a new woman to hate all about the menz anti-Semitism antifeminism dark enlightenment entitled babies evil bunheaded women evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies evil short-haired women evil ugly women heartiste literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men post contains sarcasm PUA reactionary bullshit red pill twitter

Are men oppressed by women who put their hair up in buns?

Heartiste's worst nightmare?
Heartiste’s worst nightmare?

Pity the poor pickup artists, who have suffered so much at the hands of modern women.

Just consider the many cruelties that these malicious females have inflicted on these long-suffering men: Women insult and horrify men by getting tattoos, developing self-esteem, and being fat. They have the temerity to sleep with men that aren’t pickup artists. They force would-be Casanovas to take showers and even wipe their own asses in order to appeal to their fickle female tastes. Sometimes they even say “no” to sex.

And then there is the hair thing: believe it or not, some women actually cut their hair short in an obvious attempt to destroy the boners of modern man.

But it turns out women don’t have to get pixie cuts to oppress men with their hair. They can also put their long hair … in a bun.

Our old friend Heartiste is on the case:

Here, by the way, is the example he give of one of these manjawed, bun-headed you-know-whats:


One of Heartiste’s fans suggests that the real problem isn’t the bun but her excessively Jewish glasses:

Just a reminder: the dudes having this, er, conversation seriously think of themselves as the Great White Hope for western civilization.

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10 years ago

The thing is, Louise, that “most men” are not who women wear their hair at. Srsly. No one except marketers actually care what “most men” like.

10 years ago

My only tattoo is on my back and I can’t take a picture of it. But it’s of Lowly the Worm from the Richard Scarry books. I got it when I was 18 and I can’t really remember why I chose it, but I still like it. It’s cute and I’ve never seen anyone else with the same tattoo.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Shut up, Louise.

Plaatsvervangende Schaamte


Absolutely lovely! And also, your mom (do I use mum here if I don’t normally? I’m actually confused about this…) is a total badass.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Plaatsvervangende Schaamte, thank you! 🙂

We use Mum in Australia, but Mom’s fine if that’s what you normally write. I usually end up calling people’s moms, their mums.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I shall also throw in that this troll’s choice of nym is pissing me off somewhat.


Plaatsvervangende Schaamte


Roger that. Just making sure I don’t accidentally stumble across some cultural faux pas.

And I’m now trying to figure out what tattoo my mom would get (if I could talk her into it)… probably a Kitchenaid mixer or a headshot of Tom Brady…

10 years ago

This goes way past high standards. They just like nitpicking women’s appearance and degrading them as not good enough for their glorious penis. I think it’s just a way of stroking their egos, convincing themselves they’re so awesome and manly that gorgeous women like the one picture aren’t good enough for them. In their twisted little minds admitting there are women they think are gorgeous means they’re less awesomely manly than the guy who rejects those women as not good enough.

As long as we’re on the subject of hair I got a question I’ve been wanting to ask ya’ll. I’ve seen several people on here talk about dying their hair and I’m planning to dye mine soon to score some misandry points, and because I’ve always wanted to be a redhead. The reason I’ve never done it before is because I’ve heard horror stories about dying drying out and damaging hair. My friend tells me that only happens if you bleach it to get a lighter color, but I’m a worrier and I was wondering if someone more experienced on the subject could tell me if there’s any possible problems to justify my worries.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Thanks for being thoughtful, Plaatsvervangende Schaamte! No probs, this is just a spelling difference. 🙂

LOL at your mum’s likely tattoos. Though a Kitchenaid mixer would be kind of cool when you think about it. It’d cause Great Confusion, which is a plus.

Plaatsvervangende Schaamte

I’m not familiar with Great Confusion (capitalized). Is that some kind of D&D spell?

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

LOL no, that was just my fondness for capitalising stuff. I meant it’d cause great confusion among random viewers (especially those who think women shouldn’t have tatts) if your mum sported a Kitchenmaid mixer pic on her arm. 🙂

I don’t play video games (‘cept Freecell and Stack the Cats) so any references would be lost on me!

Plaatsvervangende Schaamte

Hah, gotcha! Was sure I was missing out on some inside joke (I’m fairly new round these parts).

TBH, if she got a Kitchenaid one, I’d get a matching one as well. The family that bakes together…

10 years ago

Buns… are… misandry.

Brain officially broke.

I wonder what Heartiste would say about braid-half-falling-out, which is usually what I’m wearing when I get out of work.

10 years ago

@Hecate: having long experience with dyed hair, including years of being blonde this way, the dyes have improved over time and are less harsh on hair now.

My current process is every 5 weeks go to hairdresser, get roots bleached, get all hair (short, but almost bob length now rather than pixie cut, which it was) dyed to the nice completely unnatural colour I wear.

Since I have started wearing anime/cartoon coloured hair (have gone through various colours, sticking with the one I really really like now) I have had loads of compliments about my hair from various people in their teens/20s, including males. Along the lines of “wow, I really like your hair”.

Sadly, candyfloss pink washes out really quick as a colour, otherwise I would have stayed with that one.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

TBH, if she got a Kitchenaid one, I’d get a matching one as well. The family that bakes together…

That would be SO cool!

Did you get your Welcome Package? My memory being what it is, ie. crap, I don’t remember!

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I get my hair coloured every four weeks. It grows 1cm in that time, and since it’s coloured dark (almost as dark as Louis’s in the gravatar) and is almost all grey naturally, I really can’t let it go longer than that, since I’ve no desire to go grey yet. Apart from anything else, he might feel obliged to go grey too, and though I know he’d carry it well, I don’t want to see that!!

Plaatsvervangende Schaamte

Haha I’ve seen it but hadn’t gotten it personally before, but that’s likely because I had been lurking for a few months before I came in snarking up the joint like I owned the place from day one.

But thank you! I’ll take this time to peruse it rather than continuing to flood a day old thread with talk of moms and tattoos.

10 years ago

I’ve seen some absolutely gorgeous tattoos, and I’ve seen a great many utterly hideous ones that make me go “Why, Goddess? WHY???”

I don’t have any myself, but that’s mainly because I haven’t been able to think of anything breathtakingly lovely and original that I cared so much about that I’d want to have it permanently inked into my skin.

10 years ago

At first I didn’t see the troll comment and thought people were talking to you. I was really confused.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

But thank you! I’ll take this time to peruse it rather than continuing to flood a day old thread with talk of moms and tattoos.

But but but OT is on topic here! And mums and tattoos are cool!

WWTH, isn’t it annoying when trolls use names they’ve no right to grunge up with their trollishness? ::harrumph::

10 years ago

Yeah, there’s been a troll impostor Robert and a troll impostor Kim.

10 years ago

Gonna be hard not to sing “Stayin’ Alive” next time I have to CPR someone

Far better than the other one with the same driving rhythm.
Another one bites the dust would rather upset anyone else in the vicinity, I reckon.

Got that from one of my medicalish relatives. (Who knew podiatrists needed to qualify for CPR? Then you realise that 40% of their clients are elderly, another 40% are diabetic, and some are both.)

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Ha. Reminds me of the tale I heard from a manager years ago – his wife was an ER nurse and she had the inevitable “dude with object up his arse” stories. On this occasion it was a teddy bear’s leg, and so of course the nurses were singing the Play School song …

10 years ago

LOL!!! I do love me some gallows’ humour!

10 years ago

I am reminded, for some reason, of this punny joke:
A teddy bear is working on a building site. He goes for a tea break and when he returns he notices his pick has been stolen. The bear is angry and reports the theft to the foreman.. The foreman grins at the bear and says “Oh, I forgot to tell you, today’s the day the teddy bears have their pick nicked.”

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