a voice for men creepy evil sexy ladies memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape culture

A Voice for Men celebrates the holidays with a horrifying, sexualized rape apologist meme

No Christmas this year. After seeing AVFM's terrible meme, Santa just gave up.
No Christmas this year. After seeing AVFM’s terrible meme, Santa just gave up.

Straight from AVFM’s terrible Facebook page — if anything even worse than the site itself — comes the meme below, courtesy of AVFM meme king “John Galt.”

I’m putting it after the jump because it — and the comments that it inspired — may well ruin your Christmas.


I’ve censored the image a bit because I’m pretty sure this woman did not consent to having this picture taken, nor to having her sexualized image used as a representation of a drunken false rape accuser.

Here are a few of the “top comments” you can find on the AVFM Facebook page for this image.



And they continue on in this vein:

Jimmy Webb Her eyes may be closed, but her body says" come and get me" as mr burns would say" excellent" Like · Reply · 3 · December 22 at 4:14pm Pat Kambhampati Not all rape is the same. Deal with it. Drunk sex is not the same as gang raping a boy. Fun fact. Most youth gang rapes are committed by girls. NOT boys. Like · Reply · 2 · December 22 at 4:25pm      7 Replies · 6 hours ago  Lea Greenall . "As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion. " Prov 11:22 Like · Reply · 1 · December 22 at 9:10pm Gender reverse test The savest thing would be to make alcohol illegal for women, as they obviously are too retarded to handle it Like · Reply · 1 · December 22 at 6:48pm

Apparently AVFM’s Facebook fans never get tired of rape jokes:

Pierre Savoie We need to wear a cam on our foreheads to prove we did nothing more than draw a dick on her lips with magic-marker... Like · Reply · 2 · December 22 at 5:03pm David Lent Church Lady? I think not. Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 6:32am Chad King No one is asking for it, just leave the dumb drunk bitch alone.  If she dies in her own vomit so be it.  Never leave your buddy behind to drown in his vomit that's f'ed up!  Bros before hoes!!! Like · Reply · Yesterday at 12:21am Muh Sojiny Dat ass, doe. Like · Reply · December 22 at 10:31pm

You may want to stop reading here, as it gets even worse:


Michael DeCarlo Just throw on a magnum and sodamize erybody Like · Reply · December 22 at 6:18pm

And yes, he did post that under his own name.

The amazing thing is that AVFMers actually think they are a force for good in the world.

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10 years ago

Most youth gangrapes are committed by girls, not boys?

There is no ‘Citation Needed’ tag big enough.

10 years ago

Wait a second, how are most gang rapes committed by girls if rapes are just made-up shit to draw attention and malign innocent boys/men? Are the evil females even more interested in maligning other girls than boys/men? Then why aren’t most individual rapes also “committed” by girls? How do they keep these insanities straight when they don’t make any sense?

10 years ago


Maybe he’s talking about when groups of kindergarten girls gang up on a boy the same age and kiss him while he protests about cooties, and equating that to gang-rape.

You know…the same way MRAs love to equate a woman open-hand slapping her partner with a male throwing his partner down a flight of stairs, since it’s all “domestic violence.”

10 years ago

Dammit, I said “male” when I either meant “man” or meant to include a noun there. It bugs the crap out of me when other people do that and now I’ve gone and done it myself.

10 years ago

Chaltab: you know that if you asked him for proof he’d either give you an anecdote, a link to AVFM/Heartiste/RoK, or just some made up story.

I was arguing with an MRA on YouTube trying to get him to prove his claim that women say “kill all men” all the time. He linked me to the Twitter hashtag page for #KillAllMen. When it was pointed out to him that that was a reactionary and sarcastic hashtag his stunning comeback was: “yeah well you didn’t ask me to prove that women say “kill all men” seriously! I didnt say they say it seriously anyway! I gave you what you wanted!”

I won’t argue with someone who so disingenuously moves the goalposts like that. What a fartbag.

10 years ago

Also, yay for wifi on long train journeys! Now I can watch YouTube while heading home for Xmas.

On that subject, I’d like to say Merry Christmas for all those that celebrate it but I’d also like to address those for whom the holidays are a difficult time. Maybe it’s family drama, maybe it’s the anniversary of a tragic event, maybe you’re going through some real hardships right now. My heart goes out to you guys and may peace be with you for the next few days. A new year is around the corner and whatever you’re struggling with WILL get better. 🙂

10 years ago

What horrid people.

10 years ago

Recent theory I had to explain why MRAs don’t seem to get it:

When a rape occurs there are at least two dimensions to it: the emotional effect on the victim and the intentions of the perpetrator. AVFM thinks that if you didn’t consciously decide to enact some horrifying act which we associate with the word rape, then it’s unfair to tar someone with the brush of being called a rapist. People who are willing to empathize with the victims, however, realize that the conscious intentions of the perpetrator are more or less irrelevant compared to the effect their actions had on the victim and that by focusing on the feelings of the culprit you reframe the issue in a way which asks for sympathy for the wrong party and which can easily be abused to blame the victim.

I want to be able to explain to MRA people I encounter why they are wrong, but you folks probably can word it better than I can. I hope I didn’t forget some issue which makes this post terrible and counter-productive, please delete it if that’s the case!

10 years ago

Forget coal. These guys all deserve nothing but fresh reindeer turds.

10 years ago

That’s the most human rightsy thing I’ve ever seen!

Snark aside, I can almost guarantee that every one of those guys has committed sexual assault. So disgusting.

Perhaps someone should alert Michael Decarlo’s employer about the things he is saying publicly. Or at least his mother.

10 years ago

gonna need to see some citations for those “facts,” dudes

Also I love (‘love’) john-galt’s sig, it’s just such a patent attempt to refit V’s so it works for the MRM. Because nothing says ‘our movement is legit’ like allusions to fictional terrorists.

10 years ago

So a woman in a diabetic coma is fair game and can be left to die afterwards?

Or perhaps these “men” are cool as long is it was not one of them who spiked her drink.

10 years ago

So John Galt (I hope I never meet someone who’s actually called that, I’ll never be able to take him or her seriously) apparently thinks no man has bought into silly myths about human reproduction? I guess Aristotle was right about the winds’ impact on embryonic gender.

…Merry Christmas everyone.

10 years ago

10 years ago

More proof that men do indeed have a strange power not shared by women: men have the power of growing indignant about their own porn.

“This woman whose image I’ve decided to dial up — why, she’s practically shoving her keister in my face!! How dare she!! Oof, the consequences!! Somebody oughta teach her the results of that kind of behavior and that somebody oughta be me!! Where’s her Dad!! What a tramp!! In addition!! {collects thoughts; puffs and blows} My porn tells me that gang rapes are mostly committed by girls and not boys, which would be grounds for great resentment if it were true, which it must be because my porn insists upon it!! Over and over again!! Nonstop for hours!! Somebody oughta make a law, which even if they do I’ll still have my cache, won’t I, so I’ll be able to laugh at all the poor stupes who don’t know how to download if their lives depend upon it, which they almost do!! Hee hee hee hee hee!! But {gathers ire; puffs and blows some more} no laughter!! This is not a time for laughter!! This is serious, this is war, urrrkkhh, these women and the way they behave!! How is a decent man to stand it? AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHH!!!

{upon which the curtain falls, not a moment too soon}

Honestly, women don’t react like this. We don’t have this kind of relationship to our porn. We tend to either like it or not read it, but we don’t find fault with it for existing. If we don’t like it, we avoid it; if not, not. But we don’t tend (I use this wiggle-word because surely there’s a few female exceptions out there somewhere) to gaze and condemn at the same time. That’s a male preserve, at least thus far, and it’s not one I’m eager to explore. But then, comparisons are invidious.

10 years ago

Are their hearts just two sizes too small?
Or…do they even have hearts at all?

10 years ago

They didn’t even wish us Merry Christmas in the meme the absolute bastards.

Miss Andry
10 years ago

I’ve seen that John Galt poster (avatar and all) in the comments section at RamZPaul’s home page. Pretty sure Galt’s a racist, too, then.

10 years ago

I especially love the one who claims that gangs of girls rape boys, not the other way ’round. Huh? WHERE?

10 years ago

What does being in a toilet area have to do with being raped? My rapes didn’t happen in that environment.

Ladies: only you can prevent rape. Just never answer the call of nature.

10 years ago

How many times have these asswipes tunneled clear through the earth in their never ending pursuit of the bottom of the barrel?

Miss Andry
10 years ago

Just so people have a reference, here’s Galt commenting on a popular white supremacist’s website. He also subscribes to RamZPaul’s YouTube channel. Paul Elam’s also a fan, as is Bane666au, the guy who did those “Don’t be That Feminist” posters. I bet they hate a lot more than women…

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

they need to call themselves ” A Voice For Assholes.”

Cthulhu's Intern
10 years ago

“Not to trivialize rape…”
*right after making comment that said “Toilet rape!”*

10 years ago


I can think of two things that it could mean:

1) They passed out while drunk and woke up without pants on, along with other evidence that suggested that someone had had sexual contact with them while they were unconscious, so naturally they were scared that they were raped and/or sexually assaulted while they were out.

2) Someone had sex with them while they were too intoxicated to know what was going on or to walk but while they were still sort of conscious and dropped them in the toilet area, and the MRAs don’t understand why that would qualify as rape.

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