#gamergate gross incompetence gullibility PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Roosh V's game site Reaxxion tricked into publishing an old John Birch Society pamphlet as a #GamerGate manifesto

#GamerGate: Now taking inspirarion from the people who put up this billboard
#GamerGate: Now taking inspirarion from the people who put up this billboard

Reaxxion, Roosh Valizadeh’s embarrassment of a gaming site, recently published am apocalyptic GamerGate manifesto under the title “#Gamergate Is A Critical Battle In The War To Save Western Society.”

In the manifesto, posted by someone calling himself Allan Quatermain – presumably not his real name – defines GamerGate as

a grass roots consumer rights affiliation of people, men and women of good character, humane consciences, and principled beliefs [who] have voluntarily joined together to combat more effectively the evil forces which now threaten our freedoms, our hobby, our way of life and the civilization we love.

Quatermain described the enemies of #GamerGate in similarly vivid terms. The evil Social Justice Warriors, he wrote,

seek always and everywhere to bring about more interference, less individual responsibility and an amoral way of doing things. On the plain of action, until the SJW’s can be stopped from their subjugation of all western society, there will be no opportunity for us to move forward at all. …

They deceptively appeal to every motivation in human character, from sordid selfishness, to practical politics, to misguided idealism. They have gradually beguiled a lot of very good people into joining the attack on us, until the maligning of #gamergate has probably exceeded in intensiveness and extensiveness that faced by any other organization in all of western history.

I was all set to write an essay describing how the rhetoric in Quatermain’s manifesto resembles the rhetoric of other reactionary, conspiracy-minded movements in American history, drawing upon historian Richard Hofstader’s famous essay The Paranoid Style of American Politics.

But then I started getting a little paranoid myself. While many GamerGaters see their, er, “struggle” in similarly apocalyptic, some of the language in Quatermain’s post seemed weirdly old-fashioned, almost as if he were cribbing from some old John Birch pamphlet on the “communist menace” from half a century ago.

That’s because he was. I pasted a few sentences from Quatermain’s essay into Google and discovered that they did in fact come straight from an old John Birch newspaper ad from the 1960s.

In fact, the whole essay is essentially a verbatim copy of a giant chunk of that John Birch society newspaper ad, with the words “John Birch society” replaced by “GamerGate” and “Communist” replaced by “SJW,” and a few other references changed here and there.

That bit from Quatermain’s essay I quoted above describing how SJW’s allegedly “seek always and everywhere to bring about more interference, less individual responsibility and an amoral way of doing things?”

Well, here’s the original paragraph as published by the John Birch Society in a newspaper called the Reading Eagle in January of 1966.


You can see the entire John Birch ad here.

Roosh, you’ve been trolled, and trolled hard. And none of those commenting on his site suspected a thing.

To the troll behind this, kudos on some masterful work.

Slow clap.

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10 years ago

@pallygirl: They’re not the first devs to do it, either.

It’s appalling how many small indie devs get like this. Like I know that that’s your hard work and all, but goddamn take some criticism. If your game is shit, your game is shit. Go back, make it better, and try again.

I think the worst part is they’re charging money for something that’s so obviously a copy-paste job, then trying to defend their copy-pasting as being “good for the game development community and helps keep it afloat” like, nah bruh. Creativity helps the indie GD Community. Shit hacks like your game only make the community look terrible.

10 years ago

Maybe *some* of the people in the indie dev community are there because they are such horrible people they’re basically unemployable by the larger companies.

Not so much “edgey, going alone”, as “does not work well with others”.

10 years ago

As for that removing your eyebrows then painting them back on again, that was sort of accidental for girls a bit older than I am. Older sisters of some of my friends, Elvis generation rather than Beatles generation. (Now that I think about it, the style — eyebrows only, not the hair — is very reminiscent of those old silent movie heroines.)

They used to pluck their eyebrows so thin and so often that the hair eventually stopped growing back. If you see a 70+ woman who has to draw her eyebrows on every day, try and picture her as a teenager in starched petticoats and a wide black elastic belt jiving to Rock Around The Clock.

10 years ago

Maybe we should not pluck or otherwise tidy our eyebrows and dye them fluoro colours to complete our misandry. In particular, the eyebrow colour(s) should not match the armpit dye colour(s).

My cats agree that this is a most excellent plan, in particular as winter inteferes with armpit dyeing misandry because the MRAs and PUAs cannot see it. Misandry should not be seasonally dependent.

Bonus misandry points if you can scent your eyebrows and armpits to pumpkin spice at Halloween.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Question for the FHC: am I misandering enough if I just don’t shave any of my bits ever?

10 years ago


Maybe *some* of the people in the indie dev community are there because they are such horrible people they’re basically unemployable by the larger companies.

Not so much “edgey, going alone”, as “does not work well with others”.

Agreed. I can very much imagine this being the case.

Have you heard about the controversy surrounding the game Hatred? I do believe we’ve discussed it on here. I can only imagine those devs are in the same boat as the devs at Digital Homicide.

The guys who made Hatred are reveling in the notoriety though. Hopefully that will be their fifteen minutes of fame, and that game will fade into obscurity.

10 years ago

@kitteh: the FHC have convened and pointed out that most of them are, in fact, furry and so they much prefer fur (they refuse to use the word hair). And one of my cats makes the most awful “help me I’m being abused/oppressed” if he touches any bare skin with a paw.

@ParadoxicalIntentions: I had forgotten about that, and they have exceptionally short term thinking if they believe that courting negative publicity means they are going to be successful in the long term /runs off to read up.

Jay Elmore
10 years ago

When I visit the site using HTTPS, I get the error in Chrome.

The problem appears to be that WordPress is sending an SSL certificate with * as the name, which doesn’t match the name of your site. (I don’t know if you’ve gotten your own SSL certificate.)

I don’t know if there’s any way to tell WordPress not to allow HTTPS connections or how to configure WordPress to use your own SSL certificate instead of WordPress’s. Hope that helps?

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Re: That Digital Homicide game:

Even though it’s small potatoes compared to, y’know, everything, what struck me the most about that game was the blood graphic around the borders. I remember using that exact same graphic as practice when I was first learning how to use Photoshop as a kid about 15 years ago, and I cut it out from the background better than they did.

10 years ago

@M: The white pixels on the background irked me to no end while I watched Jim’s Squirty Play of it. It just looked AWFUL.

Everything about the game looked awful. And Digital Homicide’s reaction to it only made it look more so.

10 years ago

I made the mistake of looking at the comments on that Salon article. Oofta. So many men whining about how feminism should help them get a date.

10 years ago

Feminism CAN help them get a date though! If the men would start listening to feminists and stop treating women like receptacles for their sexual desires, then maybe they’d be dateable.

10 years ago

weir – I almost never look at comments sections except here and at The Mary Sue.
I’ve decided that I just don’t have time to get that pissed off about arseholes’ opinions.

Paradoxical – Point.

10 years ago

Is Communist Training School like Hogwarts but with more red things and civil rights leaders?

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

If someone already commented on this, my apologies, but:

Roosh has a second update disavowing his association with the author of the plagiarized article and — get this — urging anyone who notices similar transgressions to contact his… “ethics officer at [email protected]“.

I kid you not:

“Editor’s Update 2 (1/10/15): The author of this article, Allan Quatermain, has not gotten back to me about the similarities his article shares with one published by the John Birch Society. After some investigation, I’ve concluded that deliberate borrowing has indeed taken place. This is at at odds with standard journalistic practice that we follow here at Reaxxion. Therefore we will no longer accept articles from Mr. Quatermain, and all his past work will be reviewed. Please contact our ethics officer at [email protected] if you suspect plagiarism from other authors. —Roosh”

The idea of Roosh having anything to do with ethics is so silly it fills my daily quota for the absurd. That “ethics officer” is probably his three plush monkeys sitting next to his computer screen with their eyes, ears, and mouths covered in perpetual horror.

10 years ago

This is at at odds with standard journalistic practice that we follow here at Reaxxion.

I know the industry hasn’t exactly been covering itself in glory recently, but come on now.

10 years ago

“deliberate borrowing”

What an odd phrase to describe plagiarism. Even when tossing out a writer, Roosh can’t bare to be associated in any way with unethical behavior.

Ah well, it’s not like Mr. Quatermain is real. Roosh’ll just have to fire up another pseudonym to post crap with.

10 years ago

Uh, Roosh….

“Deliberate Borrowing” sounds like something I do involving citations, paraphrasing, and not messing with the context.

I think the phrase you were looking for was “a near textbook example of plagiarism”.

10 years ago

For the record, plagiarism isn’t borrowing. It’s stealing.

10 years ago

Deliberate borrowing includes citations. Plagiarism on the other hand does not.

10 years ago

Feminism CAN help them get a date though! If the men would start listening to feminists and stop treating women like receptacles for their sexual desires, then maybe they’d be dateable.

Well, they seem to think that except for feminism women would WANT to be [nothing but] receptacles for their sexual desires. They fantasize a glorious pre-feminist time when that was what women wanted (perhaps not quite aware that — to the extent such a time actually existed — it was because women had no choices.) They create an echo chamber evidently based on the assumption that instead of talking to women, getting to know them and trying to find out what they want from a relationship, you’ll do much better grousing and kvetching about women with your buddies. Why would you talk to women? Why would they know what they want? And in the land of the dateless, the dude who got lucky once is king. They keep hoping that one of their buddies will hit on the cheat code that will enable them to get laid without having to put any effort into establishing a personal connection with a woman. They don’t get that one of the basic ideas of feminism — treating women as real people who are just as much human as men are — is the key to success in developing relationships. But sorry, dude, there’s no cheat code — you’ll just have to grow up and become a real person yourself. Yes, I know it’s difficult — I feel your pain.

The fact is that most of them do start establishing personal connections with women eventually, but they make it harder on themselves — and women — than it needs to be. And the last thing they need is “helpful advice” from MRAs, PUAs, and other assorted anti-feminists telling them that women really want to be dominated. Yeah, that’ll work.

These things seem so obvious; the cluelessness is stunning. Feminism is here to stay, you aren’t going to beat it, so relax and join it. You’ll be happier that way.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

They keep hoping that one of their buddies will hit on the cheat code that will enable them to get laid without having to put any effort into establishing a personal connection with a woman.

Another irony being that they put more effort into this search for the Holy Cheat Code and complaining about how terrible their lives are, than they’d need to put into just talking to people as people.

10 years ago

@kitteh: Absolutely. You can probably tell how frustrated I get watching these guys make their own and other people’s lives a bit less satisfying every day through their lack of self-awareness and inability to see what should be obvious. If you could amputate their organ of projection I sometimes think just that would make everyday life 10% better.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Random #GamerGate laughs of the day: This complete dumbass, assuming it’s not fake (minor warning for sexist slurs, since this is #GamerGate we’re talking about here). For people who haven’t played the more recent Mario games, Rosalina is popular because she’s the first fleshed-out woman in the series, and Daily Dose (subtlety is not his strong suit) is not happy about it. Man tears ahoy.