a voice for men creepy evil sexy ladies memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape culture

A Voice for Men celebrates the holidays with a horrifying, sexualized rape apologist meme

No Christmas this year. After seeing AVFM's terrible meme, Santa just gave up.
No Christmas this year. After seeing AVFM’s terrible meme, Santa just gave up.

Straight from AVFM’s terrible Facebook page — if anything even worse than the site itself — comes the meme below, courtesy of AVFM meme king “John Galt.”

I’m putting it after the jump because it — and the comments that it inspired — may well ruin your Christmas.


I’ve censored the image a bit because I’m pretty sure this woman did not consent to having this picture taken, nor to having her sexualized image used as a representation of a drunken false rape accuser.

Here are a few of the “top comments” you can find on the AVFM Facebook page for this image.



And they continue on in this vein:

Jimmy Webb Her eyes may be closed, but her body says" come and get me" as mr burns would say" excellent" Like · Reply · 3 · December 22 at 4:14pm Pat Kambhampati Not all rape is the same. Deal with it. Drunk sex is not the same as gang raping a boy. Fun fact. Most youth gang rapes are committed by girls. NOT boys. Like · Reply · 2 · December 22 at 4:25pm      7 Replies · 6 hours ago  Lea Greenall . "As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion. " Prov 11:22 Like · Reply · 1 · December 22 at 9:10pm Gender reverse test The savest thing would be to make alcohol illegal for women, as they obviously are too retarded to handle it Like · Reply · 1 · December 22 at 6:48pm

Apparently AVFM’s Facebook fans never get tired of rape jokes:

Pierre Savoie We need to wear a cam on our foreheads to prove we did nothing more than draw a dick on her lips with magic-marker... Like · Reply · 2 · December 22 at 5:03pm David Lent Church Lady? I think not. Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 6:32am Chad King No one is asking for it, just leave the dumb drunk bitch alone.  If she dies in her own vomit so be it.  Never leave your buddy behind to drown in his vomit that's f'ed up!  Bros before hoes!!! Like · Reply · Yesterday at 12:21am Muh Sojiny Dat ass, doe. Like · Reply · December 22 at 10:31pm

You may want to stop reading here, as it gets even worse:


Michael DeCarlo Just throw on a magnum and sodamize erybody Like · Reply · December 22 at 6:18pm

And yes, he did post that under his own name.

The amazing thing is that AVFMers actually think they are a force for good in the world.

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10 years ago

Even they don’t understand their own memes.

Meme: just because she’s in that situation and can’t remember what happened doesn’t mean she was raped.

All the comments: if she was in that situation she deserves to be raped and if I was there, I’d rape her.

Unless I am giving the meme too much credit and it really is “just because someone had sex with her while she was passed out doesn’t mean she was raped”

10 years ago

Kim, I think that it’s really “just because someone had sex with her while she was passed out doesn’t mean she was raped.”

10 years ago

According to the BluePill, there was an RPW awhile back with the handle danabanana who went on for a while in the comments about how, back when she did acid, this guy had sex with her while she was out cold on acid and how it totally wasn’t rape. Then there’s CeeLo Green’s “real rape victims remember!” tweet. And then there are a whole bunch of other examples.

10 years ago

Also, here’s the study that they’re using for the gang rape claim:

10 years ago

Sorry for all the posts, but relevant portion:

The study found that females and males had carried out sexual violence at nearly equal levels by the age of 18. Of the survey respondents who reported being perpetrators, 48 percent were female and 52 percent were male. Interestingly, females tend to assault older victims, while males are more likely to choose younger victims. Females are also more likely to engage in “gang rape” types of activity and act in groups or teams (1 in 5 females reported this type of activity, compared with 1 in 39 males).

I believe that what the study is saying is that teenage girls who commit sexual violence are far more likely than teenage boys who commit sexual violence to act with a group.

Sexual violence is a broad term, but researchers were careful to include all forms of sexual violence beyond rape.

The four classifications of sexual violence considered were foresexual (or presexual) contact, coercive sex, attempted rape, and completed rape.

Gender differences emerge in types of sexual violence.

“Foresexual contact is similar for females and males,” Ybarra said, with females slightly edging out males in this category (52 percent and 47 percent, respectively).

“But when you get into coercive and attempted rape, it does seem to differ”—with males committing 75 percent of these crimes, compared with 25 percent committed by females.

But they also found that completed rape is predominantly a male crime—a finding that is in line with general attitudes about rape, according to Sharmili Majmudar of Chicago-based Rape Victim Advocates, which was not associated with the study.

“Almost all of what we know of sexual violence by teens against teens and among adults is fairly consistent in naming men as the most likely to be the perpetrator” of completed rape, Majmudar said.

So while females don’t commit rape at the same rates as males, they are just as likely to coerce a male partner into foresexual contact.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

So in other words, AVfM creeps are talking bullshit as usual. Rape is, as we already knew, an overwhelmingly male crime. And the foresexual contact being coerced? Yeah, I can just see them even thinking that’s any sort of crime when it’s a man doing it.

10 years ago

@alaisvex: it’s the whole horrid idea that consent can be passive – she didn’t protest at the time so it wasn’t rape.

These guys really scare me because they really aren’t interested in active consent. Are they that unfuckable?

10 years ago

And this is yet further proof that the men’s rights movement COULD be doing noble work. They COULD be advocating for men and boys, who clearly do get victimized at a higher rate than most people accept. Instead, they’re doing their darndest to ensure that the types of sexual violence to which men are most likely to be subjected isn’t taken seriously when it happens to women. They’re also more likely to take forms of sexual coercion more likely than others to be used against men by women and go on ad infinitum about how those types of coercion don’t constitute rape when men use them against women. Really, I’m not sure how this strategy helps male victims of sexual violence.

10 years ago

That is a pretty common method of popularizing bullshit and zombie lies. Take a study of perps and claim that it applies to the general public.

10 years ago


Yep. It tells us absolutely nothing about victims, and perps are a relatively small percentage of the population. The headline of the fucking article even tells us that only 10% of the entire teen population is responsible for sexual violence. Granted, that’s a high enough percentage, but it’s not a reflection on 90% of the teen population.

10 years ago

And pallygirl, they probably are that unfuckable if their online personalities show through in real life.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I think they take the idea of consent, especially active consent, as an insult. They want to hurt women; they don’t seem remotely interested in sex as a mutual pleasure. Not hard to guess what sort of porn they’ve watched to develop these attitudes, either. Whether or not they’re blatanly unfuckable, they want to abuse women, no more, no less.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


The majority of rapes that are committed by men with female victims are committed by serial rapists who know exactly what they are doing, and exactly how to get away with it.

This notion that rape is typically an accidental thing that happens when one person misunderstands the signals being sent by another person is a complete lie.

10 years ago

According to the BluePill, there was an RPW awhile back with the handle danabanana who went on for a while in the comments about how, back when she did acid, this guy had sex with her while she was out cold on acid and how it totally wasn’t rape.

OK. This whole thing is super gross, icky, and bad, so my objection here is going to seem trifling. Acid doesn’t work that way. I’ve ::cough:: got a ::cough:: friend ::cough cough:: who dropped a lot of acid before she went to nursing school URRR, I mean engineering school! Yeah, that’s it! And she told me acid is a stimulant. Take a hit of good, clean stuff and you’re up for 36 hours. Take a hit of crappy stuff, you might never sleep in life again. If what she took put her “out cold” it was not LSD. Why can’t they tell believable lies? Or does “out cold” ever mean anything other than “unconscious”?

10 years ago

It’s always extra creepy when rape apologists use “men get raped too!” as some kind of gotcha. Like we should be cool with rape if it’s an equal-opportunity thing? I don’t want anyone to get raped! Because I’m a human with a soul!

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I’ve ::cough:: got a ::cough:: friend ::cough cough:: who dropped a lot of acid before she went to nursing school URRR, I mean engineering school! Yeah, that’s it!

::nods wisely::

That’ll be the same friend who’s into Captain Hook, won’t it?

10 years ago


It’s been a while, so I might be remembering some of the details wrongly. Maybe it wasn’t acid, or maybe she didn’t mean that she was unconscious but that she was severely detached from reality and didn’t understand what was going on? Though nothing from the post indicated that she was under the influence of a stimulant (I’m certain of that, at least), so it’s possible that danabanana made it up entirely in order to “prove” that having sex with someone who’s so deeply under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol that they’re completely out of touch with what’s going on, if not flat-out unconscious, isn’t rape.

10 years ago

Are they that unfuckable?

In a word, YES.

10 years ago

It’s always extra creepy when rape apologists use “men get raped too!” as some kind of gotcha. Like we should be cool with rape if it’s an equal-opportunity thing? I don’t want anyone to get raped! Because I’m a human with a soul!

Yes, but the MRM thinks that ideal equality is equal suffering, and they think that feminists share their ideals on that front.

10 years ago

@ Shaenon – Yeah, that “gotcha” is so gross. How about we raise the bar, so that fewer people are injured, rather than justify anyone getting abused? Or is that something only Jesus would do? /s

@ kittehserf – That’s the friend! She’s mellowed over the years, though. 🙂

@ alaisvex – Hey, if this really happened and danabanana doesn’t feel like she was a victim here, bully for her! I’m glad she was unharmed. It’s jerky of her to expect everyone else to feel the same, though. But, the whole story sounds fishy. Much barnyard do I smell.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

grumpyoldnurse – just as well. I mean, if she went giving the Captain that acid stuff, I hardly dare think what might happen. He’s dangerous enough just on rum!

10 years ago

Even they don’t understand their own memes.

Meme: just because she’s in that situation and can’t remember what happened doesn’t mean she was raped.

All the comments: if she was in that situation she deserves to be raped and if I was there, I’d rape her.

Ah, the manlogick of the mensrightsers impeccable as always.

So when these people see a person who’s fainted on the floor, they don’t think ‘hey, is this person OK? maybe they’ve just had a seizure or low blood pressure? can I do anything to help them?’ but ‘I can stick my dick in there and she can’t prevent it! What a slut’

The important fight for Men’s Human Rights to be rapists, victim blamers and rape apologists…

10 years ago

@ kittheserf – Some one should write some fanfic… That takes place in a Rainbow Gathering, or at a Grateful Dead tour in the ’70’s…

10 years ago

It really is fascinating how often MRAs interpret feminists saying “stop hurting people” as “let’s hurt a different group of people instead”.

10 years ago

Well, cassandrakitty, some one’s gotta get hurt, donchaknow? Otherwise, how’re we suppose to know who’s alpha? /s