antifeminism attention seeking bears dark enlightenment drama kings evil ugly women grandiosity hate men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit transphobia vox day

Vox Day: "Feminism is a Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-reason, anti-science ideology that destroys literally everything it touches and everyone who embraces it."

Man protecting himself from the evils of feminism
Man protecting himself from the evils of feminism

Oh dear. Fantasy author and garbage person Vox Day is having one of those (vox) days, and has decided to take it out on, you guessed it, feminism, pounding out an overwrought little rant on his Alpha Game blog.

Never give feminists an inch. Don’t agree with them, don’t tolerate them, show them no mercy whatsoever. Feminism is a Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-reason, anti-science ideology that destroys literally everything it touches and everyone who embraces it.

Wow. He’s so mad he’s practically plagiarizing Pat Robertson’s famous quote about feminism being “a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” I’m not sure how Vox managed to forget the lesbian witchcraft angle.

Reject it and its adherents the way you would reject someone offering you plutonium on their bare hands; to accept it is to begin to die a slow and painful death.

Might I offer you some notes, Vox? This bit seems a little understated. I mean, the plutonium thing is pretty good, but a person handing you plutonium isn’t anywhere near as scary as having, say, a bear do it. Or a shark. Or a bear-shark. Or a bear-sharknado.

The problem isn’t merely that feminists are ugly and hateful, or that their ideology is incoherent and deluded, but that by mere toleration of them, through mere intellectual contact with it, you are permitting your life to be infected and degraded.

Clearly Vox, a dude who clings to memories of his D-list celebrity as a former member of an angsty dance band two decades ago, and who devotes much of his life to pounding out hateful and unintentionally self-parodic rants on the internet, offers us the very model of a healthy and happy life well-lived.

Reject all of it. Reject their appeals to equality. Reject their pretense to intellectual standing. And most of all, personally reject all of those who subscribe to it in any way, shape, or form. Any man who calls himself a feminist is ideologically transgender and mentally unstable.

Ideologically transgender? Wow. He’s come up with an even more obnoxious way to call someone a “mangina.”

Vox, you’re so cute when you’re angry!

And by cute I mean a you’re a pathetic, hateful, disgusting excuse for a human being.

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10 years ago

All the best contrapangloss! Have a safe trip.

Yes, Evans is nasty. And this case is more proof that we live in a world where athletes can rape and yet still be supported wholeheartedly, because they’re athletes.

10 years ago

I freak’n love Lamictal, but I really, really need it. I need it “I’ll risk dying of blinding eyeball/vagina rash” much.

My up cycle did occasionally come with an increased feeling of spirituality and connection with nature. (We went to so many hippie camp outs and pagan stuff back then) It kicked my sex drive up a notch or two too. It was kind of a bummer when I found out those were just symptoms. Clarity is better though. Being able to stand myself is waaaay better.

I had nightmares prior to treatment. Now I don’t. Or I haven’t yet anyway.

10 years ago

Happy trails contrapangloss!

Wowzers. Some troll left a teal deer the size of the Hindenburg back a page…

Yeah. Very dull. Seen it before. Not bothering.

10 years ago

Ciaran Reid, you owe me a new mouse wheel. I wore my old one out scrolling past all that nonsense.

What was that about a video? Was that whole screed a transcript? You probably should have said, if it was, because otherwise people are going to take it as your opinion.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

*sticks head into the bipolar talk*

Erm… Has anybody else been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder (basically both bipolar and schizophrenia), or is that just me? Nobody ever guesses because I’m very strict about taking my meds, but before I was diagnosed and medicated, it was hellish. Ugh.

I have been a bit less embarrassed about admitting it since scientists linked both my SAD and my Asperger’s back to my neurofibromatosis. Having an explanation for it helps take the sting out of the stigma.

10 years ago

Welp, probably should have checked the end of the thread before posting.

And maybe not, because “sensations that something just sat down on your bed” and “disembodied arms”? FUCK NO.

The worst I get when falling asleep is the occasional sudden sensation of falling, which causes me to jump or jerk my whole body. Sometimes I only feel the jump, though.

Really, I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. A couple months ago, I nearly fell asleep playing Final Fantasy 9, and only realized it when Beloved asked me if something was wrong.

About the only times I have trouble going to sleep is when it’s like 5 a.m., my alarm’s going off in an hour, and I already nearly fell asleep in the rocking chair with one of my babies.

Re: Sherlock and “high functioning sociopath,” sometimes I get the idea that he’s really pretty neurotypical and only wishes he were a high-functioning sociopath. But I have no idea how to support that at the moment, except Moffat has said this Sherlock is repressing his sex drive, because that’s more interesting to Moffat than just being ace (which has got spun into “Moffat thinks asexuals are boring” by the Tumblr haters who think they can get him fired).

10 years ago

I only skimmed the teal deer obviously. But he compared feminism to pork barrel politics which was pretty funny. He clearly doesn’t know what pork is.

10 years ago

Wow. That was quite a teal deer there, Claran. And yes, it appear that he just dumped a transcript of an entire video into a comment, a particularly Gish Gallopy one at that. I really only have one response.

You see, everyone wants to act like they are taking part in discourse, that they are fair salesmen in the marketplace of ideas. You want to make yourself out to be reasonable rather than, revealing that you are a bunch of close-minded, insular lunatics whose only interest in getting into the market of ideas is so you can shout people down and unload a canned speech on them.


10 years ago

you are a bunch of close-minded, insular lunatics whose only interest in getting into the market of ideas is so you can shout people down and unload a canned speech on them.

Oh, that is hilarious.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

No schizoaffective disorder diagnosis for me, MTSJR. Of course, my bipolar diagnosis came about in a backhanded way, so who knows!


Yeah, sleep paralysis was the thing I was thinking about earlier but I couldn’t remember what it was called and my search engine skills failed me. However, I don’t think that’s the entire explanation, because I was often NOT paralyzed when this occurred. Occasionally this would occur the moment I turned out the lights and lay down, and I was able to run it off once by just sleeping with a light on.

I don’t know anything about the mechanism of night terrors. I just know the description and what I experienced sometimes fit that description (but not always).

10 years ago

Night terrors, sleep paralysis, that ‘jerk yourself awake just as you fall asleep’ thing, and sleep walking. Is anyone else here a sleep walker? Mine seems to have toned down in the last 8 years, or so, but it was mildly disruptive for a long time. Mr.Grump used to just tell me to go back to bed if he’d catch me at it (he stays up later than I usually do) and I would usually comply. I also used to re-enact stressful events from my work day. Mr.Grump had to push me off him one time because I was trying to do CPR on him! Oops! Luckily, neither little grump has ever sleep walked, that I’m aware of, although Master Grump seems to occasionally have very bad night mares, and Miss Grump talks in her sleep.

I’ve had experiences similar to the ones you describe, PoM, and I’m not sure that sleep paralysis adequately describes it, either. In my case, growing up in a religiously wacky household didn’t help, because my mom literally believes in demons, and everything was ascribed to demonic interference. There might be a supernatural explanation, but my mom’s default assumption was always “evil”, which did not help very much.

10 years ago

Pretty much everything in Claran’s rant was an anti-feminist talking point that has been amply addressed elsewhere or just good old fashioned rage of the “feminists are marxist socialist communists that want to kill all men and install a matriarchy” variety. Boring.

Therefore, I present you all with a dark twist on the tale of Beezey and Bou. Enjoy!


*hum hum hum*

“Hey, Abezethibou.”

*hum hum hum hum*


*hum hum*

“*sigh* Hey, Bou.”

“Yeah, Beezey?”

“Do you… um… never mind.”

“Aww, what is it, Beezey?”



“Do you remember anything? You know, before you were a demon horse?”

“Can’t say that I do, Beezey.”

“Really? You don’t remember anything? Does the name ‘Hesperus’ mean anything to you?”

“Hmmmmmm… Nope!”

“How many wings do you have?”

“C’mon, Beezey, you know I have one.”

“What did you just say?!?”

“I said, ‘C’mon, Beezey, you know I have none.’ I’m a horse, not a bird!”

“I could have sworn you just said something else.”

“What’s wrong, Beezey? You’re acting weird again. You aren’t crying again, are you?”

“I’ve told you a thousand times, demons don’t cry! It’s just really dusty out tonight.”

“Oh yeah.”

“Abez… er, Bou?”


“What do you think of me?”

“Your my best friend in the whole wide world, Beezey!”

“And I’ve always been your friend, right?”



“Umm… I dunno, you just are.”

“You really don’t remember?”

“Remember what?”

“*sigh* Nevermind.”

“Do you remember things from before you were an imp that sits on wretched humans’ chests?”

“I do, Bou, I do. Shadows in my mind coil and seethe, like serpents always just slightly out of reach. I remember rebellion and war, death and destruction. I remember the buzzing of insects and the stench of decay and the thrum of angel’s wings. I remember falling…”

“I fell the other day! I stepped on a rock funny and fell down.”

“And I remember you, Abezethibou, my faithful servant, always at my side. And I’ll wait until the end of time itself if that’s what it takes, until the fog clears and we see each other again for the first time.”

“Shouldn’t be too long now, Beezey, the sun’s coming up.”

“Right… right… We should find some place to sleep.”

*hum hum hum hum*

“Abez… Bou?”


“Could you start that humming over?”

“Err, I dunno, Beezey, I’m just making it up as I go.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“Ok, I’ll try.”

*hum hum hum*

Arise my brothers in sin.
A Kingdom new must begin.
A sea of flames is now our home
Amidst the smoke and fiery foam
Arise my soldiers, to me!
At last, my friends, we’re free!

“That’s beautiful, Beezey, where’d you hear it?”

“A place long forgotten. Ask me later, I’ll sing you the rest.”

“Ok Beezelbub.”

“… Ok.”

10 years ago

That was beautiful, Kirby!

(sorry, can’t help it – boutiful – and, I’ll show myself out)

10 years ago

@grumpyoldnurse: My mother-in-law has a tale about how she got up in the middle of the night and tried to pull my father-in-law out of bed because she dreamed that she smelled a gas leak.

I’ve woken up in a rocking chair with one of my littles asleep on my lap with no recollection of them getting me out of bed.

10 years ago

@ Falconer – Ah, but waking up with a small on your lap in a rocking chair and not remembering how you got there is only an indication of being a sleep deprived and attentive parent! (although, I’ve done that plenty of times, too)

And, at least your MIL tried to save your FIL, instead of just running away on her own. That’s true love!

Seriously, though, stress and sleep deprivation seem to make my sleep walking and other unpleasant night-time adventures worse. Do other folks find the same true for themselves?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

A friend of mine’s brother used to get up in the middle of the night, go into the bathroom, brush his teeth with everybody’s toothbrush, then go back to bed. I never slept over at her house, for obvious reasons.

I’ve had weird episodes where I’ve been in a strange lucid dreaming state and sensed a presence fluttering over me (ghost, spirit, whatever you want to call it) which jerked me awake. It doesn’t seem to be a malevolent presence – more curious than intending harm – but it’s still unsettling.

10 years ago

@ Buttercup – EWWWWWW!!!! Your friend’s family must have shared a lot of colds! I don’t blame you for not sleeping over! HIDE YOUR TOOTHBRUSH!!!!! I have occasionally left muddy footprints and emptied all the cupboards (why do I only make messes when I sleep walk, instead of cleaning up?) but I don’t think I’ve ever brushed my teeth.

Lucid dreams can be cool. I often wonder if some thing’s really there, or if it’s just a semi-sleeping brain misinterpreting banal stimuli. I’d like to be involved some sleep research, because it’s so fascinating. I also wonder if our dreams and other altered states are where we got a lot of our original religious ideas from?

10 years ago

I don’t think I’ve ever truly done any lucid dreaming. Once I dreamed some random kid and I were exploring a haunted house, and I, in the dream, said that I was dreaming and could control things. I don’t think I could though, because I tried to make one of those knight armor statue things fall over with my mind and I couldn’t.

Other times I randomly realize I’m dreaming, so I’ll go do random things for a bit until I inevitably wake up. I don’t really control things though… I’ve really wanted to learn how to lucid dream reliably, but usually when I realize I’m dreaming it’s a futile struggle to stop myself from waking.


I also wonder if our dreams and other altered states are where we got a lot of our original religious ideas from?

I wouldn’t doubt it. Dreams have nearly always been thought to have some sort of prophetic meaning. How else do you describe random pictures in your head that appear at night when you don’t know what a brain is or what sleep is? The rest is imagination and a long game of telephone. 😛

10 years ago

@ kirbywarp – Snerk!! 🙂

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Every once in a while I lucid-dream, usually early in the morning just before waking up. All of a sudden I realize I’m dreaming and have the freedom to do whatever I want. Usually I fly, or do triple axels on the moon, or dive off 100-foot cliffs, or go skiing. As long as it involves effortless motion through space, it’s fine, but the moment I start trying to make things do other things, I get paralyzed and frustrated.

When I’m stressed out (which is about 100% of the time), my dreams take the form of I Really Need To Do Thing A, But I Can’t Because Of Frustrating Thing B. For example, running down endless corridors, trying to catch a flight from Gate # Googleplex at the M.C. Escher International Airport. Or trying to put my contacts in, but they’re the size of dinner plates. Light switches, phones, and digital clocks don’t work either (probably because the dreaming brain can’t make sense of modern appliances).

It’s fascinating, the way the brain constructs patterns, stories, and narratives to make sense of random stimuli. Since we spend a lot of our sleeptime paralyzed, I imagine the brain ends up having to reconcile a lot of conflicting impulses. “Walk over there! Oh no! Legs can’t move! Let’s make up a frustrating story to explain it!”

10 years ago

I’m just so done with getting up in the middle of the night because one or both babies wants to run around some.

They have some kind of internal timer. My boy would wake up at 11 p.m. so regular you could set your watch to him, and for the longest time they would both take two whole hours to rock back to sleep. That got easier to deal with when I learned to fall asleep in the rocking chair, and that the baby would just lie there and go to sleep, too, if I did.

10 years ago

@Buttercup: I have those dreams, too, where I’m trying to do something and the goalposts keep moving. Usually it’s got the quality of a dream, where I just get distracted easier than a labrador retriever high on speed and let off the leash in Central Park.

Here’s TMI — sometimes I have a dream where my girlfriend* is all my body is ready and I’m all yassss … hold on love gotta go do something and I never actually get to the sex part of my sex dream.

*Well, sometimes it’s an ex, sometimes it’s Beloved, and sometimes it’s a vaguely woman-shaped dream entity, but in any case they’re ready to bang me like a screen door in a submarine.

10 years ago

@ Falconer – I hear you about the weird baby non-sleep schedule. There’s two and a half years between my smalls, and for a while, I had a non-sleeping toddler taking one nap in the middle of the day (sort of) and a very regular sleeping baby taking two naps during the day and feeding every three hours through the night. I felt like the sleep deprivation was the universe trying to destroy me and my sanity. They’re school age, now, though, and it’s mostly better.

The frustration dreams are the worst. I usually have them about work, though, so the no-sex sex dream sounds like too much of a personal insult! Dreams about empty med carts, or not being able to start IV’s, or dressing carts that are missing that special thingy that I really really really need are just the usual kind of ‘the universe is a hostile place’ sort of thing, by comparison.

10 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

It’s fascinating, the way the brain constructs patterns, stories, and narratives to make sense of random stimuli. Since we spend a lot of our sleeptime paralyzed, I imagine the brain ends up having to reconcile a lot of conflicting impulses. “Walk over there! Oh no! Legs can’t move! Let’s make up a frustrating story to explain it!”

This. This I can relate to. I don’t even know how many times I’ve dreamed that I need to run away from something scary, or run towards something else, or swing a sword or something, and my limbs just won’t move the way I want. Either if feels like I’m running through molasses on the moon and can barely stay upright, or I’m swinging what feels like a gyroscope on hyperdrive.

As for the frustration dreams, my biggest ones have always been school related. Almost always there’s some class I haven’t been attending for half the semester because I forgot. When I actually try going to class, it feels like I had been sleeping in my dorm room for months… a weird mixture of recognition of an outside area I hadn’t been to in forever and shame and guilt that I hadn’t been attending the way I should have been up to that point.

It’s not even always college either, sometimes its high school. I’m so thankful when I wake up and after a few seconds remember that I don’t actually have classes anymore.

Freud would think he could have a field day with me, until he realizes that my frustrating dreams are quite directly related to my waking life stresses and regrets.

10 years ago

Beloved occasionally has dreams where her high school diploma is revoked because she forgot to go to one of her classes, so she has to re-take high school.

I used to have dreams where I was sure I’d forgotten one of my college courses for the entire semester. Nowadays I have dreams where I’m wandering around my old alma mater, except nothing is quite the same. They have done lots of renovation since I graduated, but I don’t think they’ve added brownstone-style fronts to the dorm buildings.

And @grumpyoldnurse, I know that “can’t find the Macguffin” dream pretty well. Sometimes I feel like I’m living that dream in the waking world, when I keep trying to get letters out the door at work and can’t seem to make any headway.

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