dance party off topic open thread YouTube

New Year's Eve (and Day) Open Thread 80s Dance Party!

On the wheels of steel
On the wheels of steel

It’s New Year’s Eve (at least in my time zone) and I’m sure none of us want to spend it thinking about MRAs or PUAs or GamerGaters. So here’s an open thread, and an assortment of 80s dance classics, to distract you! Well, they’re classics to me, anyway.

Videos after the jump.

If you’re not up and dancing by now, maybe these guys will inspire you:

Happy New Year!

Oh, and if any trolls show their heads in this thread, email the mods and we’ll get the bouncers to remove them.

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Miss Andry
10 years ago

10 years ago

And the Flying Pickets ? I think we have a lot of the same memories, Schwadevivre

10 years ago

Best wishes for Auntie Alias. She is definitely missed.

Alex, I’m sorry to hear about last year and happy for this one.

schwadevivre , Aww. Back when we were going to the bar Psycho Killer was our song. I played it on the jukebox every time Hubster and I went.
I also liked to play Problem by Natalia Killz. No reason. *shifty eyes*

10 years ago

@ gilshalos there is so much – remember “In the Air Tonight – with the gorilla on drums?”

10 years ago

I keep thinking of more recent covers of 80’s songs

The only one I really prefer to the original is Shake the Disease by Hooverphonic.

and I can’t think of Tainted Love without thinking of this commercial

10 years ago

@Schwadevivre Who could forget it 🙂 And the Spitting Image uppets for Land of Confusion video.

@opium4themasses Well, I much prefer Tears For Fears’ Mad World to Gary Barlow’s!

10 years ago

Oh! Sorry, misread. Thought you had said you mainly prefered the remakes :/

10 years ago

Haha, it’s okay. It’s not like you accused me of preferring Limp Bizkit’s “Faith” or anything.

10 years ago

Limp Bizkit did a cover of Faith??!!??


10 years ago

Next think people will be saying Morrissey and the Smiths did a cover of “Oh! What a Beautiful Morning”

10 years ago

Huh. Apparently our old friend Peter-Andrew: Nolan (c)(tm)(r), now under a different name, has been busy.

And yes, manbook is about as hilarious as you might imagine, and about as terrible.

(totes relevant because for some reason he’s been flooding his site with music videos recently, because I guess only A MAN could create music videos…)

10 years ago

Oh my god he’s using something called “WangGuard” to block spammers. This is a thing that exists. WangGuard is being used to protect his male-only site. I am dying.

10 years ago

So he’s really going to piss off spammers? It is one of the times i am okay with people being a dick. I wonder if they will need to sandbox the site with condom-shield. Though you have to be careful to clear out the condom-shield cache. If you don’t clear or poison the cache with some hot source code, they might use it to spawn copies of you.

10 years ago


opium4themasses no!


I can’t!

*falls over laughing*


*continues laughing*

Sandboxing would be a great idea, to protect rageful ejaculations! I’ve gotta be careful though, if I infringe on his new name he might sue me for 20 troy ounces of liquid-fucking-gold!

10 years ago

* “would be a great idea to protect his”

10 years ago

To do otherwise would be a real boner.

10 years ago

Auntie Alias! Let her know we miss her, and also Happy New Year! 🙂

10 years ago

My favourite Canadian song from the 1980s:

And I forgot Nina Hagen (I have this album on CD, I wanted it on record when it originally came out):

10 years ago

Happy New Year, everybody!

I hope Auntie Alias feels better soon!

And I hope our friends Down Under don’t roast too long. Do you want some of our sub-freezing temperatures?

(Dance like you’ve just been remembered back into existence! In time for a wedding!)

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

And I hope our friends Down Under don’t roast too long. Do you want some of our sub-freezing temperatures?

Yes plz!

10 years ago

Facts I observed in a Western Australian pet kennel, holy shit, WA cats are huge. Seriously, I saw this one cat that was just an expanse of black, like space itself decided to forge itself into a kitty shape.

Also the new kitten will probably be called Abbadon, for the sheer variety of diminutives.

10 years ago

[pretend this is an embed of Strawberry Switchblade’s “Since yesterday” video]