Over on Roosh’s Return of Kings site, the lovely individual known as Redpiller1985 has totally figured out what has ruined video games, which sadly “have declined since their great rise in the 70′s-00′s.” He’s looking at you, ladies!
Ok, well, that’s not exactly a new sentiment to hear from a #GamerGater. But Redpiller1985 has managed to precisely identify just which kinds of ladies — sorry, “chicks” — are ruining gaming the most: the pretty ones who actually play video games. Or at least pretend to!
You go to any Youtube channel about gaming and it will have a useless pretty chick talking about her experiences with Pokemon as a child. These women are not actual gamers but women riding a fad. They’re called “Gamer Gurls” for the reason to mock the gurl phrase that feminists like to use. These semi-attractive chicks have learned that they can get the princess treatment by pretending to be a video game enthusiast.
Huh. You mean like this person or this person or this person? Or possibly this person?
But I digress. As it turns out, according to Redpiller1985, there is another kind of chick who is also ruining gaming: the ugly ducklings. Well, the ugly ducklings that grow up to be ugly chicks, that is.
Also another type of chick started to pop up. These women though don’t have the facade of being attractive. Instead they use videogames to up their social status. The land whales realized that if they could fake their enthusiasm for games, some video game beta would find them attractive as well. The betas fight over these chicks and since they’re all manginas of the highest degree. This is one of the reasons that betaness and even omeganess are the norms in video game culture.
I’ve prepared this helpful Venn Diagram:
Anyway, these chicks are why Call of Duty is more popular than the unnamed “quality products” that
Redpiller1985 prefers are objectively better than Call of Duty, which is apparently (who knew!) bought mostly by “chicks.”
Girl gamers and their beta male hangers-on rather buy Call of Duty than support quality products. Don’t let women in to your sub-culture unless you want it permanently disfigured. Too bad they already did it to my favorite sub-culture.
Redpiller1985’s complaint about Call of Duty is just a teensy bit ironic, given that not long before he wrote his post, a contributor to Roosh’s terrible gaming site Reaxxion had declared Call of Duty “the best shooter series ever,” in part because it has flamethrowers. (No, really.)
Redpiller1985 also complains that chicks are destroying the fine art of video game journalism as well:
Women and beta males have made video game journalism an entry point for dilettantes with humanity majors. … Video game publications have turned into tabloids with female writers at the helm. Most people can’t name a female game journalist because they coast on their male colleagues who do the actual work.
Well, actually, most people can’t name a video game journalist because they don’t actually give a shit about video game journalism, which is barely journalism at all.
But it is a little ironic to see complain about someone else’s journalistic ability, given that he is writing for what many consider the worst blog on the internet. And that he is also the author of this, er, sentence:
The betas fight over these chicks and since they’re all manginas of the highest degree.
Since they’re all manginas of the highest degree WHAT?!
Only time will tell, because redpiller1985 never finishes that thought.
H/T — @thrillith via r/GamerGhazi. And then another H/T to @thrillith for also tweeting about that Reaxxion piece on Call of Duty.
I think it’s hilarious that #Goobers think that girls are “fake gamers” and shouldn’t be “catered to”, yet we spend just as much money on games as they do. If they loved the free market as much as they claim to do, you’d think that they would see that women spending more money on games is a good thing for their games, and we females (who can make our own money *gasp!*) can vote with OUR dollars as well. It’s not like we’re barred from spending money. : /
Also, I’d like to jump on my soapbox as well as a 16+ year gamer and say that it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a gamer, you’re part of this community. It doesn’t matter if your first game was Candy Crush or Super Mario Bros. 3. It doesn’t matter if you got into it when you were a kid, or when you were an adult, nor does it matter if you got into it because of a friend or significant other or WHATEVER. It doesn’t matter if you like CoD or Pokemon, it doesn’t matter if you love FPS, RPG, or Survival Horror.
If you love video games, and you play them, you’re a gamer. Period. So, the #Goobers can shut it. .
*hops off soapbox*
Also, as someone who’s been gaming for longer than a decade: I play silly games for fun! I *like* Cooking Mama and Rhythm Heaven, and you know what? I sometimes buy shit dollar games on the XBox Live Marketplace just because they look fun! You know why? Because it’s *fun*. I think #Goobers spend so much time being angry they forget that gaming is supposed to be FUN.
Call of Duty isn’t even fun, though. I need an open world FPS like GTA. And regardless, couched in all of this rhetoric is the bone hard fact that Redpill1985 just hates the fuck out of women and it wouldn’t matter what women did. These guys should just admit that’s what their problem is, it’ll save everyone time.
Exactly! Games were made as a hobby and to have fun. I don’t know why those #Goobers keep thinking of it as “ME ME ME MY THING NOBODY ELSE’S THING WAAAAHHH!”
Too bad that we’re not moving. Hell no, we won’t go!
Thank you.
I’ve been gaming for my entire life, but every time I call myself a “gamer” I get the shit test from dudes. No, I can’t beat you at your favorite FPS. I probably couldn’t figure out how to navigate the room. No, I don’t have strong opinions about XBox vs Playstation and I don’t own either of them. I own a Mac, and an iPad.
I play games for my own enjoyment, not to impress anyone.
I have never been a console gamer.
There, admitted it.
Of course, I remember when pong and pac-man were the ultimate games…and I played them! Got really good at Pac-man.
When consoles arrived…I tried them at friends and…just never could work the controls.
But (about 20 years back) I was gifted a computer that was too old for my CompSci friends.
And they gave me discs of Tomb Raider…and I was addicted.
You’ve hit on what strikes me as the $64,000 question: If gaming is so much fun, why are they so perpetually angry at what someone else is or might be doing?
Also if they think eliminating half of the consumer base for games is going to stimulate lots of new investment by game developers, that might indicate why their business degrees aren’t getting them very far.
Sounds like Fecal Thinking to me …
I love how we women manage to, at the same time, blindly follow trotted out games and never innovate, AND shoehorn our evil new alien attitudes into games.
Which is it, gamergaters?
This! It has to be super manly serious and women are only there to be pixelated wankfodder, admire the manly dudeliness of the heroes playing games, and provide the obvious sort of services to them.
Seems like a strange sort of hobby if it’s as much about being enraged as about anything else.
I have never quite understood the appeal of game consoles. It’s a computer, but with very specialized peripherals and an extremely limited number of very expensive programs.
David, do you welcome posts from true red pill men from the manosphere? If you don’t, no problem. I’ll just stay at Dalrock’s. I’m just kind of curious if you welcome conflicting posts.
Well, yes, if video games are about scoring as many points as possible to compete with other men, and sex is about scoring as many points as possible to compete with other men, is there ANYTHING they do for fun? Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that they are angry.
The other thing is they get no manliness points for things that a girly-girly-girl can do, and these days there’s damn little a woman can’t do — makes it tough to build a self-image based solely on being not-female. I assume you have Zamboni rink ice resurfacing machines down in Oz. Not rocket science of course, but you do have to drive a vehicle on ice and most of the time the operator is a bit off, misses a narrow stripe or two, and has to go back over it.The first time I ever saw a rink done perfectly, with no misses, the operator was a teenage girl — that basically destroyed my last illusion that there was SOMETHING left that men could just naturally do better.
Remember when it came out that one of the pilots bombing the ISIS murderers was a woman from IIRC Abu Dhabi, and the dudes had a conniption? As a pacifist I was required to disapprove of the bombing, of course, so if you thought you heard a chortle or two coming from my direction you must have been mistaken.
Obviously, they don’t know how to game properly.
It’s the simplicity. You pay a set amount and get a guarantee that every game you buy will run and all necessary updates of both software and firmware will be as easy as hitting ‘okay’. With PCs you either have to sink a fair chunk of money into it or have a pretty solid understanding of all of the spec requirements for the games you want to play. For lots of people that ease of use outweighs the benefits you get with PC (not to mention the impact of console exclusives, many of which are big name titles lots of people value highly).
Hey,I just realized that I’m a gamer from way back too! I used to play Q*bert in the arcade back in the day; got my initials on the board more than once, too. My boyfriend even got me an Atari for Christmas in 1985 but I didn’t like the controller action. I gave the Atari to my female cousins and they played Frogger on it till it gave out.
But here’s my question: Why are these guys so hung up on making all the other guys into alphas? I mean, everyone simply cannot be an alpha because there aren’t enough hb10’s to go around.
@katz It may be a limited number of very expensive programs, but some game consoles had really amazingly fun games that were proprietary to the specific console. These days many AAA games release to all consoles, as well as various desktop OSes. I have played many games that were exclusive to specific consoles, from the Atari 2600 to the PS3. And, honestly, it’s a lot like the difference between what will run on a Windows OS computer vs Apple OS vs UNIXes/LINUX, only you can’t make a bunch of separate boots on one set of hardware.
I still get flashbacks to playing “Yars’ Revenge” on the 2600 when certain car alarms go off.
“The other thing is they get no manliness points for things that a girly-girly-girl can do, and these days there’s damn little a woman can’t do — makes it tough to build a self-image based solely on being not-female.”
This. I think they are still stuck in the kindergarten-mindest of ‘boys are cool and girls are uncool. if girls like games, that means games are uncool. but I like games so games can’t be uncool, because if they are then that means I’m like a girl and I’m not uncool YOU GUYZ PLEEZ BELIEVE ME I’M COOL YOU GUYZ WAH WAH WAH’.
So there must be a different reason for girls to play games and of course the only possible answer to them is ‘it’s about boners’.
I play video games but don’t consider myself a gamer.
That said, has anyone else noticed that console controllers for the most part literally seem to be made for men? I have small hands even for a woman and I got fed up pretty quickly with most console games because of their controllers. It’s left me without any desire whatsoever to buy a console; I stick to games I can play on my laptop. (Dragon Age: Inquisition, currently.)
Another “structural” issue with gaming-potential devices: touch screens aren’t so great if you have long fingernails. Since this is only a problem women have, it seems to not be considered a problem, but it’s really *really* irritating.
Has anybody written anything about how even games *hardware* is sometimes biased against women?
@Jarnsaxa: there are a few out there. Here’s one – http://motherboard.vice.com/read/technology-isnt-designed-to-fit-women
I’ll admit that this is something I had never considered before the last year or so, because I was too busy being frustrated about having hands, feet, and a head that are too ginormous for 95% of women’s accessories. I have to wear men’s gloves, and haven’t been able to buy dress shoes in literally years, and can pretty much forget about wearing any women’s hat with a fixed band size. I was so engrossed with being annoyed at the fashion industry for not acknowledging that non-dainty-sized women exist, that I totally missed it when the tech industry failed to acknowledge that dainty-sized women do exist.
Re: the claim that CoD is apparently fake gamer gurl heaven—it’s interesting then that Jenny Haniver got enough abuse while playing it that she was able to base her college project on it, as well as set up a substantial blog filled with the abuse she has received for CoD-ing while female. (www.notinthekitchenanymore.com – [CW for all the various types of toxicity you would expect from proto-Gators])
Re: the “girls are just in it for the attention and free stuff” claim—supposing that this WAS a widespread, endemic problem in gaming (it isn’t), the solution would be simple: Treat women like human beings.
Seriously, if guys treated female avatars and screennames as just another person, who may be skilled or unskilled, a good sport or a petulant tantrum-thrower, a n00b or a veteran, someone you might want to add to either your friends list or your ignore list based on how much fun they are to play with, then it becomes utterly and profoundly weird for them to begin trying to mooch free stuff off of you, and even weirder if you instinctively feel compelled to give them lots of free stuff just for being online in a particular digital appearance.
It’s almost like patriarchy is still the problem.
I play PC and consoles, and consoles are designed to play sitting on a couch. IMO that’s the best thing about them. But it’s also that they tend to be more social because a) you’re sitting on a couch with someone and b) they used to at least, require the other person to actually be there. My favourite games on consoles are platformers, which work much better with a controller than a mouse and keyboard and lend themselves to sitting with a friend and taking turns trying to beat a level. Crash Bandicoot was awseome for that. And I used to have great game nights with a friend playing Tekken. She was way better than me at it though, so we’d take turns fighting the NPCs rather than playing against each other. Oh, and Mario Kart with 4 people in the room together. So much fun! Unfortunately they’ve been screwing all that up in the last few years by making everything online. Makes me sad.
Yeah, xbox controllers are huge. Have you tried Playstation though? Those are considerably smaller. I would put money on there being 3rd party controllers designed for smaller hands.
Zork – there I said it
I even typed in the code for games into a TRS-80
Then there was Lords of Midnight …
A woman’s place is at the keyboard leading the raid that we’re on
I begin to think that fun itself is just too wimpy and beta-ish and so on. A manly man’s highest state of being is frothy rage! Except those
bad boysalphasmanginastraitors who somehow seem to be off enjoying life with or without games, and actually having, you know, happy relationships. Or not having relationships, and not ranting about it 24/7.@Kim @Jarn: I usually play on our PS3 (A PS4 will be my Valentine’s present ☺️) – we have an Xbox 360, but it’s really reserved for Kinect games for the kids/dancing/working out – and I’ve never been able to articulate why I prefer it until now beyond some vague dislike of the XBox’s controller, but that’s it: It’s too damn big.
I have very small hands, especially for my size – I’m 5’9″ but can usually wear children’s gloves with no problem – and it’s sooooo unwieldy compared to the Playstation remote.
@matz @kim re: why consoles: It’s absolutely, 100% true that they’re just* dedicated, unscalable computers for games (*any more, they’ve evolved into streaming entertainment hubs), but Kim hit on a large part of it: It can be just there in the living room, chillin’, waiting for you to sit on the couch and play while cuddling with your SO, eating junk food with a friend, or dance like a fool with your kids.
“Hey,” it says, “Is it the end of a long day? Come on over and blow some shit up. Kids up before dawn on a Saturday? They can stream Netflix Kids or play Minecraft – they know how to turn me on and work the controls, and you’ve password protected YouTube and my browser…it’ll be fine, you can sleep in until 7am.”
You can totally do all of that with a dedicated desktop (and we do have an old one wedged in there to accommodate some streaming), but it’s just easier with a console.
They can’t do neeeeeeaaarly as much as even a built PC with mid-level components, but they’re OOB/plug and play, stable (at least if you don’t look at their networks *rimshot*), and not something else to think about.
It’s sort of like (bear with me) Android vs iPhone: When I was working in tech, I got so much flak for switching. My answer: “You’re right. This iPhone is locked down much tighter than my old Android and there’s exponentially less (easy) tinkering that I can do with it; but it turns the eff on when I want it to and it hasn’t crashed once. It’s just there, waiting to be my phone. I know that the hardware and software are compatible (I’m looking at you cheap Android phones that take forever to accept new OS versions and kerchunk through many apps) and it’s one less thing that I have to think about*.
(*At the time, I had two kids, a full time job, and was taking 6 credits in the DC/Metro area…that last part’s relevant because getting anywhere to do anything takes forever…and had 0.0 time to tinker.)
@kitteh – That is beautiful and I love it.
“Listen. Strange women browsing online, ordering components, is no basis for a gaming system. Supreme gaming power derives from local co-op on a couch, not from some farcical server-based matching system!”