a voice for men creepy evil sexy ladies memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape culture

A Voice for Men celebrates the holidays with a horrifying, sexualized rape apologist meme

No Christmas this year. After seeing AVFM's terrible meme, Santa just gave up.
No Christmas this year. After seeing AVFM’s terrible meme, Santa just gave up.

Straight from AVFM’s terrible Facebook page — if anything even worse than the site itself — comes the meme below, courtesy of AVFM meme king “John Galt.”

I’m putting it after the jump because it — and the comments that it inspired — may well ruin your Christmas.


I’ve censored the image a bit because I’m pretty sure this woman did not consent to having this picture taken, nor to having her sexualized image used as a representation of a drunken false rape accuser.

Here are a few of the “top comments” you can find on the AVFM Facebook page for this image.



And they continue on in this vein:

Jimmy Webb Her eyes may be closed, but her body says" come and get me" as mr burns would say" excellent" Like · Reply · 3 · December 22 at 4:14pm Pat Kambhampati Not all rape is the same. Deal with it. Drunk sex is not the same as gang raping a boy. Fun fact. Most youth gang rapes are committed by girls. NOT boys. Like · Reply · 2 · December 22 at 4:25pm      7 Replies · 6 hours ago  Lea Greenall . "As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion. " Prov 11:22 Like · Reply · 1 · December 22 at 9:10pm Gender reverse test The savest thing would be to make alcohol illegal for women, as they obviously are too retarded to handle it Like · Reply · 1 · December 22 at 6:48pm

Apparently AVFM’s Facebook fans never get tired of rape jokes:

Pierre Savoie We need to wear a cam on our foreheads to prove we did nothing more than draw a dick on her lips with magic-marker... Like · Reply · 2 · December 22 at 5:03pm David Lent Church Lady? I think not. Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 6:32am Chad King No one is asking for it, just leave the dumb drunk bitch alone.  If she dies in her own vomit so be it.  Never leave your buddy behind to drown in his vomit that's f'ed up!  Bros before hoes!!! Like · Reply · Yesterday at 12:21am Muh Sojiny Dat ass, doe. Like · Reply · December 22 at 10:31pm

You may want to stop reading here, as it gets even worse:


Michael DeCarlo Just throw on a magnum and sodamize erybody Like · Reply · December 22 at 6:18pm

And yes, he did post that under his own name.

The amazing thing is that AVFMers actually think they are a force for good in the world.

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10 years ago

I had an old hiking buddy who died a few days ago (she was 85, and simply used up her time). We would frequently go out climbing mountains in winter, so we would often come across piles of nicely shaped moose droppings, and she would always pick up some of the best ones to make earrings with. I don’t know if she ever actually made any, but about a year ago I visited her in the hospital and we had a ball horrifying a couple of young nurses with a conversation on the beauties of moose dung jewelry.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Condolences, GrumpyOldMan.

That conversation would have been SO worth hearing!

Kyla Ball
10 years ago

The funniest/scariest part about the majority of the Men’s Movement is that they don’t actually do anything to help men or boys. I’VE done more to help men and boys (and women/girls) than they have in my 20 years of working with the homeless ( a lot of homeless are men), those with mental health and addictions issues as well as people suffering from PTSD including refugee men who have been tortured and veterans.
Most men’s activists say they really just want to help men and boys but that is a line they have to say instead of the truth: they really just hate women.

10 years ago

Thanks for your service. It’s really sad and it makes me angry that many Mens movements are not helping men at all, they are just there to keep women from getting their rights and to be treated like people. Men deserve so much more than this.

Thanks everyone for the poop I don’t think I wanna eat now XD

10 years ago

Sorry for your loss

10 years ago

Men deserve so much more than this.

Screenshot THAT, ManWalk.

10 years ago

ManWank is BANNED wank, so if he’s out there lurking and screenshotting imaginary evidence of feminist hatemongering, he’ll have to do it from another IP address. But yeah. Funny how feminism is also, coincidentally, very good for guys, even if it doesn’t put them automatically ahead of women in every fucking thing!

Also, re: moose poop: Up north, gift shops sell it as a snack. (Spoiler: it’s really chocolate almonds, but by the looks of things, real moose poop doesn’t look terribly different from that. Something to bear in mind if you’re ever lost in the bush and you start feeling peckish!)

10 years ago

What or who is ManWalk?

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

ManWalk (aka ManWank) was a troll who turned up a couple of times, and socked as Castle. David banned him the other day. He was a very ordinary troll but did lead to the posting of a lot of excellent kitty pics.

10 years ago

Thanks Kittenserf

10 years ago

Just read ManWalk on the other post and sadly i lost a couple of brain cells again to a troll.

10 years ago

@ blahlistic – (and sorry for the late reply). Yeah, you’re right. I should have considered that some people have idiosyncratic responses to drugs, and not dismissed the anecdote so quickly on one single point. I still think that it sounds kinda fishy, but I’ll revoke my LSD based doubts. And, if it did happen, I’m still comparing her response (“it was no big deal for me, personally, so everyone else who’d been in a similar situation should STFU”) to Prof. Dawkins’ “mild pedophilia” claptrap.

10 years ago

Sorry if I’m late to the party, but when I read the study on page one (about men vs. women as rape perpetrators), these two statements lept off the page at me which no one mentioned yet:

Males were significantly more likely than females to report coercive sex or attempted rape, with similar but nonsignificant results observed for completed rape. White youths were more likely than nonwhite youths to report perpetrating coercive sex, and Hispanic youths were less likely than non-Hispanic youths to report perpetrating coercive sex. Similar, nonsignificant patterns were noted for youths reporting completed rape. Youths living in low-income households were less likely than youths living in higher-income households to report attempted rape. Similar, nonsignificant patterns were observed for youths reporting coercive sex perpetration.

That makes me wonder about reporting bias, even to this survey.

But the second thing, earlier up, is a methodological limitation which I makes me question the entire thing, unless I can see the data (which I can’t):

To more closely align [their fourth question] measure with the time frame of the other 3 sexual violence perpetration items (ever), youths who reported forced sexual contact at any of the 5 waves were included as perpetrators.

This may be a problem because:

Stata version 11 statistical software (StataCorp LP) was used to conduct all statistical analyses. As such, reported percentages are weighted, whereas sample sizes are not.

So the question is, how does this change in question four weight on their perpetrator numbers as a whole? I really wonder.

10 years ago

I think the takeway here (well, one of them) is that these people don’t think that you can rape someone unconscious. It ties in well with their belief that you need an active “no” (and sometimes even that doesn’t count) to be raped.

Sara Flower Kjeldsen
10 years ago

Human beings can be so appalling. Their comments go beyond “rape jokes”… they just sounds so hateful. It’s scary because you never know if someone you work with – or who you might be acquaintances with – has these same viewpoints about women. :S