kitties open thread

Holidaze open thread (with kitties)

It was dogs. Dogs did it.
It was dogs. Dogs did it.

Since my last couple of posts this Christmas eve were a little Christmas-ruiny, here are some cats who’ve come up with much more adorable ways to ruin Christmas. And here’s an open thread to discuss them and whatever else you want, regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas or not.

No trolls, no MRAs, no jerks.Β  Email the mods if anyone gets drunk and sits in the eggnog.

Cat pics commence after the jump.



Grumpy-cat-face-on-Christmas Cat-Christmas-Tree-Disaster





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10 years ago

Congraduations Emilygoddess! And hope you feel better soon, schwadevivre.

10 years ago

Congratulations, emilygoddess! πŸ˜€

@ schwadevivre – Stoopid bronchitis!! I hope you’re better soon.

@ kittehserf – Your mister knows how to throw a Christmas party!

10 years ago

I love the kitty in the Jane Fonda workout video headband.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Congratulations, emilygoddess!
comment image

(I found this on tumblr and I can’t get enough for it. It just gives me a gigantic grin every time.)

10 years ago

Congratulations inurashii and emilygoddess! *yay*

Feel-better vibes to schwadevivre!

We’re back from 2 days of visiting, and off again tomorrow for xmas #3 πŸ™‚ Hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday! And as someone else said, that includes LBT, Ally and everyone else we haven’t heard from in awhile. All the hugs!

10 years ago

Congratulations inurashii and emilygoddess, and to schwadevivre all the empathy (this year’s flu seems to have a bronchial component that flat out sucks.

10 years ago

Yes! Congratulations to emilygoddess and inurashii! That’s some wonderful yuletide news, congratulations congratulations congratulations! ζ­ε–œδ½ οΌ

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

schwadevivre, yuck yuck yuck, bronchitis is foul any time, but right now??? Scrooge Bloody Bronchitis, that’s what it is!

gillyrosebee, great to see you online!

grumpyoldnurse, yes, he does indeed! If it hadn’t been snowing so hard, snowball fights and skating would have featured like they usually do. πŸ™‚

10 years ago

All I can think of today is the pics of my bros kids with their sexist toy pics/ sexist segregation and how I’m failing as an aunt, due to family politics with my sister in law’s cruel asshole mother.

Other than that, things are cool, warm wishes to all you and yours.

10 years ago

Congrats to emilygoddess!

Very interesting, kitteh!

We had about as mellow a Christmas as possible with four kids. Went to my in-laws’ for two days, so Grandma handled the cooking. She’s streamlined things in recent years, which is nice: some of the early Christmases I went to at her house felt SO overwhelming: five different kinds of desserts and eight different side dishes and giant piles of perfectly coiffed presents and tons of decorations and visits from innumerable far-flung relatives. It was beautiful, but overwhelming. (and I was told that even THOSE Christmases represented a big step “down” from the ones before I came into the family! (!!!))

But on my BIL’s side of the clan, there are quite a few blended families and shift-workers, so an elaborate formal-ish thing doesn’t really work. I think that helped force her to scale it back some more so that people could come and go. (I am constantly amazed by her energy and iron work ethic. So easy to forget she’s in her seventies!)

I really, really like the more casual style, though. Makes for a happier time all ’round, imo. I got a lot of quilting in, and the kids got the videogames they’d been angling for, plus razor-scooters and new fleece blankets. And FIL put on the woodstove in the basement, so I took a lot of naps by the fire, which is pretty much my idea of a good time these days. lol

Glad to be back home, though! Happy holidaze, peoples!

10 years ago

Happy Boxing Day, all! I have a cold, bluh. Spent from Sunday to Wednesday alone and off work and got a lot done in the kitchen. Hubby was off to another state for court-mandated visitation with his son and I went and picked them up yesterday for the here part of the visitation. They go back the 6th.

It’s very interesting to have a loud 11 year old in the house eating us out of house and home. The energy is different, but nice. My poor old cat is still trying to make out what’s going on, but he’s quite game.

It’s back to work in the craft mines for me tonight. Hope it’s quiet for a change!

10 years ago

Happy Boxing Day, and congratulations, emilygoddess! πŸ˜€

I saw the other day that somebody had asked Twitter “what’s the most Dad thing your dad has ever done?”. I didn’t have an answer until we were playing Articulate(tm) this afternoon and my step-dad described Exeter by saying “It’s a town with a ring road, and you have to approach by taking the M5”, followed by even more detailed driving directions.

How many festive dinners have you guys had so far? I’m on 3.

10 years ago

Hoopy holidayz, folks! Grats to people who got engaged/married/misandering/had great deal of fun!

I fasted for most of 24th, and as is the way of my people, feasted later in the evening.


Lootmas was pretty okay, overall. I got all the remaining Marvel movies missing from my stash, save for one, but that’s okay.

10 years ago

Is this the right place for this? This Christmas I learned by brother is an MRA – and it’s sort of my fault because I alerted him of its existence *sigh*

10 years ago

isidore13 – commiserations, but it isn.t your fault – either he was already ‘that way’ and just didn’t name it, or it won’t stick. Hopefully the latter.

10 years ago

Congrats emilygoddess πŸ™‚

Comiserations isidore13, it’s not your fault, all you did was let him know there was a term for it.

10 years ago

Very sorry to hear that, isidore13. But, like everyone else, I’m chiming in to say it isn’t your fault. I really hope he gets a clue.

10 years ago

Yeesh, isidore13, I’m sorry about that. But I just want to add to everyone else saying that this was in no way your fault. Plenty of folks don’t know about MRAs until someone points them at the cesspool. Some people turn away in disgust, others are drawn to it, but either way that is more about them than anyone else.

10 years ago

Yeah, a man who wasn’t already inclined to hate women would recoil in disgust at the sight of your average MRA site. If he has the opposite reaction, he already agreed with the stuff he’s reading and just didn’t know that the world contained a special movement for men who hate women.

10 years ago

Thanks, guys, you’re right, I just… yeah. Blegh. Heh.

10 years ago

Found this blog fairly recently. Read a few post. Enjoyed them. I think I found my way here from Rational Wiki. I was reading about that whole gamer thing going on.
Don’t know how much I’ll comment. But I looked around a bunch before deciding to do so for the first time.
Oh, and shut up, Woody.

10 years ago

Just remember, it’s not your fault that he turned out this way. Who knows what goes into producing that kind of man? Whatever it is, I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with their sisters.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Commiserations from me too, isidore – and there’s this: now you know how much of a misogynist he is, if you didn’t already. Forewarned is forearmed, that sort of thing.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Oh, and shut up, Woody.

That’s a good start! πŸ˜€ Welcome, griffon8!

10 years ago

Nth-ing what everyone else says – people seek confirmation bias for the views they already hold, it’s not your fault for mentioning the existence of the MRM, isidore.
Everyone has at least one relative with objectionable views to skirt around at Christmas. It’s like a law of nature – call it the Racist Uncle theory, if you will. πŸ˜›

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