Since my last couple of posts this Christmas eve were a little Christmas-ruiny, here are some cats who’ve come up with much more adorable ways to ruin Christmas. And here’s an open thread to discuss them and whatever else you want, regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas or not.
No trolls, no MRAs, no jerks. Email the mods if anyone gets drunk and sits in the eggnog.
Cat pics commence after the jump.
They even have the fair isle ones with fake fur lining here! Though I guess that’s not terribly relevant where you are right now.
You know, I actually used to like VS. Okay, the public persona of the company can be cringe worthy, but for a goodly long time I could order a bra online (I hate, no LOATHE going to malls) and have it show up and just fit. I wore a C cup in their regular bras, and a D cup in the sports bras and all was well with the world. Every six months, I’d wait for a sale and free shipping and buy a few more. It was easy. I liked it.
Then one day I get my new order and they don’t fit. The cups are smaller and the band size actually seems bigger. I figure they just changed design/cut/materials and I need to adjust, so I order a band size down and a cup size up, and that works for a couple of styles. Then I order again and they seem to fit badly again, so I again tried a few new ones and settled on a DD, which worked for maybe a year until the most recent ones AGAIN didn’t fit.
So I call them up to ask what’s going on, and I get this blah blah blah about being remeasured every six months in case your measurements change, but the thing is, I haven’t changed more than five or so pounds to either side of my typical weight for a while now (I’ve got the plus five right now because 1. holidays and 2. to wet to run outside and 3. waiting for new belt for my treadmill!) and my measurements are all pretty much exactly the same. I know this because I make my own clothes and I have a custom dress form that I made years ago. When I measure it, all the measurements come within 1/4″ to 1/2″ or so of my current measurements, so the change isn’t on my end.
They hung up on me, so I have no idea what her rejoinder to that was going to be, but now I have to find another place to buy bras. 🙁
They sound adorable for winter, but I foresee scratching myself to death from itchiness if I wore them!
Gillyrosebee, that is weird, their sizes changing so much.
I’ve forgotten what thread it was on, but when we were talking about “I can totally finish this chapter!” and reading till daylight … there’s another evil temptation, too: editing stuff on Calibre. Insomniac proofreaders beware, that’s all I can say.
This is apropos of nothing, but I came out as bisexual to my parents yesterday. They are both gay allies, but it was amazingly awkward. I couldn’t find a good time to do it, so I did it while we were watching TV, and Mom was like, do you want to talk about it?
Not really. I just want to be able to admit I am attracted to women in the same contexts as men.
Slipping it in that way was probably a good plan, wordsp1nner – not making it a big announcement, if that makes any sense.
TIL that kale chips are the best thing ever, and if kale were less expensive I would be eating vegetables EVERY DAY.
Kale chips sound interesting!
Picture of the Furrinati High Council in meeting:
From the look on those cats’ faces, you just KNOW you did something wrong!
Kale is remarkably easy to grow, actually. I got one of those plastic windowboxes from the Home Despot, filled it with half peat and half potting soil, and then planted a row of lettuce and a row of kale. Both lettuce and kale prefer coldish weather, so you can grow them on a windowsill through the winter, just let the kale shield the lettuce from the sun.
I’d take a picture of the setup if I hadn’t JUST emptied the bin to wash it out and start another batch!
Best typo ever. Especially following a comment about kitties. 🙂
(Or autocorrect, whichever.)
Actually, that’s an editorial comment on my part, rather than autocorrect!
I tried to grow kale once, and it didn’t work. I don’t know what I did wrong. I can grow citrus trees indoors in Kentucky, and those things are hella finicky, but kale defeated me.
Kale chips = tossing kale pieces with olive oil and seasoned salt and then baking them on parchment paper until they are crispy. FANTASTIC. Far better than potato chips.
It doesn’t like too much sun or too much heat, did you try planting it in the summer with the rest of the veg? After May or so it’s usually too hot and bright for it. I grow mine indoors through the winter and early spring and through the fall outdoors, but not really from May to August. I’ve also had a lot of luck with Tuscan and winterbor (curly), and none at all with Russian.
I no longer harvest anything I grow. The black rabbit of Inle their many minions lives in my back garden. At first they were willing to share, and so was I. Those days are gone.
IIRC I planted it about October. It was supposed to grow in the fall and then grow again in the spring after winter? Well, it didn’t grow at all in the fall, and in the spring it went straight to seed. I was doing it wrong, clearly.
October should have been about right; I typically start in September and keep harvesting till December or so. It will take light freezing and even snow on the ground, but a hard freeze is too much for it. I start again as soon as I see crocus coming up (mid February or so) but by May it’s getting too warm. If the temperature is too warm they bolt to seed pretty much immediately.
Sorry to hear it was so tricky for you, kale is wonderful and I tend to be somewhat anemic, so I eat as much of it (and spinach) as I can.
thebewilderness, alas, The Thousand are pretty crafty. My deal with the critters is that I want at least SOME of the blueberries on my hedge, but this past year we had cardinals and bluejays, not to mention robins. This year, I am deconstructing an old wedding dress I got at a secondhand store and I am going to swathe the damn things in tulle. If I can make at least one batch of muffins and one batch of waffles, I’ll let them have the rest!
It was curly kale and supposed to be frost-hardy. It certainly survived the winter, it just never grew.
Alas. I will just have to be happy with my fresh-off-the-tree citrus, lol.
There’s where you’ve got me beat. I have two lemon trees, both upwards of 10 years old, which have never even bloomed for me!
Are they in containers? How do you treat and feed them?
Lemon trees are prompted to bloom mainly by temperature changes. If you keep them a climate controlled environment, blooming is suppressed. Mine bloom every spring when I put them outside, and in the fall after they’ve had a chill and I bring them indoors. I also feed them a pro-blooming fertilizer that I get from, unfortunately, a local supplier that I believe mixes the stuff themselves (it’s called Custom Bloom and I get it from New Earth here in Louisville).
Phew: My cat hadn’t been eating much for the day and I was just about to call the emergency vet in case it was an aura before another seizure, then I had a brainwave and tried a different brand and flavour. Success, he’s head down in the food bowl purring through mouthfuls of yummy kangaroo. No aura, he’s just picky this week. =P
*For the past day. I usually add extra words, here’s a missing word to make up for it! *facepalm*
Talk about Holidaze.
Just brought the car back from the mechanic. Paid a ransom of $690 … which was about $200 cheaper than it would have been if he’d used a new, rather than reconditioned, radiator. So there go my plans for a bit of self indulgence from our Xmas money. (Mumm doesn’t do gifts any more, she gives all of us money.)
New shades for our bedside lamps are now going to take the form of food and other boring stuff.
Whew, M! So glad that it turned out to be just picky cat behavior!
PoM, they are both in containers, and still have a goodly amount of space for roots (I’m pretty sure they aren’t rootbound). They live outside (in Massachusetts) while the temperature is guaranteed not to dip below 60*F (May or so to September or so) and indoors, in a sunny spot in the basement (so bright but coolish) for the rest of the time. They get a locally based seaweed based fertilizer weekly during the peak growing season and monthly on the off season.
The foliage is lovely enough, and I love the scent of the petitgrain in the leaves, so I don’t mind, but I do find it odd that they don’t bloom. My jasmine blooms like crazy in August, and everything else does well enough for me, just no citrus!
Whoops, my bad!
Make that “best editorial comment ever,” then. I don’t know the shop, but Home Despot still fits perfectly with kitties.
I like fresh kale with baby spinach and chard (silverbeet) in a tuna sandwich. Really tasty.
M., glad kitty was just being a pernicket! Fribs has been like that. Introduced her to tuna and crab food and she was all FEED ME THIS ALL THE TIME for a fortnight. Now it’s “You expect me to eat this muck?”
mildlymagnificent, ow! Bloody cars, they’re so expensive.