Since my last couple of posts this Christmas eve were a little Christmas-ruiny, here are some cats who’ve come up with much more adorable ways to ruin Christmas. And here’s an open thread to discuss them and whatever else you want, regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas or not.
No trolls, no MRAs, no jerks. Email the mods if anyone gets drunk and sits in the eggnog.
Cat pics commence after the jump.
Moar kitties!
Works for me. That black kitty reminds me of Mr Hadji but with extra floof.
Cannot.stop.laughing at that butt-biting gif, kittehserf!
That was my reaction when I first saw it too, Buttercup!
Shadow was a Maine Coon cat who adopted us but couldn’t get along with the cats we already had. He was a grumpy old man so I really wanted to keep him, but it wasn’t practical. We found him a home with friends way out in the country. His fur was badly matted, so they had him shaved and discovered that he was covered with healed bites — he’d been living as a stray for a long time. He really preferred living outside most of the time but would follow the husband around and supervise whenever he went out to do yard work. He lived out his life doing things “My Way.”
While we had him, he spent most of his time up in the back corner of my closet, putting on airs of persecution.
I like the one of the kitten on the beach. It’s all OH NO I MUST HIDE BEHIND THE BAG THAT WILL SAVE ME
After a month my sister’s cat will finally come downstairs if my sister is there and no one else is up and about. She was a brave kitty this morning, hopping on the counter while my sister was in the kitchen and everyone else was asleep:
Tabby kitten pile reminds me of when we had five kittens at work (they all have been adopted) and they would all fall asleep, and then I’d open their cage and drape them over each other in a big pile. They mostly slept stretched straight out, which made them easy to work with for kitten-piling purposes.
That kitty has all the floof. All of it. And is so pretty! Pretty, floofy kitty…
I missed inurashii’s announcement the first time, so congratulations to you too! And yes, congratulations are in order when someone else tells you something that they consider to be good news. Miss Manners would be appalled by a certain comment from earlier in this thread.
I know Kittehs has already asked us to play nice, but as it was my good news that got piddled on, I would like to add my two cents. Grumpy Old Man, you could easily have simply said “best wishes” and left it at that. No one would have found it rude or even unusual on its own. Instead you chose to mansplain why “congratulations” was sexist and you just couldn’t bring yourself to say it – and this, not in response to a general conversation about feminism and marriage, but in response to people sharing their personal happy news. Bonus points, by the way, for “can I come out now?” as though we were all just mean, evil harpies picking on a poor innocent man, as opposed to people who legitimately found your comments unwelcome. You are not the injured party and your lack of anything resembling an apology – hell, even an acknowledgement that you may have possibly maybe picked the wrong time and place perhaps – has not gone unnoticed.
Inurashii, I can’t believe I forgot to add my congrats. CONGRATULATIONS! Who’s the lucky person?
This is only cute when puppies or kittens do it. Not cute when adult human beings who should know better do the same.
Xmas #3 is over, I have a wee cold I caught from one of my beloved disease vectors (niece or nephew), and I am spending the day under a blankie eating cake and watching Adventure Time.
@marinerachel what a beautiful floofy puss! We have an upstairs-dweller, Eva, who has recently started hanging out downstairs now and then since the matriarch puss died. She’s our smallest cat, but rules with an iron paw and lives to terrorize our 2 gingers. All she has to do is look in Benny’s direction, and he’s cowering under the couch.
I considered bringing my kitties with me to my parents’ house because I am going to be there for a while, but the resident cats would be PISSED. And they have been nice to me since I’ve been here, so I don’t want to upset them.
I know there lots of other busty women here–I went to the new Portland bra store for busty women (The Pencil Test) and there was a line for the dressing room. A line. For the dressing room. And this wasn’t the first time that had happened.
I was #4 when I got there.
I sense an untapped market.
I hope I didn’t forget to add to the congratulations. If I did, congratulations!
emilygoddess, well said. The only reason I stepped in was because of David’s rule about being nice in the open threads, and GrumpyOldMan shouldn’t have made his comment.
wordsp1nner, The Pencil Test sounds like Brava Lingerie – they sell D cup and over. Trouble is their bras are so incredibly expensive.
There’s a huge market for lingerie stores that focus on bigger cup sizes. Look at how well Bravissimo is doing in the UK. So many women are wearing the wrong size, and the right size is so much more comfortable.
Just saw Emilygoddess’s announcement. Congratulations to you as well, Emilygoddess.
The lingerie shop near me that caters to large cup sizes has done something very clever; they set up OUTSIDE Vancouver. The lingerie shops in Vancouver that sell large cup sizes have smaller selections and charge much higher prices. Because their costs are much lower outside the city, the shop I go to can sell the same products for MUCH less and can maintain a greater selection. It’s like a wonderland for large breasted folk who thought bras above H cup didn’t exist and if they did there was no selection and they were $200 a piece!
marinerachel, kudos to that shop!
It really is a wonderful thing walking into a store where your size is readily available when that’s not normally the case.
What gets me with sizing is how freaking hard it is to find larger leggings that aren’t black.
And congrats, Emilygoddess! I wish you luck.
LOL. I need to find someone willing to build one in the Portland ‘burbs near my parents’ house. Or maybe out in Eastern Washington. I live in a bra desert. We have a Victoria’s Secret. Blech.
Even the loud fair isle ones are available in plus sizes here. You really might be better off ordering from the net in the US and just having things shipped.
Victoria’s Secret is that their bras are terrible.
I’m thinking I might do that. Probably work out cheaper, too. Every time I search for plus-size leggings locally, I get 1) black 2) patterned/colour but small.
I like some of the Fair Isle ones. Saw a woman wearing a pair once and I felt like running up and asking where she got them. Restrained myself, though, not wishing to go down as “this weird creepy woman at the station”.