antifeminism attention seeking bears dark enlightenment drama kings evil ugly women grandiosity hate men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit transphobia vox day

Vox Day: "Feminism is a Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-reason, anti-science ideology that destroys literally everything it touches and everyone who embraces it."

Man protecting himself from the evils of feminism
Man protecting himself from the evils of feminism

Oh dear. Fantasy author and garbage person Vox Day is having one of those (vox) days, and has decided to take it out on, you guessed it, feminism, pounding out an overwrought little rant on his Alpha Game blog.

Never give feminists an inch. Don’t agree with them, don’t tolerate them, show them no mercy whatsoever. Feminism is a Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-reason, anti-science ideology that destroys literally everything it touches and everyone who embraces it.

Wow. He’s so mad he’s practically plagiarizing Pat Robertson’s famous quote about feminism being “a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” I’m not sure how Vox managed to forget the lesbian witchcraft angle.

Reject it and its adherents the way you would reject someone offering you plutonium on their bare hands; to accept it is to begin to die a slow and painful death.

Might I offer you some notes, Vox? This bit seems a little understated. I mean, the plutonium thing is pretty good, but a person handing you plutonium isn’t anywhere near as scary as having, say, a bear do it. Or a shark. Or a bear-shark. Or a bear-sharknado.

The problem isn’t merely that feminists are ugly and hateful, or that their ideology is incoherent and deluded, but that by mere toleration of them, through mere intellectual contact with it, you are permitting your life to be infected and degraded.

Clearly Vox, a dude who clings to memories of his D-list celebrity as a former member of an angsty dance band two decades ago, and who devotes much of his life to pounding out hateful and unintentionally self-parodic rants on the internet, offers us the very model of a healthy and happy life well-lived.

Reject all of it. Reject their appeals to equality. Reject their pretense to intellectual standing. And most of all, personally reject all of those who subscribe to it in any way, shape, or form. Any man who calls himself a feminist is ideologically transgender and mentally unstable.

Ideologically transgender? Wow. He’s come up with an even more obnoxious way to call someone a “mangina.”

Vox, you’re so cute when you’re angry!

And by cute I mean a you’re a pathetic, hateful, disgusting excuse for a human being.

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9 years ago

As a farm kid, eating a goose with a name and friends did not seem weird to me, either. Just kind of bleak. Like most of the rest of life. (why yes, I am usually this cheerful, thankyouverymuch)

9 years ago

Obligatory Monty Python smart sheep reference:

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
9 years ago

Indeed. Sometimes you do everything right and things still go all to hell. And then, because there’s this assumption that if you are unsuccessful then you must deserve it (especially if you were raised in a fundamentalist household and bought into that whole “if you pray then God will save you from the Bad Things”) you walk around with this cloud of nonspecific shame, and that is fucking ridiculous.

But you guys! I have a job interview tomorrow! I got laid off a few weeks ago for ‘unspecified reasons’ (translation: general manager hit on me egregiously, I told my store manager, and COINCIDENTALLY they had too many employees, oops) and last night I was in another store cheerfully talking about product and the manager went “…are you by any chance – maybe – looking for a job…?” Even if it doesn’t work out, I feel better. It’s hard not to feel discouraged when it’s been weeks with no callbacks, but I must be doing something right if I still get spontaneous interview offers, right?

9 years ago

Ok, I had to flesh this out.

My little sheeple, my little sheeple
Ah ah ah ahhh

(My little sheeple) I used to buy into conspiracies
(My little sheeple) ‘Til I found how fun conforming can be!

No more thinking!
Lots of friends!
A peaceful mind
It never ends!
The government
Can do no wrong,
Join me and bleat out all day long!

My little Sheeple.
Don’t forget, Emmanuel is baaaaaaaaaaad!

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
9 years ago

omg kirbywarp are you trying to kill me

now i have to go make my pony figurines (DON’T JUDGE ME, they are COLLECTIBLES) sing that

thanks a lot

9 years ago

“…are you by any chance – maybe – looking for a job…?”


9 years ago


Oh, feh. Teal Dear Troll should be apprised that Muslim feminism is, in fact, A Thing, and that the world is full of Muslim women who question dogma, and have been doing so for decades already. Middle Eastern women don’t need the west’s “rescuing”, they need its awareness and support. Two things conspicuously lacking from his knee-jerk racist end. He probably thinks all the US’s wars there are justified, amirite? (The reason I ask is that I can’t be bothered to go back three pages just to see his droppings.)

I’m firmly in the camp of “The United States is Not ‘First World’ and Anything You Perceive as Being a ‘First World Problem’ Can Happen Anywhere Else in the World”.

I read an interesting post on tumblr that really cemented me there.

Essentially, people in the “Third World” have the same problems that “middle-class, white feminists” fight for too. They worry about makeup and the internet and they watch television and read magazines. They worry about street harassment and violence against women too.

Everything is not just dirt and violence in “Third World Countries”, and telling white people that they need to go and fix the poor, poor brown people’s problems is fucking racist as hell. Every time we white people get involved with the affairs of other countries (save for one or two examples, and then we did it with reservation) we always manage to fuck things up for them. It shouldn’t be up to us white people to fix the problems of other people. We are not magical, all-knowing beings who can do no wrong. In reality, we tend to fuck other people’s lives up because of this bullshit “white man knows best” attitude.

So, the whole argument of “why aren’t you helping out third world countries then instead of bullying poor white men in the US?!?!?!?” is a sad, racist attempt at a derail and devaluation of the problems of white women because our Teal Deer thinks the Oppression Olympics are a Thing, and is of the opinion that we can’t care about more than one thing at once. (Because it seems like they certainly can’t.)

9 years ago

You’re very welcome Mouse Farts, and yay!


That’s an unfortunate sentence to type with all caps, when you can’t parse out the proper nouns. 😛

9 years ago

People in engage in the just world fallacy are the worst people. They use it to excuse a complete lack of empathy. I’m not even sure if they really believe it or just say that they do.

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
9 years ago


Mouse farts smell like cream cheese and sugar. Sometimes cookies. They are delightful.

9 years ago

I’m freezing. It’s -1 Fahrenheit with a -18 wind chill right now. I was outside a couple of hours ago and still haven’t warmed. Not in a hypothermia way, I’m just chilly. The heat is on plenty high but when it’s this cold the chill gets in.

I hate winter.

9 years ago

@Mouse Farts:

Huh, TIL


9 years ago


Sometimes when I’m trying to sleep, my brain does what I call “the Horrible Perspective Thing.”

OMG! Yes! This used to happen to me when I was younger and got sick, or was getting sick. I’d try to sleep but all my body parts started getting bigger and smaller at the same time. It was horrible, so sorry this happens to you. At the same time… you’re the first other person I’ve ever come across who’s had this experience so I’m kinda pleased too 🙂 I’d love to know what causes this.

This was a ways back but I wanted to comment on it… @mildlymagnificent re: inflammation and depression, yes, at least in my case. Found out I was celiac, went strictly gluten-free, and no more depression at all; it literally vanished after 3 weeks or so. I had a very cool… brain chemical rush, I suppose, which felt like what I’ve read religious people describe as god/spirit entering them or moving through them (flow of joy/ecstacy/bliss through the head and down, made me laugh out loud). To say it changed my entire life is a huge understatement. I didn’t even know that I’d had a constant low-level depression in addition to my usual variable levels, and to what I called my ‘gaping maw of gloom’ moods. Same thing happened to my sister when she went gluten-free. So… who knows, it seems to be the case for at least some of us.

Weirdly, I missed my gaping maw of doom for awhile after it vanished; I even tried to bring it on a few times, with no luck.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
9 years ago

One writer saw a medieval Irish monk illuminating an incredibly erudite manuscript, so he wrote down what he saw on it. The outcome: Whey shillick ick il.

I bet that was really something Pangur Ban sneaked into the manuscript while his monk wasn’t looking. Becuase kitties.

9 years ago

If our Teal Deer isn’t fond of dissent, why oh WHY would he come here to post something?

I mean, what better place to find dissent on your misogyny than a blog that mocks misogyny?

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
9 years ago


Tangentially, sheeple made me think of Babe, which made want to look up the context of the bah-ram-ewe quote, which brought be to a list of movie quotes, which made me realize that Babe was a much darker and more serious film than I remember. I might have to re-watch it.

Oh yes, it was indeed. Not a lighthearted film at all, really, despite the humour. Iirc it’s what got James Cromwell seriously into animal welfare.

Emmy Rae:

Wasn’t Babe British or Australian? That seems more in line with those cultures than American culture.

It’s a mixture. It was filmed in NSW and the cast was international. It’s more or less meant to look prettified-Australian, I think. Jim Henson’s Creature Workshop did the special effects.

Mouse Farts, YAY! Fingers crossed for this job!

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
9 years ago

Thanks guys! It’s been a confidence-booster at any rate.

It’s also pretty nice to know I’m not alone in the Horrible Perspective Thing. I thought there was something wrong with me tbh XD

9 years ago

Woot, Mouse Farts! Congratulations!

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
9 years ago

I should try to find my old dream diaries. I used to have entertaining dreams back in my teens and twenties. Let’s see, what can I remember … oh, being chased by Zargo and Camilla from State of Decay … the dream cut out just as he caught me and I was wondering if I’d actually been unable to escape or not really wanted to.

9 years ago


…didn’t think of that. Whoops!

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
9 years ago

Mouse Farts:

omg kirbywarp are you trying to kill me

now i have to go make my pony figurines (DON’T JUDGE ME, they are COLLECTIBLES) sing that

thanks a lot

Not only that, you’re going to have to cover them in fleece so they can be My Little Sheeple.

9 years ago

“As far as I’m concerned, that’s as much of a mental illness as someone who is driven to eat rocks (which are obviously inedible and cannot substitute for real food).”

People do in fact eat dirt and consider it to be nutritional, just not Westerners they consider it to be a pathology.

9 years ago

Good luck, Mouse Farts!!!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago


I’m judging you, and my judgment is that you are fantastic.

9 years ago


Meanwhile, your nightmare sounds a lot like my awful bathroom dreams — invariably, when I look for a bathroom in my dreams, there will be something about it that makes it impossible to use: no doors, no locks on the doors, toilets too dirty or broken, or no toilet stalls at all, just a long row of outhouse seats completely exposed, and people everywhere looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. Of course, I always get that one right before I wake up needing a bathroom for real…

OMG, are we twins or what? IBS, check. Toilet dreams, check. One of the worst ones I had recently had a glass wall as a hallway-side wall. At that point, my brain decided that enough was enough, and woke me up. Cue dash to actual, real-world bathroom.

I have extremely vivid dreams, with color, sound, taste, smell, touch, sense of gravity, hunger, thirst, pleasure and pain; I get all the senses I do while awake. Basically, whenever I go to sleep, I’m just living eight to nine hours in a freakin’ surreal landscape, and then wake up to what is considered normal life. Sometimes this is fun. Sometimes not (see “trying to find a clean toilet” dream and then think of being able to smell it).

Curiously, dreams about forgetting my pants don’t exactly faze me — my attitude tends to be “well if this is a problem for someone, it is their problem, not mine — right now I’m just irritated because even if I tolerate cold rather well, I’d like some pants to ward it off, since for some reason it tends to be autumn/winter in my dreams quite often”.

I also have developed some dream markers that make me instantly go “wait, this is a dream, this is not real” about 95% of the time. Usually this is meeting my dead grandparents, and this annoys me, since yes, I would love to have a chat moment with my grandmother without it being disrupted by a rude awakening.

I have regular dream locations, such as the Vaguely Mediterranean City with Canals (I know couple of access spots to that place, that I keep looking for in my other dreams, so I know how to take a shortcut there if I like to skip a dream), but my favorite is a Lake of Thousands of Isles (accessible most of the time via Vaguely Mediterranean City, but you can also slip to it from other lakes and rivers, sometimes even via an ocean).

It is forever summer there, all tiny islands have gently bent silver willows that cast cool shade, the ground is soft and covered with non-soggy moss where you can nap safely, the lake water glimmers in sunlight (it is either a clear sky or just some clouds dotting it here and there), and best of all, you can swim forever without getting tired. Extremely soothing, and fun! Water is clear, even where reeds grow, and you can observe the critters in water (none hostile, all quite pretty or awesome).

Right now I’d like to be there, but headache is keeping me awake.

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