It’s New Year’s Eve (at least in my time zone) and I’m sure none of us want to spend it thinking about MRAs or PUAs or GamerGaters. So here’s an open thread, and an assortment of 80s dance classics, to distract you! Well, they’re classics to me, anyway.
Videos after the jump.
If you’re not up and dancing by now, maybe these guys will inspire you:
Happy New Year!
Oh, and if any trolls show their heads in this thread, email the mods and we’ll get the bouncers to remove them.
Ho. Lee. Shit.
Adelaide Hills are on fire. North east of the city, nowhere near us, praise be. It’s the worst since Ash Wednesday (1983). We know that 5 houses are gone. CFS says they think dozens more are gone, but they can’t see through the smoke from the air to confirm. There’s a cool change on the way.
Oh joy, oh bliss, higher winds swirling and lightning has already started another fire outside the main area. Most of the refuges for people who’ve decided to leave are In. The. Suburbs. People have already arrived at the Tea Tree Gully council park area with their horse floats (and I presume other pet animals). Of course, the police have had to declare an emergency for the whole of the area — because witless fools have been trying to go for a drive in the region to “have a look” at what’s going on.
As far as we know, 7 firefighters have been injured so far and one person is missing. It’ll be a day or more before we know everything. The Premier’s now on tele telling everyone to review their bushfire plans. Mainly to seriously rethink if your plan is to stay and defend, if you change your mind later you may be in much more danger of your life and the lives of emergency workers will also be at risk if you need assistance.
Had a bit of a think earlier. We’d only be in danger in certain particular circumstances, but I mentioned to mr that we should make a list of photo albums, jewellery and other valuables that we’d be able to shove in a suitcase along with a change of undies and so on. Then I thought again. What about our neighbour? No car, and a dog to care for. So I’ll be popping in there one day soon to talk about the possibilties.
@mildymagnificent, fingers crossed for you and your area!
Stay safe, mildlymagnificent.
@ pallygirl
Speaking of Canadian dance music from the 80s, here’s Parachute Club
and Luba
No worries guys. I’m literally 40ish kilometres away with the great majority of Adelaide’s suburb’s between me and there. Double that and more if you go around the city by way of the Mt Lofty Ranges themselves.
Where I used to live and where we had our business office were much closer. A bit too close in the case of the office.
Mildlymagnificent, glad you aren’t too close. Stay safe. Hope the fires get under control soon.
OK, this is an early 90s song, but a popular 80s band:
Fail. 🙁 That was supposed to be “Friday, I’m in Love” by the Cure.
I was going to add They Might Be Giants and Joan Jett (because reasons), but I better not.
Happy (late) New Year anyway, folks! You are awesome.
happy new year everyone!
also if this hasn’t been posted yet:
shit, embed fail.
trying again:
Friday I’m in Love is a great song!
Speaking of SJW and music – An Anti-Falklands song!
New Model Army are very SJW. All their songs are protests…and good music. Very British though, Focussing on the Falklands and the miner’s strike.
NMA – My Country
Tell all the people who believe what they read in the press
Tell all the folk who stare from behind suburban walls
The enemy is not some nation far across the sea
The enemy is with us every single breathing day
So yes, I will fight for my country
The land that I love so well
Yes, for justice, a land fit for all our futures
Yes, I will fight for my country
The land that I love so well
Hear the voices of our history echo all around
Fight all the ones who divide us rich against poor
Fight all the ones who divide us white against black
Fight all the ones who want their missiles in our earth
Fight all the powers who would lead us into war
No rights were ever given to us by the grace of God
No rights were ever given by some United Nations clause
No rights were ever given by some nice guy at the top
Our rights they were bought by all the blood
And all the tears of all our
Grandmothers, grandfathers before
For all the folk who gave their lives for us
For all the folk who spit out – never say die
For all the fires burning on our highest hills
For all the people spinning tales tonight
Fight all the powers who would abuse our Common Laws
Fight all the powers who think they only owe themselves . . .
And NMA Notice me…speaks to all of us depressives, and how other people react.
I’ll keep posting till someone stops me by reacting 😛 Yes, on a music and SJW addiction
Did someone say “dance”, “1980s” and “Canadian” and did not post this beaut yet?
Gilshalos, I totally need to look that band up. Thanks
My New Year started off with a morning train ride home after passing out at a girlfriend’s house the previous evening. It was the first train of the day and full (not as in sardines but all seats were in use and about half as many people were left standing waiting for a seat to become vacant) so I was very disappointed to see this Bro who failed to Move The Fuck Over:
Happy New Year! Now: Move The Fuck Over, Bro. Seriously.
Clearly, he was just making room for a large invisible cat. 😉 http://savingroomforcats.tumblr.com/
Welp, for the first time since I was a kid, we’re having a snow day. As in, lots of f*cking snow, schools closed, work decided to close since no one could make it in, the residential streets won’t get plowed till wednesday. Good thing we have all the essentials!
Yay, plow dude came by, against all expectations! I will be able to go to work tomorrow!
Going to try and post some images of it, fingers crossed. Please understand, saturday morning, there was no snow.
Holy crap. It looks like those women are swimming, but in snow.
I thought those were children … ?
I guess if they’re kids that’s a slightly less alarming level of snow, but for those of us who live in California it’s still a bit boggling.
It was boggling for us here, since we usually don’t get nearly 2 feet in 30 hours.