It’s New Year’s Eve (at least in my time zone) and I’m sure none of us want to spend it thinking about MRAs or PUAs or GamerGaters. So here’s an open thread, and an assortment of 80s dance classics, to distract you! Well, they’re classics to me, anyway.
Videos after the jump.
If you’re not up and dancing by now, maybe these guys will inspire you:
Happy New Year!
Oh, and if any trolls show their heads in this thread, email the mods and we’ll get the bouncers to remove them.
Oooh, The Bangles! I had their album in my collection as a child!
(Note: I was a child in the 1980s, and my dad had a habit of giving me extra copies of records he already had so I could play them in my room on my totally awesome Care Bears Record Player. Seriously, it was awesome. It didn’t require insets for 45s, and had 33 1/3 and 45, plus a neutral setting. I ended up with some very interesting albums to play with.)
Another 80’s song about pressure for the relieving of pressure.
Fair warning, I wasn’t actually born yet in the 80’s. I’m a 90’s kid. But… all our radio stations are stuck in the 70s and 80’s here, so I’ve got plenty of exposure!
I was a kid of the 80s, and I have some interesting exposure;
Mouse Farts – did Mr Farts get the picture a bit after that perfect display of sexism from his ex? Oy.
contrapangloss – will do! 🙂
And hey, I love that song. It was practically the national anthem when we won the America’s Cup in 1983 (first country to take it from youse lot, rah rah rah!) It’s one of the few songs that saturation playing (it went to No 1 when it was released) didn’t annoy the crap out of me.
And, in honor of mah grrl Gaige…
I hope Auntie Alias gets better soon.
And Lea, I noticed a Flight of the Conchords gif in there!
Have some 1980s kiwiana
Protest song about sales tax on records:
Has a long intro, but so worth it. Again, NZ starts being a theme in songs by NZ musicians:
Hah! I was going to give kittehserf a heads-up about the heatwave coming her way. The news said “southern states”.
Turns out your “heatwave” will last just a couple of days. 39, 41, then low to mid 20s for a few days. Ours isn’t too bad, couple of 40ish days, then a 29, then several days of mid to high 30s, but hot enough once the paths, roads and everything get heated up with no real chance to cool down. The Adelaide Hills are rated catastrophic for fire risk tomorrow. Everybody should just implore FSM and Freja and every known goddish entity that some drongo doesn’t decide to get the angle grinder going with sparks flying all over the dry brown grass — again.
Should have said. For those playing with old money, 40C = 104F
Mildlymagnificent, that sounds WAY too hot. I start melting at 70F… or for those playing with the system that makes more sense, about 21.1 C.
On the flip side, anytime it’s above 0 F is warm! (about -17 C). Right now, it’s about 25 F out there, which is glorious!
I just heard the weather report, mildlymagnificent. Yeah, it’s going to be foul here for a bit, though you guys always do have it worse, being that much further north. We’ll have fire bans across most of the state on Saturday, not that that’s going to stop shitbag idiots. I was supposed to be going out that day, but I’m seriously thinking I’ll be cancelling. I really do not want to deal with public transport in that sort of weather, and I have to go out tomorrow – one day of it’s going to be enough.
On a brighter note, my NYD has been productive: a new picture of guess who. (Borderline NSFW? Maybe?) Took six source pictures to make it, one of which was a template I’d just redone, so make that another four originally. That’s a lot of hours, and worth it …
104 and dry is way better than 90 and humid IMHO. It rarely gets above 100 in Minnesota and when it does, it’s humid. It’s terrible. It still sounds better than the sub zero windchill we’ve been having the past few days.
(Checks in)
Oh, we’re doing 80s songs? Here you go, then. Happy New Year, everyone.
Couldn’t agree more. Though there’s a special horror in hotter temperatures when it’s dry, (relative humidity below 10 or 15%). If you have a few days in a row of say 41 to 43, (106 to 109F) you have to be especially careful taking a breath outside. The uncareful can feel as though we’re choking — it literally takes your breath away. It’s not the same as asthma or bronchitis but it’s that bad.
Interesting. I actually have trouble breathing when it’s really cold. It didn’t occur to me that it happens in the heat too. Minnesota has a lot more extreme cold than extreme heat.
On the temp issue, huh. I don’t remember ever feeling like breathing was hard in Saudi or Libya, where it can get very hot. Breathing in very cold air can definitely feel like my lungs are complaining, though.
I find breathing more painful on the occasional near-freezing temperatures we get, but I’m asthmatic, so that might make the difference. For me it’s feeling like you’re walkng in an oven that gets me when the temperatures are hovering around 40C. I’d still rather deal with that than with the sort of heat they get in Queensland, though; my sister said they’d had a week of temperatures that high and as humid as she could remember (and she used to live in the far north of the state) before Christmas.
Yay, Split Enz! I loved that song, and a lot of their stuff.
Well that was some screwed-up sentence structure …
Happy New Year Mammotheers! I’m a little young for 80s dance classics, can I contribute an early 90s one instead?
Happy New Year!!
Well I loves me some Tainted Love
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeJkbqjQvnk&w=420&h=315%5D
(It Worked!!!)
Then there is
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leohcvmf8kM&w=420&h=315%5D
And, Eurythmics
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeMFqkcPYcg&w=420&h=315%5D
Damn! I forgot
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drGx7JkFSp4&w=420&h=315%5D
And one of the finest Bass players
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3UTCK5gtlI&w=420&h=315%5D
WOW Schwadevivre! Blast from the past! I love all of those 🙂
Another early 90s (sorry!)
This one is for my sigoth
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgDKtLPp46s&w=420&h=315%5D