The last we heard from Men’s-Rights-adjacent eccentric Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c), he was falsely accusing an Ohio University student of being a false rape accuser and posting her personal information on the internet.
Now he’s back in the news again with an exciting new social media venture. While Paul Elam takes on the world of publishing with his Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don’t Write Good (not its real name), Nolan(c) is taking on an even bigger target: Facebook.
Nolan(c), who for complicated crackpot reasons now goes by the name Joschua-Brandon: Boehm(c), has just launched ManBook, his version of Facebook, but for men only. While ManBook might look to the world like a glorified blog, Nolan(c) Boehm sees it as a viable alternative to the alleged misandrist tyranny and “censorship” of “fascist book.”
Well, unless you’re a woman. If you’re a woman and try to post on ManBook, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) explains, he has the right to kill you.
Nolan(c) Boehm(c) explains this rather strict comment policy as follows:
We have asked politely for women to not register but you are registering anyway. This shows total lack of respect for our right to freedom of association. We do not wish to associate with women in this place. Period. …
We would ask you women to respect our rights as you wish your rights to be respected. If you are unwilling to respect our right to freedom of association do not expect men to respect your right to life. Ok?
So far ManBook is little more than a collection of blog posts by Nolan(c) Boehm(c) with a smattering of comments, but the site has gotten a bit of media attention, inspiring posts on Raw Story and Jezebel, mostly because of that whole “killing women” thing.
While Nolan(c) Boehm(c) is clearly delighted with all the traffic that his new notoriety has brought him, he doesn’t feel he’s getting a fair shake on the whole “right to kill women who post comments” deal. In a post today, he responded to one critic with this, er, clarification of his philosophy:
[Y]ou have to love the fact that he actually encourages women to go and join the site thereby encouraging women to violate the right of freedom of association. This is why men are now starting to kill women more often in divorce. Because men openly encourage women to violate the rights of other men and then pretend to be “horrified” when the men defend their rights with force, up to and including deadly force.
But, you know, if you’re a dude, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) would love you to sign up for his wannabe Facebook-killer site. You can even log into his site … using Facebook.
ManBook is not Nolan(c) Boehm(c)’s first attempt to take on an internet giant. He is also the man behind a little site called A-MAN-ZON. THE politically incorrect store for MEN.
… which also looks suspiciously like a blog. I’m not even sure that there’s a way to buy anything on the site. There are no links to actual products or categories of products on the site’s main page, and a search for books turns up one online “book” that you can “buy” for free.
In a welcome note on A-Man-Zon, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) can’t help but come back to the whole evil-women issue:
Stop spending your money with men who will sell products and services to men and then take that money and give it to women to spend on lawyers in the divorce courts until the man is so harassed and so broke that he decides to kill himself like Robin Williams did this week.
And the FIRST such man-hating, mangina, white-knight, sexist, discriminatory, bigot that I recommend men stop spending money with is Jeff Bezos.
Jeff Bezos is one of the worlds biggest man-hating, mangina, white-knight, sexist, discriminatory, bigots.
Jeff Bezos openly employs tens of thousands of women who have committed crimes against fathers in divorce courts. He is completely un-apologetic about that.
Despite the name, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) makes it clear that women are allowed to buy from A-Man-Zon — at least if they are
“good women” who are “man enough” not to be “offended” by other peoples opinions … #WomenAgainstFeminism are welcome to be buyers of products and services here.
So he apparently has no problem accepting women’s money — just their opinions.
EDIT: Added links, fixed a few proofreading things.
We’re almost certainly calling are next cat Abbadon, because of all the nicknames that it can generate, Abbey, Abba, Abe, Don….
If I ever get another cat, I would be sorely tempted to call them Guppy. (‘Course, they’d have to be very visually similar to Guppy.) Because Guppy is the best character in the Binding of Isaac, and Guppy is the destroyer of worlds.
Or I’d call them Mjölnir because cats (and pets in general too) are a great indicator of who is a good person and who is not. If Mjölnir doesn’t like you, you are not worthy.
So is taking a person out to eat and seeing how they treat waitstaff. If you’re rude to waitstaff I don’t need you in my life.
Jenora Feuer, that was an awesome analysis!
While the sovereign citizen movement seems extremely alien to both my own society and mainstream American society, it also seems kind of a logical extension of regular American right-wing rhetoric I follow on various sites. Apparently it’s seeping into other English-speaking countries, but the movement seems distinctly USian in origin, I speculate that the movement originated in US because that country has large and unusually overlapping groups of:
1. Religious fundies who are well-trained in wishful thinking and seclusion from mainstrean society.
2. Rightwingers who obsessively hate taxes and have a kneejerk “freedom” reaction against regulations.
3. Patriots who think the Constitution is sacred and ultimate authority above humans, representing some ethereal “real” law which the contemporary imperfect government constantly violates.
Something like that. No offense to the majority of reality-based US citizens.
But the word “citizen” is usually associated with rights rather than responsibilities, therefore something something people who obey the government are subjects not citizens!
… Except for the 14th and 16th Amendments, which to them don’t exist and people who bring them up might as well be speaking Martian.
Well, well, well, guess what? The flounce didn’t stick. This “gentleman” is still posting on manbook. Yesterday he posted a message commenting on a man killing 7 family members (I think) and then committing suicide, and how all this is the feeeeemales fault.
Luckily, the only comment (by a man) is not supporting any of this crap.
Arctic Ape,
That’s right for the most part but I would add another factor. I think all the space we have is a factor. Because there are so many miles of sparsely populated country individual families and small communities can easily isolate themselves on huge tracts of land. That’s why these types are a lot more common in the western half of the country than the far more densely populated eastern half. This is why these people generally don’t live in metro areas. I think much of Europe and Asia is too densely populated for sovereign citizen movements to take off in they have here.
He sounds like he’s working himself up to murder and encouraging others to do the same. I hope the police are keeping an eye on him.
A man kills seven people and that proves that women are terrible. That’s…counterintuitive.
I’m still trying to figure out what the thing about Bezos was about. Why that company in particular? Did he just pick a company with a lot of female employees at random? I’m confused.
I don’t want to look, even on a donotlinky. Lemme guess…the Edmonton murders?
If I remember correctly, Colon there had his Totally Manly Book of Mens removed from sale on Amazon for violating their terms of service or something, which made him go ballistic about how Amazon was just another one of the many arms of the Feminist global conspiracy keeping men down and Bezos was some kind of gender traitor.
And the bit about Amazon employees having blah blah divorce courts yadda yadda tens of thousands of them is just Panic being his unique self.
Well, you know, you’re either with him or with the terrorists, and ISIS has nothing against the family court system when it comes to crushing the bodies and spirits of righteous men.
Does Amazon even have tens of thousands of employees?
They might if you include all their warehouses worldwide.
I don’t think so even then. Aren’t a lot of those folks independent contractors? They contract with the company that operates the warehouse, not for Amazon itself, I think.
The internets tell me 110,000 in late 2013, having recently surpassed Microsoft.
Seconding this question! Not a fan of hers at all, but yeesh – that’s horrible.
Trying very hard not to fall down the rabbit hole of Sovereign Freemen Strawmen whatsits. It is so hard to look away once you start reading, though. It’s not often that I can’t even, but I really can’t even with them.
Yeah, you have to be careful with that stuff. Sure, you start with reading about the Freemen on the Land folks, and it’s all fun and games, but then you move on to the Sovereign Citizens, and next thing you know you are parsing the shades of fractal wingnuttery between the American Homeland Movement, the Montana Freemen and the American Redoubt.
After that, it’s all chemtrails and long distance mind control programs and you in a basement office with a poster on the wall that says “I want to believe”
Just watch Panic’s courtroom video, it kind of neatly sums up the whole movement.
I’d seen that one before, actually, along with a range of similar ones. These guys have an odd fixation on being able to record trial proceedings.
Sadly, though none of them go quite that far, a few of my friends are sovereign/freemen adjacent.
@gillyrosebee well there goes my weekend. Also – I read that as ‘rectal wingnuttery’. Still works!
Off to find Panic’s courtroom video. Will show it to Busband, who has a hard time ever believing people like this exist, and even when presented with evidence falls into deep denial.
Enjoy, Tracy. I will admit to a kind of odd fascination with it myself!
“Rectal wingnuttery” needs to become a phrase. XD