#gamergate beta males misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed PUA red pill rhymes with roosh

This just in: Pretty chicks are ruining video gaming. Also ugly ones.

Protect yourself, men!
Protect yourself, men!

Over on Roosh’s Return of Kings site, the lovely individual known as Redpiller1985 has totally figured out what has ruined video games, which sadly “have declined since their great rise in the 70′s-00′s.” He’s looking at you, ladies!

Ok, well, that’s not exactly a new sentiment to hear from a #GamerGater. But Redpiller1985 has managed to precisely identify just which kinds of ladies — sorry, “chicks” — are ruining gaming the most: the pretty ones who actually play video games. Or at least pretend to!

You go to any Youtube channel about gaming and it will have a useless pretty chick talking about her experiences with Pokemon as a child. These women are not actual gamers but women riding a fad. They’re called “Gamer Gurls” for the reason to mock the gurl phrase that feminists like to use. These semi-attractive chicks have learned that they can get the princess treatment by pretending to be a video game enthusiast.

Huh. You mean like this person or this person or this person? Or possibly this person?

But I digress. As it turns out, according to Redpiller1985, there is another kind of chick who is also ruining gaming: the ugly ducklings. Well, the ugly ducklings that grow up to be ugly chicks, that is.

Also another type of chick started to pop up. These women though don’t have the facade of being attractive. Instead they use videogames to up their social status. The land whales realized that if they could fake their enthusiasm for games, some video game beta would find them attractive as well. The betas fight over these chicks and since they’re all manginas of the highest degree. This is one of the reasons that betaness and even omeganess are the norms in video game culture.

I’ve prepared this helpful Venn Diagram:

venndiagramAnyway, these chicks are why Call of Duty is more popular than the unnamed “quality products” that Redpiller1985 prefers are objectively better than Call of Duty, which is apparently (who knew!) bought mostly by “chicks.”

 Girl gamers and their beta male hangers-on rather buy Call of Duty than support quality products. Don’t let women in to your sub-culture unless you want it permanently disfigured. Too bad they already did it to my favorite sub-culture.

Redpiller1985’s complaint about Call of Duty is just a teensy bit ironic, given that not long before he wrote his post, a contributor to Roosh’s terrible gaming site Reaxxion had declared Call of Duty “the best shooter series ever,” in part because it has flamethrowers. (No, really.)

Redpiller1985 also complains that chicks are destroying the fine art of video game journalism as well:

Women and beta males have made video game journalism an entry point for dilettantes with humanity majors. … Video game publications have turned into tabloids with female writers at the helm. Most people can’t name a female game journalist because they coast on their male colleagues who do the actual work.

Well, actually, most people can’t name a video game journalist because they don’t actually give a shit about video game journalism, which is barely journalism at all.

But it is a little ironic to see complain about someone else’s journalistic ability, given that he is writing for what many consider the worst blog on the internet. And that he is also the author of this, er, sentence:

The betas fight over these chicks and since they’re all manginas of the highest degree.

Since they’re all manginas of the highest degree WHAT?!

Only time will tell, because redpiller1985 never finishes that thought.

H/T — @thrillith via r/GamerGhazi. And then another H/T to @thrillith for also tweeting about that Reaxxion piece on Call of Duty.

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10 years ago


Ah, I see your problem. Referencing history, pining for the good old days that you never experienced and most likely didn’t even exist is manly. Researching said history to check your facts and make sure you aren’t making a fool of yourself is totes Beta.

10 years ago

when men were men and women were house elves

Great line, by the way.

10 years ago

Kirby: Learning is for losers. Got it.

10 years ago

Kirby: Thanks! 🙂

10 years ago

“These semi-attractive chicks have learned that they can get the princess treatment by pretending to be a video game enthusiast.”

So we’re back to the whole “fake geek girl” nonsense from a couple of years ago. Sometimes it feels like we never progress, we just re-brand our grievances.

10 years ago

That’s true for me too, the only time I’ve seen anyone try to get special treatment for their gender it’s a guy playing as a girl. I don’t get it, do they think that’s what girls do? It makes me really uncomfortable and gives me the feeling of “oh, so that’s what you think of my gender. Thanks”

I also don’t understand why these guys think they’re such a catch that girls would pretend to be into such an expensive and time-consuming hobby.

10 years ago

Wow. This was written on December 9… Of last year. Reads like it could’ve been written in the 4 months we’ve had goober gate.

Pocket Nerd
10 years ago
Reply to  pollydactyl

Thus Spake Zarapollydactyl:

That’s true for me too, the only time I’ve seen anyone try to get special treatment for their gender it’s a guy playing as a girl. I don’t get it, do they think that’s what girls do?

Given the enormous amounts of whining I’ve seen from dudebros about “It’s not fair, I have to GRIND for my epic l00tz, but if you’re a girl gamer other guys just GIVE YOU STUFF FOR FREE!!”, yes, apparently a lot of male gamers do think that’s what girls do. But yeah, the only people I’ve ever known to say “Hee hee, I’m a cute girl, give me free stuffs!” were guys.

10 years ago
Reply to  Pocket Nerd

To be fair, i did once have someone just give me stuff in an mmorpg. But i think it had more to do with the fact that i was a new player and while my character was female, i was definitely not flirting with anybody or advertising the fact that i’m a girl.

Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
10 years ago

*busts in through a candy glass window*

Who’s been talking bad ’bout my Viva Piña-?! Oh. A Red Pill Eater.

Also Mr. Futrelle, near the bottom of the article “But it is a little ironic to see >complain< about someone else's journalistic ability…"

Yeah I increasingly don't get why so many of my male comrades think there's some Sinister Agenda behind women getting more visible in gaming circles. Sure, a lot of us trend into the You Stupid Kid! demographic, but I see this with the (okay, relatively) older ones too, like Mr. 1985 here. Surely he's old enough to recall how the gaming scene used to be in the 90's and 00's, back before the Indiesplosion. Some titles were good, some titles were crap, but the field was so much smaller than it is now. There was experimentation, but mostly that translated into "what if we did THIS variation on THESE mechankcs? Eh? Eh, comrades, eh?"

The rise of new artists, methodologies and demographics has been to nothing BUT gaming's benefit. This is a world where Demon Souls(a punishing, solemnly atmospheric, skill-based game of trial and error and meticulous preperation) coexists with something like Thirty Flights of Loving(I am still unsure what it's about, but be damned it if isn't pretty), and that's great! There's real experimentation, real shakeups, real desire for art now that just didn't exist twenty years ago. There's finally space for games to be more than recycled corporate product, and yet people want to go back to before that so The Woms will stop Ruining Video Games?

Also boo on "They're just doing it for attention", for both the reasons given above this comment and how many male Youtubers and streamers also just do it for the e-fame. It's easily one of the more pernicious and damaging stereotypes I've ever seen.

Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
10 years ago

There was not supposed to be an ‘also’ in that last paragraph, apologies for the slip-up.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


There are more than one, although the one I had in mind today actually has other people editing together his gaming vids to highlight how much his I-am-awesome rhetoric doesn’t match his skills. He’s just constantly blaming the game for his failure to read screen text or, I dunno, examine the bright shiny thing that the game is conspicuously pointing out. I’m hardly an expert gamer, but at least I recognize that it’s not the game’s fault when I lose my coordination and start button-mashing. LOL

10 years ago

But yeah, the only people I’ve ever known to say “Hee hee, I’m a cute girl, give me free stuffs!” were guys.

Busband is heavily into a MMORPG and he’s said the same to me numerous times – he even knew a guy who did just that. His main toon is on a predominantly female squad* (one of the largest squads in the game) and they certainly don’t tee-hee their way through it.

@pollydactyl Busband will now and then give other players stuff for the reason you stated, because they’re newer, and he’s maxed out and has a ton of cool stuff he doesn’t need but that other people do need. He just likes helping out other players and feeling kinda

* ‘squad’ is not the word I’m looking for but I do not mmorpg with him and forget what his teamwhatsitthingy is called. I am a mere, lowly fee-male console player and am therefore destroying gaming, and have been since about 1983 🙂

GOBACK (@JoeKlemmer)
10 years ago

1) I’m a 52yo guy who’s been playing video games since the 70’s and I always pay on the easiest setting possible because I suck at playing video games. That hasn’t stopped me from having fun playing for the last 40+ years.

2) I forgot what I was going to say.

3) These idiots are complete fools and because of that.

[See what I did there? Huh? I made a funny]

GOBACK (@JoeKlemmer)
10 years ago

I should not post comments while on painkillers.

10 years ago

@Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp exactly! The idea of what a game can be has exploded, and that’s a good thing as far as I’m concerned. It’s become a storytelling medium now, with unlimited potential. That said, it can also just be a button-mashing killfest, or just silly fun too. Something for everyone, and I can’t fathom why that’s a bad thing to or for anyone.

I tend to prefer games that are heavy on storyline and character development, or involve lots of tactical planning and/or stealth when I’m on my own playing; but there’s nothing quite like drunken Dance Dance Revolution out in the sticks with the fam.

10 years ago

The betas fight over these chicks and since they’re all manginas of the highest degree.

“The betas fight over these chicks and…” And what, Mr. redpiller1985? Chicks and what? Because in order to make that sentence make sense, you have to add another noun after the and. And since your talking about “chicks,” I can only assume it’s another kind of baby farm animal. So, “chicks and calves?” “Chicks and lambs?” “Chicks and ducklings?” What other kind of baby farm animal are “betas” fighting over? And why is that a bad thing? Baby animals are adorable.

10 years ago

I should not post comments while on painkillers.

Um yes, yes you should 🙂

10 years ago

Pocket Nerd

Does “Redpiller1985″ think “girl gamers and their beta male hangers-on” are the ones driving the sales of yet another samey, everything-is-brown military shooter about Hard Men Making Hard Choices, without a single significant female character? Because whenever the semi-indie wing of gaming journalism gives the latest installment of Call of Modern Medal of Warfare n+1: Let’s Kill More Brown People anything less than a glowing review, they’re accused of “social justice warrioring” and trying to “feminize gaming.”

Of course women are buying games that are male power fantasies! Everything we wimmens do is for the menz or the attention thereof! Wimmens don’t have games! They only do it for ME AND MY BONER.

(And mostly because there’s not really much else when it comes to AAA gaming. Because AAA companies have convinced themselves for the most part that games with female leads “don’t sell well”, and thus don’t give them the proper attention that Call of Battlefield: Modern Brown would get because they’d rather pour all that extra advertising moolah they saved from ignoring the female lead game into that, and then the game with female lead doesn’t do well, and they point and say “Female leads don’t sell”, yadda, yadda, the cycle repeats, same as Hollywood.)

If we buy an indie game and/or a game that has a female protagonist, then we’re Es-Jay-Dubbyas who are out to “chickify” manly gaming (and everything else)![/sarcasm]

It’s almost like these people have forgotten what “fun” is. Video games are supposed to be “fun”, remember guys? We play these for fun. We play these for escapism. However, that doesn’t mean that we can’t have a serious discussion on it with a critical point of view. Hell, sometimes, that’s half the fun!

Either you stop taking gaming seriously and just have fun with it so you don’t hear the critiques, or you call it “art”, and accept that means it gets to be critiqued like an adult art form and still have fun with it, because critiques aren’t personal attacks, just issues that one person with one opinion might have on your precious game or sub-culture that others may or may not agree with in a calm, dignified, and POLITE manner.

Either way, people are going to critique it, because some gamers (myself included) want games to be taken seriously, and are willing to listen to critique, because we want gaming to move forwards, not backwards.

[And they say *women* are the ones who over-react. Lawl.]

On the topic of YouTubers: There’s a few I watch regularly, and a few I switch back and forth between when the mood hits. (I like to binge watch episodes, because many of the YouTubers I like only do fifteen minute episodes.)

There are times when I’m yelling at the screen, but I find there’s not many. Mostly because I watch Let’s Players because I can’t afford the game, or I can, and I’m wanting to see how good it is, and partially because even though they might not be good at the game, they still make that entertaining somehow, or can laugh at their mistakes.

Though, recently, there have been murmurs about the more well-known Let’s Players being given early access copies of games and being put under contract that they only have to show the good bits, and they have to talk about the game and hype it up as much as they can, and that’s not good at all. (THIS is something that #Goobers would be interested in if they weren’t so busy harassing female indie developers.)

It happened most recently I think with Shadows of Mordor. I haven’t heard any bad things about the game, but the marketing company pulling something like this shows they had no faith in their product, and that’s really just sad especially since most of the talk I’ve heard from non-YT players and Let’s Players alike really seemed to be genuinely positive.

However, since that thing happened, many Let’s Players have really cracked down to ensure they still have the trust of their fanbases. TheRPGMinx (Or MangaMinx) has made it a point to announce when she’s doing a sponsored video (as she does make extra money from this, and that’s great, and she’s being honest about it, which is even better).

Also, David, that image from the Salon article you linked up near the top will haunt my nightmares. *shudder*

Apologies for the long post everyone! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

when men were men and women were house elves


This reminded me of a tweet I saw probably two years ago: “Housewives are unnatural. God never intended that woman should marry house.”

10 years ago

Everytime I see this kind of crap. I look to one woman to sum it all up for me:

10 years ago

Sorry! this is a better link for those of you unwilling to even consider the existence of Kotaku.

10 years ago

Well, actually, most people can’t name a video game journalist because they don’t actually give a shit about video game journalism, which is barely journalism at all.

Hey now, no need for that. Just because you’re not personally into video games, doesn’t mean video game journalism isn’t real journalism.

There is plenty of quality video game journalism, which is easy to find (all you need to do is look at the GamerGate “hit list”). You don’t need to find it interesting, but they are still reporting on news in a multi billion dollar industry, and are just as valid as tech, music, and any other form of industry journalism.

10 years ago




10 years ago

That’s so kind of your busband! I would love to do that too, but I never got far enough in the game and I don’t play it much anymore. I do know my account is still around and I have a lot more free time now than I used to, so I might take it back up again.

That comment made me laugh so hard