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Paul Elam reannounces the relaunch of A Voice for Men's Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don't Write Good

Paul Elam contemplates his future as an e-book millionaire
Paul Elam contemplates his future as an e-book millionaire

How often has this happened to you? You’re reading a thoughtful blog post or comment from a Men’s Rights Activist and you find yourself thinking:

“Gosh! This post or comment on how women are a bunch of malevolent parasites/men are the real slaves if you think about it/women were never oppressed because they could just get maids to clean the house is so witty and wise. I only wish it were 50 times longer, and that I had to pay money to read it!”

Well, I’ve got good news for you: Now you can!

A Voice for Men, having already given the voiceless male gender a way to express itself online, has now launched A Publishing House for Men to give them a way to express themselves in book form!

Well, e-book form.

A Voice for Men’s new publishing house has just published its first book – well, e-book — a slim volume of thoughts on Men Going Their Own Way, written by Peter Wright of with help from AVFM’s Paul Elam, using some material already published online!

Well, technically speaking, this is a relaunch. AVFM Press originally launched last October with the publication of this same book. But Elam decided to call a do-over. No, really.

On October 25th, you see, a bulletin on AVFM proclaimed that AVFM Press was publishing Go Your Own Way: Understanding MGTOW — an e-book it predicted would be but “the first of what will surely become a lengthy series of ebooks (and some hardcovers as well). … let’s get AVFM Press on the map as the iconic source for true red pill appetites.” (A source for appetites? I thought the source for appetites was an empty stomach?)

One day later, Elam announced that he was recalling the e-book.

What I have discovered … is that there were several procedural, legal, and formatting errors that should have been addressed before launching the book.

I made a whole bushel of lemons, folks, and the fault for that lies squarely on me.

But I do make some pretty good lemonade, which I am in the midst of doing as we speak.

I have pulled the book from Amazon Kindle for the time being, and I am removing purchase links from every place they now exist.

After the deficiencies with the product have been corrected, it will be re-launched at a level of quality that AVFM readers deserve, which is the very best possible. All the other issues will be corrected as well.

Please accept my apologies for the mistakes. This whole process of publishing is quite complicated, actually.

It is, Paul, it is.

Happily, Elam announced, the eager customers who’d hurried to buy a copy of the defective book on its first day of publication would be given a copy of the corrected book when it came out. All twelve of them.

That last bit isn’t a joke; according to Elam himself, there were literally twelve of them – less than half the number of those on AVFM’s masthead.

Elam also decided to call a do-over on AVFM Press itself – or at least its name — declaring that

AVFM Press is actually a working title for our publishing arm and will likely change very soon.

But now all the details have been sorted out, right? Well, mostly.

Yesterday’s big announcement on the launch – the real launch, this time – of AVFM’s new publishing house did not actually provide a name for the venture. At least not one that I could find. On Amazon, the publisher of the revised edition of Go Your Own Way is still listed as AVFM Press.

But never mind, because the book is getting rave reviews on Amazon!

For example, a woman named Suzy McCarley declares that the book “was worth the wait!”

Ok, so McCarley is an AVFM staffer who’s given 5-star reviews to everything she’s reviewed — from self–published books by manosphere blogger Aaron Clarey to Avalon Extra Moisturizing Fragrance Free Conditioner. But not all of the rave reviews are written by AVFM staffers under their own names. For example, a fellow calling himself xtime Past gushes:

There is great content for Men and Women of all ages. Most of red pill are apprehensive in reading this book since Paul Elam is a part of the MHRA arm of the manosphere. The read is great for MGTOW to better understand going their own way.

So I would like to congratulate AVFM’s Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don’t Write Good for getting off to such a strong start, at least if you ignore that first start that didn’t go so well.

During AVFM’s last donation drive, Elam declared that:

This year will see AVFM go into commercial ventures that will fund even more activism. I cannot go into any details at this point, but rest assured it is coming, and as with most everything else we have set out to do, we are going to pull it off. This track will ease the pressure on some of our larger donors who have always seen us through donation drives.

AVFM’s Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don’t Write Good is the first of these new money-making ventures. Because as everyone knows, a vanity publishing house that so seriously fucks up its first e-book launch that it has to do it over again two months later is pretty much guaranteed to be a massive cash-generating machine.

It kind of needs to be, as AVFM’s last donation drive (which just ended) didn’t do quite as well as Elam had hoped, at least according to this little thermometer graphic posted on AVFM.

Oops. Didn't quite clear the hurdle.
Oops. Didn’t quite clear the hurdle.

I can only assume that authors will be rushing to sign up with AVFM’s Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don’t Write Good, so that AVFM’s Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don’t Write Good can put its name (which may be changed) on their ebooks – and take a share of the profits, if any, hopefully without introducing too many formatting errors in the process.

No, I can’t see how this could possibly go wrong.

Kudos, Paul!

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10 years ago

More baiting. I didn’t harass her, she was actually fairly friendly in those short conversations. Even it that was a defensive thing, there was know way to know. Not that is matters, you’ll believe whatever you want.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Yes, you harassed her. She gave you soft noes that you would have understood if they’d come from a man, because soft noes are incredibly common in English and not hard to grasp, but you didn’t like that answer so you ignored it. Even after six months of her not responding to your come-ons, you ignored her disinterest.

You got away without a formal charge of sexual harassment, and that’s a shame.

10 years ago

That is the point, creeper. There was an obvious way to know, but you did not want to and now you persist in claiming there was no way to know. Yes! There was. There will be the next time too, if you act as though your coworkers are there for your use rather than to do their job and earn their living.

10 years ago

Yeah, I’m not buying his claim that she was happy to interact and suddenly turned on a dime and accused of harassment. Not for one second. There are people who make up or exaggerate things to stir up drama but the fact that several people at his workplace turned against him tells me that this isn’t the case. When someone is a shit stirrer it’s obvious to everyone around them.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

“Hello, male coworker. Want to get some drinks after work? I’d like to get to know you better for networking purposes.”
“Thanks for asking, but I’m going to be busy. Take care!”

“Hello again, male coworker. I would still like to get to know you. You seem like you would be a great networking contact.”
“Maybe some other time.”

“Male coworker! Fancy running into you here! Want to go to the bar and watch the football game?”
“I’d love to, but I have other commitments.”

How often would male coworker have to do this before boringtroll got the message? I’m guessing not even three times.

10 years ago

Come-ons? Soft-noes? Lol. Must have been when I asked about her new glasses.

Is this not an echo chamber of some of the most hateful people on the net, vying with, stormfront, or even your misogynist counterparts.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


“Doesn’t kick him in the nuts immediately” = “happy to interact.” Didn’t you know that?

10 years ago

I never asked her out, you dope.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Shorter boringtroll: “To prove that I am not pushy, do not ignore “No”s and did not harass my coworker, I’m going to be pushy, ignore “No”s and harass everybody here.”

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

The only remotely interesting thing to come out of all this will be when the Dark Lord bans his ass.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Yes, I’m certain that you never asked her out, just like I’m certain that the only comment you ever made to her was about her glasses, and you never stood creepily close to her and violated her personal space, possibly by standing over her while she was sitting down but not necessarily. I’m certain that bunches of your mutual coworkers sided with her because they were just blind followers and not because they had seen your creeptastic behavior with their own eyes.

10 years ago

The reason no one believe you d00d, is because you are so very obviously lying. Too bad a formal complaint was not filed so you could have it in writing to read over and over again until it finally penetrated that your predatory behavior is inappropriate.

10 years ago


condescending comments don’t make it true. Even if her friendly manner was about placating someone she didn’t want to know, there was no way to tell for sure. Some people are extremely aloof. And a short conversation about nothing is neither harassment or suggestive. You have a lifetime of emotional investment hating males, that’s the explanation for your input.

10 years ago

So yesterday’s troll was a racist who harassed a female coworker for six months and now whines that her friends see him how he is. Does that adequately sum it up?

Not Worth Bucket of Pig Shit

Spit. It was spit. Pig shit can be useful.

they’re doing a good job at hiding it,

No shit. Look how you respond when we dare to suggest anything else. Letting a threatening man know you are uncomfortable around him can actually make him more aggressive and threatening. Have you ever listened to women who confront street harassers. Yes women cultivate a good poker face. They have to. Maybe you’ve never found yourself in a situation where you have to placate a person who is setting off all of your alarms in order to make it out of a situation unharmed. I have. You get good at it.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Is this not an echo chamber of some of the most hateful people on the net, vying with, stormfront, or even your misogynist counterparts.

Everyone! The racist harassing creep is negging us! Let’s all jump to prove ourselves to him!

10 years ago

Bullshit, never said that, disgusting of you to imply it.

You never said it directly (nice sealioning btw) but you sure as hell implied it. You’re complaining about women’s behaviour in treating men like potential predators when it’s been said to you repeatedly that the reason women do it is because they don’t know who might attack them until its too late. If women did things your way they face a greater risk of rape, but everything you’ve said up until now suggests that you’re more concerned women treat you the way you want to be treated. If you were sensitive to the potential problems that would give women you’d be willing to allow some to avoid/ignore/be pro active against men in the knowledge that if they don’t they could be raped. Which brings me to my next point…

Crossing the street does not stop rape.

Nope, neither does dressing conservatively, being sober, or never being alone in a room with a man. You’re right in that what stops rape is rapists stopping their raping. However we are not at that place yet, AND there is still the problem of women being blamed for their own rapes by not taking the pro active measures you whine about. Listen to me: women want to trust all men as much as you want them to. But until the change happens, until the rapists and the victim blaming declines, they are going to watch their own backs in hopes that it protects them a little more or at least denies defence lawyers an opportunity to say “she wanted it”.

Being a male and complaining about anything to do with women or unfortunate gender dynamics does not suggest that they’re equivalent problems, make him a rape apologist, minimise rape, or invalidate women’s humanity.

It does when he barges in on a discussion about rape or a report of rape to do it, in a blatant attempt to divert the conversation away from the topic. It does when he actually says “rape is bad but false accusations are just as bad/worse” or along those lines. It does when he says that if the accused is declared not guilty by a jury it means she’s lying.

10 years ago

TIL that saying men shouldn’t harass women is equivalent to being a Nazi.

10 years ago

there was no way to tell for sure.

…and yet you pretend not to understand Schrodinger’s rapist. Huh. Imagine that.

Consent isn’t hard. You’re are excusing your harassment by claiming that just maaaybe she was playing hard to get. That’s utter nonsense. You are not one of the good guys. You aren’t a victim. You’re a sexist spewing MRAsshole talking points. You’re just another misogynist pissed that women dare to assert themselves and speak to their own experiences. There is not enough off for you to fuck.

You have a lifetime of emotional investment hating males, that’s the explanation for your input.

You’re denial and projection have been noted.

10 years ago

Everyone! The racist harassing creep is negging us! Let’s all jump to prove ourselves to him!

Yes, let’s get right on that. 😉

10 years ago

You have a lifetime of emotional investment hating males, that’s the explanation for your input.

It could be that, and your coworker might have been very friendly and encouraging to you until she suddenly was not. But I doubt it.
More likely I had years of experience in the formal disciplinary process with creepers like you, and you knew your coworker was uncomfortable around you and you simply did not care.

10 years ago

Y’all, we’re as bad as literal Nazi’s for talking about reality and we should feel really, really bad about that.

10 years ago

I am loving these gifs.

10 years ago

Whoa. Came back to this thread today to find a bona fide sea lion! I will echo the sentiments of several others and say he’s gotten boring; I’m now to the point of scrolling past his teal deers.

If someone tosses a ball and he balances it on his nose, I might take notice, though.

10 years ago

Holy moly. How exactly to you expect to be able to suss out who is genuinely fearful in any given situation, and who is just faking it for an excuse not to talk to you? What evidence do you have that women would even fake fear to begin with?

Well, it’s simple. He’s a Nice Guy, and women are by definition lying bitches, so if a woman says she’s scared of him she must just be lying, because as mentioned, women do that a lot, and he’s such a Nice Guy.

Even if they’re not afraid, isn’t it pretty reasonable for women to not be friendly to people they don’t like?

No! If a man is Nice, women are obligated to give him time, attention, and sex. Those lying bitches.

I find it interesting how many people take offense to the concept of Schrodinger’s Rapist. No one is entitled to anyone else’s time and attention in the first place, so why is it a problem if women decide they’d rather not interact with a man* for whatever reason?

That’s exactly why that post struck such a nerve – there are lots of men who really do believe that they’re entitled to women’s time and attention, and they’re outraged whenever they’re reminded that women as a group do not agree with them about this. What makes that post and the resulting comment thread so infuriating to those men is that it demonstrates just how universal women’s rejection of that assumption is. Hard to tell yourself that it’s just about that one coworker you once had being mean when there are hundreds of women all saying exactly the same thing.

Again, we all are mindful of our projected threat level all the time. You don’t give strange children candy and offer to show them your puppy, even if you’re the nicest person in the world and really do have a puppy, because kids know that you shouldn’t take candy from strangers, and it makes you look creepy

He’s going to sealion about how only men have to try not to scare children, isn’t he? Funny thing – the most universally adored by kids person I know is a man (my dad), and I’ve never seen anyone reluctant to let their kids interact with him. Amazing how much not being creepy helps there.

Two things that interest me about this troll. One, since it seems like the incident with the coworker didn’t happen just last week, why is he still obsessing about it? We’ve all had shitty coworkers, most people get over it. Secondly, how does he know enough about thebewilderness to identify her as Second Wave? She hasn’t said anything in this conversation that would make that clear. It’s almost as if this particular sealion is not new to making an ass of himself on feminist blogs.

10 years ago

I mentioned it when he said I would fit right in at the Hub. I agree that he is prolly not a new troll.

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