advocacy of violence all about the menz antifeminism antifeminist women crackpottery creepy empathy deficit entitled babies grandiosity gross incompetence manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no girls allowed not-quite-explicit threats Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c) post contains sarcasm

Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c) warns women who comment on his Facebook ripoff site that he just might kill them for it

ManBook founder: No girls allowed!
ManBook founder: No girls allowed!

The last we heard from Men’s-Rights-adjacent eccentric Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c), he was falsely accusing an Ohio University student of being a false rape accuser and posting her personal information on the internet.

Now he’s back in the news again with an exciting new social media venture. While Paul Elam takes on the world of publishing with his Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don’t Write Good (not its real name), Nolan(c) is taking on an even bigger target: Facebook.

Nolan(c), who for complicated crackpot reasons now goes by the name Joschua-Brandon: Boehm(c), has just launched ManBook, his version of Facebook, but for men only. While ManBook might look to the world like a glorified blog, Nolan(c) Boehm sees it as a viable alternative to the alleged misandrist tyranny and “censorship” of “fascist book.”

Well, unless you’re a woman. If you’re a woman and try to post on ManBook, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) explains, he has the right to kill you.

Nolan(c) Boehm(c) explains this rather strict comment policy as follows:

We have asked politely for women to not register but you are registering anyway. This shows total lack of respect for our right to freedom of association. We do not wish to associate with women in this place. Period. …

We would ask you women to respect our rights as you wish your rights to be respected. If you are unwilling to respect our right to freedom of association do not expect men to respect your right to life. Ok?

So far ManBook is little more than a collection of blog posts by Nolan(c) Boehm(c) with a smattering of comments, but the site has gotten a bit of media attention, inspiring posts on Raw Story and Jezebel, mostly because of that whole “killing women” thing.

While Nolan(c) Boehm(c) is clearly delighted with all the traffic that his new notoriety has brought him, he doesn’t feel he’s getting a fair shake on the whole “right to kill women who post comments” deal. In a post today, he responded to one critic with this, er, clarification of his philosophy:

[Y]ou have to love the fact that he actually encourages women to go and join the site thereby encouraging women to violate the right of freedom of association. This is why men are now starting to kill women more often in divorce. Because men openly encourage women to violate the rights of other men and then pretend to be “horrified” when the men defend their rights with force, up to and including deadly force.

But, you know, if you’re a dude, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) would love you to sign up for his wannabe Facebook-killer site. You can even log into his site … using Facebook.

ManBook is not Nolan(c) Boehm(c)’s first attempt to take on an internet giant. He is also the man behind a little site called A-MAN-ZON. THE politically incorrect store for MEN.

… which also looks suspiciously like a blog. I’m not even sure that there’s a way to buy anything on the site. There are no links to actual products or categories of products on the site’s main page, and a search for books turns up one online “book” that you can “buy” for free.

In a welcome note on A-Man-Zon, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) can’t help but come back to the whole evil-women issue:

Stop spending your money with men who will sell products and services to men and then take that money and give it to women to spend on lawyers in  the divorce courts until the man is so harassed and so broke that he decides to kill himself like Robin Williams did this week.

And the FIRST such man-hating, mangina, white-knight, sexist, discriminatory, bigot that I recommend men stop spending money with is Jeff Bezos.

Jeff Bezos is one of the worlds biggest man-hating, mangina, white-knight, sexist, discriminatory, bigots.

Jeff Bezos openly employs tens of thousands of women who have committed crimes against fathers in divorce courts. He is completely un-apologetic about that.

Despite the name, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) makes it clear that women are allowed to buy from A-Man-Zon — at least if they are

“good women” who are “man enough” not to be “offended” by other peoples opinions … #WomenAgainstFeminism are welcome to be buyers of products and services here.

So he apparently has no problem accepting women’s money — just their opinions.

EDIT: Added links, fixed a few proofreading things.

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10 years ago

Peter Andrew Colon Nolan Copyright

Oh, that’s a keeper. One can always call him “The Colon” for short, too, since that’s where he generally stores his head.

10 years ago

Yes, and like a colon, he’s a source of shit.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


So … how does she account for # 1 and 2?

Yes, and like a colon, he’s a source of shit.

The one instance where colonic irrigation sounds like a good idea.

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago


Satanism, I am pretty sure.

She was also totes convinced that Satanic Ritual Abuse was a real thing, but that the government is part of a Satanic cult conspiracy to destroy the traditional family, in order to destroy Christianity. Their tools include brainwashing kids into being gay (to prevent Christian babies) and false accusations of child abuse (to remove children from their god-fearing Christian parents).

10 years ago

So SSM closed down her old blog after being doxxed by a manospherean she had a falling out with.

Another fine example of how misogynists are willing to harass any woman, even if she’s on their side.

10 years ago

Funnily enough, I read an article a few weeks back that said hormonally women were closest to men during their period. So what women are like 1 week in 4, men are like all the time. Also, that the most stable, least affected by hormones people were post-menopause women, so they should be leaders.

10 years ago


Nah, as much of a colossal prick as Phelps was he never came across as physically dangerous. This guy is a serial-killer in the making, I am genuinely expecting to see an article here in a couple of years about him being caught with a basement full of decomposing sex-workers.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Mouse Farts:
comment image

gilshalos: since they don’t have the PROPER CaptainHookasplayedbyJasonIsaacs, I’ll have to go for Picard.

10 years ago

Atheist cult huh, interesting, usually I don’t see much religious rhetoric coming from MRA’s. I wonder how a “co-alpha” society would work, well not work, a whole civilisation of self centred arseholes. Someone call Ken Levine!

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

a whole civilisation of self centred arseholes

Presumably they’d have a Constipation rather than a Constitution.

10 years ago

Presumably they’d have a Constipation rather than a Constitution.


10 years ago

@Mouse Farts and everyone else

If you look at the link I provided, including the comments section, you’ll see that (at least this is my impression) she’s ‘softened’ her views a little on the surface level, with EXTREME emphasis on ‘surface level.’

Possibly, same views, softer language, even. Nevertheless the unpleasantness is just as transparent. I think being doxxed by a manospherean may have nuanced her views towards the manosphere a bit, in that she’s more openly sharing opinions towards the manosphere than are different than uncritical reverence, and does not backtrack when manosphereans harass her for it (then again her new blog also has few followers, far fewer than when she was one of the biggest manospherean bloggers as SSM) so that while she’s as unpleasant as ever, she’s lost a lot of the “manosphere’s fantasy dream girl” “I’m a submissive unicorn to an alpha mcalpha doing my best to not be like THOSE women” complex her old blog had. She’s gone from someone who built a fantasy life and persona for a “fanbase” of losers to someone who’s pretty straightforwardly blogging as some random unremarkable person with reactionary views.

So yeah, still reactionary and seemingly as unpleasant and full of baggage as ever. But I guess since her real identity is now known she can no longer pretend to be the person legions of manospherean losers had worshiped her as.

10 years ago

As a Scots red-head I should probably watch Brave.

10 years ago

@gilshalos Do, it’s pretty good.

10 years ago

Wait, why did they dox SSM? When did this happen?

Ice and Indigo
10 years ago

Laughnwitch- The rage quit is ridiculous, no question, but is that video really a nice thing to promote? It’s basically laughing at a child. (And while I can’t say anything for sure, the way he moves reminds me very much of my own son – who is much younger, but also autistic. There’s something stimmy about it. I could be wrong, but the resemblance was close enough to make it a painful watch.)

I’m sorry if that’s a derail – I lurk more than I comment – but that video really upset me. Can we reserve our mockery for the adults?

10 years ago

Reblogged this on iheariseeilearn.

laughnwitch (@laughnwitch)

@Ice and Indigo I can appreciate your sentiment here and if the mods want to take down the video I will understand. I do doubt that he has autism because he could control himself and stopped as soon as his father yelled at him from the other room. This video has circulated around as a representation of #GamerGate and the young men in that hashtag movement.

10 years ago

Thank you, GodlessK, for pointing out the meaning of the weird name punctuation. I was going to do it too. An almost identical example is in this article:

Miss Andry
10 years ago

@Ice and Indigo

After watching other videos with that kid — including his appearance on Tosh.0 — I’m pretty sure it’s fake.

10 years ago

laughnwitch, clearly you know very little about autism. I have not seen the video in question but it upsets me greatly when people mock autistic children or make ignorant statements about people with autism. I have a 27 year old daughter with pervasive development disorder (autism). Do not diagnose people as having autism or not having autism based on what you think autism is. My daughter functions very well and many people don’t believe she has autism because she behaves well in public and can have seemingly normal conversations. However she will never be able to drive a car or hold a job because of the way her brain works. She has temper tantrums when frustrated and is obsessive about dozens of things.

It is not necessary to throw non neurotypical people under the bus in our quest for a better more equitable world. Yet I see it being done persistently on every social justice website I go to. We should be better than that.

10 years ago

The one instance where colonic irrigation sounds like a good idea.

High colonic hijinks on the high seas! Hoist the Jolly Roger!

10 years ago

Freemen on the Land can be real trouble. Just untangling their claims is a lot of work. “One member of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International argued that her car was not subject to motor-vehicle laws because it was “an ecclesiastical pursuit chariot”. A Freeman wanted to pay his child support by tapping into a secret government account kept by the Bank of Canada, the central bank. Some put a trademark symbol after their name and then demand payment—C$1m in one case—if it appears in legal documents. Others seek ludicrous damages in civil suits. Alberta’s justice minister was sued for C$108 quadrillion (case dismissed).”

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