#gamergate gullibility rhymes with roosh TROOOLLLL!!

If a #GamerGate-r plagiarises the John Birch Society on your blog and no one notices, does it make a sound?

Dwight D. Eisenhower: A Gawker Media shill?
Dwight D. Eisenhower: A Gawker Media shill?

Reaxxion, the world’s crappiest right wing woman-hating excuse for a video game site, has now officially responded to my post revealing that a GamerGate manifesto they recently published was literally a repurposed John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents.

Whether the, er, “author” of the post was trolling, or just the world’s least subtle plagiarist, it was a giant embarrassment for Roosh and Reaxxion. And so, in the course of a nearly 1000-word post, Reaxxion “ethics officer” announces that they’ve shitcanned the author – and congratulates the site for its heroic bravery for throwing out a writer who copied his entire post from an old John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents.

That’s all well and good, because journalists aren’t supposed to copy pretty much their entire posts from a John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents. If you’re an editor and catch a writer doing this, you’re supposed to send that writer packing. (Remember Stephen Glass?)

But Roberts ignores what is really the most interesting and revealing thing about the whole incident, which is that a writer copied his entire post from an old John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents – AND NO ONE NOTICED UNTIL I POINTED IT OUT.

And why is that? Because the hysterical anti-communist rhetoric of the original ad sounds pretty much identical to the ridiculously over-the-top rhetoric that’s characterized GamerGate from the start. And it’s rooted in the same sort of reactionary politics.

Which is itself even more embarrassing than the plagiarism itself.

The John Birch Society, if you don’t already know, isn’t just a right-wing group. It’s a group so far to the right that even the National Review has denounced it. As a Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report notes that for years those on the left and on the right basically saw the Birchers as “the political equivalent of an addled uncle sent down to the basement rec room to drink, rant and hopefully pass out” before he had a chance to thoroughly embarrass the whole family by saying something truly dreadful.

I found the Bircher’s newspaper ad in a newspaper from 1966. At that time, the Birchers were fierce opponents of the civil rights movement in general and Martin Luther King Jr. in particular, labeling him a tool of the communists. As the SPLC report notes, Birchers feared that “the African-American freedom movement was being manipulated from Moscow with the goal of creating a “Soviet Negro Republic” in the Southern United States.”

Of course, the Birchers saw communists hiding behind every tree and under every bed. Indeed, the group’s founder, Robert Welch, was convinced that even President Dwight Eisenhower was a treasonous Communist puppet, and that LBJ was plotting to turn the United States over to the Communists even as he sent troops to fight against the Viet Cong.

So congratulations, GamerGaters, you’re now as officially ridiculous as the John Birch Society.

It might be a good idea to reflect a little on your life choices.

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10 years ago

The sexism of Pong? THIS pong?

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

Nothing in their heads but gin and pure rain water. They’re trolls, and we were feeding them, feeding them Jack!

10 years ago

@Unimaginative: yeah, I’m with you going “huh”? Want to share some ice cream? I have rosewater and coconut, or Greek yoghurt with lemon curd, as flavours.

10 years ago

I will eat pretty much anything flavored with rosewater, or rose in general.

10 years ago

On the plus side, I was trying to teach some kids about the McCarthy era and just how fucken crazy America’s right wing was (is), and this made it a hell of a lot more interesting.

10 years ago

Gamergaters etc: Failure to worship my boner is a vicious blow to the very heart of Western civilization.

This sort of thing causes me a problem: SMH is hard when I’m ROFLMAO.

10 years ago

Pong? Is Tetris sexist too?

10 years ago

Based on what I know about Reaxxion, they’re probably complaining about Pong because it’s literally the only video game they’ve ever heard of.

10 years ago

tehehehehe! So I get home from a hard day at the hospital, and find this waiting for me! Thanks, David, you’re the best! (although I did snort NeoCitron out my nose from trying not to laugh and wake up the small grumps)

10 years ago

Oooooh, rosewater icecream!

If you like rose-flavoured things, and are anywhere near central Alberta, there’s a tea shop in Red Deer where you can buy dried rose petals to turn into tea. Not mixed with tea, just pure rose petals. And they give you a LOT of them. Lovely.

10 years ago

Rose congou tea is a wonderful thing. Just saying.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Pong? Is Tetris sexist too?

Probably. And Stack the Cats must be too.

Rose is my favourite scent and I love the idea of rose-flavoured stuff but have been disappointed in what little I’ve tasted, sadly. Mr K loved rose jam when he was a wee thing and complained that his guards used to eat all the supplies and leave him without any. 😛

10 years ago

Have you tried rose tea? It’s literally just tea with rose petals in it, so the smell is quite strong.

10 years ago

By the way, going back to the original topic for a moment, at that time there was a very strong belief in right-wing circles that Dr. King was part of a communist plot to foment rebellion by stirring up racial animosity among blacks. J. Edgar Hoover was a great believer in the idea that blacks would be quite contented with fourth-class citizenship without King and his associates stirring up their poor feeble minds — that is why he initiated the effort to drive King to suicide. It’s interesting to compare this to the current belief of some people on the right that women would be contented with fourth-class citizenship without cultural Marxist SJWs and feminazis stirring up their poor feeble minds. They were wrong then and they are wrong now, because they don’t seem to be particularly swift learners.

10 years ago

Didn’t Gamergate have something to do with ethics in journalism?

Clearly not.

10 years ago

Good heavens. Is the “Pong = sexist” article sincere, or is it merely an attempt to troll Tumblr?

If it’s the former, I cannot even fathom the logic behind it. …Come to think of it, I feel the same way about the latter, too.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Have you tried rose tea? It’s literally just tea with rose petals in it, so the smell is quite strong.

I did, but (bearing in mind this is teabags we’re talking about) it didn’t really have any flavour worth a second go. Tea where I live is what you buy in the supermarket or nothing, so the range is limited.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

Actually, it’s about ethics in plagiarism.

10 years ago

“These people really DO think that a difference in ideology here means their opponents MUST be evil horrors, and only the revelation that it’s a pile of plagarized, ignorant blather from FIFTY YEARS AGO drives them to condemn and discard it!” —- Great point Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp.

10 years ago

I cannot resist once again (bonus mgtow reference)

10 years ago

Lovely quote from one of the sites “If you believe in equality, you’re part of the problem faggot”. can provide screenshot if necessary.

10 years ago

I don’t know about pong being sexist, but it was pretty racist. Both players were white.

10 years ago

On my dad’s old Atari my favourite game was called Alley Cat, where a poor (black) male cat has to complete trials in rooms to spark the interest of a rich (white) female cat. He then has to complete a room where he jumps upwards from platforms to platforms made of hearts, that disappear and reappear at random and are guarded by her brothers. If he makes it to the top he kisses her and you move on to the next stage, which is basically the exact same game play but harder.

I’m sure the GamerGaters and such could make something out of that. Like how its unfair he has to prove himself by risking his life to complete tests and why cant she just put out because he likes her?

But wait, isn’t the male cat exercising hypergamy?

10 years ago

Here is a YouTube video of the play through to show you what I mean.

10 years ago

The contents of a gamergoober’s mind: