antifeminism attention seeking bears dark enlightenment drama kings evil ugly women grandiosity hate men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit transphobia vox day

Vox Day: "Feminism is a Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-reason, anti-science ideology that destroys literally everything it touches and everyone who embraces it."

Man protecting himself from the evils of feminism
Man protecting himself from the evils of feminism

Oh dear. Fantasy author and garbage person Vox Day is having one of those (vox) days, and has decided to take it out on, you guessed it, feminism, pounding out an overwrought little rant on his Alpha Game blog.

Never give feminists an inch. Don’t agree with them, don’t tolerate them, show them no mercy whatsoever. Feminism is a Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-reason, anti-science ideology that destroys literally everything it touches and everyone who embraces it.

Wow. He’s so mad he’s practically plagiarizing Pat Robertson’s famous quote about feminism being “a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” I’m not sure how Vox managed to forget the lesbian witchcraft angle.

Reject it and its adherents the way you would reject someone offering you plutonium on their bare hands; to accept it is to begin to die a slow and painful death.

Might I offer you some notes, Vox? This bit seems a little understated. I mean, the plutonium thing is pretty good, but a person handing you plutonium isn’t anywhere near as scary as having, say, a bear do it. Or a shark. Or a bear-shark. Or a bear-sharknado.

The problem isn’t merely that feminists are ugly and hateful, or that their ideology is incoherent and deluded, but that by mere toleration of them, through mere intellectual contact with it, you are permitting your life to be infected and degraded.

Clearly Vox, a dude who clings to memories of his D-list celebrity as a former member of an angsty dance band two decades ago, and who devotes much of his life to pounding out hateful and unintentionally self-parodic rants on the internet, offers us the very model of a healthy and happy life well-lived.

Reject all of it. Reject their appeals to equality. Reject their pretense to intellectual standing. And most of all, personally reject all of those who subscribe to it in any way, shape, or form. Any man who calls himself a feminist is ideologically transgender and mentally unstable.

Ideologically transgender? Wow. He’s come up with an even more obnoxious way to call someone a “mangina.”

Vox, you’re so cute when you’re angry!

And by cute I mean a you’re a pathetic, hateful, disgusting excuse for a human being.

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Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

If the examples above are sheeple, sheeple deserve more credit for their uniqueness and willingness to defy society’s expectations.

10 years ago

They’re either sheeple or they’re cosplaying as clouds.

10 years ago

Cloud people. Cleople. Clouple. Peouds. Hum… there isn’t a great name for cloud people is there?

Tangentially, sheeple made me think of Babe, which made want to look up the context of the bah-ram-ewe quote, which brought be to a list of movie quotes, which made me realize that Babe was a much darker and more serious film than I remember. I might have to re-watch it.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago
Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

Kirby, I heard that the woman who voiced Babe died a few weeks ago. She was fairly young, I believe – early fifties.

10 years ago

@Emmy Rae:

Aww, that’s sad to hear.

10 years ago

Oh my LORD, katz, that is obviously a goat. Don’t you even know what a sheeple looks like?


Oh dear. I hope you two aren’t going to… LOCK HORNS over this.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I was seriously surprised by Babe when I finally got around to watching it. This was supposed to be a kid’s movie? That goose the family eats instead of Babe was horrifying. THE GOOSE HAD A NAME. AND FRIENDS WHO MOURNED HER. AND THEY WERE EATING HER.

10 years ago

Oh dear. I hope you two aren’t going to… LOCK HORNS over this.

No, but we may butt heads.

10 years ago

Lucid dreaming is one of my favorite things. I’ve done some fun things with it over the years. One thing, though; dreamfolks are quirky. Telling them that you’re having a dream and they’re not real gets you nowhere, but more open-ended conversations can work. I asked one once what the name of the city we were in was, and his answer sounded like a pun on inner chi/energy. Flying in lucid dreams – wow. I also like going into stores and restaurants and drinking liquor from bottles. Never tastes quite right, though – hearing, seeing and touch work better than taste and smell.

My recent anxiety dreams are usually about being back at the hospital and trying to get home. Fortunately, I wake up AT home. Buses and rapid transit trains are part of the anxiety – either the bus doesn’t come or I can’t find the entrance to a station I’ve used hundreds of times in waking life. Yes, I take public transit in my dreams – I’ll fly, walk through walls and do magic tricks, but my subconscious will not let me do something as unreal as drive a car.

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago

I am very offended by this conversation. That is clearly not a sheeple, and should not attempt to violate the natural order of society by attempting to be something it is not. It isn’t right, and I feel that it taints the very concept of true sheeple.

You people have no respect for the sacred sheeple.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

Wasn’t Babe British or Australian? That seems more in line with those cultures than American culture.

And, as a farm kid that seemed sort of normal to me. It never occurred to me until now that it was odd for children.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

That was @PoM

10 years ago

Poor Rosanna.

Ferdinand was actually one of the smarter animals, to be honest, even though as a kid, I distinctly remember thinking he was the stupidest.

Little kid me didn’t get it, obviously.

10 years ago

I find myself having semi-lucid dreams now and again. I’ll find myself doing something one can only do in dreams (eg. picking my feet up off the ground and just flying, or searching in vain for a toilet with some semblance of privacy and finding nothing but exposed crappers everywhere) and thinking to myself “wow, this is just like something I dreamed before!” Somehow, though, I never make the connection and say to myself “hey! I must be dreaming! Therefore, I can do anything, and therefore, I will just MAKE myself a toilet with some privacy now!”, which I guess is what by definition would happen in a fully lucid dream. (I always wake up before I get a chance to make THAT happen.)

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

I just read the Wikipedia article on Babe; apparently the actor who played the farmer went on to become “an ethical vegan” (not sure why they didn’t just say vegan). And it contributed to the rise of vegetarianism among young people. So maybe you’re supposed to be horrified.

10 years ago

*eyes bowl* You gonna finish that?

Naw. You go ahead. It stays crunchy in milk!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Wasn’t Babe British or Australian? That seems more in line with those cultures than American culture.

I have not the first idea. All I know is the reaction I had to a couple of animals mourning another animal, who had a name but was nevertheless cooked and eaten. That reaction was: “Holy cow, kids are supposed to watch this??”

10 years ago

I feel sorry for the sheeple – they keep getting idiots telling them to “wake up” all the time… They’ll be trying to sleep and then at, like, 2am someone will post in all caps on a Youtube comment or somewhere, “WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!1!!” and this upsets them because they have very sensitive ears that are hurt by all-caps shouting like that. It’s a very rude awakening for them, especially because they have to work late into the evening jumping over fences for people to count them…
And they don’t know how to just tell the idiots to stop bothering them, because they’re a little too sheepish. 😀

Move over, MyLittlePony, there’s sheeple-fiction to be written!

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago

*sings* My little sheeple, my little sheeple~

10 years ago

*sings* I used to buy into conspiracies
(My little sheeple)

10 years ago

The only bathroom related dreams I have are the ones where I really have to go and every bathroom I find is disgustingly dirty. It happens within other dreams. I’m barefoot too. YUCK!

When my oldest daughter was little she had nightmares about a huge dragon that would break through her window, stick its big head in and try to eat her. My husband made her a wooden sword that had “Dragon” carved into the “blade”. She slept with it under her pillow. One morning she told me that the dragon had come and that she had killed it. She said, “That’ll teach it!” She didn’t have the dream anymore.

Now her little sister sleeps with the sword under her pillow and it’s magic still works.

10 years ago

Wasn’t Babe British or Australian? That seems more in line with those cultures than American culture.

The author of the book (“The Sheep-Pig”) was British so I’m guessing that yes, Babe is set in Britain too.

10 years ago

My favourite sheeple:

He’s a sheep, but he acts like a person!

10 years ago

If I eat right and exercise and believe in myself, I never need to see a proctologist – all of my inputs have been correct, there’s no reason for a bad output.
I think that’s part of why so many of them tend towards libertarianism, too. Code’s fair, mercilessly so, and such is life and the way of the world.

Life. Is. Not. Fair.

Bad things (horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE) things happen all the time to very good people who follow teh roolz. Living clean does not immunize you against bad luck (though it may nudge the odds a bit in your favour).

Also, good things happen to “bad” people who not only ignore the rules, but actively poop all over them at every opportunity. You can nudge the odds in your favour by taking some preventative steps, but you can never eliminate all the risk.

Life is inherently risky and unfair. This ‘just world hypothesis’ nonsense has. to. stop.

At the same time, I’m not saying anyone should actively try to damage themselves with risky behaviour, or by disregarding sound health care principles. It’s just that humans are incredibly complex systems, and to think that medical science is complete or that any person can completely eliminate all risk from their lives by ‘eating right, exercising, and believing in myself’ is so bass ackwards that it defies logic.

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