#gamergate gross incompetence gullibility PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Roosh V's game site Reaxxion tricked into publishing an old John Birch Society pamphlet as a #GamerGate manifesto

#GamerGate: Now taking inspirarion from the people who put up this billboard
#GamerGate: Now taking inspirarion from the people who put up this billboard

Reaxxion, Roosh Valizadeh’s embarrassment of a gaming site, recently published am apocalyptic GamerGate manifesto under the title โ€œ#Gamergate Is A Critical Battle In The War To Save Western Society.โ€

In the manifesto, posted by someone calling himself Allan Quatermain โ€“ presumably not his real name โ€“ defines GamerGate as

a grass roots consumer rights affiliation of people, men and women of good character, humane consciences, and principled beliefs [who] have voluntarily joined together to combat more effectively the evil forces which now threaten our freedoms, our hobby, our way of life and the civilization we love.

Quatermain described the enemies of #GamerGate in similarly vivid terms. The evil Social Justice Warriors, he wrote,

seek always and everywhere to bring about more interference, less individual responsibility and an amoral way of doing things. On the plain of action, until the SJWโ€™s can be stopped from their subjugation of all western society, there will be no opportunity for us to move forward at all. …

They deceptively appeal to every motivation in human character, from sordid selfishness, to practical politics, to misguided idealism. They have gradually beguiled a lot of very good people into joining the attack on us, until the maligning of #gamergate has probably exceeded in intensiveness and extensiveness that faced by any other organization in all of western history.

I was all set to write an essay describing how the rhetoric in Quatermain’s manifesto resembles the rhetoric of other reactionary, conspiracy-minded movements in American history, drawing upon historian Richard Hofstader’s famous essay The Paranoid Style of American Politics.

But then I started getting a little paranoid myself. While many GamerGaters see their, er, โ€œstruggleโ€ in similarly apocalyptic, some of the language in Quatermain’s post seemed weirdly old-fashioned, almost as if he were cribbing from some old John Birch pamphlet on the โ€œcommunist menaceโ€ from half a century ago.

That’s because he was. I pasted a few sentences from Quatermain’s essay into Google and discovered that they did in fact come straight from an old John Birch newspaper ad from the 1960s.

In fact, the whole essay is essentially a verbatim copy of a giant chunk of that John Birch society newspaper ad, with the words โ€œJohn Birch societyโ€ replaced by โ€œGamerGateโ€ and โ€œCommunistโ€ replaced by โ€œSJW,โ€ and a few other references changed here and there.

That bit from Quatermain’s essay I quoted above describing how SJW’s allegedly โ€œseek always and everywhere to bring about more interference, less individual responsibility and an amoral way of doing things?โ€

Well, here’s the original paragraph as published by the John Birch Society in a newspaper called the Reading Eagle in January of 1966.


You can see the entire John Birch ad here.

Roosh, you’ve been trolled, and trolled hard. And none of those commenting on his site suspected a thing.

To the troll behind this, kudos on some masterful work.

Slow clap.

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M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Oh hell, unibrows. I don’t do anything else to my eyebrows, they’d be thick and dark no matter what, but the unibrow gets plucked every time the damn thing grows back.

… I don’t think anybody would notice if I didn’t, between the anime-tastic fringe and the glasses, but eh, I only pluck it for myself.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Unrelatedly, I just spent 20 minutes looking for the remote for the air conditioner so I could turn it on. It was under the cat. Sigh.

10 years ago

It was under the cat.

Really should be the first place you look for anything.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

I am so OT with this that I am off all the topics, but have y’all seen this? It’s brilliant!

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

Also worth mentioning, I can’t post via FB because “Your connection is not private.
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards).” and it may be that we (this house) just changed our ISP a couple days ago, but I thought I’d leave that for The Dark Lord just in case.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

@ cassandra, did the MRA’s get bored of vagina dentata and now have to fear the jack-teeth-boots of feminism?

10 years ago

Those toothy shoes look like they’d play hell on the linoleum. Either that, or one swift kick with them might leave them looking like a mouth that somebody else had kicked.

Also, random albino brow hairs: Check. One on each brow. Oddly enough, they’re situated right next to that one double-long, double-coarse hair on each brow, too. My humble theory is that the follicle cells on that particular spot got badly distributed, resulting in brow weirdness. However it got there, though, it all gets plucked. Because aaaaargh.

10 years ago

I pretty much have no eyebrows. What is there is so faint it is barely noticeable. The hair is much lighter colored than my regular hair and is so incredibly short it seems like it ever grows. XD

10 years ago

Welp. I have found a whole new nightmare realm to explore, but I will have to do it at a run, because I will be running away from giant clogs with tooth soles.

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago

Clearly youโ€™re still an amateur misanderer (yay, new word?), cause thatโ€™s the point at which Iโ€™d have been all โ€œwe are never having sex againโ€.

I think he was teasing me. I really hope he was teasing me.

It was under the cat.

Yeah, I’ve just gotten to the point where if I’m looking for anything smaller than a cat, I look under the cats first. Sometimes even if it’s roughly the same size as a cat.

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago

Welp. I have found a whole new nightmare realm to explore, but I will have to do it at a run, because I will be running away from giant clogs with tooth soles.

And then you will look down and they will have been ON YOUR FEET THE WHOLE TIME

10 years ago

cassandrakitty: I will be completely honest… I think those are awesome. Really seriously digging the look of those shoes. XD

10 years ago

I have not words to express how very much I adorable those shoes.

10 years ago

I shall copy paste what I am getting from wordpress when I click the W symbol
This Connection is Untrusted

You have asked Firefox to connect securely to, but we can’t confirm that your connection is secure.

Normally, when you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are going to the right place. However, this site’s identity can’t be verified.
What Should I Do?

If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn’t continue.

10 years ago

Sadly those shoes aren’t real, they’re sculptures! Because I’d love a pair of shoes with teeth.

10 years ago


I know what you mean. They’re disturbing, yet oddly fascinating. So many layers of teeth…

10 years ago

this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site

That sounds like a distinct possibility.

10 years ago

Speaking of eyes, I saw a cool tattoo the other day โ€“ the Eye of Horus on a womanโ€™s back, just above her shoulderblades. Looked very good.

That’s my tattoo! It wasn’t me, but I’ll accept the compliment on this woman’s behalf bc I’m nice like that. ๐Ÿ™‚


Re: security warning – uses a security certificate (if you have SSL enabled in your admin, David) but it’s a general one and doesn’t map to this specific domain. So connecting to wouldn’t show an error, but connecting to might, because your security software sees the certificate as belonging to (if that makes sense – whtm is hosted on Probably nothing to worry about, but I’d check with WP support just in case.

10 years ago

Echoing what Tracy said — this is a generic security cert for the * where the site is hosted, rather than specific for Ask from WP support how to get a site-specific security certificate, which will cost some extra dollars per year (it needs to be granted on yearly basis, by those on Trusted Authorities list; a self-signed cert is also a possibility, but don’t get me started on how that behaves in browsers..).

10 years ago

On the eyebrow thing, I got mine threaded for years to avoid looking like Frida Kahlo. They’re shaped OK, but thick and desperately want to be one (I think they’re codependent). It’s a bit better now. Maybe they’ve finally given up?

Also, those shoes are terrifying.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Tracy, I don’t know whether to be sorry it wasn’t you, because that would mean you’d mysteriously been here and I hadn’t known, or glad, because I didn’t walk right past you without knowing! ๐Ÿ˜›

10 years ago

Strong language here, but if GG is about ethics in gaming journalism, how come they haven’t focussed on this BS by this studio in response to a critical review?

10 years ago


I saw the Jimquisition episode he did on that. It was funny as hell. It’s not even the first time he was involved in something like that, either.

There was another incident I got to watch unfold in the Steam forums with a game called Earth: Year 2066. An absolute shitstorm.

Jim recently left The Escapist magazine, but he has his own website now:

10 years ago

@ParadoxicalIntention: I only came across the meltdown by accident, while skim watching Angry Joe’s worst games of 2014 YouTube upload. The responses (not response, responses) from the developer were so disproportionately awful I cannot understand how anyone could think that doing that type of BS would be seen by others as (1) measured and (2) professional.