Pity the poor pickup artists, who have suffered so much at the hands of modern women.
Just consider the many cruelties that these malicious females have inflicted on these long-suffering men: Women insult and horrify men by getting tattoos, developing self-esteem, and being fat. They have the temerity to sleep with men that aren’t pickup artists. They force would-be Casanovas to take showers and even wipe their own asses in order to appeal to their fickle female tastes. Sometimes they even say “no” to sex.
And then there is the hair thing: believe it or not, some women actually cut their hair short in an obvious attempt to destroy the boners of modern man.
But it turns out women don’t have to get pixie cuts to oppress men with their hair. They can also put their long hair … in a bun.
Our old friend Heartiste is on the case:
This trend of women putting their hair up in buns has got to be a sign of Peak Manjawed Lawyercunt. http://t.co/gQqhZYNQII
— heartiste (@heartiste) January 7, 2015
Here, by the way, is the example he give of one of these manjawed, bun-headed you-know-whats:
One of Heartiste’s fans suggests that the real problem isn’t the bun but her excessively Jewish glasses:
@heartiste ballerina buns are hot on pretty women; it's the black horned rim Jew "intellectual" glasses that are ugly. @feministlies
— Truth Warrior (@NaturalLawTruth) January 7, 2015
Just a reminder: the dudes having this, er, conversation seriously think of themselves as the Great White Hope for western civilization.
What? You still here, waxing pompous, Louise? Shiver me timbers. I think I’m going to get a tattoo, too, my very first, just to piss off all the haters and idiots of the wankosphere. I’m thinking maybe a black cat on my arm, and an allover paisley design for my legs, so no one can tell when I’m not wearing pants.
I think your criticisms of Mitt Romney are a bit cruel. He can act like a perfectly acceptable human being as long as he has time to ask for instructions from the mother ship.
Did someone mention Red Green?

You just leveled up the “you owe me a keyboard” score, GOM.
So what you’re saying is that Louise is trying to bore us to death? I guess everyone needs a hobby.
She’s gonna have to try harder than that. She hasn’t got us trapped in a meeting or class, f’rinstance.
Nothing beats having someone trapped in the seat next to you on a long flight, when the plane is fully booked. Where are they going to go? The bathroom? Not for 10 hours.
You know, if you were trying to design a particularly fiendish version of hell, eternity on an airliner trapped between Louise or Mitt and [pick your favorite MRA] wouldn’t be half-bad. (Apologies to J-P Sartre, but since one of the topics on this thread is plagiarism ….)
Plus being in economy and having someone recline their seat all the way in front of you, and having a small child kick your seat from behind.
Also the inflight movie is Knocked Up or The Hangover or some other sort of bro-fest, and the inflight radio only plays music that you hate. Plus the inflight meal is always something that technically you can eat but that you dislike intensely.
And there’s a screaming kid or drunk running/lurching up and down all the time.
K Winter
I’m tempted to braid my hair more often now because of Hunger Games (That, and Katniss and I share a birthday, so score!).
My uncle’s also halfheartedly seeing about getting his old bow refurbished because he’s become so enamored with Arrow. If he does, I may see if I can take some shots with it.
ParadoxicalIntention – I go more for the Far Side method:
I’d rather deal with the screaming kid than the asshole adult who won’t leave me alone, honestly.
Armrest fights, anyone?
I’d sooner the adult, because you can be rude or complain to the attendants about the adult, but you’ll have the How Dare You You Must Hate Children You Awful Person brigade on you however nicely you ask that a kid sit down and be quiet.
I can deal with kids OK, having had four of my own. Just don’t put me next to an Obama-hating Republican.
Worst person I ever sat next to on a plane was the dude who yanked one of my earbuds out of my ear and put it in his own ear (ew) because I wasn’t paying enough attention to him.
Glad to say I’ve never had an obnoxious person next to me on a plane. The worst, the absolute worst, was the woman taking her granddaughter to Ireland. She threw a tantrum because she wasn’t allowed to smoke on the plane, and when the child – who was about two-three iirc – couldn’t stop crying (it was obvious she was in pain, I presume because of the air pressure) the woman (TW child violence) eventually picked her up and threw her against the bulkhead.
The woman spent the rest of the flight sedated by the crew; I think the little girl might have been sedated too, and was looked after by various crew/passengers.
The police were waiting for the woman at Heathrow.
Other than that, noisy kids have been the only real annoyance, and mercifully no seat-kickers. I’ve had pleasant conversations on a few flights, but mostly sat next to people who’d exchange a few pleasantries and then we’d both disappear into whatever we were doing.
Too funny.
Oh man, all I can think is there’s a “Weird Al” song where he complains that “The in-flight movie was Biodome with Pauly Shore!” I bought that album new. I am an old.
I just shivered all over my body. Ew.
@kittehs — Oh my god. I actually gasped when I read that. Jesus wept!
No one cares about your boner, Sean.
Seriously, leave your boner out of this, Sean. No one curr.
Why do men have to come in here and talk about their boners? Furthermore, why do men feel the need to come in and use their boners as a reason why something should/shouldn’t be acceptable? Why can’t we just condone the harassment?
I’d put my hair up in a bun but it’s so thick it doesn’t seem to work. Besides, red hair tends to have a mind of its own. Yes, I’m a redhead…naturally and artificially. My natural hair color is a copper tone and I dyed it the most misandric shade of red ever (yep, same shade as Big Red)
Then how did anyone ever have sex in the 19th century, when all girls and women over 16 wore their hair up every single day? It’s a mystery.