meanies!”
(Offtopic about that video from long ago, that no one’s talking about anymore? Yeah… I find stuff far too late.)
I would have been so sad if Gross* V had turned out to be good with the guitar, or music in general. Luckly he’s just as terrible with it and… singing? (My poor brain, I wasn’t ready for THAT) as his rotten PUA ideology.
*I’m very bad with mocknames.
I guess this
never really is true, is it?
Nope. I find that they just want an excuse to have their hands held and have things explained to them, and then they want to get snippy and argue that we’re taking things the “wrong way”.
Well, to be fair, I said she was being a tone-policing ass back on the last page. =P
Yeah, offering an alternative food under false pretenses is kind of a… dick move, I daresay? It’s like, I enjoy Boca Burgers well enough, but if I am craving beef I want beef and if you lie to me and serve me a Boca burger saying it’s beef, I won’t much like it and I won’t much trust you.
contra: I have had breaded and fried cauliflower at a Czech restaurant (that sadly closed last year) and it was terrific.
I really didn’t mean to be name-cally on this one. I was just noting that coming in swinging and telling everyone here how it should be done, plus the use of common MRA jargon made me think you were trolling. Comparing that to “tits or GTFO” doesn’t make me feel much differently.
Oh ffs, SkywardSlew, GROW UP. You’re embarrassing us other fifty-somethings.
I’m also side-eyeing your claim to have read this site at length. How could you do so and somehow have the idea that this is an education blog, not a mockery blog?
Oh no, how could you! 😛
…and now I am imagining my fifty-something mother saying “tits or GTFO,” which makes me went to laugh and cringe at the same time.
Wow, that was… I mean… we’ve all had the opportunity to nibble on our feet from time to time, but most people take a deep breath, learn from it, and try not to let it happen again. I’m not sure what having a tantrum accomplishes?
You were lecturing to people, and you got called on it. You could have chosen to learn from that but instead you decided to double down and keep digging. I don’t care how much ‘feminist cred’ you think you have, you were acting like every other mansplainy troll that shows up here to tell everyone how people wouldn’t hate feminists so much if we weren’t such meanies, and having tits isn’t going to get you any slack cut there.
And this is all the result of one regular disagreeing with a comment that a relative newbie made and then lots of other regulars defending the newbie’s comment? o.O
Pshaw. No one really has feminist creed unless they live DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH.
Funny thing is, I expected to get called out or tromped on if I screwed up when I first commented here. The place was pretty intimidating, and I wasn’t expecting to be given the kid-glove treatment because I was a newbie. And yet!!! I didn’t get harsh cruel treatment, possibly because I didn’t come in saying Ur Doin It Rong.
Alright, I do actually have to know now. Where did DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH come from? I think I might have been away from the blog at the time?