Since my last couple of posts this Christmas eve were a little Christmas-ruiny, here are some cats who’ve come up with much more adorable ways to ruin Christmas. And here’s an open thread to discuss them and whatever else you want, regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas or not.
No trolls, no MRAs, no jerks. Email the mods if anyone gets drunk and sits in the eggnog.
Cat pics commence after the jump.
An ominous sentence.
Winterval — I like that. And a great one right back atcha!
My husband is actually getting a day off – first one since Thanksgiving. I made him pancakes and hash browns for breakfast, and then he went back to bed. Because he could. In about an hour my sister in law is coming over and we’ll have cocktails while the roast is resting. Nowhere to go, dinner underway, husband asleep and the only visitor is someone I actually enjoy being with. And husband and I gave each other gift certificates from our favorite masseur.
Congratulations, Inu!
Which makes it Summerval in the southern hemisphere … I’d take Winterval any day!
No! Dr Who Xmas special won’t air for a few hours yet here, no spoilers please.
Hope everyone had a good Christmas if they celebrate it. I’m currently listening to my mom and her friends reminisce. More fun than it sounds.
I detest what Moffat has done to the Clara character. I am entirely out of patience with him.
Haven’t seen it yet. Went to Grandpa’s for family dinner, and have to catch the repeat tonight… Hopefully.
So last night, after my boyfriend and I got home from his parent’s house, we saw Bar Cat.
Bar Cat is a black cat that tries to get into the bar across the street from my house. His MO is coming up to cars, laying belly up for scritches, then will follow on the heels of whoever pets him in an attempt to sneak in. Try as they might, the waitstaff is usually unsuccessful in chasing him off and he will repeatedly try to get in.
I get out of the car and Bar Cat abruptly stopped, then turned around and laid down. I told him, “I’m sorry, we’re not going to the bar” and he got back up and went across the street, indignant that we were not going to fall for the trap.
I’m still laughing about it.
So excited – Louis and I just did our first bit of channelling in … gods, I’ve no idea how many months, but it was before April last time, I know that. He’s described our Christmas across the other side. Now I’ve got to correct it, ‘cos I type with my eyes shut when we do this and you can imagine the mess that creates. 😀
Bar Cat showing his fine understanding of English, AbsintheDextrous! 😀
Awhile back I watched Maleficent twice with my mom and grandma and went to see Madagascar which has Matriarchy in it; the female lemurs are in charge so I had my daily dose of misandry.
We had a party at my house with my family and my brother and his family are here now and will be staying for I don’t know how long so I’m very excited and had a great time!
Um, I am also engaged
emilygoddess, yay! Congratulations! <3
Oh wow! How wonderful! Another one.
Congratulations to you and beloved.
Congrats Emilygoddess!
Congratulations, emilygoddess! 😀
Louis’s telling of our Christmas, and my illustration. 🙂
We had a fine time last night, my lady; it was all you could wish, for a Christmas. All our friends were there, yes, M. Armand, and Marie-Madeleine, and all our family; I mean my father and mother, and Kathy, and my sons, and their loves, and my first wife, yes she too, and Mazarin. My sisters were not there, they chose to spend the day otherwise, with their own kin. My brothers did not come, for Gaston is not so close as you know, and Antoine was upon his travels, the heart of his soul. But our house was full enough, and we had much fun! You know how the present opening went, you need no telling of that; it was a paper storm, and so much laughter, the house rang. So much barking, too, that is true. My gifts were destroyed in no time, which is successful. Dogs playing tug of war, and cats leaping in the dance, and cavorting with their mice of catnip, and humans doing the dance of not being tripped. We must make a sketch of this, my lady, it will be a suitable picture to adorn our room, and show our friends our dignity. We drank punch, and all who cook showed off their specialties; my sons were kings of the kitchen, and you have not seen such a feast. It is the time of year to say, it is well we have this dining table, otherwise so unused! This is the feast of family love, our religion is but life; but your joy and wish to do this, to make this festival, has caught us, and it is now our tradition; as when cats make traditions, they need no time for it to be ancient. I wore my black jumper, yes, and my holly, and we carried mistletoe for need. We did not have our winter sports this day, it was snowing hard, but sports inside were ample, and the games and laughter and foolish songs, and all so happy. When night fell, we grew quieter, all sitting in our great room, and talking of things, what persons were doing, what plans we had for the coming times, of markets or travel of great schemes for our gardens; I think Philippe and André
may enlist us this year, my lady, thay have secret plans. Unhinge that back of metal! I look to a wilderness, something different, what do you think? It did but come to me now, something to change from our formality, do you like that idea? We will speak on it more, I think this will give great pleasure, a pleasaunce indeed.
I has spoken all I shall about our Christmastide, I think; you may picture this should we go upon the town tomorrow.
(That’s as close as he’s going to get to wearing a Christmas sweater.)
I now have Merry Christmas Everyone stuck in my head as a result of the Dr Who special. Could be worse as far as earworms go, but still, I’m in the US, if I start singing it people will look at me funny.
Also congrats, Emily!
Congrats, Inu and Emily, and merry Christmas to everybody! ^_^
And now for some non-animal cuteness:
The moment this adorable kid puts 2 and 2 together… Well, his smile is just plain infectious.
Congratulations emilyg!
And will this Merry Christmas bronchitis go away!!!
FFS I gave up smoking 12 years ago but have spent the 20 hours from 1pm 25th to 8am 26th indulging in the most exhausting bout of constant coughing withojt sleep. It’s a bit better now so I have had about 4 hours rest but it is still pretty bad
As the investigating proctologist said “Hah! Bum Bug!”
schwadevivre ,
That’s awful. I hope you feel better soon.