Reaxxion, the world’s crappiest right wing woman-hating excuse for a video game site, has now officially responded to my post revealing that a GamerGate manifesto they recently published was literally a repurposed John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents.
Whether the, er, “author” of the post was trolling, or just the world’s least subtle plagiarist, it was a giant embarrassment for Roosh and Reaxxion. And so, in the course of a nearly 1000-word post, Reaxxion “ethics officer” announces that they’ve shitcanned the author – and congratulates the site for its heroic bravery for throwing out a writer who copied his entire post from an old John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents.
That’s all well and good, because journalists aren’t supposed to copy pretty much their entire posts from a John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents. If you’re an editor and catch a writer doing this, you’re supposed to send that writer packing. (Remember Stephen Glass?)
But Roberts ignores what is really the most interesting and revealing thing about the whole incident, which is that a writer copied his entire post from an old John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents – AND NO ONE NOTICED UNTIL I POINTED IT OUT.
And why is that? Because the hysterical anti-communist rhetoric of the original ad sounds pretty much identical to the ridiculously over-the-top rhetoric that’s characterized GamerGate from the start. And it’s rooted in the same sort of reactionary politics.
Which is itself even more embarrassing than the plagiarism itself.
The John Birch Society, if you don’t already know, isn’t just a right-wing group. It’s a group so far to the right that even the National Review has denounced it. As a Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report notes that for years those on the left and on the right basically saw the Birchers as “the political equivalent of an addled uncle sent down to the basement rec room to drink, rant and hopefully pass out” before he had a chance to thoroughly embarrass the whole family by saying something truly dreadful.
I found the Bircher’s newspaper ad in a newspaper from 1966. At that time, the Birchers were fierce opponents of the civil rights movement in general and Martin Luther King Jr. in particular, labeling him a tool of the communists. As the SPLC report notes, Birchers feared that “the African-American freedom movement was being manipulated from Moscow with the goal of creating a “Soviet Negro Republic” in the Southern United States.”
Of course, the Birchers saw communists hiding behind every tree and under every bed. Indeed, the group’s founder, Robert Welch, was convinced that even President Dwight Eisenhower was a treasonous Communist puppet, and that LBJ was plotting to turn the United States over to the Communists even as he sent troops to fight against the Viet Cong.
So congratulations, GamerGaters, you’re now as officially ridiculous as the John Birch Society.
It might be a good idea to reflect a little on your life choices.
@gillyrosebee See last question. Is self actualization a measurement of humanity?
If it were, then the majority would constantly call themselves “superior” as a reason to oppress a minority they deem “inferior”. It can happen with men over women, or people who can speak and complain of convenience versus people who cannot speak because they are not yet born.
I see it as two sides of the same problem.
I mean now not know. Oops.
@weirwoodtreehugger You said “You, a man”. I said everything AFTER that was correct. I am a man. It is my handicap. I’m not denying that. In fact, I was so worried you’d think I was denying it that I made special care to mention that I was not denying it, or my privilege as one.
Sorry, my shorthand sometimes makes things unclear.
* or everything AFTER that was not correct.
I cannot words.
In the two pages of this nonsense, he’s been a man, a woman, straight and gay. Regardless of his actual opinions on abortion (he probably is anti-choice; most MRAs are), he’s just a boner troll who fails at keeping in character just as hard as he fails at basic humanity.
@M. the Social Justice Ranger: I am a man. It is my handicap. I’m not denying that. In fact, I was so worried you’d think I was denying it that I made special care to mention that I was not denying it, or my privilege as one.
I did not say I was straight either. That label was thrust upon me by people who also labled me a “forced-birther” and someone with violent tendencies who went to porn stores to look for fap fuel.
It bears stunning resemblance to how MRAs treat feminists, really.
I agree with you on all but one point, and I’m willing to concede a whole lot. I do wish you’d agree to disagree instead of resorting to personal insults.
Sorry, you can’t have it both ways. Either they both have the same right to bodily autonomy, or you are saying that one of them doesn’t have the right to bodily autonomy. Why are you saying it’s the woman that doesn’t have the right to bodily autonomy?
I feel like the abortion conversation is ridiculous in an age where you can get cytotec online and end the whole thing without needing anyone’s particular official permission.
Ringwing person, the world would go on if your mom hadn’t had you. As it would have if mine hadn’t had me. Real life is not “It’s a Wonderful Life” where everything goes to shit without us.
Also, as a mother of four, pregnancy and childbirth are difficult, involve pain and labor, and as far as I am concerned, basically the only sane and humane reason to go through with either is that You Want To Give Birth To A Child. Perfectly good reason, that is.
Right off the top of my head, I can’t think of any other reason that’s not rooted in coercion, religious mumbo-jumbo, or a misguided need to make other people feel better about themselves.
What is going on I can’t even. (>O_O<) halp
They can’t speak because they don’t have mouths. Or lungs. Or a spine. Or practically any neural tissue. In fact, if you showed a picture of a bunch of different fetuses during an early stage of development to a bunch of people, those people would find it challenging to pick out which one was the human fetus.
(Did I blow your mind with that one? “Human fetus?” As in, the labels aren’t exclusive?)
This argument of equating the plight of things that biologically can’t form thoughts to adult human beings that have faced centuries of discrimination is sickening. There’s a frikken difference, and it’s telling that not only are you the only one using words like “superior” or “inferior,” but you feel like you have to to get your argument to carry enough emotional weight.
@Right WingNut –
I have been quietly reading your assertions that abortion = murder and the reasoned responses that show that you are incorrect. Obviously, you are entitled to hold any beliefs you choose, and I would enthusiastically recommend that you choose to spend your life with a woman who is happy to give birth over and over again, assuming that a) you are heterosexual and b) are not already in such a relationship.
However, a woman is not a walking womb, regardless of the desires of many men to make our lives pointless otherwise. A little ball of cells does not a human, or any other creature, make. And I am personally fed up with patriarchal male ideas, spouted by women like Phyllis Schlafly, that my femaleness automatically renders me a sub version of human, obliged to serve as an incubator for a mans’ seed and seek frantically for the “right” man to choose me.
I am also tired of some poor schmuck weeping over the fact that “we” had a miscarriage, or “we” went through labor and lost the baby. When I was in labor, the damned jackasses would say things like “Keep pushing…WE are doing fine…WE just had a lovely baby boy…” Sorry, boyz – while I realize that you may hurt as well, the desired unborn was in the body of the woman, and she is the one with the risks. ‘Tain’t an equal thing.
Bottom line, and please forgive the ramble, MY eggs…MY uterus…MY body…MY CHOICE! Make no mistake about it, young man – pro-life is a power grab, and not much more. When society as a whole says that ALL CHILDREN BORN are entitled to, and shall receive, food, shelter, medical care and education, regardless of financial status of parents, and war is a thing of the past, I may give it another thought. Until then, I urge all women to think carefully about a pro-life stance. Cannon fodder is a prime motivation.
I think the scientific consensus is “around weeks 4-6”, given that anything pre that is essentially just cells and anything post seems to be a “Smaller human”. Then again, some people claim week 8, some “at birth” and others fertilization.
I’m sticking with week 4-6.
Not age, not size, not location, not mental development (there is no brain, it’s like discussing the mental development of a chair, a meaningless confusion of terms). Pure physical development implies that either that the human embryo becomes an actual human once full mammal development has taken place. Anything before that is just a collection of stem-cells undergoing rapid mutative change.
If you apply the human label to that, masturbation is genocide and defecation is slaughter (as cells are expelled either way).
Thank you, Fibinachi. Everything Fibinachi said, Rightwing Nut.
I’m never going to agree to disagree about reproductive rights. The only one who owns my body is me. That is not negotiable.
Read the studies themselves (you know, move your little mousie over to the orange number and then click on it and you won’t even have to google!). The data you want is in the studies themselves so you are going to have to do a bit more work than just reading the executive summary.
This is the kind of troll who’s like ‘I don’t really believe these things, I was just testing you, and trust me, it all went exactly as I predicted.’
Yeah, I’m reading this and listening to the radio, so I’ve kinda lost track of where the goalposts are at the moment. Unfortunately he’s also revealed himself to be an utterly disingenuous ass, so I’ve also kinda lost interest.
Nah, he’s firmly in the “I’m not a fan of either side, and we agree on so much (despite this being the first time I’ve ever commented here), but you all are just so mean! 🙂 😛 😀 🙂 😛 🙂 :O” category.
As another person (and I happen to be female) with a uterus: This.
I have to admit, this troll irritates me. Mostly because xie came in here expecting pats on the back for being an “awesome feminist” and then proved themselves to be anything but.
Basic human decency =/= “awesome feminist person”. Basic human decency = Basic human decency. You don’t get a cookie for doing exactly what you should be doing. It’s when you go above and beyond the call that you get your cookie.
Also, side note for future reference Wingnut: A lot of feminists don’t like referring to men as feminists, even if they hold feminist views. They are “allies”. You don’t call straight people who support LGBTQA+ rights “queer”.
If you are indeed male, feminism isn’t for you. It benefits you, but it’s not for you the same way that LGBTQA+ Rights aren’t for straight people. Men shouldn’t get pats on the back for holding feminist viewpoints when I and many other women are demonized for being feminists solely because we’re women.
On the abortion topic: dude, women should be allowed to choose who gets to ride in their body, shove their organs up into their ribcage, and feed off of their nutrients for nine months. Men do not suffer many of the same physical tolls on their bodies that women do. Sure, they might get morning sickness (I’ve heard that’s a thing), but other than that, they don’t have to endure the same stress to their bodies. Thus, many people, myself included, don’t think that men should get to write legislation on what women can and can’t do with their bodies (especially a group of people who have demonstrated time and time again they don’t know a damn thing about female biology, but insist they do, but when it comes to climate change, suddenly “We’re not scientists”).
The rights of a clump of cells with the potential to hold life (and all cells once held life at some point, we don’t get berated and called “murderers” for exfoliating) do NOT supersede the rights of a fully-grown woman to life.
If a woman doesn’t want something inside of her, then she should have the right to remove it. If she wants to carry a baby to term, great. That’s her CHOICE.
But, again, what would really help drop the abortion rates is better sex education and access to better sexual health care.
All of this.
Also, any dude who comes in here (or anywhere) pontificating to women about what they should be allowed to do with their own bodies and the contents thereof, is under OBLIGATION to keep his zipper like his mouth: firmly done up. Period.
How did a forced-birth troll find his way here?
This is wearisome, but this struck me:
That’s right. Women’s lives and who and what they care about, like careers and education and other children/dependents who rely on them or ability to financially support themselves – these are all just “convenciences.” All this selfish, selfish women who care about all those “conveniences” in their lives.
I was away from the interwebs for a couple of days and just read this post. The term “lol” is thrown around all too often these days, but–I really did laugh out loud.
Thanks David.
Xie wanted asspats for being such an “awesome feminist”.
I still maintain he wanted fap material. Seriously, wtf was up with that?!
That’s the last time I give a pro-lifer the benefit of the doubt. Fuck you Right Wingnut. Fuck you right in the ear.
Whenever my instincts say troll, I believe them. I knew this was a misogynist troll right away.