kitties open thread

Holidaze open thread (with kitties)

It was dogs. Dogs did it.
It was dogs. Dogs did it.

Since my last couple of posts this Christmas eve were a little Christmas-ruiny, here are some cats who’ve come up with much more adorable ways to ruin Christmas. And here’s an open thread to discuss them and whatever else you want, regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas or not.

No trolls, no MRAs, no jerks.  Email the mods if anyone gets drunk and sits in the eggnog.

Cat pics commence after the jump.



Grumpy-cat-face-on-Christmas Cat-Christmas-Tree-Disaster





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kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

More holiday snaps! We had our first long walk in ages (and damn, aren’t my knees paying the price now). All the way along the seafront from St Kilda to Albert Park, nearly 6km, or 4 miles in old money. Doesn’t sound so much but given the damage to my legs over the last couple of years, it’s quite something. More importantly, it was a perfect day out: 21C, fresh breeze off the ocean, not the crowds you’d usually see there on a Saturday, though it was far from deserted, and no errands to do – just us having a day out walking and talking and enjoying each other’s company on this side of the veil. Louis said he was enjoying it more than I’d believe.

The cafe in the background is where we stopped for a raspberry ricotta cake – I shan’t try that again, it was one of those rare things that was far too sweet for me. The cake was okay, it was the icing – that very thick soft type – that almost defined “sickly sweet” after the first bite. Never mind, I got a good sight of him sitting opposite me in the booth with his curls all dangling around his face, and I have no upper limit on that sort of sweetness. 😉

10 years ago

Congratulations, Emilygoddess!

I’m sorry. It’s hard when the people we love disappoint us. He made his bad choice on his own. It has nothing to do with you.

Hello, griffon8.

10 years ago

kittehserf: I do not know why bakeries smother perfectly lovely pastries in icing. I have found that my tolerance for sweet things has decreased considerably, but I never did like just-sweet-with-no-real-other-taste.
We did, however, do considerable damage on Christmas morning to three pans of the family cinnamon rolls, which have no goopy icing on top. It is an old recipe that rises five times and so takes a while, but most of it is waiting. I tossed the bowl out into our chilly entryway for an overnight rise and finished them fresh for the morning. And of course there is my lemon tart that has now achieved the perfect, for me, balance of tart filling and sweet crust.
Right now, though, I don’t feel that I will eat another sweet thing for a week or so. Overdid it slightly. Even the son who eats sugar out of the bag said Christmas night that he did not want dessert.

10 years ago

@ kittehserf – who wants a winter Christmas when you can have 21C and ocean breezes? It’s starting to snow here, and the weather has turned seasonal, again, so I’m a bit jealous!

::waves at griffon8:: Cute pup! 🙂

Personal note – I just got an email from my most functional relative, and it seems my brother and parents might be ending their feud! He was going to call them! I have to work today, so I won’t be able to hang around with baited breath waiting to see if the estrangement is over. I just hope it goes well, and no one makes any death threats…

10 years ago

I love frosting but am not a fan of icing. I usually scrape it off cinnamon rolls. I want to taste the cinnamon. Not chemical sweetness.

10 years ago

Congratulations, inurashii and emilygoddess! Get well soon, schwadevivre and twincats. I’m sorry, Isidore (agree w/everyone that it’s not your fault). Hugs, if you want them, indifferentsky. I loved reading about everybody’s great times. Happy holidays to all of you (including lurkers and those who have stopped commenting). Welcome griffon8.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Ledasmom, yes, it’s the sweet-without-other-flavour thing I can do without. I like icing, but this was just too much. My tolerance for sweet stuff is going down, too, which is a good thing, I think, given I need to stop eating it. 😉

grumpyoldnurse – ha! You won’t envy our weather by the end of the week. It’s supposed to be 37C next Saturday. I’ll be wishing for snow by then!

10 years ago

@Isidore: As everyone says, it isn’t your fault, but it sure is a big ouch! Hopefully, he’ll grow out of it.

Seems like I always have to be the grouch, but congratulating people on getting engaged always strikes me as an old sexist thing where you congratulated a person (usually a woman) for snagging a partner, whereas, as I see it, any congratulations should be for having the courage to enter a relationship which so often ends poorly. Wasn’t it Dr. Johnson who called a second marriage “the triumph oh hope over experience”, and since I would bet most of us here have at least one failed relationship (even if not a marriage) in our past, we qualify for the hope over experience class. I have always felt that best wishes is the more appropriate if somewhat unconventional salute, so I am sending inurashii and emilygoddess six bushels of best wishes apiece.

10 years ago

Wow, Grumpy, thank you SO MUCH for taking time out of your day, full of important MAN STUFF to set all of us silly feminists straight. Clearly we were doing it wrong, and it’s so great to have a big, strong man there to tell us how to properly congratulate our friends as they embark on a new stage of their lives!

What WOULD we do without you around to tell us how to properly view the situation of engagement (such a silly, sexist holdover, really, so *quaint* and archaic!) and appropriately express our clearly naive and wholly conventional, if (quel horreur!) “inapporpriate” sense of pleasure at their joy.

Seriously? Fuck off with your condescending bullshit.

10 years ago

Seems like I always have to be the grouch,

No, you don’t have to be.

10 years ago

Sorry, shouldn’t have added my 2 cents any more than he should.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Dr Johnson also said that the pains of marriage are many, but the pleasures of celibacy none, so he wasn’t exactly anti-marriage – and his own marriage was a happy one (and to an older woman, scrotospherians, so there).

It’s not like most people (including those getting engaged!) on this site don’t know about marriage’s history and dark side and how harmful it can be for women. We don’t need to be told that, GrumpyOldMan. But it’s still something to celebrate when friends announce their commitment, I think. Are any Mammotheers likely to be marrying other than for love? I don’t reckon so, and love is to be celebrated. Yeah, call me romantic, I’ve been in love with one person over thirty years.

You could also say that congratulations are in order when couples who would not formerly have been allowed to marry can do so. That applies to some Mammotheers as well. Marriage is no more static than any other human institution, regardless of what the wingnuts claim.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Also, this is a holidaze open thread: let’s not devolve into serious arguments, people (that includes me, oops).

10 years ago

Whoops! Kittehs, do I need to do some sort of snark-penance?

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

LOL only if you want to put in a kitty pic, gillyrosebee!

10 years ago

Lo, most high David and glorious Mods, accept this offering in the knowledge that I am but a lowly and naughty person! I approach, trembling, begging forgiveness and offering that most highly prized of all things. Tabby kitten pictures!
comment image?oh=a7abf7daf7cf99b1ea21e19763ae6963&oe=54FFF644&__gda__=1429617859_da89a02994dda71ef34d1e73e0b934ab

10 years ago

Well, shploop. That was supposed to embed. Click on it, though, it’s totally safe.

As is this one, will it embed? The Shadow knows…
comment image?oh=1368ca40d5449165c573528a913615e7&oe=55355CF7&__gda__=1429072752_2c83a823c2dbd14e8281f9e17b468c3d

10 years ago

No. No it won’t. Son of a biscuit!

Click on it. You won’t be sorry.

Unless a basket full of fluffy kittens somehow makes you, you know, sorry for things.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


10 years ago

You want the cute? YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE CUTE!!!

But in case you want to try, here’s a box full!

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


Kitties ruining photos, part the eleventy seventh:

10 years ago

OMG that second cat! I mean the first is funny, with the whole “pbbbbbbbtttttt!” thing going on, but that butt nibbler had me giggling till I thought I was going to pass out!

10 years ago

It is safe for me to come out now?

I was only making a clumsy attempt to explain why I say best wishes rather than congratulations.