Reaxxion, the world’s crappiest right wing woman-hating excuse for a video game site, has now officially responded to my post revealing that a GamerGate manifesto they recently published was literally a repurposed John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents.
Whether the, er, “author” of the post was trolling, or just the world’s least subtle plagiarist, it was a giant embarrassment for Roosh and Reaxxion. And so, in the course of a nearly 1000-word post, Reaxxion “ethics officer” announces that they’ve shitcanned the author – and congratulates the site for its heroic bravery for throwing out a writer who copied his entire post from an old John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents.
That’s all well and good, because journalists aren’t supposed to copy pretty much their entire posts from a John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents. If you’re an editor and catch a writer doing this, you’re supposed to send that writer packing. (Remember Stephen Glass?)
But Roberts ignores what is really the most interesting and revealing thing about the whole incident, which is that a writer copied his entire post from an old John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents – AND NO ONE NOTICED UNTIL I POINTED IT OUT.
And why is that? Because the hysterical anti-communist rhetoric of the original ad sounds pretty much identical to the ridiculously over-the-top rhetoric that’s characterized GamerGate from the start. And it’s rooted in the same sort of reactionary politics.
Which is itself even more embarrassing than the plagiarism itself.
The John Birch Society, if you don’t already know, isn’t just a right-wing group. It’s a group so far to the right that even the National Review has denounced it. As a Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report notes that for years those on the left and on the right basically saw the Birchers as “the political equivalent of an addled uncle sent down to the basement rec room to drink, rant and hopefully pass out” before he had a chance to thoroughly embarrass the whole family by saying something truly dreadful.
I found the Bircher’s newspaper ad in a newspaper from 1966. At that time, the Birchers were fierce opponents of the civil rights movement in general and Martin Luther King Jr. in particular, labeling him a tool of the communists. As the SPLC report notes, Birchers feared that “the African-American freedom movement was being manipulated from Moscow with the goal of creating a “Soviet Negro Republic” in the Southern United States.”
Of course, the Birchers saw communists hiding behind every tree and under every bed. Indeed, the group’s founder, Robert Welch, was convinced that even President Dwight Eisenhower was a treasonous Communist puppet, and that LBJ was plotting to turn the United States over to the Communists even as he sent troops to fight against the Viet Cong.
So congratulations, GamerGaters, you’re now as officially ridiculous as the John Birch Society.
It might be a good idea to reflect a little on your life choices.
I wonder if #GamerGaters believe SJWs are responsible for mind-controlling fluoridated tap water, too.
No joke, actually saw a ‘gater whip out the fluoride mind control theory as part of an argument. It’s Effin pathetic.
I think I responded with just “MANDRAKE!!”
There’s another article on Reaxxion called ‘The Sexism of Pong’ which is kind of similar to a blog post with the same basic premise from 2012 called ‘Pong: Violent, Sexist, and Vile’.
I’ve read that the secret goal of fluoridation is rendering the populace docile. Well, it’s not working very well at that, I’d say.
GamerGaters: Making Brig. General Jack D. Ripper look reasonable.
If a NYT writer got caught plagiarizing such a large text, we’d see a similar response from them. Or they would stand behind their writer and embrace the piece as a sort of artistic statement. What they wouldn’t do it use it as an excuse to lambast The Washington Post. Ethics in journalism? Your mistakes aren’t an advertisement.
Actually it is the publication that gets egg on its face and is lambasted for failing editorial oversight. That is in the reality based community though, not the manosphere.
Brave heros.
Gomblrgokers won’t denounce Fredrick Brennan’s paedophile ring, oh sorry I mean 8chan, and they brand Anita Sarkeesian a “professional victim” while furiously making 1984-themed macros casting “SJWs” in the role of Big Brother and themselves as the oppressed masses. They have zero self-awareness and never will.
Part of me wants to go on a guided tour (with things like safety fences and ropes) of a #Gator’s mind. All in safety, of course. I don’t want to catch what they’ve got.
I’d imagine it’d be a lot like the opening to Beetlejuice, except a lot less adorable and a lot more terrifying.
Paradoxical: Hazmat suits ahoy.
Do you mean like the movie The Cell? I think I’d rather be in the head of a serial killer like the Jennifer Lopez character was then the mind of a gamergater. I think one would lose brain cells of their own.
I hope you don’t mind that I shortened your name.
That is the most staggering display of overheated rhetoric and blind, uncritical reading skills I have ever SEEN. Not you, Mr. Futrelle, but the, ahem, “brains” of Reaxxion. I had seriously come to think that at least some of these jokers rising from this fecal brew of a flame war would have come to their senses and realized that, while they might not agree with social progressives, such were vanishingly unlikely to be evil or pernicious threats to civilization. But no, this is as damning a piece of evidence as Phoenix Wright ever pulled out of his blue suit’s hammerspace pockets at the eleventh hour. These people really DO think that a difference in ideology here means their opponents MUST be evil horrors, and only the revelation that it’s a pile of plagarized, ignorant blather from FIFTY YEARS AGO drives them to condemn and discard it!
This is why time-travelers don’t bother with our part of history, blessing us with technological and societal wonders that catapult us into a glorious golden age of peace, love and freedom. Thanks, GamerGate!
You’d think they’d have at least noticed that the language seemed a bit dated, but nope. I guess if everyone in your movement is a terrible writer…
It was high art compared to some of their earlier attempts.
What’s most stunning is that GamerGaters mentally devoured the article and wrote happy reactions to it. Plagiarism or not, the significance of that is terrifying.
The. Sexism. Of. Pong.
David, thank you! This story was the highlight of my day. Do you know who submitted the piece?
Miss Andry, you have to leave the Great Society of Feminist Women who Hate All Things Male now, since you spilled the beans on one of our oldest secrets – using flouride in tap water to destroy the male Purity of Essence!!
Go sit in a corner and consider what you have done. Afterwards, you will have to watch Dr. Strangelove 20 times. Then you can come back and have milk and cookies.
Kind of! I would like to think that if we could see inside their heads, we could maybe understand what makes them tick, and appeal to their better nature. Though, I suppose that’s very wishful thinking on my part. : /
And no, that’s fine (Paradox or Paradoxy are good), since I always shorten your name. >.>
Well, you are smacking balls around, so…misandry?
The guy who submitted it on Reaxxion went by the name Alan Quartermain.
We’ve yet to determine if they’re a really good troll, or a very bad #GGer.
Between this, the fluoridated water, and the chemtrails, we truly have irreversible contamination of our Precious Bodily Fluids.
Er, I mean, DO TELL…