Since my last couple of posts this Christmas eve were a little Christmas-ruiny, here are some cats who’ve come up with much more adorable ways to ruin Christmas. And here’s an open thread to discuss them and whatever else you want, regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas or not.
No trolls, no MRAs, no jerks. Email the mods if anyone gets drunk and sits in the eggnog.
Cat pics commence after the jump.
LOL maybe he is!
Why We Don’t do the whole Christmas Tree thing, by Me, aged 59
Scene- Several years ago
1) Put up tree
2) Large dog knocks over tree
3) Put up tree
4) Large dog investigates tree, wags tail happily
5) Put up tree
6) While we are politely explaining to dog tree is on the No No List,
cat number 1 climbs tree, which falls over.
7) Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all four cats have had a turn.
8) Put up different smaller tree on a table
9) Repeat steps 5 and 6 twice, give up and tie top of tree to a ceiling hook with
fishing line
10) Watch in resignation as cats number three and four team up to knock table
out from under tree.
11) Put up the small tree on a table, tie to ceiling hook with fishing line. DUCT TAPE
TREE STAND TO TABLE. SO THERE. Add tree skirt, surviving ornaments.
12) Housemate arrives, knocks the whole thing over while jamming a large gift
into pile.
13) Have many many drinks. Laugh hysterically, decorate armchair with garlands,
declare having a Christmas Chair our new tradition.
Merry christmas everyone.
Here’s a picture of Maru looking very sauce pottish .
And here’s Lil bub
I can’t believe I just discovered Lil bub a few days ago.
Congratulations, inurashii. And happy holidays to everyone.
I’ll try lil bub again
Oh well , it’s the thought that counts.
Congrats to inurashii
Nadelik lowen! to everyone
Congrats inurashii!
ROFL, oraclenine, that deserves to become a legend like the “how to pill a cat” one that’s been around since before the internet!
The scene here a couple of minutes ago: my office supervisor and me. The pic looks a bit like a badly photoshopped giant cat on the floor, but Mads is actually lying on her scratching post – you can just see the corner of it. 🙂
I’d suggest that maru and mads get together but the internet might explode.
ROFL I’ve sometimes thought she looks a wee bit like the mighty Maru, tiko72!
Ha, Mads really does look like a giant cat.
Спасибо, катз и лайя!
What a munchball.
Levitating giant cat. 🙂
She does, doesn’t she? Weird how that photo turned out. 😀
Congrats to inurashii too.
Congratulations, inurashii! You deserve all the best!

Congrats inurashii!
I have also been watching days of Doctor Who (the Space channel has been running their fav episodes of Doctors 9 – 11), very seasonal!
I am at my parents home, which means I had to leave my cats with a sitter (she’s babysat them before, and she loves them.) I currently have one of my parent’s cats on my lap, but it isn’t the same. But YAY for family.
I don’t have a tree in my apartment, because I am not going to be there for Christmas, and also Pan would destroy it. But my parents have one, and their cats don’t care, except one likes to drink the tree water.
My sister is currently seeing her boyfriend’s family, so it is only the three of us at home.
Here is more cuteness:
Oh that black kitty splat!
Congratulations, inurashii! 😀