The last we heard from Men’s-Rights-adjacent eccentric Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c), he was falsely accusing an Ohio University student of being a false rape accuser and posting her personal information on the internet.
Now he’s back in the news again with an exciting new social media venture. While Paul Elam takes on the world of publishing with his Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don’t Write Good (not its real name), Nolan(c) is taking on an even bigger target: Facebook.
Nolan(c), who for complicated crackpot reasons now goes by the name Joschua-Brandon: Boehm(c), has just launched ManBook, his version of Facebook, but for men only. While ManBook might look to the world like a glorified blog, Nolan(c) Boehm sees it as a viable alternative to the alleged misandrist tyranny and “censorship” of “fascist book.”
Well, unless you’re a woman. If you’re a woman and try to post on ManBook, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) explains, he has the right to kill you.
Nolan(c) Boehm(c) explains this rather strict comment policy as follows:
We have asked politely for women to not register but you are registering anyway. This shows total lack of respect for our right to freedom of association. We do not wish to associate with women in this place. Period. …
We would ask you women to respect our rights as you wish your rights to be respected. If you are unwilling to respect our right to freedom of association do not expect men to respect your right to life. Ok?
So far ManBook is little more than a collection of blog posts by Nolan(c) Boehm(c) with a smattering of comments, but the site has gotten a bit of media attention, inspiring posts on Raw Story and Jezebel, mostly because of that whole “killing women” thing.
While Nolan(c) Boehm(c) is clearly delighted with all the traffic that his new notoriety has brought him, he doesn’t feel he’s getting a fair shake on the whole “right to kill women who post comments” deal. In a post today, he responded to one critic with this, er, clarification of his philosophy:
[Y]ou have to love the fact that he actually encourages women to go and join the site thereby encouraging women to violate the right of freedom of association. This is why men are now starting to kill women more often in divorce. Because men openly encourage women to violate the rights of other men and then pretend to be “horrified” when the men defend their rights with force, up to and including deadly force.
But, you know, if you’re a dude, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) would love you to sign up for his wannabe Facebook-killer site. You can even log into his site … using Facebook.
ManBook is not Nolan(c) Boehm(c)’s first attempt to take on an internet giant. He is also the man behind a little site called A-MAN-ZON. THE politically incorrect store for MEN.
… which also looks suspiciously like a blog. I’m not even sure that there’s a way to buy anything on the site. There are no links to actual products or categories of products on the site’s main page, and a search for books turns up one online “book” that you can “buy” for free.
In a welcome note on A-Man-Zon, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) can’t help but come back to the whole evil-women issue:
Stop spending your money with men who will sell products and services to men and then take that money and give it to women to spend on lawyers in the divorce courts until the man is so harassed and so broke that he decides to kill himself like Robin Williams did this week.
And the FIRST such man-hating, mangina, white-knight, sexist, discriminatory, bigot that I recommend men stop spending money with is Jeff Bezos.
Jeff Bezos is one of the worlds biggest man-hating, mangina, white-knight, sexist, discriminatory, bigots.
Jeff Bezos openly employs tens of thousands of women who have committed crimes against fathers in divorce courts. He is completely un-apologetic about that.
Despite the name, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) makes it clear that women are allowed to buy from A-Man-Zon — at least if they are
“good women” who are “man enough” not to be “offended” by other peoples opinions … #WomenAgainstFeminism are welcome to be buyers of products and services here.
So he apparently has no problem accepting women’s money — just their opinions.
EDIT: Added links, fixed a few proofreading things.
I don’t see how you can avoid it. But you left out the hyphen, and there’s also some debate above about whether (c) actually means © or something else. In which case you should probably pronounce his name Peter Hyphen Andrew Colon Nolan Open Bracket Sea Close Bracket.
(I rather like the “colon nolan” rhyme in the middle. It’s certainly the only pleasurable sensation I’ve ever had in connection with this person.)
As for GGG, the last time I heard about him he was trying to impregnate a schizophrenic fuckbuddy (his term, of course), to “prove his manhood” or some such drivel. I devoutly hope that this was mere bragging, because the thought of him procreating makes me break out in hives, especially given that he’s already notorious for his views on what parent-offspring relationships should involve.
*reads article*
*walks away from article, subject matter keeps itching the back of my mind*
Miss Andry:
“Even A Voice for Men thinks he’s nuts.”
But do they REALLY think he’s nuts, or is it a “I can’t believe he’s willing to say out loud what many of us think privately”?
@Jay Elmore
I’ll leave the sanitized AVfM link here.
First, I suggest you investigate donotlink.com and figure out what it’s about and what it does.
Second, “mass spamming” is something channers do, not real people, and it’s weird and suspicious that you would even suggest it.
When I went to the site it said it was down for maintenance
Observe my complete lack of surprise. Dude with a massive entitlement complex who doesn’t think he should have to get a job? I just want to hear how the scheme by which the government subsidizes incels is supposed to work.
I’d forgotten that some current regulars weren’t around for GGGs visits here. What’s amazing is that propositioning his own mother wasn’t even the most horrifying thing that he said (nor does he feel embarrassed about it, in fact he’ll be more than happy to tell you why he did it and why it was a perfectly reasonable thing to do in great detail).
The contest for creepiest person on the internet is a tough one, but this guy must at least be in the top 3.
He has a manifesto up now and it is freakish You have got to read this ladies and gents. http://www.manbook.biz/ it is RICH
so… his defense consists on arguing that his website is actually *the cause of women being murdered*? wow.
i’m already used to the “we don’t hate women BUT…” thinly-veiled misogyny in much of this kind of discourse, but this guy is really straight to the point. as in “don’t even enter my website woman or i’ll fucking murder you” straight to the point. says a lot about him/his intended audience i guess.
also lol at the pseudo-corporate bullshit and stock photos mixed with men’s rights rhetoric and stuff in A-MAN-ZON.
@ Miss Andry – I can’t believe someone at AVFM actually wrote this paragraph:
[blockquote] As stated previously, anger is not necessarily wrong. Humans being humans and all, they will have human reactions. But actions caused by anger can be wrong. Especially when they cross over into hatred, statements of violence, advocating dangerous and illegal activity, slander and libel, or desires of death upon other persons. Nolan, I am afraid, is guilty of all of these things. [/blockquote]
It’s probably just as well they seem oblivious to AVFM’s various crimes, as I suspect even the tiniest amount of self-awareness would blow their minds so hard they’d go into a coma for 3 years.
But the rest of the page makes me think I might have fallen into Bizarro World in which AVFM agrees with David about someone being a dangerous misogynist. Aside from the able-ism at AVFM, even the commentariat seems to be of one accord with the Mammotheers about this Nolan guy. Is he the one to have finally reached the bottom of the barrel the manospherians have been scraping for so long??
Yeah he is rage quitting the site, that is what his latest manifesto post says.:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5qHIbohZa8&w=420&h=315%5D
@ Miss Andry – I spent most of that article gobsmacked that AVFM was showing something approximating good sense…then I got to the end, and saw where he said he was saving this for the next time someone held up Petey Trademark as an example of an MRA.
Covering his ass, in other words.
I guess Petey is to the MRA’s what Fred Phelps was to the anti-gay movement: someone who takes their beliefs to their logical conclusion, and embarrasses them with how uncivilized they are.
Except for the legal chicanery. That’s a delusion all his own.
Wow, laughn, that is a piece of work. For one thing, I thought Germany was part of the west . . . when did that cease to be the case? And you gotta love the repeated “99.9% of women, as in ” who condone perjury, kidnapping, extortion, theft and child abuse.” Also, “criminal victimisation of tens of millions of men”? By whom? (Not that we don’t know the answer.)
How did anyone slander him? since when is using a person’s own words “slander”?
And on and on. There’s so much distortion, lying, made-up statistics, and heaven knows what all in there it’s impossible to fisk it.
Openly mocking men whose rights you have seen violated is a very dangerous game to play. One that I have recommended women and men cease and desist many times over.
THOSE are the people who are inciting violence. The ones mocking and laughing at and attacking men who have clearly been criminally victimised.
No woman or man would tolerate mocking and laughing at a woman who has been bashed and raped.
But 99.9%+ of western women and 99%+ of western men openly mock and laugh at men who have been horribly and disgracefully criminally victimised.
You can not do this for 30 years, as has been the case, and expect no adverse reaction from the young men.
Women, and men, have played with fire for a long time. I can assure you, that fire is about to burn far hotter than these fools imagined it might. The backlash that has been created these last 30 years or so is only about 5% underway at the moment.
This is how he ends it. DON’T YOU DARE LAUGH AT ME WAWA.
Perhaps it is this very article on WHTM that drove the poor lad to GO HIS OWN WAY
and if we are lucky that way will be off a cliff
I don’t know if this has already been posted but:
In which he writes an open letter to men saying that because they didn’t support him in his Divorce Legal Services venture they are responsible for the suicide of Robin Williams, and the murder of women and children by angry ex husbands.
He also makes it crystal clear that he thinks the murder of women during divorce proceedings is justified.
@sunnysombrera He took that down too it seems. I think he is actually rage quitting the interwebs
I might be a little concerned if I was David Futrelle because he is really upset about being mocked and aside from the RationalWiki facebook people I don’t know of another site dedicated just to mocking these certifiable asshats
Agreed. AVFM wasn’t disagreeing with any of the misogyny. They are just spooked that he’s being honest about how much he wants to commit violence.
I hope Nolan’s rage quitting of the internet isn’t an indication that he’s planning a mass murder.
laughnwitch : does that mean you can’t see his open letter? Because I can, and I can copypaste it here if you’re having trouble.
sunnysombrera please do thanks
Sunnysombrera I have it now thanks I was looking at the bottom post of his which was removed, I scrolled up and saw the rant
Not to blow my own trumpet or anything, but my relatively new blog (you can get there by clicking my user name I believe) works to do that for misogynists and homophobes. It’s not quite as satisfying as this blog but I’m calling it a close second 😀
Hey, I’ve already been threatened with death and legal action (neither of which have obviously happened). That counts for something, right? Right?
‘I shall exercise my right to refuse to participate in any public discussion as to the processes and activities being undertaken to secure the rights of men and boys and to re-introduce the rule of law to the lands known as Ireland and Australia.’
OMG no, don’t do that!
OK, and what is this ‘the lands known as’ thing?
Miss Andry I love it and I am sure you also helped awe this is so great. I am now following your blog. I feel something really good happened today, and someone who deserved a spanking got one hahaha