Over on Roosh’s Return of Kings site, the lovely individual known as Redpiller1985 has totally figured out what has ruined video games, which sadly “have declined since their great rise in the 70′s-00′s.” He’s looking at you, ladies!
Ok, well, that’s not exactly a new sentiment to hear from a #GamerGater. But Redpiller1985 has managed to precisely identify just which kinds of ladies — sorry, “chicks” — are ruining gaming the most: the pretty ones who actually play video games. Or at least pretend to!
You go to any Youtube channel about gaming and it will have a useless pretty chick talking about her experiences with Pokemon as a child. These women are not actual gamers but women riding a fad. They’re called “Gamer Gurls” for the reason to mock the gurl phrase that feminists like to use. These semi-attractive chicks have learned that they can get the princess treatment by pretending to be a video game enthusiast.
Huh. You mean like this person or this person or this person? Or possibly this person?
But I digress. As it turns out, according to Redpiller1985, there is another kind of chick who is also ruining gaming: the ugly ducklings. Well, the ugly ducklings that grow up to be ugly chicks, that is.
Also another type of chick started to pop up. These women though don’t have the facade of being attractive. Instead they use videogames to up their social status. The land whales realized that if they could fake their enthusiasm for games, some video game beta would find them attractive as well. The betas fight over these chicks and since they’re all manginas of the highest degree. This is one of the reasons that betaness and even omeganess are the norms in video game culture.
I’ve prepared this helpful Venn Diagram:
Anyway, these chicks are why Call of Duty is more popular than the unnamed “quality products” that
Redpiller1985 prefers are objectively better than Call of Duty, which is apparently (who knew!) bought mostly by “chicks.”
Girl gamers and their beta male hangers-on rather buy Call of Duty than support quality products. Don’t let women in to your sub-culture unless you want it permanently disfigured. Too bad they already did it to my favorite sub-culture.
Redpiller1985’s complaint about Call of Duty is just a teensy bit ironic, given that not long before he wrote his post, a contributor to Roosh’s terrible gaming site Reaxxion had declared Call of Duty “the best shooter series ever,” in part because it has flamethrowers. (No, really.)
Redpiller1985 also complains that chicks are destroying the fine art of video game journalism as well:
Women and beta males have made video game journalism an entry point for dilettantes with humanity majors. … Video game publications have turned into tabloids with female writers at the helm. Most people can’t name a female game journalist because they coast on their male colleagues who do the actual work.
Well, actually, most people can’t name a video game journalist because they don’t actually give a shit about video game journalism, which is barely journalism at all.
But it is a little ironic to see complain about someone else’s journalistic ability, given that he is writing for what many consider the worst blog on the internet. And that he is also the author of this, er, sentence:
The betas fight over these chicks and since they’re all manginas of the highest degree.
Since they’re all manginas of the highest degree WHAT?!
Only time will tell, because redpiller1985 never finishes that thought.
H/T — @thrillith via r/GamerGhazi. And then another H/T to @thrillith for also tweeting about that Reaxxion piece on Call of Duty.
“But it is a little ironic to see complain about someone else’s journalistic ability, given that he is writing for what many consider the worst blog on the internet.”
I like that you consider me to be “many” haha. But yeah, these guys are assholes. The fact that they have to write under pseudonyms tells you a lot. This site needs to be shit on way more than it’s currently being shit on. Nice article!
I think I’m going to log into Borderlands and shoot bandits for a while. These guy gamers who think CoD is the be-all and end-all of FPS games suck. Borderlands series FTW!
*goes and levels up Gaige some more*
Oh Borderlands… You made me actually enjoy an FPS in a way no hyper-realistic totally-super-tactical military simulator ever could.
(Speaking of which… is that steam group still running? I’ve been looking for people to play multiplayer borderlands 2 with, but my sibling is more into the hyper-realistic totally-super-tactical military simulators…)
Fret not, my worried Beta friend, for I have the sophisticated, scientifically proven, rationally argued solution for your predicament.
Thus Spake Zarakirbywarp:
Yup, the Steam group is still around.
And you’re not the only one I’ve seen playing Borderlands — maybe you should start a thread to look for people to play with. 🙂
OH. It’s THIS sexist argument! *gets on her soapbox*
I wonder if they’ll have a heart attack when I tell them that I’ve been a gamer for a little over 20 years (25 going on 26 in exactly two weeks here). Sure, I’m probably outclassed in years by others here, but 20’s a pretty solid number, I guess. Grew up on the Genesis playing Sonic 2 and Streets of Rage, I did. Spent my teen years on emulators and fighting games.
Heck, if it weren’t for video games, I probably would’ve never met my boyfriend.
…It took me over thirty minutes to type out a coherent comment because I spent it trying to think of what the heck to type in this box. That and this happens to be one of my biggest pet peeves EVER. “Oh, women EVERYWHERE are ruining gaming just for EXISTING!” Really? We can’t be “pretty” or “ugly”? Well, screw that! We don’t compare a guy’s looks when it comes to gaming, so why should my gender be judged on that?
Oh, right. Because “cooties”. BLEH.
Adam Pack:
My thoughts exactly! If I wasn’t on this board I would know nothing, NOTHING, about gamergate or any of it.
The hilarious thing about the “Ethics in Game Journalism” bit is that Gamergators wouldn’t know journalistic ethics if it bit them on the behind. Their idea of journalistic ethics seems to be “Nobody is allowed to express opinions that are more liberal than mine or to have friends/acquaintances in the same industry”, and completely ignore the power that the big developers have.
Speaking of games–I like 4x games, but I don’t play that often. Is Endless Legend worth it? I have a macbook air, so I am not a gaming machine owner.
After the horrors that occurred over christmas week with gaters defending child porn and neo-nazis (again), this is a welcome change. Thanks David, this really gave me a good laugh. XD
@wordsp1nner: From what I heard, Endless Legend is supposed to be pretty damn great. Haven’t played it myself, but all the big PC gaming sites have given it pretty glowing praise.
wordsp1nner – GGers know nothing about any sort of ethics.
Sissy – I know, right? These pimply-faced adolescents think gaming is *their* thing and think they can pull rank on female gamers. I can do that too. I declare that everyone who never played a crappy Space Invaders knock-off that they programmed themselves on a ZX Spectrum using BASIC from a book they got from the library is a fake gamer. While we’re at it, anyone who doesn’t agree that Mark Hamill is the best Joker is a fake Batman fan, and anyone who doesn’t know who Mark Hamill is can consider their geek card revoked.
God, it’s so easy to declare people fakes when a genre or franchise is big enough!
kittehserf–True dat.
I’m a nut for Borderlands*, but – alas! – am but a console peasant.
* “Nut” in this case = I love and have played video games since the 80s, but am now 34 with three kids and an old house so pretty much only play a few times a week…and BL/BL2/BLtPS’s been about it.
Though I’m also (finally) playing through Wolf Among Us (because the husband wants to see the story and claims that I have better reflexes than him) and have Tales from the Borderland’s chilling in my queue.
Remember when you were a little kid and some of the other kids were adamant that you could not like what they liked and must choose something else to like because reasons?
It would appear that this is the sort of person they grow up to be.
Gaming for 25 years. Programming my own games for 24. Never bought a Call Of Battlefield Honour: Nazi Zombies In Space Edition game or played a pay-to-win mobile game. Neither attractive nor particularly unattractive. Gay and not remotely interested in impressing guys. Where do I fit into this shitstain’s little scenario, and more importantly, do I care?
(No. The answer is no.)
Never been one for gaming – did play Zork (which really dates me), Monkey Island, Lemmings (what can I say, I like puzzles) and sheepishly admit to playing Castle Wolfenstein for a while. The only online game, I have played in the last 5 or so years is Kingdom of Loathing.
These fools don’t ever develop beyond the reasoning of a particularly obnoxious 8-year-old. “Uurgh, you can’t like video games, they’re for boooys. You’re just a stupid guuuurl. You’re just trying to get attention. Uuurgh, you like that stupid game. Hey, YOU can’t like this game, that’s MY favourite; Waaaaah!”
There is literally no way for them to keep feeeemales and betas from playing video games, so what the hell makes them think they are qualified to act as the gatekeepers? “Don’t let women in to your sub-culture” – Like, what am I supposed to do, just not buy games any more? Who’s gonna stop me? Nobody on that free market you think only caters to GermerGoons, that’s for sure! 😛
Can we use their own No-True-Gamer fallacies against them and kick anyone who identifies with the manosphere out of gaming culture? Sadly, no, because the world just doesn’t work like that, sweetcheeks.
Then again, nothing works like they think it does/ ought to.
Is the “they can get the princess treatment by pretending to be a video game enthusiast” thing just how PUAs interpret the phenomenon of non-misogynists deciding they like to date people with shared interests?
It’s these little assumptions upon which their worldview hinges that make me think no PUA has ever actually successfully achieved any level of social interaction with a real human woman. It’s actually hard to imagine them as anything but the basement-dwellers they deny being, because things sure as heck don’t look as they describe them from here on the surface.
Dear Redpiller1985 (and the rest of you GGers): shut the hell up. No, really, I’m sick of you idiots an the stupid things you say bout women.
Until you can get it through your thick heads that we are first and foremost people, stop commenting, stop tweeting, and stop posting your stupidity.
I wonder if there is a connection between how everything women become involved in gets devalued and how afraid they are of women participating in video game playing and development.
Women start becoming secretaries? Secretary is no longer a respectable position considered a step in the ladder.
We’re starting to have female schoolteachers? Lower the wages! In fact, let’s save money by hiring women *because* we can pay them less!
Girls are becoming cheerleaders? Cheerleading became just entertainment to support the *real* sport.
Women in computer programming? That was considered worthless anyway. Until it wasn’t, then the women were kicked out.
These guys try to keep women out because they are afraid that their precious games will be devalued now that women are infesting *their* territory. Never mind that that trend is not the fault of the women themselves, but the men who consider women to be inferior.
I loved that image THIS much.
LOL those poor peasants, wishing they could play the DMC4 PC port, only able to dream of a 400 FPS rate.
So…let’s boil Mr. 1985’s assertion down to its essence. (Let’s also leave aside for the moment all claims as to its truth or falsity.) If we do that, we’ll find out that what he’s basically saying is:
“Women, who tend to be newer to the gaming world than men are, also tend, when they join the gaming world, to concentrate on the kinds of well-tried games that everybody’s already played or is still playing. They don’t innovate much.* They constitute a conservative force, because they’re playing several years behind the curve. They play stuff I was concentrating on five years ago but which I’ve since outgrown, and what’s worse they encourage their weak-kneed boyfriends to do the same thing. I, who consider the gaming world to be one of the domains of high art, want the gaming world to do what a domain of high art should do, which is transcend itself and confound expectations, but here are all these women getting in the way of that fond hope of mine, like the dirt-grubbers they are, and of course I object.”
What he’s basically saying (again, whether his claim is true or false) is that newbies to a community embrace the traditional stuff in that community the way nobody else can. (As in: newly made converts to Catholicism, or indeed to any religion.) What he’s also saying (and in this case I think his claim is scarcely refutable) is that popular stuff is popular, and that more people are into popular stuff than into unpopular stuff or work which rests on the cutting edge. And there, he’s onto something. More women are migrating into the gaming world, therefore there are going to be more people in that world overall, ergo there are going to be more buyers and users of popular stuff. So there may be more of a braking action on creativity in gaming overall, simply because the middle of the bell curve is going to be humpier than ever. It’s not so much that the women who are now getting into the gaming world are women…it’s that they’re people, and that most people are always going to like what most people like. That’s why most people like it. That’s why it’s called “popular.”
Although you sometimes wonder whether some of these guys know how capitalism works. Companies which makes games aren’t interested in being “cutting-edge” except insofar as “cutting-edge” constitutes good ad copy. They’re interested in making lots of games (as in lots of games, sum-total, not lots of different kinds of games) and they’re interested in making games they can sell reliably to lots of people. They’re not bohemians sitting on the top of the Montmartre sipping absinthe and catching one another in mid-faint. Sheesh.**
*Except when women do innovate and then catch hell for it, as in the case of Zoe Quinn. But, never mind.
**My favorite Roy Edroso comeback: “That’s capitalism, comrade.”
Yeah…princes treatment…that’s what female gamers are treated to.
Poor widdle wedpiwwer is so scared of women that he’s shaking in his poop socks. I guess it’s easier to pretend women are ruining gaming than to admit they spank him soundly when he attempts to compete with them.
Not sure this is the right thread, but..