Oh dear. Fantasy author and garbage person Vox Day is having one of those (vox) days, and has decided to take it out on, you guessed it, feminism, pounding out an overwrought little rant on his Alpha Game blog.
Never give feminists an inch. Don’t agree with them, don’t tolerate them, show them no mercy whatsoever. Feminism is a Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-reason, anti-science ideology that destroys literally everything it touches and everyone who embraces it.
Wow. He’s so mad he’s practically plagiarizing Pat Robertson’s famous quote about feminism being “a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” I’m not sure how Vox managed to forget the lesbian witchcraft angle.
Reject it and its adherents the way you would reject someone offering you plutonium on their bare hands; to accept it is to begin to die a slow and painful death.
Might I offer you some notes, Vox? This bit seems a little understated. I mean, the plutonium thing is pretty good, but a person handing you plutonium isn’t anywhere near as scary as having, say, a bear do it. Or a shark. Or a bear-shark. Or a bear-sharknado.
The problem isn’t merely that feminists are ugly and hateful, or that their ideology is incoherent and deluded, but that by mere toleration of them, through mere intellectual contact with it, you are permitting your life to be infected and degraded.
Clearly Vox, a dude who clings to memories of his D-list celebrity as a former member of an angsty dance band two decades ago, and who devotes much of his life to pounding out hateful and unintentionally self-parodic rants on the internet, offers us the very model of a healthy and happy life well-lived.
Reject all of it. Reject their appeals to equality. Reject their pretense to intellectual standing. And most of all, personally reject all of those who subscribe to it in any way, shape, or form. Any man who calls himself a feminist is ideologically transgender and mentally unstable.
Ideologically transgender? Wow. He’s come up with an even more obnoxious way to call someone a “mangina.”
Vox, you’re so cute when you’re angry!
And by cute I mean a you’re a pathetic, hateful, disgusting excuse for a human being.
Oh, yeah, I landed safe!
(Totally a pointless post because it kind of should be obvious, but whatevah!)
The teal deer did have one flawed moment of clarity.
Well, not literally forever, but for a long, long time apparently.
Re: feeling of expansion pre-sleep (or, really, between being asleep and awake – when I’ve had it, I’ve been unable to see or move but very much aware): Yes.
Though I don’t think I’ve expanded/contracted so much as stayed with expansion.
Any lurking Frustrated Nice Guy MRAs should read this article: http://www.dailydot.com/opinion/nice-guys-dating-sexism/
It actually addresses some of the confusions that I’ve had about Nice Guys and guys who are nice.
Though I still don’t like that Amy Schumer skit.
Okay, I’ll admit that i got suckered into skimming through at least a paragraph or two of that teal deer of Ciaran’s. Sadly, it boils down to the same old same old tired list of supposed gotchas, but worst of all it’s basically copypasta.
See the “original” (perhaps) at http://www.donotlink.com/d4c4 parading as someone
Meh. I’d delete that puppy if I were a mod…
@grumpyoldnurse, proxieme
I wonder what causes that, and if there’s a name for it. It’s one of the most terrifying things ever.
There’s nothing wrong with orange, I just felt like making a absurd statement and then sticking with it. I mean, orange is indeed my least favorite color, but that doesn’t mean it oppresses me.
…unless it does.
@thread at large
I really love how the troll showed up, posted a massive teal deer, and everybody collectively ignored it. It was a thing of beauty, and made me smile.
Mouse Farts,
I’ve often felt like my bed is falling away when I lie still. I also sometimes feel that the bed is shaking and I realize it’s my blood pumping through my veins.
@Falconer Sadly, we didn’t get PE credit for marching band. There doesn’t seem to be any logical consistency to the dream. It’s always “you owe us 1 PE credit, so you have to do ALL OF HIGH SCHOOL ALL OVER AGAIN”.
I loved Sleigh Ride. That was always the highlight of the Christmas concert. My part was midrange and kind of dull, but my sister got to do the neighing trumpet. One year this kid in the percussion section who lived on a farm brought in a real bullwhip. He had to stand way off to the side so he wouldn’t accidentally flay people.
What instrument did you play?
@Mouse Farts Yes! When I was younger, any time I was sick or feverish I’d get weird perspective hallucinations, where everything in the room was simultaneously thick and thin, big and little, tall and short, and I had no idea what size I was in relation to everything else. It was terrifying. Remembering how baby aspirin tasted triggers that memory. (Maybe that’s why orange feels so oppressive?)
I read the whole teal deer. It was very boring. Not even original enough to merit any kind of argument. Certainly not worth sinking all that time into reading; I actually got bored and wandered off twice in the middle.
F- troll, would not read again.
Mouse: lol I know. I was trying to banter with you but I guess it didn’t come across that way.
Whoops… reload the page and find out that I am super late to that particular party…
I’m really just killing time until I can take more cold medicine and go back to bed at this point…
And apparently I am ellipsis happy today
@Buttercup: The big innie-outie slidey trumpet one.
I kinda like it, but I’ve also intentionally never gotten into hallucinogens because I was fairly sure that I’d like them too much.
Hope you feel better, gillyrosebee! My smalls were sick over the weekend.
Thank you, Falconer! (adorbs pictures certainly help, too!!).
It’s that flu that’s going around, and sadly having the jab won’t help because this strain was not in the cocktail for this year. It’s pretty horrible too, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone!
Hope the smalls are feeling better!
They are! S was feeling really bad, all she wanted to do on Sunday was lie on top of Mama or Daddy. Yesterday evening she was dancing.
A has been fighting a cough and drippy nose for weeks now. We’re really concerned about his lungs, but his pediatrician gave us a pill and a puff and wants to make a decision about specialists at their 2 year checkup.
@Falconer Aka the Blum Blooper/Who Womper?
Hope you feel better soon, gillyrosebee!
I called my Who Womper “Bell Bane” because I walked backwards into a marching french horn and put a humongous crease in its bell with the back end.
Man, we were forever breaking instruments in band.
Well, of course. You don’t get a Good Girl Prize™ for dumping a rapey rat. Especially not if he’s a pro soccer star. You have to stick around, even if he beats the shit out of you, because you’re lucky you “got” him, remember?
Women are supposed to shrivel up and die if there’s no man to dip his wick in ’em, after all.
Whoa! Good thing it was a french horn bell, and not someone’s forehead.
Most of us played school instruments that had been through the wars. The wrong turn at the wrong moment could be lethal. I think maybe that’s why it took me 5 years to get out of braces.
My “failing at exam” dreams usually take the form of showing up to a dance recital, possibly in the wrong costume or in street clothes, but definitely up on stage going, “Uh, yeah, I’ve never seen this choreography in my life” and trying to fake it. I even had one a few months ago, though I haven’t performed IRL in close to a decade.
In terms of other unpleasant recurring dreams, they usually are: 1) Teeth falling out; 2) wallet missing/stolen; or 3) nasty, dirty, overflowing public restrooms, with little or no privacy between stalls, and lots of random people just wandering through.
I’ve had a few lucid dreams before. The weirdest ones actually took me a while to figure out what in the world was going on. It was roughly the following sequence:
1) Drama! Bad guys! Mortal peril!
2) Something goes horribly wrong
3) Feeling absolutely sick with impending doom
4) Suddenly everything is reset to just before step 1
5) *much confuse*
6) Steps 1-2 repeat as I figure out, “Wait, didn’t we just do this? Why is no one else weirded out by this?” (Skip step 3 due to extreme confusion)
7) Reset to 1 again
8) OH, I get it, I must be dreaming. *proceeds to take active measures to avoid step 2*
@Mouse Farts:
RE: shrinky-growy thing:
I don’t have the exact same thing, but I have something similar? Like grumpyoldnurse, I tend to get it when I’m stressed or tired. Basically whenever I imagine something in my brain with my eyes closed, the image immediately starts shrinking down into nothing, and it feels sort of like I’m traveling backwards at a very fast speed. Sometimes it happens to body parts as well, like they’ll feel like they’re shrinking into nothing before rebounding because I can still feel them at their normal size.
I kinda like the sensation for the most part, though since it does only occur when I’m stressed or tired there are a bunch of other sensations alongside it that aren’t so pleasant. At any rate, when it happens I can mentally sit back and laugh at how terribly I’ve been treating myself.
That happens to me occasionally (or, it used to, not so much anymore) but I guess it wasn’t as intense for me because I always kind of liked it. It felt neat.
Has anyone ever had a fever dream that ended with a big electric shock that waked you up? That happened a lot when I was a kid.