#gamergate gullibility rhymes with roosh TROOOLLLL!!

If a #GamerGate-r plagiarises the John Birch Society on your blog and no one notices, does it make a sound?

Dwight D. Eisenhower: A Gawker Media shill?
Dwight D. Eisenhower: A Gawker Media shill?

Reaxxion, the world’s crappiest right wing woman-hating excuse for a video game site, has now officially responded to my post revealing that a GamerGate manifesto they recently published was literally a repurposed John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents.

Whether the, er, “author” of the post was trolling, or just the world’s least subtle plagiarist, it was a giant embarrassment for Roosh and Reaxxion. And so, in the course of a nearly 1000-word post, Reaxxion “ethics officer” announces that they’ve shitcanned the author – and congratulates the site for its heroic bravery for throwing out a writer who copied his entire post from an old John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents.

That’s all well and good, because journalists aren’t supposed to copy pretty much their entire posts from a John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents. If you’re an editor and catch a writer doing this, you’re supposed to send that writer packing. (Remember Stephen Glass?)

But Roberts ignores what is really the most interesting and revealing thing about the whole incident, which is that a writer copied his entire post from an old John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents – AND NO ONE NOTICED UNTIL I POINTED IT OUT.

And why is that? Because the hysterical anti-communist rhetoric of the original ad sounds pretty much identical to the ridiculously over-the-top rhetoric that’s characterized GamerGate from the start. And it’s rooted in the same sort of reactionary politics.

Which is itself even more embarrassing than the plagiarism itself.

The John Birch Society, if you don’t already know, isn’t just a right-wing group. It’s a group so far to the right that even the National Review has denounced it. As a Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report notes that for years those on the left and on the right basically saw the Birchers as “the political equivalent of an addled uncle sent down to the basement rec room to drink, rant and hopefully pass out” before he had a chance to thoroughly embarrass the whole family by saying something truly dreadful.

I found the Bircher’s newspaper ad in a newspaper from 1966. At that time, the Birchers were fierce opponents of the civil rights movement in general and Martin Luther King Jr. in particular, labeling him a tool of the communists. As the SPLC report notes, Birchers feared that “the African-American freedom movement was being manipulated from Moscow with the goal of creating a “Soviet Negro Republic” in the Southern United States.”

Of course, the Birchers saw communists hiding behind every tree and under every bed. Indeed, the group’s founder, Robert Welch, was convinced that even President Dwight Eisenhower was a treasonous Communist puppet, and that LBJ was plotting to turn the United States over to the Communists even as he sent troops to fight against the Viet Cong.

So congratulations, GamerGaters, you’re now as officially ridiculous as the John Birch Society.

It might be a good idea to reflect a little on your life choices.

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Right Wingnut
Right Wingnut
10 years ago

Your own dead skin cells are not coded with someone else’s DNA. They died. If you were exfoliating someone else I’d have my doubts.

So feminism is a woman only thing now, like ManBook?
Have I really reached a place here where people insist their genitals are evidence of their superiority? Don’t get me wrong, I expected that from men’s rights activists. But I didn’t expect so-called feminists to have so much bile towards someone who agrees with almost everything they stand for.

10 years ago

want some smelling salts?

10 years ago

Rightdouche, you have not actually said a single thing you agree with. You came in here specifically saying you are against abortion, but not said anything you actually agree with feminists about.

Right Wingnut
Right Wingnut
10 years ago

To the straw man that masturbation is genocide, neither egg nor sperm is a complete human being. I don’t believe that, & I am somewhat saddened that people here are resorting to their own imaginations to tell me what I think. I’m trying not to do it to you. Heck, I respect you. I don’t even work as a legislator, so I suppose I haven’t been that influential in deciding how you should live your life.

To everybody else that is concentrating on ad hominem arguments, please dont. That’s a tactic that’s usually employed by people that don’t have anything else to say. And I really don’t mind looking at links, you just haven’t sent that many. Usually after several paragraphs of arguing, it would have been much easier to send a link in the first place.

I’m not here to hate you, could you please treat me with the same decency? I just popped in to speak my piece on abortion, which is really are non sequitur from the contents of this article, so you if you think I’m a troll you don’t have to give me so much attention. I seem to have captivated several more pages than some of the articles on here. Can we just talk about how great the article is?

10 years ago

What’s up with your constant use of the word “superiority?” Literally nobody else is saying anything like that? FFS.

But I didn’t expect so-called feminists to have so much bile towards someone who agrees with almost everything they stand for.

Hey, make me a gourmet meal with prime cuts of meat and the freshest of vegetables, and I will get super upset if you lay a turd across the top.

10 years ago

You didn’t expect feminism to be about the civil rights of women? Srsly d00d?

Right Wingnut
Right Wingnut
10 years ago

Sorry, in case I wasn’t specific enough, I pretty much enjoy every single post I have laid eyes on in this website. I promise to comment with only positive thoughts in the future, as attempting to laundry list the interesting things I found here won’t be too helpful. I think they’ll just get buried in a deluge of responses, be they are positive or negative.

10 years ago

Here is a plate of troll house cookies I offer you. One of them has poison in it. Enjoy.

10 years ago

What was your goal today? Was it just to get attention? That’s the only thing I can think. You can’t really think you would have swayed anyone in here?

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Listen, fuckwit, feminism is about liberating women. Yes, that will benefit men, but it’s not about men and it’s not about one sex being superior to the other – that little idea is the one beloved of, you guessed it, misogynists.

You don’t get to tell women we’re required to allow a growth in our bodies, you don’t get to force us to risk our lives or long-term health in pregnancy, you don’t get us to risk our lives in labour, and you don’t get to force us to commit 20-odd years to raising the resulting child should we survive. You’re never going to face those dangers. It’s not your concern. It’s not your business. Our bodies, our lives.

A fetus has no capacity to feel pain until well after the 20th week. It has no cognitive abilities. The actual process of birth is what turns a fetus into a person: the vast physical changes wrought by that process, the stimulation of the brain by oxygen, all of it – that’s when a fetus becomes a baby. At birth. Not before. Once it’s left the woman’s body it’s a separate person. Until then, nope.

How dare you expect me or any other woman to risk her life, health, whole future, because YOU can’t get it into your head that we are people and fetuses are not?

10 years ago

Oh, look, it’s “somewhat saddened” that people are not falling all over themselves to reassure it that it’s special and… tenderly spoonfeed it publicly available information.

10 years ago

Had y’all noticed how failure to be sufficiently grateful for their attendance comes up with these trolls quite often? What is that about?

Right Wingnut
Right Wingnut
10 years ago

@kirbywarp except I’m not going to be personally injuring you simply because I don’t believe everything that you do. Nobody will ever believe everything that you do. Do you react to them in the same manner?

@wilderness I did not expect feminist to assert only women can be feminists. If it’s about the civil rights of women, isn’t having as many people on the bandwagon as possible? Somebody threw in a comparison with the LGBTQ community., I did not think that the word feminist inherently meant that you were female. :O

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Also, troll, if you read this site as much as you claim, you’d know full well that nobody here has any time for forced-birthers. You’d also know that, this being a mockery site, you’d get slammed – like every other misogynist troll – in the comments. Stop playing the innocent.

10 years ago

Well, Right Wingnut, since you’re a misogynist who has no desire not to be a misogynist, you have no right to claim the term feminist anyway. So really, it’s a moot point.

Right Wingnut
Right Wingnut
10 years ago

@wilderness you can feel free to hold me accountable for being far more positive in other posts, if your requirement for not being a troll is simply to agree with the group.

@ceebarks if you finished reading this, and you have any pertinent information available, feel free to share it. I’m getting a high ratio of personal insults in a creative manner to actual data, unfortunately.

10 years ago

Shorter trollie: “I agree that women are people, and y’all should even be able to work and vote and everything (although you are too stupid to know whether or not having a baby is a good idea for you, so I think you should not be permitted to make that decision), why aren’t you giving me cookies and a “world’s bestest feminist” tshirt?”

10 years ago

I for one do not feel compelled to be nice to people who think that it would be okay to use me as an incubator against my will. It’s not particularly nice to tell someone they don’t deserve agency over her own body. Using polite language while doing it doesn’t make it any nicer.

10 years ago

@kirbywarp except I’m not going to be personally injuring you simply because I don’t believe everything that you do. Nobody will ever believe everything that you do. Do you react to them in the same manner?


Right Wingnut
Right Wingnut
10 years ago

“A fetus has no capacity to feel pain until well after the 20th week. It has no cognitive abilities.”

Is this a measure of humanity, then? How exactly did scientists determine when life begins? If scientists reach a different consensus later, will we accept it as gospel truth as well?

I suppose I don’t see what scientists say as so black and white.

That’s it though, I’m done disagreeing with you all here. I know it’s pretty undignified to announce leaving a post like I’m some badass, but that’s what I’m gonna do. And then I’ll be less asinine and pick fewer fights. Mod can hold me to that if Mod wants.

10 years ago

I’m glad you’re admitting you came in here to pick a fight, apropos of nothing. Wonder if you’ll stick the flounce.

10 years ago

Why do we need to prove that abortion should be legal when it already is in most of the countries mammotheers are in?

Even in the US in red states, fetal personhood amendments always get shot down.

I’m still getting sock vibes. Wasn’t there a different troll who always got people’s names wrong?

10 years ago

Had y’all noticed how failure to be sufficiently grateful for their attendance comes up with these trolls quite often? What is that about?

Yes. I have no firm theories as to the causes, but yes, I have noticed. Maybe attempts to encourage mediocre people by praising them effusively just for showing up and opening their mouths eventually go to their heads, and later they’re genuinely dismayed when people don’t coddle them?

Or maybe it’s more disingenuous than that. IDK.

10 years ago

Picks fight. Gets mad when people aren’t nice to him. Flounces. Typical troll lifestyle.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

if you finished reading this, and you have any pertinent information available, feel free to share it. I’m getting a high ratio of personal insults in a creative manner to actual data, unfortunately.

Hey, “Go fuck yourself up a tree, you shit-spitting pus-weasel (but not where we can see it, please and thankyou)” is pretty damn pertinent, I’d say.

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