Since my last couple of posts this Christmas eve were a little Christmas-ruiny, here are some cats who’ve come up with much more adorable ways to ruin Christmas. And here’s an open thread to discuss them and whatever else you want, regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas or not.
No trolls, no MRAs, no jerks. Email the mods if anyone gets drunk and sits in the eggnog.
Cat pics commence after the jump.
There’s your problem: leave them outside until temps get down below 40 F.
Lemons can actually take a light frost if they have been hardened by gradually cooling temperatures. You can tell when the leaves turn very leathery: the plant stores sugar in the leaves in a form that is kind of antifreeze-y. That’s the point when it can handle temps below 40 F. If you didn’t expect frost and come out and find frost on the leaves, it’s okay if the plant is sufficiently hardened. This has happened to me many times and it has never been a problem.
This will prompt fall blooming. To prompt spring blooming, do it in reverse, although you have to be more careful not to take them from a warm house to a cold outdoors very quickly. They need to be transitioned over a few hours, and then transitioned into full sun very slowly over about two weeks. Whenever the temp outside is forecasted to be above 40 F for the entirety of the 10-day forecast, I put them outside. Often this proves to be premature, but covering them and moving them close to the house when temps dip below 40 F is always a sufficient solution as long as they’ve been outside in the colder temps for at least a week.
Also: you may want to feed them more. Citrus are super-heavy nitrogen feeders. I give mine about 2 tbsp each of blood meal and bone meal once a month, in addition to near-daily highly-diluted bloom-promotion fert. If you feed them enough to make them explode with growth, you’re doing it right, just cut off all the extra stuff regularly to keep them a manageable size.
Huh, my folks also call it the Home Despot. Or just the Despot.
We call the local sports store Evil Warts, too.
Congrats emilygoddess!
Recently discovered this cat clip and wanted to share it. Don’t read the comments, though. Apparently it was linked from Reddit.
Kale chips. I tried them. Bought kale at farmer’s market and all. Ugh. Sorry, hate the taste of cooked kale. Now spinach I love raw. Cooked it is the devil, but raw…yum!
Yes, spinach raw is the best for replacing lettuce in salads. To which I add uncooked sliced zucchini. Uncooked zucchini has a nutty heavenliness that is completely destroyed when it is cooked. Cooking also takes away the pleasant firmness.
Nobody is ever going to convince me to try silverbeet and brussels sprouts again, though.
I like raw baby spinach and celery in sandwiches, and I’ve just started having kale.
I use raw spinach + lettuce(iceberg) in salads 🙂 And lemon-infused oil. No other dressing. Wonderful!
Cooked spinach is great. Not by itself but in lasagna or spanakopita? Yes please! Chard is also delicious but it has to be cooked. It’s too bitter while raw.
I’ve got cheesecakes in the oven.There’s a coconut-lime crust, a lime-nutmeg-ginger-mango fruit filling and the cheesecake is mango. I’ll throw together a lemon-basil syrup to drizzle over it tomorrow.
Hello from next year, Mammotheers!
Yup! I can report that next year looks very much the same as half an hour ago, so there’s nothing to fear from the future.
Happy New Year anyway.
See any hoverboards?
Nuh. Too busy looking for a Jetsons’ style flying car.
Wow. You guys really are far ahead. It’s only 10:30 A.M. New year’s eve where I am.
We had a very fun New Year’s Eve, had some of the relatives for a BBQ by our transit accommodation’s pool and watched the fireworks for a while. Though we were robbed the night before, someone went through our lounge room and stole four hundred dollars from our wallets, most of which belonged to my grandmother. They also took my brother’s new 3ds which really sucked.
We’re moving into our new place day after tomorrow, glad to be done with 2014, seems to have been a crap year for most of the world one way or another.
Zolnier, I’m sorry about the break-in and that 2014 was a sucky year for you. I hope 2015 is much better. Good luck at the new place.
Hugs to Zolnier, if you want them.
We have a feral lemon tree in our backyard. It produces lemons, despite almost criminal neglect.
Regarding zucchini, I have taken to salting and draining it. It browns better that way, and it’s already salted. Garlic, olive oil, basil and a little Parmesan and it’s done.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Our possessions finally arrived today, and we got our cat out of boarding!
Zolnier, hugs for the rotten stuff and yay! for the good stuff!
I got the best stink-eye ever from Mr K tonight. It was almost Cat Glare of Death level.
And I am watching/listening to Iron Maiden videos. I love their music, cos it makes me happy, despite 27 years of diagnosed Depression