![Paul Elam contemplates his future as an e-book millionaire](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/elamdollar600.png?resize=580%2C343&ssl=1)
How often has this happened to you? You’re reading a thoughtful blog post or comment from a Men’s Rights Activist and you find yourself thinking:
“Gosh! This post or comment on how women are a bunch of malevolent parasites/men are the real slaves if you think about it/women were never oppressed because they could just get maids to clean the house is so witty and wise. I only wish it were 50 times longer, and that I had to pay money to read it!”
Well, I’ve got good news for you: Now you can!
A Voice for Men, having already given the voiceless male gender a way to express itself online, has now launched A Publishing House for Men to give them a way to express themselves in book form!
Well, e-book form.
A Voice for Men’s new publishing house has just published its first book – well, e-book — a slim volume of thoughts on Men Going Their Own Way, written by Peter Wright of Gynocentrism.com with help from AVFM’s Paul Elam, using some material already published online!
Well, technically speaking, this is a relaunch. AVFM Press originally launched last October with the publication of this same book. But Elam decided to call a do-over. No, really.
On October 25th, you see, a bulletin on AVFM proclaimed that AVFM Press was publishing Go Your Own Way: Understanding MGTOW — an e-book it predicted would be but “the first of what will surely become a lengthy series of ebooks (and some hardcovers as well). … let’s get AVFM Press on the map as the iconic source for true red pill appetites.” (A source for appetites? I thought the source for appetites was an empty stomach?)
One day later, Elam announced that he was recalling the e-book.
What I have discovered … is that there were several procedural, legal, and formatting errors that should have been addressed before launching the book.
I made a whole bushel of lemons, folks, and the fault for that lies squarely on me.
But I do make some pretty good lemonade, which I am in the midst of doing as we speak.
I have pulled the book from Amazon Kindle for the time being, and I am removing purchase links from every place they now exist.
After the deficiencies with the product have been corrected, it will be re-launched at a level of quality that AVFM readers deserve, which is the very best possible. All the other issues will be corrected as well.
Please accept my apologies for the mistakes. This whole process of publishing is quite complicated, actually.
It is, Paul, it is.
Happily, Elam announced, the eager customers who’d hurried to buy a copy of the defective book on its first day of publication would be given a copy of the corrected book when it came out. All twelve of them.
That last bit isn’t a joke; according to Elam himself, there were literally twelve of them – less than half the number of those on AVFM’s masthead.
Elam also decided to call a do-over on AVFM Press itself – or at least its name — declaring that
AVFM Press is actually a working title for our publishing arm and will likely change very soon.
But now all the details have been sorted out, right? Well, mostly.
Yesterday’s big announcement on the launch – the real launch, this time – of AVFM’s new publishing house did not actually provide a name for the venture. At least not one that I could find. On Amazon, the publisher of the revised edition of Go Your Own Way is still listed as AVFM Press.
But never mind, because the book is getting rave reviews on Amazon!
For example, a woman named Suzy McCarley declares that the book “was worth the wait!”
Ok, so McCarley is an AVFM staffer who’s given 5-star reviews to everything she’s reviewed — from self–published books by manosphere blogger Aaron Clarey to Avalon Extra Moisturizing Fragrance Free Conditioner. But not all of the rave reviews are written by AVFM staffers under their own names. For example, a fellow calling himself xtime Past gushes:
There is great content for Men and Women of all ages. Most of red pill are apprehensive in reading this book since Paul Elam is a part of the MHRA arm of the manosphere. The read is great for MGTOW to better understand going their own way.
So I would like to congratulate AVFM’s Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don’t Write Good for getting off to such a strong start, at least if you ignore that first start that didn’t go so well.
During AVFM’s last donation drive, Elam declared that:
This year will see AVFM go into commercial ventures that will fund even more activism. I cannot go into any details at this point, but rest assured it is coming, and as with most everything else we have set out to do, we are going to pull it off. This track will ease the pressure on some of our larger donors who have always seen us through donation drives.
AVFM’s Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don’t Write Good is the first of these new money-making ventures. Because as everyone knows, a vanity publishing house that so seriously fucks up its first e-book launch that it has to do it over again two months later is pretty much guaranteed to be a massive cash-generating machine.
It kind of needs to be, as AVFM’s last donation drive (which just ended) didn’t do quite as well as Elam had hoped, at least according to this little thermometer graphic posted on AVFM.
![Oops. Didn't quite clear the hurdle.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/avfmfundraiserthermoonjan22015.png?resize=563%2C425&ssl=1)
I can only assume that authors will be rushing to sign up with AVFM’s Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don’t Write Good, so that AVFM’s Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don’t Write Good can put its name (which may be changed) on their ebooks – and take a share of the profits, if any, hopefully without introducing too many formatting errors in the process.
No, I can’t see how this could possibly go wrong.
Kudos, Paul!
Makes sense, M. I thought I could get by with being lazy. 😀 Moral of story… click through to actual page with actual image.
Oh, that’s what it was? I had no idea.
My neutered boy is currently wrassling with his sister. He’s very, um, active. (He breaks all the fishing pole toys I’ve ever owned.)
He was fixed when I got him, at 8 weeks old and only a little over two pounds. They do the surgeries when the kitties are itty bitties, now. Not that I am complaining–saved me money and time and hassle of getting him fixed myself.
Spay and neuter your pets, everyone. It used to be common to wait until 6 months, but they can be safely neutered at 2 months, and the earlier, the better.
Holy cow, Pan looks huge! LOL I mean, comfy and contented, but my god your hand just disappears in his belly!
He now weighs around twelve pounds, and most of that is legs and length–I have to have my legs up when he gets on my lap, otherwise there isn’t enough room.
Also, I have tiny hands.
Awwww lookit teh belleh fluff and teh little toes curling up!
::melts in puddle of squee::
How much does Pan weigh, wordsp1nner? I’m curious if he’s heavier than Maddie. She’s over 5kg, so 11+ lbs.
Ninjaed! 😀
Maddie’s weight is all body. She can’t claim it’s tail or fluff!
Darrow wasn’t neutered until he was surrendered to the Humane Society at age one. Dracarys wasn’t neutered until she was brought in off the streets at around age two. Darrow was supposedly an indoor cat so he might not be a dad. But Dracarys, she must have been a been a mom multiple times. I’d love to see her kids if they exist.
Magnus wasn’t neutered until we got him, at about 18 months. He’d developed all his tomcat ways by then (though mercifully he lost the urge to spray) and never gave them up. What a lout that fellow was, perpetually looking for fights. 😛
I’ve never had such a big cat. I mean, we have a tubby cat right now, but she’s a normal-sized cat with a barrel of butter around her middle. Pan looks like he’s just built huge.
I’d love to cuddle such a big cat. 😀
If you ever got to meet him, that would happen. He is very, very friendly.
This is him in his track ball toy:
And Jade, who is a bit tubby, but not that much smaller:
Okay, that second one made me LOL for real. 😀 SO CUTE
Speaking of pets. Had to take the car back for somethingorother to be fixed properly. Being a predicted 38C day, the receptionist had brought her dog in so she didn’t have to run the aircon at home. Initially he looked like every other broad backed, rotund bellied black lab, very, very friendly. The she said, look at his tongue. Instead of being regulation pink, it was patched pink and black. Weird. He also has more spare folds of not very fleshy skin around his mouth and chin than you’d expect. Not as much as a boxer, but more than a lab.
Turns out he’s lab – shar pei mix. I’m still not convinced — he doesn’t have any of those frowny wrinkles above his eyes — but the owner said that she’d had him at some function or other with a shar pei breeder, who pointed out these obvious things along with some less obvious features. The breeder had also seen other dogs from this mix and they were just the same.
I love big kitties. I’m certain Darrow is part Maine Coon. I did an image search for Maine Coon mix and they looked a lot like him. He’s got the personality traits too.
My child cat Whiskers was huge too. Unlike Darrow he was really fat even though he didn’t overeat. He looked like Gar field except brown tabby instead of orange. He had the attitude too. He was really sweet and cuddly but pretended to be perpetually aggrieved
Our fat cat is like that. She just eats normally and packs on the pounds. The vet said we should make her lose weight, but 1. I’m not sure how we would manage that with another, not overweight cat in the house, and 2. there’s no way to do that except to basically starve her and that seems amazingly cruel.
Pan is such a beautiful fella. Love his markings!
So I found this Atlantic article on hair dye, and thought it was interesting, especially based on reactionary misogynists’ dislike of unnaturally colored hair:
I am so quoting that at Maddie.
wordsp1nner – I wonder if it ever occurs to these arseclowns that men also dye their hair, and have done for millennia!
Snerk – I just asked Mr K if he knew what went into his hair dye back in the day (he started going grey at about thirty). He said no, he didn’t, and didn’t want to, because it stank.
Generally, I get by with clicking on the image. Google helpfully pops it out into a black ribbon, not even a new window, and if I right-click and choose “copy image location” it works out just fine.
Just a guess, but I’m betting a combination of henna and indigo. I used to make my own hair dye. I only used henna to achieve a bright red. Henna and indigo makes black. (Not the stuff from a box but the stuff they use for wedding tattoos.) Mine smelled like tee tree and rosemary oil because the terpenes help create a more vibrant color. Other terps work fine, but will change the odor. It looked like goose poop and smelled like green peas, tea tree and rosemary.
I am furrinati-less myself, but have friends with cats (unfortunately not within visiting range). Rather than Maine Coons, they all have Norwegian Forest Cats. They are /huge/.