Over on Roosh’s Return of Kings site, the lovely individual known as Redpiller1985 has totally figured out what has ruined video games, which sadly “have declined since their great rise in the 70′s-00′s.” He’s looking at you, ladies!
Ok, well, that’s not exactly a new sentiment to hear from a #GamerGater. But Redpiller1985 has managed to precisely identify just which kinds of ladies — sorry, “chicks” — are ruining gaming the most: the pretty ones who actually play video games. Or at least pretend to!
You go to any Youtube channel about gaming and it will have a useless pretty chick talking about her experiences with Pokemon as a child. These women are not actual gamers but women riding a fad. They’re called “Gamer Gurls” for the reason to mock the gurl phrase that feminists like to use. These semi-attractive chicks have learned that they can get the princess treatment by pretending to be a video game enthusiast.
Huh. You mean like this person or this person or this person? Or possibly this person?
But I digress. As it turns out, according to Redpiller1985, there is another kind of chick who is also ruining gaming: the ugly ducklings. Well, the ugly ducklings that grow up to be ugly chicks, that is.
Also another type of chick started to pop up. These women though don’t have the facade of being attractive. Instead they use videogames to up their social status. The land whales realized that if they could fake their enthusiasm for games, some video game beta would find them attractive as well. The betas fight over these chicks and since they’re all manginas of the highest degree. This is one of the reasons that betaness and even omeganess are the norms in video game culture.
I’ve prepared this helpful Venn Diagram:
Anyway, these chicks are why Call of Duty is more popular than the unnamed “quality products” that
Redpiller1985 prefers are objectively better than Call of Duty, which is apparently (who knew!) bought mostly by “chicks.”
Girl gamers and their beta male hangers-on rather buy Call of Duty than support quality products. Don’t let women in to your sub-culture unless you want it permanently disfigured. Too bad they already did it to my favorite sub-culture.
Redpiller1985’s complaint about Call of Duty is just a teensy bit ironic, given that not long before he wrote his post, a contributor to Roosh’s terrible gaming site Reaxxion had declared Call of Duty “the best shooter series ever,” in part because it has flamethrowers. (No, really.)
Redpiller1985 also complains that chicks are destroying the fine art of video game journalism as well:
Women and beta males have made video game journalism an entry point for dilettantes with humanity majors. … Video game publications have turned into tabloids with female writers at the helm. Most people can’t name a female game journalist because they coast on their male colleagues who do the actual work.
Well, actually, most people can’t name a video game journalist because they don’t actually give a shit about video game journalism, which is barely journalism at all.
But it is a little ironic to see complain about someone else’s journalistic ability, given that he is writing for what many consider the worst blog on the internet. And that he is also the author of this, er, sentence:
The betas fight over these chicks and since they’re all manginas of the highest degree.
Since they’re all manginas of the highest degree WHAT?!
Only time will tell, because redpiller1985 never finishes that thought.
H/T — @thrillith via r/GamerGhazi. And then another H/T to @thrillith for also tweeting about that Reaxxion piece on Call of Duty.
Wait, why wouldn’t people with writing careers be humanities majors? Has he seen how most STEM majors write? He should try deciphering a programmer’s design document some time. Or does he think that a lot of game developers would like to give up programming for a lucrative career in video game journalism?
whats really ick about that site is the damn disqus comment section. (on that particular article is much better than usual, though)
Like all dumbass manchildren, he thinks that studying anything but math and physics is a waste of time, since his mighty man brain is surely able to do something as simple as write a cogent sentence without special training, and everyone knows that all interpersonal interaction can be fully described by Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism.
Hahahahaha! As a woman who counts EA among her former employers I’m highly amused by this. I don’t happen to personally like Call of Duty, because I don’t happen to personally enjoy first person shooter games, but I’ve certainly played it — it is one of the many many many many games I have played. But honestly, video game journalism is an entry point for English majors? Wha? The only people I know who play a game because they’ve read about it are people who are already playing games and reading about them. No one who doesn’t play games is going to pick up some gamer mag and decide to go drop a couple of hundred dollars because of some article praising yet another game with a complex plot of “shoot things, pick up stuff, shoot more things, pick up more stuff.”
You know, I once had an employee of White Wolf offer to get me a column n their magazine auditing WW MUSHes. These people make me wish I had taken him up on the offer.
These semi-attractive chicks have learned that they can get the princess treatment by pretending to be a video game enthusiast.
The “princess treatment” in this case being remarkably similar to gaslighting. Only pathetic betas fight over these chicks. Luckily, you can’t tell over the internet how much he drools whenever a woman speaks to him. He’s a goddamn alpha here.
Somebody said easy mode?
“Well, actually, most people can’t name a video game journalist because they don’t actually give a shit about video game journalism, which is barely journalism at all.”
I could not agree more with this. I do not give a shit about video games. It is of no interest or importance to me or most people I know. ‘Ethics in video game journalism’? I literally couldn’t care less. Threats of rape and murder on the other hand, I think they’re quite bad. And when I say ‘quite bad’, I mean, ‘you should probably be prosecuted for that’.
Is that image your creation David? Since GG memes are the embodiment of Poe’s Law I am genuinely somewhat confused as to whether that’s a parody or not…
Also, as a humanities major, I can say with certainty that there is a truckload of skills that can come out of one. Like how to put forth an argument, debate with reason and properly analyse what someone else had written. (History is my specialty).
Funny, when I see the phrase “fake gamer” what comes to mind is the male gamer who puts his gameplay videos on Youtube and is objectively bad at them, yet asserts that he is actually a god of gaming and it’s the game’s fault he can’t be bothered to learn the controls.
I won’t name this guy, because there is more than one and they’re pretty much all the same, and they’re all dudes.
@ sunnysombrera – apparently, being a humanities major also prepares one to write in a coherent, readable manner. Something the quoted d00dbr0 is incapable of.
Oh, oh dear.
They’ve figured me out.
They’ve uncovered my devious plot.
It’s been a long time in the making – I began to lay the groundwork at a very young age
And continued with my nefarious ways by becoming obsessed with Zelda.
Oh! The machinations of a 6-year-old FEEEEMALE!
All those years of playing video games – countless hours – all in service of my ultimate goal:
TO BE EITHER FETISHIZED OR REVILED (or both at once) BY MALE GAMERS (the only TRUE gamers, obvs).
This dude was into games before it was cool.
But wait, the great success of games between the time they first started appearing in the 70s up to the aughts? Pretty sure there was an extremely famous crash in the mid-eighties as companies pushed out quantity over quality and went bankrupt as a result. Hardly just a culture of “making fun games to sell to consumers.”
This guy must not be involved in any programming field whatsoever… because the idea of some people developing theory while others focus on practical products is not even close to new or strange. Things like the “narrative models for relationships” that this bozo is ridiculing? No different than the myriad of theoretical frameworks for rendering, agent-based software, various OS models, sims, and practically anything else that real programmers use as a reference on a daily basis. They are invaluable for people who want to create a rich product but don’t have the knowledge or time to create everything from scratch.
But really, arguing with this lot is beyond useless. Not only is the original post written with the wit and rhetoric of an asshole frat boy, but the comments section has actual women arguing with the premise. The result?
And it never occurs to him once that women actually enjoy video games. It all has to be about him. Most of us outgrew that when were five
Pretty much the only time I ever witnessed someone using their gender to get any kind of special treatment was in an MMORPG where a guy was pretending to be a girl and going around flirting with guys to get free stuff. I think he was able to dupe like one person. I always found it really ironic though.
Thus Spake ZaraDavid Futrelle:
Doubly ironic because most of the people I know in the SJW-gamer-o-sphere consider Call of Duty and its cousins to be examplary of the problems with modern gaming.
Does “Redpiller1985” think “girl gamers and their beta male hangers-on” are the ones driving the sales of yet another samey, everything-is-brown military shooter about Hard Men Making Hard Choices, without a single significant female character? Because whenever the semi-indie wing of gaming journalism gives the latest installment of Call of Modern Medal of Warfare n+1: Let’s Kill More Brown People anything less than a glowing review, they’re accused of “social justice warrioring” and trying to “feminize gaming.”
People who went to school to learn how to write are writing for a living? Oh the humanities!
These dudes are so solipsistic that they cannot comprehend a woman doing anything that isn’t about them and their boners. They see us as partially sentient blow up dolls. Not people with interests. Not a surprise that didn’t occur to him!
Girls of course only play games to be attractive to these super manly gamers. Yep, that makes total sense. Suuure.
When people call me a “mangina” or beta, because I am a male support feminism, has always madke me chuckle: I’ve done all sort of jobs and activities that would be labelled as “manly” (a cretinous adjective), when they were just sitting on their asses, yelling at a 12 years old who fragged them for the 15th time in CoD: MW.
I wish I could edit my previous message and its awkward semantic.
@ ryohji – We’ve all wished that from time to time, but Dave long ago decided – and wisely, I think – that we were better off if it was impossible for trolls to gaslight us by changing what they wrote.
POM: I can think of a YouTuber like that, and I’m otherwise a fan but I get annoyed at his (occasional) videos where he bumbles through a game as fast as possible and then when things go wrong he blames the games controls or the storyline for not telling him what to do next when all he needed was to stop for two minutes and think.
*facepalm* He doesn’t do it often, fortunately, but when he does I just want to reach through the screen (and through the space time continuum as it stands) and give him a good shake.
The username “Redpiller1985” most likely refers to the year he was born. Knowing about things that happened before he was old enough to notice them would be history, which isn’t a manly sciencey interest.
Newt: but since these guys get so hung up on the “good old days”, when men were men and women were house elves (as they see it anyway) shouldn’t someone tell them that back then the study of history was a manly man’s topic, considered too complex for the female mind?