The last we heard from Men’s-Rights-adjacent eccentric Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c), he was falsely accusing an Ohio University student of being a false rape accuser and posting her personal information on the internet.
Now he’s back in the news again with an exciting new social media venture. While Paul Elam takes on the world of publishing with his Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don’t Write Good (not its real name), Nolan(c) is taking on an even bigger target: Facebook.
Nolan(c), who for complicated crackpot reasons now goes by the name Joschua-Brandon: Boehm(c), has just launched ManBook, his version of Facebook, but for men only. While ManBook might look to the world like a glorified blog, Nolan(c) Boehm sees it as a viable alternative to the alleged misandrist tyranny and “censorship” of “fascist book.”
Well, unless you’re a woman. If you’re a woman and try to post on ManBook, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) explains, he has the right to kill you.
Nolan(c) Boehm(c) explains this rather strict comment policy as follows:
We have asked politely for women to not register but you are registering anyway. This shows total lack of respect for our right to freedom of association. We do not wish to associate with women in this place. Period. …
We would ask you women to respect our rights as you wish your rights to be respected. If you are unwilling to respect our right to freedom of association do not expect men to respect your right to life. Ok?
So far ManBook is little more than a collection of blog posts by Nolan(c) Boehm(c) with a smattering of comments, but the site has gotten a bit of media attention, inspiring posts on Raw Story and Jezebel, mostly because of that whole “killing women” thing.
While Nolan(c) Boehm(c) is clearly delighted with all the traffic that his new notoriety has brought him, he doesn’t feel he’s getting a fair shake on the whole “right to kill women who post comments” deal. In a post today, he responded to one critic with this, er, clarification of his philosophy:
[Y]ou have to love the fact that he actually encourages women to go and join the site thereby encouraging women to violate the right of freedom of association. This is why men are now starting to kill women more often in divorce. Because men openly encourage women to violate the rights of other men and then pretend to be “horrified” when the men defend their rights with force, up to and including deadly force.
But, you know, if you’re a dude, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) would love you to sign up for his wannabe Facebook-killer site. You can even log into his site … using Facebook.
ManBook is not Nolan(c) Boehm(c)’s first attempt to take on an internet giant. He is also the man behind a little site called A-MAN-ZON. THE politically incorrect store for MEN.
… which also looks suspiciously like a blog. I’m not even sure that there’s a way to buy anything on the site. There are no links to actual products or categories of products on the site’s main page, and a search for books turns up one online “book” that you can “buy” for free.
In a welcome note on A-Man-Zon, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) can’t help but come back to the whole evil-women issue:
Stop spending your money with men who will sell products and services to men and then take that money and give it to women to spend on lawyers in the divorce courts until the man is so harassed and so broke that he decides to kill himself like Robin Williams did this week.
And the FIRST such man-hating, mangina, white-knight, sexist, discriminatory, bigot that I recommend men stop spending money with is Jeff Bezos.
Jeff Bezos is one of the worlds biggest man-hating, mangina, white-knight, sexist, discriminatory, bigots.
Jeff Bezos openly employs tens of thousands of women who have committed crimes against fathers in divorce courts. He is completely un-apologetic about that.
Despite the name, Nolan(c) Boehm(c) makes it clear that women are allowed to buy from A-Man-Zon — at least if they are
“good women” who are “man enough” not to be “offended” by other peoples opinions … #WomenAgainstFeminism are welcome to be buyers of products and services here.
So he apparently has no problem accepting women’s money — just their opinions.
EDIT: Added links, fixed a few proofreading things.
That guy’s a total creeper. He was so desperate for sex that he once propositioned his own mother, and allegedly tried to blackmail several different women for sex. The guy runs some blog about being “incel” now and ditched the “governments get girlfriends” thing. It’s really unsettling.
Puddleglum, what Miss Andry said. GGG’s every bit as scary as Nolan when you’ve read a bit more of his stuff. He turned up here, iirc, when David first posted about him, and it didn’t take long before he got himself banned. He essentially wants women forced into prostitution (aka “dating”) and still calls himself incel even though he’s had relationships. He calls his parents murderers because they haven’t provided him with sex one way or another, whether by forcing (which is what it would amount to) some young woman to take him, or by his mother fucking him herself. He also obsessively googles himself, which is why he’s seldom mentioned here except by his initials. He’s Elliot Roger material.
Sorry, I was thinking more of the Pierre comic, which is why I laughed.
I think the most disturbing thing about GGG was his whole “pretend to be out of control” act. He’d mash the keyboard and type in all caps with a lot of fucks, apparently trying to convince people that he was JUST TOO UPSET to type properly. Sometimes he’d say it was a joke afterwards.
The Pierre comic was hilarious – that was before any of us knew how bad GGG was, I think.
Downhill? I think we’re in AliceLookingglass territory here.
So what’s incel meant to mean?
He really doesn’t seem stable. Has he considered getting some psychiatric help? He just seems … unstable.
Involuntarily celibate. Yes, “can’t get laid” is now supposedly a demographic group in the same way that sex or race is.
He was seeing a therapist for a while, but it happened to be a female therapist, so he inevitably tried to get her to bang him. I’m assuming that was the end of their professional relationship.
Remember when we tried to explain why a therapist wouldn’t be able to say yes even if she wanted to because professional ethics and potential loss of licensing and all that stuff? And he was all (sticks fingers in ears and sings a song about government sponsored rape).
So what’s incel meant to mean?
Ugh… “Involuntarily celibate.” It’s a term MRA types came up with to label their failure to get laid as some kind of medical condition. People who identify as incel are pretty much always awful, but GGG was particularly weird about it because he did have sex. He just kept redefining celibacy so he could still call himself “incel.” At one point he insisted that celibacy meant not having sex within three months. At another point he had a FWB, so he decided celibacy meant not having a committed partner.
As funny as his bizarre ideas can be, he’s one of the dangerous ones. He’s been arrested for assault, and when he posted here he was blase about stalking an underage girl and physically attacking people, including his parents, during his irrational rages.
Yeah, GGG is another Eliot Roger waiting to happen.
I first heard of GGG on WGW.
(Trigger warning for violence toward children)
It included him saying he would shoot up a kindergarten, and the other posters would be responsible for those kids’ deaths because they didn’t “show him empathy” (they were rightly calling him out on his immense selfishness and assholery in the thread).
And the turdbag in this article (I don’t care what his name is) sounds kind of like he simply wants to kill someone, and the idea of killing people makes him happy. No matter how much he wants it, murdering is not a right.
Blughh, enough disgust for today. Time for some cute lolz.
The comments are kind of ridiculous on puddleglums link. There’s a couple nice folks being patient with a rather ooky and disturbing sealion.
I half wonder if the ooky and disturbing sealion is a sock of the blog talked about in the article…
… especially when one of his comments boiled down to “prostate cancer and suicide are caused by women making men incel”
Can these people get any worse? 🙁
I know nothing about the law in Fiji; can his local police use his posts as a reason for a warrant to check his backyard? Almost every MRA posted here gives off serial rapist vibes, but this one gives off serial killer vibes.
oh man GGG! I jousted with him on WGW too. He’s all into forming a “co alpha” society or something now and refuses to work because all his tax money will go to sponsor feminists and the “omegas” who love to r*pe them.
What’s WGW?
I followed the manbook link and there’s a dropdown menu at the top of the page in the red bar labled “comments” it had buttons for flagging the page as “offensive” or “dangerous”. I can’t see the actual content of the page because it’s down for maintainance but if he puts something on it that can be flagged either or we could go mass spam those buttons.
The forum “Why God, Why?”
But as for the actual topic, this is the first time I’ve ever heard of Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c) — whose name I shall pronounce as Peter Andrew Colon Nolan Copyright. Even A Voice for Men thinks he’s nuts.
That kitty! OMG so cute! “STFU and let me sleep!” 😀
OK, the #internal screaming gif is sending me to Netflix and Dr Who. I may be some time.