dawgies kitties off topic open thread

I'm still here! New posts later today. In the meantime, here are some cats

This cat is up to something; I can just tell.
This cat is up to something; I can just tell.

Sorry no posts the last couple of days; offline stuff came up that I had to deal with. I should be able to resume my normal posting schedule today with a couple of new posts. In the meantime, here are some cats. (See more after the jump.)







This last one worries me a bit. They seem to be working together, to what diabolical end I cannot even imagine.

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10 years ago

I can’t speak for the animals in the picture but when my chickens and dog team-up it is usually to steal my oatmeal.

10 years ago

I need that cat to my lap, and I need that sammich.

10 years ago

Miss Andry – great gif! But shouldn’t it have a pancake on its head?

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Eeee! Sammich Cat!

While we’re looking at filing kitties, behold The Great Librarian:

10 years ago

Sandwich Kitty is the purrfect way to neutralize all those chucklefucks who keep telling us to make them a sammitch.

The other way is, of course, this:

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago

I think I recognize most of the books that Librarian Cat is sitting with, actually.

/missing the point completely

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Or if one’s magic powers didn’t run to making said chucklefuck into a sandwich, one could make a sandwich full of cat hair and give it to him …

10 years ago

I’ve been working on a GamerGate dictionary to help other people better understand various words and phrases as they are used in pro-GamerGate rants, YouTube videos, memes, ect. Please tell me what you think.

GamerGate Dictionary:

Biased: Not being a GamerGate propaganda mill.

Censorship/Cultural Imperialism: People having and expressing opinions that differ from our own.

Criticism: Death threats

Defending freedom of speech: Using threats of violence to silence people we disagree with.

Diversity: Having a very small number of female and minority supporters, but giving them disproportionate coverage in GamerGate propaganda.

Ethics in Game Journalism: Absolutely nothing. (See also: Red Herring)

Professional victim: A person targeted by GamerGate that has gotten financial support and positive media attention because of the harassment. (See also: Streisand effect)

Social Justice Warrior: A fictitious entity, known for its nagging and misandry, created to mock people that dislike misogyny and the use of death threats. (See also: Straw Man Fallacy)

Successful: A movement that loses momentum over time rather than all at once.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Mouse Farts, cool! Librarian Cat is our Mr Hadji. Never did work out if he was looking for a particular book, trying to reorganise them, or looking for a secret panel. 😛

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Bill, excellent work! ::applause::

10 years ago

Successful: A movement that loses momentum over time rather than all at once.

Snurk. That reminds me: Anybody hear another squeak out of Metalgate?

10 years ago

So I got a new puzzle feeder for my cats. Hopefully they will eat slower and maybe bug me for food less. They both seem to have figured out how it works, but apparently not every cat does. I haven’t laughed this hard at a serious product review ever:

10 years ago

Echoing the “Take care, David!” crowd.

We really like your posts but we can wait. Especially if the wait involves cats 😀

10 years ago

The cat party box tower is the best thing ever, I want that framed on my wall

A bit OT though, but anybody else here regularly follow Channel Awesome (previously That Guy With The Glasses)? It got a lot of good shows like Nostalgia Chick, Needs More Gay and others but lately there seems to be a influx of loads of pro-GG crap from the looks of it and I wondered if I am just being paranoid and looking too much into this or if anybody else also have noticed? Seems especially weird considering the guy owning the site claims to be a feminist (even if he fails at it regularly)

Sorry if this is a dumb question-thingy, just getting kinda worried about seeing those videos popping up more and more on there

10 years ago

I hope offline stuff gets better soon. Take care David.

10 years ago

You are such a prolific poster we develop unrealistic expectations. I sincerely hope you have been good busy and not bad busy.

Miss Andry
10 years ago


According to the Twitter Machine…not much is happening with that. Genuine #metalgate hashtags are dwarfed by sarcastic Tweets and ones about actual metal gates. Of the supporters I saw some GG regulars using it as an obligatory hashtag in order to get it trending but to no avail. And one person “polymer pulpit” is warning about the “PC Metal Inquisition” while linking to the Radix Journal — which is a white supremacist publication. #notyourshield?


I mainly watch the Nostalgia Critic and Cinema Snob, but that’s about it. If there are GGers on there, it’s disappointing but I haven’t seen it yet. Probably people I don’t watch anyway.

10 years ago

I’ve saw a screenshot of 8Chan doxxing that have David’s picture and gator, erm, activists have been very active and particularly atrocious lately. Hopefully that’s not the cause of any of the busyness, though David should probably monitor his credit report because they have dug up people’s SS numbers.

Miss Andry
10 years ago

…though David should probably monitor his credit report because they have dug up people’s SS numbers.

Actually it’s about ethics in identity theft.

No but seriously, I hope that’s not what’s happening.

10 years ago

@Bina: Literally nothing has happened after that one weekend where gators tried to make it a thing. It failed to catch on super hard. The guy who originally used the term made another whiny blog post defending that it was definitely a thing, definitely new, and definitely something to be concerned about. Absolutely no one outside the gators were convinced. XD

10 years ago

Genuine #metalgate hashtags are dwarfed by sarcastic Tweets and ones about actual metal gates.

Heheheheh. I looked for the scene from the Wizard of Oz where the Tin Man squeaks for his oil can, but alas, couldn’t find it. They need one, they’re sounding kinda rusty about now.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Snurk. That reminds me: Anybody hear another squeak out of Metalgate?

I think it’s rusted shut.

10 years ago

Snurk. That reminds me: Anybody hear another squeak out of Metalgate?


10 years ago

I have a librarian kitty. If librarian means knocking books off the shelf while I’m trying to sleep and sometimes chewing on or shredding them.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Wordsp1nner, that has to be the best review of anything ever on Amazon! XD

WWTH – yup, that sounds like the definition of a librarian kitty. Or a senior librarian kitty, maybe!