antifeminism attention seeking bears dark enlightenment drama kings evil ugly women grandiosity hate men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit transphobia vox day

Vox Day: "Feminism is a Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-reason, anti-science ideology that destroys literally everything it touches and everyone who embraces it."

Man protecting himself from the evils of feminism
Man protecting himself from the evils of feminism

Oh dear. Fantasy author and garbage person Vox Day is having one of those (vox) days, and has decided to take it out on, you guessed it, feminism, pounding out an overwrought little rant on his Alpha Game blog.

Never give feminists an inch. Don’t agree with them, don’t tolerate them, show them no mercy whatsoever. Feminism is a Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-reason, anti-science ideology that destroys literally everything it touches and everyone who embraces it.

Wow. He’s so mad he’s practically plagiarizing Pat Robertson’s famous quote about feminism being “a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” I’m not sure how Vox managed to forget the lesbian witchcraft angle.

Reject it and its adherents the way you would reject someone offering you plutonium on their bare hands; to accept it is to begin to die a slow and painful death.

Might I offer you some notes, Vox? This bit seems a little understated. I mean, the plutonium thing is pretty good, but a person handing you plutonium isn’t anywhere near as scary as having, say, a bear do it. Or a shark. Or a bear-shark. Or a bear-sharknado.

The problem isn’t merely that feminists are ugly and hateful, or that their ideology is incoherent and deluded, but that by mere toleration of them, through mere intellectual contact with it, you are permitting your life to be infected and degraded.

Clearly Vox, a dude who clings to memories of his D-list celebrity as a former member of an angsty dance band two decades ago, and who devotes much of his life to pounding out hateful and unintentionally self-parodic rants on the internet, offers us the very model of a healthy and happy life well-lived.

Reject all of it. Reject their appeals to equality. Reject their pretense to intellectual standing. And most of all, personally reject all of those who subscribe to it in any way, shape, or form. Any man who calls himself a feminist is ideologically transgender and mentally unstable.

Ideologically transgender? Wow. He’s come up with an even more obnoxious way to call someone a “mangina.”

Vox, you’re so cute when you’re angry!

And by cute I mean a you’re a pathetic, hateful, disgusting excuse for a human being.

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10 years ago

Well, they say if you remove the mumbo-jumbo, (LaVeyan) Satanism is actually pretty much the same as (Randian) Objectivism. Whoops.

(Of course, Objectivism itself is pretty much a Nietzsche rip-off.)

10 years ago

But I thought a mangina was different from a vagina and that you were only a lesbian if there were two vaginas and – damn, I am failing Feminazism 101. I – I’m so sorry! I will remit myself to the local Furrinati immediately for appropriate chastisement.

I think that calling a man a “margina” is like calling him a male lesbian* (because, though he’s attracted to women, he’s renounced the rights and privileges attached to a peen)…so maybe it works.

(*I’m saying that they would call someone a “male lesbian”, not that I would.)

To people who would use that word, any CIS male who isn’t also RAWR-ERMERGERD-SO-ALPHA-LOOKIT-THESE-BEWBS-GRAAAHHH-SPORTS/VIDYA/GAME (or perhaps […]-GRAAAAHHH-MUHMIGHTYREASONIN’)!!!” (or who aspires towards / apes that with their every concious thought and action) isn’t really a “man”, but, alas, has fallen from Masculine Grace due to their blasphemous embrace of anything not adhering to the stereotype / “feminine”.

10 years ago

Whee, Voxie said something stupid again. Isn’t that a given?

10 years ago

Sorry for the tag fail

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago

To people who would use that word, any CIS male who isn’t also RAWR-ERMERGERD-SO-ALPHA-LOOKIT-THESE-BEWBS-GRAAAHHH-SPORTS/VIDYA/GAME (or perhaps […]-GRAAAAHHH-MUHMIGHTYREASONIN’)!!!” (or who aspires towards / apes that with their every concious thought and action) isn’t really a “man”, but, alas, has fallen from Masculine Grace due to their blasphemous embrace of anything not adhering to the stereotype / “feminine”.

I laughed. I don’t know why, but “ERMERGERD” gets me every time.

Also: I can’t be the only one who keeps reading “VD” and thinking “venereal disease,” can I?

…anyone? Not you, crickets, anyone else.

10 years ago

Feminism is a Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-reason, anti-science ideology that destroys literally everything it touches and everyone who embraces it.

Shoot. I’m failing basic feminism again. Where can I send my two degrees to get shredded so I can properly reject both science and reason? Also, but what if I kind of like my Church? Can I just change the Methodist to a Satanic on the sign in the middle of the night and keep everything else the same? Or is calling myself Presbyluthedist already anti-Christian enough?

Also, can my destroying literally everything it touches power be the power of destructive hugs? Or have I already been issued my literal destructive powers?

… is that why I can’t find any of my socks? Can my destructive powers please not extend to my socks? I’d like to keep my toes warm…

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Mouse Farts:

Also: I can’t be the only one who keeps reading “VD” and thinking “venereal disease,” can I?

Nope, not just you! It’s not just the rhyme that has me calling him Pox.

contrapangloss, you evidently need to train your destructive powers to focus on sock puppets, not actual-nice-comfy socks.

10 years ago

WOW! MRA do have a penchant for melodrama and hyperbole. Not so much reason and science though.

10 years ago

…isn’t anywhere near as scary as having, say, a bear do it. Or a shark. Or a bear-shark. Or a bear-sharknado.

Now I want to watch The Legend of Aang all over again!

That might also be the very same episode I took my owlcat profile picture from. If I weren’t so lazy I could just use Netflix to check…

Also, I assumed Voxday said the thing about plutonium because if it were offered to you in a safer way *obviously* you’d take it because who wouldn’t want to make a nuclear weapon or something? -_-

But I agree, definitely could’ve thrown a bear or two in for impact.

10 years ago

comment image

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago



The quality is terrible. But he is super cute.

10 years ago

That PRob quote always makes me laugh every time. Partially because it’s semi-right when it comes to myself, and partially because it misses everything else by a country mile. I never fail to giggle at it.

1. I don’t think socialism sounds that bad, and there’s lots of good ideas in there from what little I’ve seen (Though, I have to admit, I don’t think Republicans have seen much of it either from the way they keep flinging it at everything Obama does).

2. I like families. I have one. Families are nice. Though, my definition of “family” isn’t just blood and progeny like it is for some people as well. Not that that’s bad, mind.

3. If I have a husband, great. If I have a wife, great. If I have a spouse by any other name or terminology, great.

3. I didn’t want kids in the first place though. Can’t kill what doesn’t exist!

4. I only just embraced my paganism. My mom practiced when I was a kid, but she doesn’t any more, and I started studying for myself out of curiosity a few months ago. I don’t have much in the way of knowledge yet, and I can’t really practice where I live right now (It’s mostly money and space issues), so studying is all I’ve got.

5. Hell YEAH I want to destroy capitalism! It’s killing people, implying that some people don’t deserve to live because they’re not “useful” members of society, and treats corporations like people rather than the people who make up the corporation! Down with capitalism! (Or at the very least, get it looked at for crying out loud.)

6. Partially right there! I do find women sexually and romantically attractive! (However, I’m also attracted to lots of other genders as well, so…)

As for Vox, this whole spiel got a real laugh out of me. The best part is he’s so serious about it all, like feminists have some sort of mind-influencing powers. But *we’re* the illogical, femilluminati, “Men control everything!” conspirators.

(I did do a random superpower thing on tumblr a few days ago, and I got this really cool emotional manipulation power, but it also seems it could cause a lot of problems if not focused on! A very good power to write about, methinks. Not too powerful because it can cause problems and lots of ’em, but still interesting.)

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


10 years ago

You know, I wasn’t aware that the handing out of plutonium was an everyday occurrence in the western world. Is it part of a special section of Walmart?

10 years ago

Haven’t seen the highly radioactive section in WalMart. There is, however, one in Canadian Tire. (but they don’t let you cash in your Canadian Tire money for plutonium, IIRC)

10 years ago

Yes to VD being venereal disease in my mind. Don’t give the gift that keeps on giving.

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago

It’s kind of silly, too, because by my generation, “venereal disease” was already out of use – I grew up calling them STDs, and now I mostly see STI.

But then, I guess it’s appropriate – the phrase is as outdated as his ideas. 😛

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago
10 years ago

M. the Social Justice Ranger: On the Dogma Debate podcast, the guy who does the news (John Karpf) always refers to ‘Pat Robertson’s robot’ when needed, as if he died years ago and is now an animatronic puppet.

I think VD is actually right about feminism being anti-Christian. 1 Timothy 2:11–12: Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

10 years ago

Strictly speaking lesbian witchcraft is not associated with feminism, so maybe he feels OK with it!

I had a look at the Wikipedia page of Vox/ Beale, and he also appears to be a raving racist. Quelle surprise!

10 years ago


It’s in the “Beyond” section of Bed Bath & Beyond. Check behind the mustard gas canisters and smallpox blankets.

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago

Yeah, I’m actually pretty sure feminism is only anti-fundamentalist-Christian.

What baffles me is why any reasonable woman would choose that for herself. It is not a recipe for healthy self esteem.

10 years ago

So, I was just talking to an Australian friend of mine, and apparently Julien Blanc is trying to sue the Prime Minister Scott Morrison for “loss of profits”.

He said he saw it on the news while he was flying home earlier, but I can’t find any news articles on it. : /

Is it bad I hope he really is so he can be embarrassed proper in a court of law?

10 years ago

@ ParadoxicalIntention – it it’s bad to hope that, then I really don’t want to be good!