It’s New Year’s Eve (at least in my time zone) and I’m sure none of us want to spend it thinking about MRAs or PUAs or GamerGaters. So here’s an open thread, and an assortment of 80s dance classics, to distract you! Well, they’re classics to me, anyway.
Videos after the jump.
If you’re not up and dancing by now, maybe these guys will inspire you:
Happy New Year!
Oh, and if any trolls show their heads in this thread, email the mods and we’ll get the bouncers to remove them.
Lol, and yes they’re kids. All the neighbourhood kids are thrilled with the snow day.
At least someone is enjoying it? I remember being young enough to regard lots of snow as exciting rather than as a pain in the ass.
Holy moly. That is some serious-business snow.
Stay safe and stay warm!
It’s kind of alarming to me. I have lived almost all of my life in Kentucky and Tennessee, and we’re more likely to get about half an inch twice a winter than four billion tons of white bullshit.
I said to my mom last year that we’d gotten “frosted like a cheap cookie,” by which I meant parsimoniously; she thought I meant “slathered on.”
Strewth! That’s a hell of a lot of snow! :O
We haven’t had a big snow storm in Minnesota yet. Hopefully there won’t be one for awhile. The last two winters were ridiculously snowy. It’s really cold right now though. I think the high was 1 Fahrenheit/-17 Celsius.
Eek. It got down to 37 F here over New Year and Mr C and I refused to go out because we are spoiled babies who grew up in hot places.
Still snowing, roads are semi passable, but may be taking a second snow day, depending on what happens overnight. I’m just glad me and everyone I know has a nice warm place to be right now, with a decent amount of food.
Lol, the worst part is trying to find more places to shovel the snow.
@wwth, I’m glad to say it’s not nearly that cold here, just lots of snow.
That’s a point, if there’s a couple of feet of snow everywhere and you need to clear a path, where do you put the snow that you’re moving?
In Minnesota, tow trucks take it away and dump it in open spaces. I think the state fair grounds are a big dumping spot.
Is this thread where to put personal stuff right now? (sorry if not). I just feel really crapped on by the universe tonight and could use hugs.
I missed this earlier. As many hugs as you want.
Oooooor, you could imagine you’re one of the lions hugging their Xmas trees – here. http://www.theguardian.com/world/shortcuts/2015/jan/05/lions-old-christmas-trees-cambridgeshire-zoo
Apparently old pine trees are just like catnip for lions.
This one’s fun too
All the hugs for grumpycat!
Thanks. those are beautiful lions and trees. 🙂 and beautiful hugs.
Hugs from the Mister and me, grumpycat!
thanks . . .
just feeling really crappy about the state of my love life (or lack thereof) and my whole shitty romantic history in general. . . just had plans i was really looking forward to cancelled by the guy I was going to do them with . . .
he says it’s because he’s sick, and most likely he is, but men I’ve been involved with have lied about stuff like this so it’s bringing up my trust issues . . . anyway . . . trying not to be too upset since he’s probably genuinely sick and says we will reschedule. I’m just having a big disappoint.
Just wish a real love life would work out for me before I die, that’s all.
More hugs, grumpycat. 🙁
This is kind of nothing in the grand scheme of things, but still. . . of course I didn’t want to let on to him how disappointed I was, but I am really kind of crushed, more than I have a right to be I guess. Especially since it’s totally understandable he can’t get together with me tomorrow if he’s sick.
It’s not usually at all easy to coordinate our schedules and so this one time he had to go and get sick. Maybe I’m mad at God or the universe for making him sick.
Anyway I had to vent my perhaps very unreasonable disappointment somewhere. So thanks for being here with hugs.
NO you’re entitled to be exactly as crushed as you actually are. Your feelings are real and legit, and there is not actually a standard that says your feelings are appropriate or inappropriate in magnitude.
You already feel bad. Don’t make yourself feel worse because you feel bad about how bad you feel.
I guess you’re right. And it’s not like I’m blaming or taking it out on him. I am just sitting here being disappointed and needing someone’s ear who isn’t involved in the situation to know how disappointed I am. So thanks for hearing me.
You know, it is amazing how much a scented candle can actually warm a room
Hugs and comforting beverages from me, grumpycat! And I hope you can reschedule for soon.
@gilshalos, are you okay? I hope you’re not relying on scented fucking candles for light and/or heat, and just remarking. I could have done with some warm rooms this morning, when my babies were up for hours in the dead of night and the living room window right above the sofa felt like it hungered for the warmth of my flesh.
Zombie window would be less zombie-like with double glazing? Which unfortunately isn’t free.
Yeah, it’s only single-glazed. All the bedroom windows are vinyl-framed double-glazed, but no other windows are.
I have been stumping for expanding the living room window (it’s big, but not big enough for me), but maybe I’d better work on double glazing instead.