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Antifeminist instigator and serial liar Janet "JudgyBitch" Bloomfield attacks Jessica Valenti for having the abortion that may have saved her life

Janet Bloomfield, reporting from her bunker
Janet Bloomfield, reporting from her bunker

Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield, lovely human being that she is, has resumed her harassment of feminist writer Jessica Valenti. Several months back, you may recall, the integrity-deficient Bloomfield tried to smear Valenti by Tweeting a series of made-up quotes she attributed to the writer.

The fact that the quotes were patently ridiculous, and utterly unlike anything Valenti has ever written, didn’t stop Bloomfield’s army of knucklehead followers from swallowing her lies whole – or, once informed that the quotes were fake, of declaring that they sounded like something someone like her would say.

On Monday, Bloomfield tweeted one of the more obviously fake Valenti quotes that’s been floating around online, and her followers once again responded with predictable outrage against Valenti. Their response included this lovely tweet below from a proud #GamerGater and rabid feminist-hater by the name of Sean Hudspeth:


Inspired by #GamerGate I have added bright red text and arrows.
Inspired by #GamerGate I have added bright red text and arrows.

Then something really weird happened. Apparently tired of having to defend posting her flagrantly libellous fake Valenti quotes, Bloomfield decided to post some quotes from Valenti that were … real.

Well, mostly real, in any case; one of the “quotes” Bloomfield used was actually a headline to an article of Valenti’s in the The Guardian. Presumably Bloomfield, who fancies herself a writer of some sort, is aware that editors, not authors, generally write the headlines. Or maybe not.

Aside from this little slipup, there’s just one teensy little problem with Bloomfield’s new approach to demonizing Valenti: when you quote things Valenti has actually written, even grossly out of context, they don’t sound much like the ravings of a manhater. They sound, you know, pretty … reasonable. And when you look at these quotes in context, in the articles they came from, they sound more reasonable still.

Here’s one of Bloomfield’s new memes, designed to portray Valenti as some sort of misandrist Ms. Scrooge:


Aside from the fact that the first line is the headline I was talking about – Valenti almost certainly didn’t write it – and that the second line is, you know, a jokey reference to the stresses of Christmas in her family, up to and including “cooking a multi-course meal for a small army of Italian-American relatives,” what on earth is wrong with suggesting that men share in the Christmas chores?

Indeed, if you actually take the couple of minutes it takes to read the article these “quotes” are from you will discover that Valenti is actually quite a big fan of Christmas, and that her allegedly terrible misandrist message to men is the following:

[A]s the women in your lives work their fingers to the bone to bring you holiday cheer, get up and lend a hand.

Seriously, asking dudes to wrap some presents isn’t the same as sending them to a feminazi reeducation camp.

Another of Bloomfield’s new memes highlights — and takes out of context — a deliberately provocative question from a book by Valenti, asking parents to reflect a little on the ambivalence and in some cases regret that many parents feel about having had children.

Unlike Men’s Rights Activists who want to be able to legally abandon their children though “paper abortions,” Valenti is not urging mothers (or fathers) to desert kids, just to think about the complex and conflicting emotions that parentood brings up – and to talk about them openly, in the hope that this will help other new parents, and those considering parenthood, to better understand the magnitude of what they’re taking on.

But it’s the third quote from Valenti that Bloomfield has chosen to highlight that is the most troubling. Not the quote itself – it’s utterly reasonable – but Bloomfield’s attempt to use it to smear Valenti.

Here’s Bloomfield’s meme-ified version of the quote:


While this is a severely truncated version of what Valenti wrote, with a good deal edited out in the middle, it’s a more-or-less reasonable simplification of Valenti’s basic argument: that her ability to get an abortion when she was in her twenties and far from ready for children helped her to pull together the life and career and marriage she has today – and, though she doesn’t put it this baldly, to provide a better life for the daughter she has now.

For what it’s worth, I agree completely: It is a good thing that women who aren’t ready to have children can end their pregnancies legally and safely. It’s good for them. It’s good for their partners. And it’s good for any future children that they might choose to have.

And if they choose to never have children, that’s perfectly fine as well. As Valenti argues, and as I agree, they don’t need to offer an explanation for their abortion or abortions to anyone.

I should add that abortion rights for women make my life better too. I don’t want children of my own, and birth control sometimes fails. And while I’ve never had a partner who’s gotten an abortion while I was dating them, I’m grateful that abortion is there as a backup.

I don’t owe anyone an explanation for this any more than Valenti does. But of course men aren’t generally asked to provide explanations for their partners’ abortions, while women who have abortions face all sorts of opprobrium for their choice, from nosy and judgemental relatives and from the Janet Bloomfields of the world.

Of course, all but the most backwards of abortion opponents will generally make an exception when the life of the mother is at stake.

And that’s what makes Bloomfield’s attack on Valenti even skeezier. Because, as Valenti explained in the very column that Bloomfield is quoting from, she not only had an abortion in her twenties when she wasn’t ready for kids, she had a second abortion in her thirties when her life literally was at stake.

As Valenti explained in a moving essay in 2011, her then-baby daughter and she were “a deadly combination before she was even born.” 28 weeks into the pregnancy, Valenti’s doctor discovered that she was suffering from a potentially deadly condition called pre-eclampsia and was confined to the hospital; she then developed an even more life-threatening complication that led to an emergency c-section and the premature birth of a dangerously underweight baby who needed months of intensive care and who, Valenti wrote, “looked like a baby that would die.”

Happily, both baby and mother survived the ordeal.

A few years later, when Valenti discovered that she was pregnant again, she realized that another abortion was really her only choice. As desperately as she wanted a second child, the risks were too great. You can read the story of her second, reluctant abortion here; it’s hard not to tear up reading it.

Attacking a woman for getting an abortion when she knows she’s not ready for a child is bad enough; attacking a woman for getting an abortion because her pregnancy may well kill her is, frankly, inhuman.

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10 years ago

Whereas you might think Judgybitch was the result of an abortion. This person in her vile attacks needs to have someone make an intervention to help her husband.

10 years ago

JB’s hilarious attempt at honesty aside, aren’t babies supposed to be some vast conspiracy of nature to funnel men’s money into the pockets of the mothers? You’d think they’d be happy when women got abortions and DIDN’T have them. Sheesh.

10 years ago

I think the reason JB fantasizes that ebil feminists are out to get her and scupper her literary aspirations is because she supposes everyone else is as vile as she is.

10 years ago

I should add that abortion rights for women make my life better too. I don’t want children of my own, and birth control sometimes fails. And while I’ve never had a partner who’s gotten an abortion while I was dating them, I’m grateful that abortion is there as a backup.

Dave, I really really hope you don’t mean by this that you would ever pressure a woman to have an abortion because birth control failed and you don’t want children.

The only foolproof birth control method is abstinence (I’m not an advocate myself) – anyone having sex should understand and accept responsibility for the fact that pregnancies may result.

You seem to be totally decent guy, so I’m pretty sure that’s not the case, because it would be a horribly douchy thing to do. But assuming that’s not what you’re meaning, perhaps a slight rewording would help?

(And Merry Christmas/Happy Festivus/Merry Food Coma Day from Australia, where it’s 1:50am on Dec 25th!)

10 years ago

As one who’s known women (including a very dear aunt) who needed abortions for medical reasons and had trouble getting them because of shitty abortion laws and judgy men in charge of EVERYTHING, I cordially invite Janet Bloomfield and all her bat-guano ilk to FUCK THE HELL OFF. Nobody cares what they “think” about ANYTHING. If women’s lives, sanity and well-being are at stake, or even if it’s “only” to keep a young life from being ruined by being saddled with babies before her time, well…what concern is that of anyone else’s?

And seeing as Janet is, like me, Canadian, well, let’s just say that our libel laws apply to her, and maybe someone should consider applying them. At some point, she’s gonna have to face that music, and I can hardly wait to see what kind of jig she’s gonna do. Probably something along the lines of “Husband…kids…Ph.D. from a diploma mill…shitting out a crap novel that no one will read…libelling Jessica Valenti…I’m telling you, I don’t know how I manage!”

10 years ago


Ah but you see, what’s misandrist about abortions is that women still get to choose whether or not they have one. Just as it’s always women who get to decide whether or not a man can get a vasectomy. Oh, wait…

10 years ago

I’m trying to figure out why the “I will not wrap all the presents” thing is in any way damning.

Oh no! Somebody refuses to do all the work! It’s almost like they expect collaboration between family members! The horror!

10 years ago

No pregnant person owes anyone an explanation for why they control what happens in their own bodies. Ever. Forced birth is torture. It is the removal of basic human rights.
Fuck that hateful hack Blommfield and her lies. Fuck her rape apology and her hypocrisy.
How dare she pretend she is in danger of being harassed while she continues her pattern of inciting the harassment of other women?

What a horrible way for a person to behave.

It’s Christmas Eve and that means lots of fun for everyone. One of the reasons it is fun for me was that I rejected the tradition of women cooking, shopping, wrapping, mailing, entertaining, keeping the kids happy, the decorations cheery (yourself included) and cleaning all day on the holidays while men sat around talking and eating. I’ve done that. It wasn’t fun.

We share all of that in my house. Many hands make light work. The kids picked and decorated the tree. We all took turns shopping. We aren’t going to wrap anything. (It’s better for the environment anyway.) We aren’t traveling. We’re making phone calls or sending txts instead of cards. We have music and games and cheesy movies. We’re spending our holiday together having fun. Even the feeeemales get to enjoy the season. I love alot of Christmas traditions. I don’t love the tradition of women working their asses off to provide a special day for everyone else. If other women want to do all of that, more power to them. It’s not my jam.

10 years ago

How many Twitter handles has she been through now?

10 years ago

I’m lousy at gift wrapping, so I tend to rely heavily on reusable gift bags, dollar-store holiday cookie tins, etc. Environmentally friendly, inexpensive, AND no one’s the wiser that I don’t know how to measure and fold a piece of overpriced paper just so.

Yes, I think I’m doing pretty well at my holiday misandering!

10 years ago

JudgyBitch may be a fake name, but she’s given away the following things about herself: she’s highly impulsive, as shown by her tweets; she gives away too much information, too freely (who talks about what a masterpiece their book is and how the publishing world loves it BEFORE they get a contract?); and she seems to get obsessive and vindictive.

But maybe she’s a sweetie when she’s not on the Internet.

10 years ago

Ugh, I’m so confused? I thought JB (and mra’s in general) were pro-choice? That’s what she said in her debate a while back with the young lady from youtube.

Miss Diketon
Miss Diketon
10 years ago

Come on MRAs get your messaging straight, do you like abortions or not?

Wait a minute, I think I get it: MRAs like abortions only if a man decides whether or not it’s the right course of action.

Yeah, that’s really not going to work at all.

friendly rader
friendly rader
10 years ago

@Scallyanna, actually, vasectomies are quite a bit more reliable than abstinence for men who don’t want to have any (or any more) children. My father had one after my parents had the two children they wanted. Sterilization is a permanent solution, but if you’re absolutely certain you don’t want to have biological children, or that you’ve had enough, it’s not a bad one.

10 years ago

WTF is wrong with this JudgyBitch? Does she think that if she hates on her own sex hard enough she’ll get to sit with the cool kids?
Oh wait, that’s probably exactly what she thinks.

10 years ago

MRAs don’t need or want a consistent position on abortion rights. What they want is to be able to decide for themselves who is not allowed to breed and who is required to. Pretty much they want to be a person who is in power in the Hand maid’s Tale universe.

10 years ago

The concern for the unborn sure tapers off once they’re actual babies doesn’t it?

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
10 years ago

What a sad, hateful person she is wasting so much energy sending these dark and evil thoughts out into the world.

10 years ago

It must be exhausting (physically, emotionally, intellectually) to be so soul-sick alladamn time. The MRA & GG-types make everything as miserable possible.

10 years ago

@Zolnier – babies are the woman’s problem, you see. If the children excel at something manly then perhaps Father will show them off to his friends before never interacting with them again. He goes to work and keeps a roof over their heads, isn’t that enough?

In other news, cis men should shut the fuck up about abortions forever.

Tanya Nguyen
10 years ago

Dave, I really really hope you don’t mean by this that you would ever pressure a woman to have an abortion because birth control failed and you don’t want children.

There is a difference in pressuring a woman, and having a valid abortion about procreation when talked about openly in a relationship. AT then end of the day, it is a woman’s choice, but that doesn’t mean she should not be upfront with her views (at the time she says them – things change, we all appreciate that) about children. I didn’t want kids. the husband and I talked about it at length. “What if”. We both know that today, not being pregnant “we would have an abortion”. WE are also both grown ups and realize that facing a very real pregnancy that *could* change, but we respect each other enough to talk about it, and yes, to do some measure of “pressure” on eachother as with every other major life decision we make.

Pressure does not mean “disrespect for women”. nor does it mean not pro choices. It means you have “feels” about it. The “choice” part means that once you’ve both talked, her choice rules.

10 years ago

How about, people who aren’t the woman involved in the abortion decision should just STFU about it, unless offering complete, no strings attached support to the woman?

And everyone can just support the right to abortions. No explanation needed.

10 years ago

In that picture above, she looks like a Disney villain, full of glee at doing evil to someone else.

10 years ago

There’s persuasion, which is how I read your description of “pressure”, and there’s coercion, which I view as pressuring tactics.

As an example of the latter, I had a (now former) friend who claimed he would make any gf who fell pregnant to him have an abortion because he didnt want to be a father. I found that very repugnant and asked him to clarify, he said he would manipulate them into it. He was a very controlling person. Our friendship did not flourish.

That’s coercion – trying to override the will of another. From the sounds of it, you and your husband try to persuade each other using emotions and logic, which is another thing entirely (and, if I may be so bold, a wonderful way to be in an intimate relationship).

It’s different from what I was thinking, however, and I apologise for being unclear.

10 years ago

Fnoicby–“Ugh, I’m so confused? I thought JB (and mra’s in general) were pro-choice? That’s what she said in her debate a while back with the young lady from youtube.”

I think this is a question any non sociopath abuser would’s confusing ( one day there pro choice next attacking someone because they had a abortion.etc..etc…insert many other similar examples).
.it’s confusing because THERE IS NO POINT… Except to use anything she(Janet and her MRA masters who set her loose and enable her worst traits) can think of to harm, terrorize, inconvenience, do damage to her reputation, incite mobs to attack her, try to abuse her mentally, incite others to harm her in real life ..etc…


There is no “logic” to’s much more predatory reptilian brain than that.

There is no overarching social/political philosophy she’s really following..there is no “point’ she’s trying to make. Sociopaths, sadistic abusers..obsessiveness and stalking behaviors combined with sort of superficially reasonable sounding or even glib and charming speech that often upon reflection sound creepy and full of red flags. These traits are textbook sociopath/psychotic. anti-social personality disorder..serial killers are extreme examples of these disorders

If it’s confusing to anyone I think that means your free of these terrifying mental issues.

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